Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

CSI: Cyber: Puntate

CSI: Cyber

✔ Valutazione salvata!

CSI: Cyber

Dramma, Poliziesco, Azione

04/03/15 – 13/03/16

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Why-Fi 04/10/15
2 Heart Me 11/10/15
3 Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes 18/10/15
4 Red Crone 25/10/15
5 Hack E.R. 01/11/15
6 Gone in 6 Seconds 08/11/15
7 Corrupted Memory 15/11/15
8 Python 22/11/15
9 iWitness 13/12/15
10 Shades of Grey 20/12/15
11 404: Flight Not Found 10/01/16
12 Going Viral 31/01/16
13 The Walking Dead 14/02/16
14 Fit-and-Run 21/02/16
15 Python's Revenge 02/03/16
16 5 Deadly Sins 06/03/16
17 Flash Squad 09/03/16
18 Legacy 13/03/16

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Kidnapping 2.0 04/03/15
2 CMND:\Crash 11/03/15
3 Killer En Route 18/03/15
4 Fire Code 25/03/15
5 Crowd Sourced 08/04/15
6 The Evil Twin 15/04/15
7 URL, Interrupted 21/04/15
8 Selfie 2.0 22/04/15
9 L0m1S 29/04/15
10 Click Your Poison 06/05/15
11 Ghost in the Machine 12/05/15
12 Bit by Bit 13/05/15
13 Family Secrets 13/05/15