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Robot Chicken

Robot Chicken

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Robot Chicken

Fantascienza, Commedia

20/02/05 – 07/03/22

Stati Uniti d'America

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Seth Green
Robot Chicken Cluckerella The Nerd Alien Additional Voices Jesus Christ Santa Claus George W. Bush Robin M. Night Shyamalan Darlene Tom Root Bill Clinton Snoop Dogg Bo Duke Keanu Reeves Gary Coleman Moses KITT Batman Herman the Clown Cobra Commander Corey Feldman Easter Bunny Gleek Destro Adolf Hitler Buddha Doug Goldstein Announcer Seth Green Jazz Scarecrow Corky Conrad Bain Squirtle Cylon Kool-Aid Man Lance Hunk Robeast 'Secrets of the Animal Kingdom' Narrator Harry Potter Roy O. Disney Cyclops Mrs. McNally's 3rd Grader #1 Spritle Chim-Chim Speed Racer Dr. Patchet Merman Green Alien Old Men Satan Senor Clean Steven Tyler Lettuce-Head Kids Janice Pilot Spider-Man Al Roker Fred Rogers Gil Grissom Peter Father Tarzan Spoilers Host Dil Beavis Snoopy Pimp Host Alex Lavonda Barry Surreal Life Narrator Vanilla Ice Ray Griffith Falcon Frankenberry Bob Marley Daniel LaRusso Scorpion Donatello Hello Kitty Hong Kong Phooey Storm Shadow Britney Spears Gray Alien #2 'Hollywood Spotlight' Narrator Salem Teela 'White' Michael Jackson Sam Beckett Todd the Atheist Al Calavicci Otto Frank Chad Michael Murray Michael Moore Soundwave Thug #2 Buck McCoy Orville Wright Wilbur Wright Chief Raining Stereotype Dumplestiltskin Dog TRL Girl Skull Island Chief Gargamel Major Bludd Dr. Mindbender David Letterman Luna Mummy Grandma Fu Rosie the Robot W. C. Cogswell Olsen Twins Associate #3 Tupac Shakur George Washington Jared Fogle Frosty the Snowman Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua Jaws Chief Martin Brody H. M. 'Howling Mad' Murdock Boy Jason Voorhees Old Man Phillips Mr. Joe Host Soldier Frogger Mr. Wembley Mayor McCheese Reporter #2 Hamburglar Professor Goyfinger Poopdeck Pappy Clarence Bluto Victor Ponda Baba Freddy Kruegger Roland Emmerich Dr. Niko Tatopolous Pennywise Jan Brady Greg Brady Peter Brady Jenna Bush Paul Revere Time Traveler Goku Little Drummer Boy Tetsuo Rudolph Sydney Bristow Barney the Dinosaur Inspector Gadget Hector Mecha Godzilla Gopher #2 Blossom Bubbles Buttercup
Patrick Pinney