The West Wing: Episódios
Temporada 7
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | The Ticket | 25/09/2005 |
2 | The Mommy Problem | 02/10/2005 |
3 | Message of the Week | 09/10/2005 |
4 | Mr. Frost | 16/10/2005 |
5 | Here Today | 23/10/2005 |
6 | The Al Smith Dinner | 30/10/2005 |
7 | The Debate | 06/11/2005 |
8 | Undecideds | 04/12/2005 |
9 | The Wedding | 11/12/2005 |
10 | Running Mates | 08/01/2006 |
11 | Internal Displacement | 15/01/2006 |
12 | Duck And Cover | 22/01/2006 |
13 | The Cold | 12/03/2006 |
14 | Two Weeks Out | 19/03/2006 |
15 | Welcome to Wherever You Are | 26/03/2006 |
16 | Election Day, Part 1 | 02/04/2006 |
17 | Election Day, Part 2 | 09/04/2006 |
18 | Requiem | 16/04/2006 |
19 | Transition | 23/04/2006 |
20 | The Last Hurrah | 30/04/2006 |
21 | Institutional Memory | 07/05/2006 |
22 | Tomorrow | 14/05/2006 |
Temporada 6
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | NSF Thurmont | 20/10/2004 |
2 | The Birnam Wood | 27/10/2004 |
3 | Third-Day Story | 03/11/2004 |
4 | Liftoff | 10/11/2004 |
5 | The Hubbert Peak | 17/11/2004 |
6 | The Dover Test | 24/11/2004 |
7 | A Change Is Gonna Come | 01/12/2004 |
8 | In the Room | 08/12/2004 |
9 | Impact Winter | 15/12/2004 |
10 | Faith Based Initiative | 05/01/2005 |
11 | Opposition Research | 12/01/2005 |
12 | 365 Days | 19/01/2005 |
13 | King Corn | 26/01/2005 |
14 | The Wake Up Call | 09/02/2005 |
15 | Freedonia | 16/02/2005 |
16 | Drought Conditions | 23/02/2005 |
17 | A Good Day | 02/03/2005 |
18 | La Palabra | 09/03/2005 |
19 | Ninety Miles Away | 16/03/2005 |
20 | In God We Trust | 23/03/2005 |
21 | Things Fall Apart | 30/03/2005 |
22 | 2162 Votes | 06/04/2005 |
Temporada 5
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | 7A WF 83429 | 24/09/2003 |
2 | The Dogs of War | 01/10/2003 |
3 | Jefferson Lives | 08/10/2003 |
4 | Han | 22/10/2003 |
5 | Constituency of One | 29/10/2003 |
6 | Disaster Relief | 05/11/2003 |
7 | Separation of Powers | 12/11/2003 |
8 | Shutdown | 19/11/2003 |
9 | Abu el Banat | 03/12/2003 |
10 | The Stormy Present | 07/01/2004 |
11 | The Benign Prerogative | 14/01/2004 |
12 | Slow News Day | 04/02/2004 |
13 | The Warfare of Genghis Khan | 11/02/2004 |
14 | An Khe | 18/02/2004 |
15 | Full Disclosure | 25/02/2004 |
16 | Eppur Si Muove | 03/03/2004 |
17 | The Supremes | 24/03/2004 |
18 | Access | 31/03/2004 |
19 | Talking Points | 21/04/2004 |
20 | No Exit | 28/04/2004 |
21 | Gaza | 12/05/2004 |
22 | Memorial Day | 19/05/2004 |
Temporada 4
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | 20 Hours in America (1) | 25/09/2002 |
2 | 20 Hours in America (2) | 25/09/2002 |
3 | College Kids | 02/10/2002 |
4 | The Red Mass | 09/10/2002 |
5 | Debate Camp | 16/10/2002 |
6 | Game On | 30/10/2002 |
7 | Election Night | 06/11/2002 |
8 | Process Stories | 13/11/2002 |
9 | Swiss Diplomacy | 20/11/2002 |
10 | Arctic Radar | 27/11/2002 |
11 | Holy Night | 11/12/2002 |
12 | Guns Not Butter | 08/01/2003 |
13 | The Long Goodbye | 15/01/2003 |
14 | Inauguration: (Part 1) | 05/02/2003 |
15 | Inauguration: Over There (Part 2) | 12/02/2003 |
