Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

The Adventurer: Puntate

The Adventurer

✔ Valutazione salvata!

The Adventurer

Avventura, Dramma

30/09/72 – 29/03/74

Regno Unito

Stagione 1

# Data
1 Miss Me Once, Miss Me Twice, and Miss Me Once Again... 30/09/72
2 Poor Little Rich Girl 07/10/72
3 Thrust and Counter-Thrust 08/09/73
4 The Bradley Way 15/09/73
5 Return to Sender 30/09/73
6 Counterstrike 07/12/73
7 Love Always, Magda 14/12/73
8 Nearly the End of the Picture 21/12/73
9 Deadlock 28/12/73
10 Has Anyone Seen Kelly? 23/11/73
11 Skeleton in the Cupboard 22/09/73
12 Target! 06/10/73
13 Action! 29/09/73
14 Full Fathom Five 04/01/74
15 I'll Get There Sometime 11/01/74
16 To the Lowest Bidder... 18/01/74
17 Going, Going... 25/01/74
18 The Not-So Merry Widow 01/02/74
19 Mr Calloway is a Very Cautious Man 08/02/74
20 Double Exposure 15/02/74
21 The Case of the Poisoned Pawn 22/02/74
22 The Solid Gold Hearse 01/03/74
23 Make It a Million 08/03/74
24 Icons Are Forever 15/03/74
25 Somebody Doesn't Like Me 22/03/74
26 The Good Book 29/03/74