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Carol's Second Act: Puntate

Carol's Second Act

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Carol's Second Act


26/09/19 – 12/03/20

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 1

# Data
lang Puntata lang
1 Pilot 26/09/19
2 You Give Me Fever 03/10/19
3 The Zebra 10/10/19
4 Marathon Day 17/10/19
5 The Nightfloat 24/10/19
6 Game Changer 07/11/19
7 Dr. Mom 14/11/19
8 Sick and Retired 21/11/19
9 Therapy Dogs 05/12/19
10 Merry December 19th 12/12/19
11 Blocking 09/01/20
12 Peer Evaluations 16/01/20
13 Night Lemons 30/01/20
14 Secrets 06/02/20
15 Top of the List 13/02/20
16 Carol's Crush 20/02/20
17 Plus Ones 05/03/20
18 R.I.P. Dr. Herman 12/03/20