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The New Batman Adventures: Episódios

The New Batman Adventures

✔ Classificação salva!

The New Batman Adventures

Aventura, Ficção científica, Ação

13/09/1997 – 16/01/1999


Temporada 2

# Episode name Data
1 The Ultimate Thrill 14/09/1998
2 Critters 18/09/1998
3 Cult of the Cat 19/09/1998
4 Animal Act 26/09/1998
5 Old Wounds 03/10/1998
6 Legends of the Dark Knight 10/10/1998
7 Girl's Night Out 17/10/1998
8 Chemistry 24/10/1998
9 Judgment Day 31/10/1998
10 Beware the Creeper 07/11/1998
11 Mad Love 16/01/1999
12 Episódio 12 18/09/1999

Temporada 1

# Episode name Data
1 Holiday Knights 13/09/1997
2 Sins of the Father 20/09/1997
3 Cold Comfort 12/10/1997
4 Never Fear 01/11/1997
5 You Scratch My Back 15/11/1997
6 Double Talk 22/11/1997
7 Joker's Millions 21/02/1998
8 Growing Pains 28/02/1998
9 Mean Seasons 25/04/1998
10 The Demon Within 09/05/1998
11 Over The Edge 23/05/1998
12 Torch Song 13/06/1998
13 Love is a Croc 11/07/1998