Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

B.J. and the Bear: Puntate

B.J. and the Bear

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B.J. and the Bear

Avventura, Commedia, Azione

10/02/79 – 09/05/81

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 3

# Data
1 B.J. and the Seven Lady Truckers, Part 1 13/01/81
2 B.J. and the Seven Lady Truckers, Part 2 13/01/81
3 The Fast and the Furious, Part 1 20/01/81
4 The Fast and the Furious, Part 2 27/01/81
5 Intercepted Pass 03/02/81
6 Down and Dirty 10/02/81
7 Beauties and the Beasts 17/02/81
8 Blonde in a Gilded Cage 03/03/81
9 For Adults Only 10/03/81
10 A Bear in the Hand 17/03/81
11 Seven Lady Captives 24/03/81
12 Stunt 31/03/81
13 Who is B.J.? 25/04/81
14 Detective Finger, I Presume? 02/05/81
15 The Two Million Dollar Hustle 09/05/81

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Snow White and the Seven Lady Truckers, Part 1 29/09/79
2 Snow White and the Seven Lady Truckers, Part 2 06/10/79
3 Cain's Cruiser 13/10/79
4 Pogo Lil 20/10/79
5 Cain's Son-in-Law 27/10/79
6 Run for the Money, Part 1 03/11/79
7 The Eyes of Texas 10/11/79
8 Mary Ellen 17/11/79
9 Gasohol 24/11/79
10 B.J. Sweethearts 01/12/79
11 Fly a Wild Horse 08/12/79
12 Silent Night, Unholy Night 15/12/79
13 Fire in the Hole 12/01/80
14 Siege 19/01/80
15 Through the Past, Darkly 26/01/80
16 Bear Bondage 02/02/80
17 B.J. and the Witch 09/02/80
18 The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful 16/02/80
19 The Girls on the Hollywood High 23/02/80
20 The 18-Wheel Rip-Off 22/03/80
21 Friendly Double Cross 29/03/80

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Odyssey of the Shady Truth 10/02/79
2 Shine On 24/02/79
3 A Coffin with a View 10/03/79
4 Deadly Cargo 17/03/79
5 Never Give a Trucker an Even Break 24/03/79
6 Lobo's Revenge 07/04/79
7 The Murphy Contingent 14/04/79
8 Wheels of Forture 21/04/79
9 Crackers 28/04/79
10 Lobo 05/05/79