# |
Episode name |
Data |
0 |
Episódio 0 |
18/09/1987 |
1 |
Treasure of the Golden Suns (1) - Don't Give Up the Ship |
18/09/1987 |
2 |
Treasure of the Golden Suns (2) - Wronguay in Ronguay |
21/09/1987 |
3 |
Treasure of the Golden Suns (3) - Three Ducks of the Condor |
22/09/1987 |
4 |
Treasure of the Golden Suns (4) - Cold Duck |
23/09/1987 |
5 |
Treasure of the Golden Suns (5) - Too Much of a Gold Thing |
24/09/1987 |
6 |
Send in the Clones |
25/09/1987 |
7 |
Sphinx for the Memories |
28/08/1987 |
8 |
Where No Duck Has Gone Before |
29/09/1987 |
9 |
Armstrong |
30/09/1987 |
10 |
Robot Robbers |
01/10/1987 |
11 |
Magica's Shadow War |
02/10/1987 |
12 |
Master of the Djinni |
05/09/1987 |
13 |
Hotel Strangeduck |
06/09/1987 |
14 |
Lost Crown of Genghis Khan |
07/10/1987 |
15 |
Duckman of Aquatraz |
08/10/1987 |
16 |
The Money Vanishes |
09/10/1987 |
17 |
Sir Gyro de Gearloose |
12/10/1987 |
18 |
Dinosaur Ducks |
13/10/1987 |
19 |
Hero for Hire |
14/10/1987 |
20 |
Superdoo! |
15/10/1987 |
21 |
Maid of the Myth |
16/10/1987 |
22 |
Down & Out in Duckburg |
19/10/1987 |
23 |
Much Ado About Scrooge |
20/09/1987 |
24 |
Top Duck |
21/09/1987 |
25 |
Pearl of Wisdom |
22/10/1987 |
26 |
The Curse of Castle McDuck |
23/10/1987 |
27 |
Launchpad's Civil War |
26/10/1987 |
28 |
Sweet Duck of Youth |
27/10/1987 |
29 |
Earth Quack |
28/10/1987 |
30 |
Home Sweet Homer |
29/10/1987 |
31 |
Bermuda Triangle Tangle |
30/10/1987 |
32 |
Micro Ducks from Outer Space |
02/11/1987 |
33 |
Back to the Klondike |
28/10/1987 |
34 |
Horse Scents |
04/11/1987 |
35 |
Scrooge's Pet |
05/11/1987 |
36 |
Catch as Cash Can (1) - A Drain on the Economy |
06/11/1987 |
37 |
Catch as Cash Can (2) - A Whale of a Bad Time |
09/11/1987 |
38 |
Catch as Cash Can (3) - Aqua Ducks |
10/11/1987 |
39 |
Catch as Cash Can (4) - Working for Scales |
11/11/1987 |
40 |
Merit-Time Adventure |
12/11/1987 |
41 |
The Golden Fleecing |
13/11/1987 |
42 |
Ducks of the West |
16/11/1987 |
43 |
Time Teasers |
17/11/1987 |
44 |
Back Out in the Outback |
18/11/1987 |
45 |
Raiders of the Lost Harp |
19/11/1987 |
46 |
The Right Duck |
20/11/1987 |
47 |
Scroogerello |
23/11/1987 |
48 |
Double-O-Duck |
24/11/1987 |
49 |
Luck o' the Ducks |
25/11/1987 |
50 |
Duckworth's Revolt |
26/11/1987 |
51 |
Magica's Magic Mirror / Take Me Out of the Ballgame |
27/11/1987 |
52 |
Duck to the Future |
30/11/1987 |
53 |
Jungle Duck |
01/12/1987 |
54 |
Launchpad's First Crash |
02/12/1987 |
55 |
Dime Enough for Luck |
03/12/1987 |
56 |
Duck in the Iron Mask |
04/12/1987 |
57 |
The Uncrashable Hindentanic |
07/12/1987 |
58 |
The Status Seekers |
08/12/1987 |
59 |
Nothing to Fear |
09/12/1987 |
60 |
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. McDuck |
10/12/1987 |
61 |
Once Upon a Dime |
11/12/1987 |
62 |
Spies in Their Eyes |
25/12/1987 |
63 |
All Ducks on Deck |
30/12/1987 |
64 |
Ducky Horror Picture Show |
31/12/1987 |
65 |
Till Nephews Do Us Part |
01/01/1988 |