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Duncanville: Puntate


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16/02/20 – 30/08/21

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 3

# Data
1 TBA 01/05/22
2 Clothes and Dagger 08/05/22
3 Marriage Story 15/05/22
4 Last Telecast in Time Period 22/05/22
5 Annie v. Fun 05/06/22
6 Throw Momma From The Brain 05/06/22
7 TBA 12/06/22
8 She Snoops, She Scores! 12/06/22
9 TBA 19/06/22
10 TBA 26/06/22
11 The Young and the Bexless 18/10/22
12 Witch Day 3 18/10/22
13 The Dudliest Catch 18/10/22
14 The Pursuit of Daddyness 18/10/22
15 The Sharent Trap 18/10/22
16 Ditch Mitch or Die Tryin' 18/10/22

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Das Banana Boot 23/05/21
2 Duncan's New Word 23/05/21
3 Who's Vroomin' Who? 31/05/21
4 Sibling Revelry 07/06/21
5 Party Like A Rocket Star 14/06/21
6 Annie Oakie 21/06/21
7 That Jing You Do 28/06/21
8 Crimes and Misters Demean Her 12/07/21
9 Stan in the Place Where You Live 19/07/21
10 Off to the Braces 16/08/21
11 Jurannie Park 23/08/21
12 Witch Day 2 30/08/21

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Pilot 16/02/20
2 Red Head Redemption 23/02/20
3 Undacuva Mutha 01/03/20
4 Witch Day 08/03/20
5 Fridgy 15/03/20
6 Sister, Wife 22/03/20
7 Jack's Pipe Dream 19/04/20
8 Judge Annie 26/04/20
9 Free Range Children 03/05/20
10 Wolf Mother 10/05/20
11 Classless President 17/05/20