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Haibane Renmei: Puntate

Haibane Renmei

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Haibane Renmei

Dramma, Fantasy, Anime

09/10/02 – 18/12/02

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Cocoon/The Dream of Falling from the Sky/Old Home 09/10/02
2 The City and the Wall/Toga/Haibane Renmei 23/10/02
3 Temple/Washi/Pancakes 06/11/02
4 Trash Day/Clock Tower/Birds That Fly Over the Wall 13/11/02
5 Library/Abandoned Factory/The Beginning of the World 20/11/02
6 End of Summer/Rain/Loss 27/11/02
7 Scars/Sickness/The Coming of Winter 27/11/02
8 The Bird 04/12/02
9 Well/Rebirth/Pose a Riddle 04/12/02
10 Kuramori/The Haibane of the Abandoned Factory/Rakka's Work 11/12/02
11 Separation/Darkness of a Heart/Precious Things 11/12/02
12 Bell Nuts/The New Year's Festival/Reconciliation 18/12/02
13 Reki's World/A Prayer/Epilogue 18/12/02