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The Buzz on Maggie: Episódios

The Buzz on Maggie

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The Buzz on Maggie



Temporada 1

# Episode name Data
1 The Flyinator / Ladybugged 17/06/2005
2 Funball / The Science Whatchamacallit 17/06/2005
3 Germy / The Candidate 24/06/2005
4 Lunch Lady / Love Stinks 01/07/2005
5 The Price of Fame / King Flear 08/07/2005
6 Rottingmuck Ranch / Bella Con Carny 15/07/2005
7 Bugsitting / Le Termite 22/07/2005
8 Pieface / The Hangout 05/08/2005
9 Slumber Party / Spelling Bees 13/08/2005
10 The Usual Insects / Sister Act 17/09/2005
11 Hooligans / Scum Bites 24/09/2005
12 The Big Score / Scare Wars 22/10/2005
13 Metamorpho Sis / Radio Free Buzzdale 12/11/2005
14 Those Pesky Roaches / Bugtillion 17/12/2005
15 Hot for Tutor / Sick Days inc. 07/01/2006
16 Scout of Order / Ant Mines 11/02/2006
17 Faking History / Bugs on the Brink 04/03/2006
18 Training Day / Honey Striper 25/03/2006
19 Racoooon! / Best Best Friends 22/04/2006
20 Pesky's Unglobbed / Club Hopping 06/05/2006
21 Synchronized Flying / Roach Hotel 27/05/2006