16 | The California 47th | 19/02/2003 |
17 | Red Haven's on Fire | 26/02/2003 |
18 | Privateers | 26/03/2003 |
19 | Angel Maintenance | 02/04/2003 |
20 | Evidence of Things Not Seen | 23/04/2003 |
21 | Life On Mars | 30/04/2003 |
22 | Commencement | 07/05/2003 |
23 | Twenty Five | 14/05/2003 |
Temporada 3
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | Manchester: Part 1 | 10/10/2001 |
2 | Manchester: Part 2 | 17/10/2001 |
3 | Ways and Means | 24/10/2001 |
4 | On the Day Before | 31/10/2001 |
5 | War Crimes | 07/11/2001 |
6 | Gone Quiet | 14/11/2001 |
7 | The Indians in the Lobby | 21/11/2001 |
8 | The Women of Qumar | 28/11/2001 |
9 | Bartlet for America | 12/12/2001 |
10 | H. Con-172 | 09/01/2002 |
11 | 100,000 Airplanes | 16/01/2002 |
12 | The Two Bartlets | 30/01/2002 |
13 | Night Five | 06/02/2002 |
14 | Hartsfield's Landing | 27/02/2002 |
15 | Dead Irish Writers | 06/03/2002 |
16 | The U.S. Poet Laureate | 27/03/2002 |
17 | Stirred | 03/04/2002 |
18 | Enemies Foreign and Domestic | 01/05/2002 |
19 | The Black Vera Wang | 08/05/2002 |
20 | We Killed Yamamoto | 15/05/2002 |
21 | Posse Comitatus | 22/05/2002 |
Temporada 2
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part 1 | 04/10/2000 |
2 | In the Shadow of Two Gunmen: Part 2 | 04/10/2000 |
3 | The Midterms | 18/10/2000 |
4 | In This White House | 25/10/2000 |
5 | And It's Surely to Their Credit | 01/11/2000 |
6 | The Lame Duck Congress | 08/11/2000 |
7 | The Portland Trip | 15/11/2000 |
8 | Shibboleth | 22/11/2000 |
9 | Galileo | 29/11/2000 |
10 | Noël | 20/12/2000 |
11 | The Leadership Breakfast | 10/01/2001 |
12 | The Drop-In | 24/01/2001 |
13 | Bartlet's Third State of the Union | 07/02/2001 |
14 | The War at Home | 14/02/2001 |
15 | Ellie | 21/02/2001 |
16 | Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail | 28/02/2001 |
17 | The Stackhouse Filibuster | 14/03/2001 |
18 | 17 People | 04/04/2001 |
19 | Bad Moon Rising | 25/04/2001 |
20 | The Fall's Gonna Kill You | 02/05/2001 |
21 | 18th and Potomac | 09/05/2001 |
22 | Two Cathedrals | 16/05/2001 |
Temporada 1
# | Episode name | Data |
1 | Pilot | 22/09/1999 |
2 | Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc | 29/09/1999 |
3 | A Proportional Response | 06/10/1999 |
4 | Five Votes Down | 13/10/1999 |
5 | The Crackpots and These Women | 20/10/1999 |
6 | Mr. Willis of Ohio | 03/11/1999 |
7 | The State Dinner | 10/11/1999 |
8 | Enemies | 17/11/1999 |
9 | The Short List | 24/11/1999 |
10 | In Excelsis Deo | 15/12/1999 |
11 | Lord John Marbury | 05/01/2000 |
12 | He Shall, from Time to Time | 12/01/2000 |
13 | Take Out the Trash Day | 26/01/2000 |
14 | Take This Sabbath Day | 09/02/2000 |
15 | Celestial Navigation | 16/02/2000 |
16 | 20 Hours in L.A. | 23/02/2000 |
17 | The White House Pro-Am | 22/03/2000 |
18 | Six Meetings Before Lunch | 05/04/2000 |
19 | Let Bartlet Be Bartlet | 26/04/2000 |
20 | Mandatory Minimums | 03/05/2000 |
21 | Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics | 10/05/2000 |
22 | What Kind of Day Has It Been? | 17/05/2000 |