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The Conners: Episódios

The Conners

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The Conners

Comédia, Família

16/10/2018 –


Temporada 6

# Episode name Data
1 The Publisher Cops Show Pilot 07/02/2024
2 Valentine's Day Treats and Credit Card Cheats 14/02/2024
3 Moms and Rats 21/02/2024
4 Shrinks Don't Talk and Kids Don't Sing 28/02/2024
5 When Sisters Collide and The Return of the Grifters 13/03/2024
6 Hanging in Dorms with Boys and The Secret Life of Men 20/03/2024
7 Smash and Grab and Happy Death Day 10/04/2024
8 Toilet Hacks and The Management Track 17/04/2024
9 Manifesting, Marriage Testing and Cheeseballs 24/04/2024
10 Campaign U-Turn and a Hard Write 01/05/2024
11 Season Finale 22/05/2024
12 TBA 15/05/2024
13 TBA 22/05/2024

Temporada 5

# Episode name Data
1 TBA 21/09/2022
2 Scenes From Two Marriages: The Parrot Doth Protest Too Much 28/09/2022
3 Driving, Dating and Deceit 05/10/2022
4 Parent Traps and Heart Attacks 12/10/2022
5 A Little Weed and a Bad Seed 19/10/2022
6 Book Bans and Guillotine Hands 26/10/2022
7 Take This Job and Shove It Twice 02/11/2022
8 Of Missing Minds and Missing Fries 16/11/2022
9 Crumbs and Couch Surfers 30/11/2022
10 The Dog Days of Christmas 07/12/2022
11 Two More Years and A Stolen Rose 11/01/2023
12 Stuck In The Middle and Stuck In The Past 18/01/2023
13 New Pipes and Old Secrets 08/02/2023
14 Adding Insult To Injury 15/02/2023
15 Possums, Pregnancy and Patriarchy 22/02/2023
16 Hiding In and Moving Out 01/03/2023
17 The Contra Hearings and The Midnight Gambler 08/03/2023
18 Road Trip and Guilt Trip 15/03/2023
19 Text Thread and The Marital Bed 05/04/2023
20 TBA 19/04/2023
21 TBA 26/04/2023
22 Season Finale 03/05/2023

Temporada 4

# Episode name Data
1 Trucking Live in Front of a Fully Vaccinated Studio Audience 22/09/2021
2 Education, Corruption, and Damnation 29/09/2021
3 Sober Sex, Plastic Silverware, and Losing My Religion 06/10/2021
4 The Wedding of Dan and Louise 13/10/2021
5 Peter Pan, The Backup Plan, Adventures in Babysitting, and a River Runs Through It 27/10/2021
6 Young Love, Old Love and Take This Job and Shove It 03/11/2021
7 Let's All Push Our Hands Together For The Stew Train and The Conners Furniture 17/11/2021
8 Yard Sale, Phone Fail, And a College Betrayal 01/12/2021
9 Three Exes, Role Playing and a Waterbed 05/01/2022
10 Spills, Pills and the Midnight Lasagna 12/01/2022
11 Patriarchs and Goddesses 19/01/2022
12 Hot For Teacher and Writing a Wrong 02/02/2022
13 Sex, Lies and House Hunting 23/02/2022
14 Triggered 02/03/2022
15 Messy Situation, Miscommunication and Academic Probation 16/03/2022
16 Gas Pump, House Dump and Stew Volcano 23/03/2022
17 Big Negotiations and Broken Expectations 13/04/2022
18 The Best Laid Plans, A Contrabassoon and A Sinking Feeling 04/05/2022
19 Three Ring Circus 11/05/2022
20 A Judge and A Priest Walk Into A Living Room... 18/05/2022

Temporada 3

# Episode name Data
1 Keep on Truckin' Six Feet Apart 21/10/2020
2 Halloween and the Election vs. the Pandemic 28/10/2020
3 Plastics, Trash Talk & Darlene Antoinette 04/11/2020
4 Birthdays, Babies and Emotional Support Chickens 18/11/2020
5 Friends in High Places and Horse Surgery 25/11/2020
6 Protest, Drug Test and One Leaves the Nest 02/12/2020
7 A Cold Mom, a Brother Daddy and a Prison Baby 13/01/2021
8 Young Love, Old Lions and Middle-Aged Hyenas 20/01/2021
9 Promotions, Podcasts and Magic Tea 27/01/2021
10 Who Are Bosses, Boats and Eckhart Tolle? 03/02/2021
11 Panic Attacks, Hardware Store and Big Mouth Billy Bass 24/02/2021
12 A Stomach Ache, a Heartbreak and a Grave Mistake 03/03/2021
13 Walden Pond, a Staycation and the Axis Powers 24/03/2021
14 Money, Booze and Lies 31/03/2021
15 An Old Dog, New Tricks and a Ticket to Ride 07/04/2021
16 A Fast Car, a Sudden Loss, and a Slow Decline 07/04/2021
17 Regrets, Rehabs and Realtors 14/04/2021
18 Cheating, Revelations and a Box of Doll Heads 21/04/2021
19 Jeopardé, Sobrieté, and Infidelité 12/05/2021
20 Two Proposals, a Homecoming and a Bear 19/05/2021

Temporada 2

# Episode name Data
1 Preemies, Weed, and Infidelity 24/09/2019
2 A Kiss Is Just a Kiss 01/10/2019
3 The Preemie Monologues 08/10/2019
4 Lanford... Lanford 15/10/2019
5 Nightmare on Lunch Box Street 29/10/2019
6 Tempest in a Stew Pot 12/11/2019
7 Slappy Holidays 19/11/2019
8 Lanford, Toilet of Sin 26/11/2019
9 Smoking Penguins and Santa on Santa Action 10/12/2019
10 Throwing a Christian to a Bear 21/01/2020
11 Mud Turtles, a Good Steak and One Man in a Tub 28/01/2020
12 Live from Lanford 11/02/2020
13 Brothers, Babies and Breakdowns 18/02/2020
14 Bad Dads and Grads 25/02/2020
15 Beards, Thrupples and Robots 17/03/2020
16 Tats and Tias 24/03/2020
17 The Icewoman Cometh 07/04/2020
18 Pilot Lights & Sister Fights 14/04/2020
19 CPAPs, Hickeys and Biscuits 28/04/2020
20 Bridge Over Troubled Conners 05/05/2020

Temporada 1

# Episode name Data
1 Keep on Truckin' 16/10/2018
2 Tangled Up in Blue 23/10/2018
3 There Won't Be Blood 30/10/2018
4 The Separation of Church and Dan 13/11/2018
5 Miracles 20/11/2018
6 One Flew Over the Conners' Nest 27/11/2018
7 Hold the Salt 04/12/2018
8 O Sister, Where Art Thou? 11/12/2018
9 Rage Against the Machine 08/01/2019
10 Don't Shoot the Piano Teacher 15/01/2019
11 We Continue to Truck 22/01/2019