Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

The Manhunter: Puntate

The Manhunter

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The Manhunter

Dramma, Poliziesco, Azione

11/09/74 – 19/02/75

Stati Uniti d'America

Stagione 1

# Data
1 The Ma Gantry Gang 11/09/74
2 The Man Who Thought He Was Dillinger 18/09/74
3 The Baby-Faced Killers 25/09/74
4 Death on the Run 02/10/74
5 Trackdown 09/10/74
6 Terror from the Skies 16/10/74
7 The Doomsday Gang 23/10/74
8 The Deadly Brothers 30/10/74
9 The Trunk Murders 06/11/74
10 Jackknife 13/11/74
11 The Carnival Story 20/11/74
12 Lodestar Ambush 04/12/74
13 A.W.O.L. to Kill 11/12/74
14 Flight to Nowhere 18/12/74
15 Web of Fear 01/01/75
16 Day of Execution 08/01/75
17 Man in a Cage 15/01/75
18 The Seventh Man 22/01/75
19 The Wrong Man 29/01/75
20 Death Watch 05/02/75
21 To Kill a Tiger 12/02/75
22 Trial by Terror 19/02/75