Stephen Dillane Stephen Dillane 30/11/1956 Ator Biografia Nenhuma informação sobre «Stephen Dillane». Papéis Stannis Baratheon (Ator) A Guerra dos Tronos Alan Blunt (Ator) Alex Rider Arlo Raglin (Ator) Murder DCI Karl Roebuck (Ator) The Tunnel Paul J. Clark (Ator) Secret State Antony Strickland (Ator) Frankie's House Thomas Jefferson (Ator) John Adams Peter Bielenberg (Ator) Christabel Michael Macratty (Ator) A Touch of Cloth Karenin (Ator) Anna Karenina Edward Cazalet (Ator) The Cazalets Rear Admiral Shaw (Ator) Vigil ... (Ator) Red Election William Ogilvy (Ator) Red Election Rupert Keel (Ator) Hunted Roy Branson (Ator) Sherwood Prometheus (Ator) Kaos Photos, Imagens