Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

Tales of Zestiria the X: Puntate

Tales of Zestiria the X

✔ Valutazione salvata!

Tales of Zestiria the X

Avventura, Fantasy, Anime

10/07/16 – 29/04/17

Stagione 2

# Data
1 World without Malevolence 08/01/17
2 Dezel the Wind Seraph 15/01/17
3 Each One's Principles 22/01/17
4 Revenge 29/01/17
5 Justice at Hand Rather Than Ideal Beyond One's Reach 05/02/17
6 Negotiation 12/02/17
7 Ladylake 19/02/17
8 Purification 26/02/17
9 The Ideal World 05/03/17
10 Northern Land 12/03/17
11 Become the Wind 19/03/17
12 Tradition 26/03/17
13 Legend 29/04/17

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Capital of Seraphim 10/07/16
2 Izuchi 17/07/16
3 The Sacred Blade Festival 24/07/16
4 The Shepherd's Destiny 31/07/16
5 The Dawn of Chaos 07/08/16
6 Velvet Crowe 14/08/16
7 Each One's Feelings 21/08/16
8 Rayfalke Spiritcrest 28/08/16
9 The Plagued City 04/09/16
10 Alisha Diphda 11/09/16
11 The War 18/09/16
12 The Lord of Calamity 25/09/16