Serie Puntate Traduzioni Prossime stagioni Personaggi Attori

The Shipper: Puntate

The Shipper

✔ Valutazione salvata!

The Shipper

Commedia, Dramma, Romantico


Stagione 1

# Data
1 Noah's Ark 22/05/20
2 Being Kim 29/05/20
3 Men's Universe 05/06/20
4 Unexpected Person 12/06/20
5 Friendship-per 19/06/20
6 Love Squarangle 26/06/20
7 Observer to Player 03/07/20
8 If Two Men Ride on Horse... 10/07/20
9 ...One Must Ride Behind 17/07/20
10 Theory of Everything 24/07/20
11 Lost & Found 31/07/20
12 Ship and Shipper 07/08/20