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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: Puntate

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders

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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders

Dramma, Poliziesco

– 17/05/17

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Lost Souls 08/03/17
2 Il Mostro 15/03/17
3 The Devil's Breath 22/03/17
4 Pretty Like Me 29/03/17
5 Made In… 05/04/17
6 Cinderella and the Dragon 12/04/17
7 La Huesuda 12/04/17
8 Pankration 19/04/17
9 Blowback 26/04/17
10 Type A 03/05/17
11 Obey 10/05/17
12 Abominable 17/05/17
13 The Ripper of Riga 17/05/17

Stagione 1

# Data
1 The Harmful One 16/03/16
2 Harvested 23/03/16
3 Denial 30/03/16
4 Whispering Death 06/04/16
5 The Lonely Heart 06/04/16
6 Love Interrupted 13/04/16
7 Citizens of the World 20/04/16
8 De Los Inocentes 27/04/16
9 The Matchmaker 04/05/16
10 IQINISO 11/05/16
11 The Ballad of Nick & Nat 11/05/16
12 El Toro Bravo 25/05/16
13 Paper Orphans 25/05/16