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Our Cartoon President: Puntate

Our Cartoon President

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Our Cartoon President


11/02/18 –

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 3

# Data
1 Impeachment 26/01/20
2 The Economy 02/02/20
3 Election Security 09/02/20
4 Fox News 16/02/20
5 Hillary 2020 23/02/20
6 The Endorsement 01/03/20
7 Warren vs. Facebook 08/03/20
8 G-7 15/03/20
9 Secret Money 22/03/20
10 Coronavirus 13/09/20
11 Party Unity 20/09/20
12 Debate Prep 27/09/20
13 Madam Vice President 04/10/20
14 Hiding Joe Biden 11/10/20
15 Wartime President 18/10/20
16 Senate Control 25/10/20
17 Closing Arguments 01/11/20
18 Election Day 08/11/20

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Trump Tower-Moscow 12/05/19
2 The Party of Trump 19/05/19
3 Culture War 26/05/19
4 The Best People 02/06/19
5 Mental Fitness 09/06/19
6 Visiting the Troops 16/06/19
7 Supreme Court 23/06/19
8 Climate Change 30/06/19
9 Save the Right 07/07/19
10 Space Force 14/07/19

Stagione 1

# Data
1 State of the Union 11/02/18
2 Disaster Response 11/02/18
3 Rolling Back Obama 18/02/18
4 Family Leave 25/02/18
5 State Dinner 04/03/18
6 Media Strategy 11/03/18
7 Wealth Gap 18/03/18
8 Government Shutdown 25/03/18
9 Church and State 01/04/18
10 First Pitch 08/04/18
11 Russia Investigation 15/07/18
12 First Family 22/07/18
13 Mueller Probe 29/07/18
14 The Senior Vote 05/08/18
15 The Wall 12/08/18
16 Civil War 19/08/18
17 Militarization 26/08/18