Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

Rugrats: Puntate


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27/05/21 – 07/10/21

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 2

# Data
1 Chuckie in Charge 14/04/23
2 Crossing the Antartic 14/04/23
3 Moon Story 14/04/23
4 Tooth or Share 14/04/23
5 Ancient Treasure 14/04/23
6 Snake in the Grass 14/04/23
7 Tot Springs Showdown 14/04/23
8 Little Daddy 14/04/23
9 The Kid 14/04/23
10 Bottles Away 14/04/23
11 Extra Pickles 14/04/23
12 Gramping 14/04/23
13 The Blob From Outer Space 14/04/23
14 The Chop 14/04/23
15 Tommy the Giant 14/04/23
16 Nanny Pip 14/04/23
17 Sir Spike 14/04/23
18 Rattled 14/04/23
19 Reptar Day! 14/04/23
20 Mission to the Little 14/04/23
21 Miss Match 14/04/23
22 Flamingo Dance 14/04/23
23 Baby Talk 14/04/23
24 Tossed and Found 14/04/23
25 Mini-Mommy 14/03/24
26 No Talking 14/03/24
27 The Climb 15/03/24
28 Wolf at the Door 15/03/24
29 Chuckie Little 15/03/24
30 What's Your Wish? 15/03/24
31 A Scare to Remember 18/03/24
32 The Long Playdate 18/03/24
33 Guitar Man 19/03/24
34 Uncle Jake's Day Out 19/03/24
35 Surviving Dil 20/03/24
36 Reptar's Mama 20/03/24
37 The Heist 21/03/24
38 The Lambster 21/03/24
39 Purim 22/03/24

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Second Time Around 27/05/21
2 Lady De-Clutter 27/05/21
3 New Puppy 27/05/21
4 Tail of the Dogbot 27/05/21
5 Jonathan for a Day 27/05/21
6 One Big Happy Family 27/05/21
7 The Last Balloon 27/05/21
8 March for Peas 27/05/21
9 The Two Angelicas 27/05/21
10 No License to Drive 07/10/21
11 I Dream of Duffy 07/10/21
12 The Fish Stick 07/10/21
13 The Pickle Barrel 07/10/21
14 The Future Maker 07/10/21
15 Goodbye Reptar 07/10/21
16 The Bubbe and Zayde Show 07/10/21
17 The Perfect Myth 07/10/21
18 The Big Diff 07/10/21
19 Final Eclipse 07/10/21
20 Great Minds Think Alike 07/10/21
21 Betty and the Beast 07/10/21
22 Escape from Preschool 07/10/21
23 Mr. Chuckie 07/10/21
24 The Werewoof Hunter 07/10/21
25 Traditions 01/12/21
26 Chuckie vs. the Vacuum 14/04/22
27 Gone Teddy Gone 14/04/22
28 I, Baby 14/04/22
29 Fan-Gelica 14/04/22
30 Captain Susie 14/04/22
31 Bringing Up Daisy 14/04/22
32 Wedding Smashers 14/04/22
33 House Broken 14/04/22
34 Lucky Smudge 14/04/22
35 Our Friend Twinkle 14/04/22
36 Rescuing Cynthia 14/04/22
37 Queen Bee 14/04/22
38 Phone Alone 14/04/22
39 Night Crawler 14/04/22
40 Goblets & Goblins 14/04/22
41 House of Cardboard 14/04/22
42 Fluffy Moves In 14/04/22
43 Susie the Artist 14/04/22
44 A Horse is a Horse 14/04/22