# |
Episode name |
Data |
1 |
Teamwork Takes Talent |
07/03/2016 |
2 |
Imagination Cures the Blues |
07/03/2016 |
3 |
Proud to be You and Me |
15/03/2016 |
4 |
Better Learn To Wait Your Turn |
15/03/2016 |
5 |
The Right (And Left) Stuff |
28/03/2016 |
6 |
Carried Away And Back Again |
10/05/2016 |
7 |
Never Cheat to Beat! |
10/03/2016 |
8 |
Just Compare Yourself To You |
25/05/2016 |
9 |
Different Makes the Wool Go 'Round |
25/05/2016 |
10 |
A Walk In Someone Else's Hooves |
06/06/2016 |
11 |
One For All And All For Fun |
22/06/2016 |
12 |
If I Ruled Jungleland |
27/06/2016 |
13 |
Sometimes Enough Is Enough |
13/07/2016 |
14 |
Roar in the Face of Fright! |
15/03/2016 |
15 |
Headed in the Right Direction |
16/03/2016 |
16 |
Don't Be Selfish Said the Shellfish |
16/03/2016 |
17 |
Party of One is No Fun! |
17/03/2016 |
18 |
Listening For Treasure! |
17/03/2016 |
19 |
Being a Big Cheese is Cheesy! |
18/03/2016 |
20 |
A Taste of Her Own Medicine! |
18/03/2016 |
21 |
Nothing Wrong With Being Wrong! |
21/03/2016 |
22 |
Friendship is a Two Way Tale |
21/03/2016 |
23 |
Collecting Conclusion Clues! |
22/03/2016 |
24 |
You're Your Best You're Yourself! |
22/03/2016 |
25 |
No Shortcuts to Responsibility! |
23/03/2016 |
26 |
Promises, Promises! |
23/03/2016 |
27 |
Swallowing Fears |
06/06/2016 |
28 |
Different Strokes for Different Folks! |
07/06/2016 |
29 |
The Many Colors of Kindness |
08/06/2016 |
30 |
Two Heroes are Better Than One! |
09/06/2016 |
31 |
Don't Judge a Book By Its Sparkles! |
10/06/2016 |
32 |
New Things Equal Cold Feet |
18/07/2016 |
33 |
Me, Myself, and Eddie |
19/07/2016 |
34 |
May the Frost Be With You! |
20/07/2016 |
35 |
Acting Icy Can Be Dicey! |
21/07/2016 |
36 |
Never Too Late to Listen! |
22/07/2016 |
37 |
Bully Goat Gruff |
25/07/2016 |
38 |
Working Together is Way Better |
26/07/2016 |
39 |
Be True to You! |
27/07/2016 |
40 |
Don't Lie to Get By! |
28/07/2016 |
41 |
Give it Back! |
29/07/2016 |
42 |
When Your Chum is Glum |
22/08/2016 |
43 |
A Party Together is Better |
23/08/2016 |
44 |
Hurry Up and Wait! |
24/08/2016 |
45 |
Distraction Misses the Action |
25/08/2016 |
46 |
Being Picky Can Get Tricky |
26/08/2016 |
47 |
Cleaning the Air |
29/08/2016 |
48 |
Rumor Ruckus |
30/08/2016 |
49 |
Stash Your Trash |
31/08/2016 |
50 |
Dance to Your Own Jungle Drum |
01/09/2016 |
51 |
The Trouble With Bulls and Frogs |
02/09/2016 |
52 |
Nuts for Sharing! |
05/09/2016 |