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Dogs of Berlin: Episódios

Dogs of Berlin

✔ Classificação salva!

Dogs of Berlin

Drama, Policial, Suspense

07/12/2018 –

Temporada 1

# Episode name Data
lang Episódio lang
1 V.I.P. (V.I.P.) 07/12/2018
2 Mannschaft (Team) 07/12/2018
3 Begegnung (Clash) 07/12/2018
4 Heimspiel (Home Game) 07/12/2018
5 Schiebung (Foul Play) 07/12/2018
6 Abseits (Offside) 07/12/2018
7 Derby (Derby) 07/12/2018
8 Länderspiel (National) 07/12/2018
9 Verlängerung (Overtime) 07/12/2018
10 Siegerehrung (Victory Ceremony) 07/12/2018