Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

Chopper One: Puntate

Chopper One

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Chopper One

17/01/74 – 11/04/74

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Chopper One 17/01/74
2 Strain of Innocence 24/01/74
3 The Bust-Out 31/01/74
4 The Boy Who Cried Wolf 07/02/74
5 The Informer 14/02/74
6 The Drop 21/02/74
7 Ambush 28/02/74
8 The Copperhead 07/03/74
9 Killing Time 14/03/74
10 Deadly Carrier 21/03/74
11 The Scramble 28/03/74
12 Downtime 04/04/74
13 The Hijacking 11/04/74