Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

Mission: Impossible: Puntate

Mission: Impossible

✔ Valutazione salvata!

Mission: Impossible

Avventura, Poliziesco, Azione

23/10/88 – 24/02/90

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 The Golden Serpent (1) 21/09/89
2 The Golden Serpent (2) 28/09/89
3 The Princess 05/10/89
4 Command Performance 12/10/89
5 Countdown 26/10/89
6 War Games 02/11/89
7 Target Earth 09/11/89
8 The Fuehrer's Children 16/11/89
9 Banshee 30/11/89
10 For Art's Sake 14/12/89
11 Deadly Harvest 06/01/90
12 Cargo Cult 13/01/90
13 The Assassin 20/01/90
14 Gunslinger 03/02/90
15 Church Bells in Bogota 10/02/90
16 The Sands of Seth 24/02/90

Stagione 1

# Data
1 The Killer 23/10/88
2 The System 30/10/88
3 Holograms 06/11/88
4 The Condemned 20/11/88
5 The Legacy 26/11/88
6 The Wall 11/12/88
7 The Cattle King 18/12/88
8 The Pawn 15/01/89
9 The Haunting 28/01/89
10 The Lions 04/02/89
11 The Greek 11/02/89
12 The Fortune 18/02/89
13 The Fixer 25/02/89
14 Spy 18/03/89
15 The Devils 25/03/89
16 The Plague 08/04/89
17 Reprisal 15/04/89
18 Submarine 29/04/89
19 Bayou 06/05/89