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Playdate with Winnie the Pooh: Puntate

Playdate with Winnie the Pooh

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Playdate with Winnie the Pooh

19/08/23 – 19/08/23

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Tigger, Kanga and the Music Player 20/08/24
2 Piglet and the Sleepover 21/08/24
3 Eeyore and the Flying Disk 22/08/24
4 Rabbit's Lemonade Stand 04/09/24
5 Winnie the Pooh Bounces on a Trampoline 18/09/24
6 Eeyore and Trick or Treat 02/10/24
7 Rabbit, Bea and the Pumpkin 16/10/24
8 Eeyore Plays Pirates 13/11/24
9 Piglet's Christmas Present 11/12/24
10 Kanga's Toy Plane 08/01/25
11 Tigger and Bea Play With Bubbles 18/01/25
12 Eeyore and the Surprise Party 25/01/25
13 Bea and the Toy Car 13/02/25

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Piglet and the Tricycle 19/08/23
2 Tigger and the Harmonica 19/08/23
3 Piglet and the Surprise Jar 19/08/23
4 Piglet, Tigger and the Cardboard Box 19/08/23
5 Kanga and Hide-and-Seek 04/10/23
6 Eeyore and the Paint Set 18/10/23
7 Piglet and the Kite 01/11/23
8 Eeyore, Kanga and the Treasure Hunt 15/11/23
9 Tigger and the Toy Hoop 29/11/23
10 Rabbit and the Chalk 13/12/23
11 Piglet and the Snow Bear 27/12/23
12 Tigger and the Bouncy Ball 10/01/24
13 Piglet, Rabbit and the Picnic 24/01/24
14 Bea and the Pillow Fort 07/02/24
15 Bea, Kanga and the Blank Book 21/02/24