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Black Saddle: Puntate

Black Saddle

✔ Valutazione salvata!

Black Saddle

Avventura, Azione, Western

– 04/05/60

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 The Freebooters
2 The Saddle
3 The Long Rider
4 The Hotel
5 Client: Peter Warren
6 The Freight Line
7 Murdock
8 Apache Trail
9 Four from Stillwater
10 The Deal
11 Change of Venue
12 Blood Money
13 The Killer
14 Letter of Death
15 Mr. Simpson
16 Means to an End
17 The Indian Tree
18 The Apprentice
19 Burden of Guilt
20 The Cabin
21 The Return
22 A Case of Slow
23 The Penalty
24 End of the Line

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Client: Travers
2 Client: Meade
3 Client: McQueen
4 Client: Dawes
5 Client: Starkey
6 Client: Tagger
7 Client: Robinson
8 Client: Martinez
9 Client: Northrup
10 Client: Steele
11 Client: Mowery
12 Client: Braun
13 Client: Banks
14 Client: Jessup
15 Client: Frome
16 Client: Nelson
17 Client: Neal Adams
18 Client: Brand
19 Client: Reynolds
20 Client: Vardon