Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

Rome: Puntate


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Avventura, Dramma, Azione

– 25/03/07

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Passover 20/08/08
2 Son of Hades 27/08/08
3 These Being the Words of Marcus Tullius Cicero 03/09/08
4 Testudo Et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare) 10/09/08
5 Heroes of the Republic 17/09/08
6 Philippi 24/09/08
7 Death Mask 01/10/08
8 A Necessary Fiction 11/03/07
9 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) 18/03/07
10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father) 25/03/07

Stagione 1

# Data
1 The Stolen Eagle 30/08/06
2 How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic 06/09/06
3 An Owl in a Thornbush 13/09/06
4 Stealing from Saturn 27/09/06
5 The Ram has Touched the Wall 27/09/06
6 Egeria 04/10/06
7 Pharsalus 11/10/06
8 Caesarion 18/10/06
9 Utica 25/10/06
10 Triumph 01/11/06
11 The Spoils 08/11/06
12 Kalends of February 15/11/06