Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

Moon Embracing the Sun: Puntate

Moon Embracing the Sun

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Moon Embracing the Sun

Dramma, Fantasy, Romantico

04/01/12 – 15/03/12

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Two Suns and a Moon 04/01/12
2 Two Moons and a Sun 05/01/12
3 Like Petals, Like Fireworks 11/01/12
4 One Sun, One Moon 12/01/12
5 Fallen Moon 18/01/12
6 Hidden Moon 19/01/12
7 Shaman Wol - Moon 25/01/12
8 Shaman Who Absorbs Adversity 26/01/12
9 Moon That Is Hidden Beside the Sun 01/02/12
10 Correspondence of the Dead 02/02/12
11 Secret Love 08/02/12
12 Road of Tears 09/02/12
13 Witch Hunts 15/02/12
14 Why Am I Dead? 16/02/12
15 Once Again, Two Suns and Two Moons 22/02/12
16 True Identity of the Moon 23/02/12
17 The Sun Embracing the Moon 29/02/12
18 Bloody Precursor 01/03/12
19 Rebellion 14/03/12
20 The Moon That Embraces the Sun 15/03/12