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Courting Alex: Puntate

Courting Alex

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Courting Alex


23/01/06 – 28/08/06

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 1

# Data
1 A Tale of Two Kisses 23/01/06
2 Is She Really Going Out with Him? 30/01/06
3 Girlfriend 06/02/06
4 New Best Friend 13/02/06
5 The Fix-Up 27/02/06
6 Birthday 06/03/06
7 The Mattress 22/03/06
8 Big Client 29/03/06
9 The Perfect Couple 21/08/06
10 You Compete Me 21/08/06
11 Alex Looks Out for Stephen 28/08/06
12 A Moving Story 28/08/06