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Freaks and Geeks: Episódios

Freaks and Geeks

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Freaks and Geeks

Comédia, Drama


Temporada 1

# Episode name Data
1 Pilot 25/09/1999
2 Beers and Weirs 02/10/1999
3 Tricks and Treats 30/10/1999
4 Tests and Breasts 30/04/2000
5 I'm with the Band 06/11/1999
6 Carded and Discarded 13/11/1999
7 Girlfriends and Boyfriends 10/01/2000
8 We've Got Spirit 17/01/2000
9 The Diary 24/01/2000
10 Looks and Books 31/01/2000
11 The Garage Door 07/02/2000
12 Chokin' and Tokin' 13/03/2000
13 Smooching and Mooching 20/03/2000
14 The Little Things 10/10/2000
15 Discos and Dragons 17/10/2000
16 Kim Kelly Is My Friend 08/07/2000
17 Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers 08/07/2000
18 Noshing and Moshing 08/07/2000