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Wooser's Hand-to-Mouth Life: Episódios

Wooser's Hand-to-Mouth Life

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Wooser's Hand-to-Mouth Life

Comédia, Fantasia, Anime

03/10/2012 – 25/09/2015

Temporada 3

# Episode name Data
1 Wooser's Hand to Mouth Life Is Back Again 03/07/2015
2 Wooser the Strategist and His Cunning Plan 10/07/2015
3 Wooser-sensei's Battle with Deadlines 17/07/2015
4 Professor Wooser says, "Everything Becomes J/K" 24/07/2015
5 Wooser53, I'm Going to Be an Idol 31/07/2015
6 Director Wooser and the Twilight Age of Movie Madness 07/08/2015
7 The Villager Wooser and His True Bestial Nature 14/08/2015
8 Daydreaming Wooser Transforms Once More 21/08/2015
9 Blue Seas, White Sand, Black Wooser 28/08/2015
10 Hunter Wooser and the Law of the Festival 04/09/2015
11 Detective Wooser's Final Problem 11/09/2015
12 Wooser's Kind World 18/09/2015
13 Wooser's Hand to Mouth Life a Dream Play... 25/09/2015

Temporada 2

# Episode name Data
1 The Beginning ~The Scenery of a Certain Day, The Girls' Daily Lives, The Return of Wooser~ 08/01/2014
2 JUSTICE -A Lonely Battle, A Sworn Victory for Mother, Wooser Goes for the Draw~ 15/01/2014
3 Kingdom ~Memories Faded, Memories Unfading, The Cutest Wooser in the World~ 22/01/2014
4 Evolution ~Fragments of Ephemeral Dreams, Guidance of Shining Stars, Wooser Going His Own Way~ 29/01/2014
5 Promise ~A Passion for Uniforms, A Family Restaurant is Fine, Burning Woose~ 05/02/2014
6 Trust ~Midsummer Night Illusion, Mechanical Comrade, Wooser, Doesn't Have Many Friends~ 12/02/2014
7 Inevitability ~The World Changes, The Future Lies Ahead, Wooser Refuses to Move Forward~ 19/02/2014
8 Cheers ~A Time for Blessings, Keep Common Sense in Mind, Because Wooser Won't~ 26/02/2014
9 Recollections ~The Real You, the Truth You Must Confront, Wooser Turns Away~ 05/03/2014
10 Fate ~The Strongest Enemey Appears; A Cruel, Inescapable Destiny; Wooser is Judged~ 12/03/2014
11 Hope ~Lalalalalalalalalaalalalaa, Lalalalalalalalalaalalalaa~ 19/03/2014
12 Awakening ~Love Drawn in Starry Skies, Your Present Is Me, Thank You, Wooser~ 26/03/2014

Temporada 1

# Episode name Data
1 Meat and Pandas and Wooser 03/10/2012
2 Alcohol and Rock and Wooser 10/10/2012
3 Wealth and Authority and Wooser 17/10/2012
4 Moe and Rap and Wooser 24/10/2012
5 Bears and Gourmet and Wooser 31/10/2012
6 The Sea and Swimsuits and Wooser 07/11/2012
7 Forests and Baths and Wooser 14/11/2012
8 Boredom and Machines and Wooser 21/11/2012
9 Insects and Masks and Wooser 28/11/2012
10 Gold and Magic and Wooser 05/12/2012
11 Spirit and Opera and Wooser 12/12/2012
12 Love and Farewell and Wooser 19/12/2012