Детектив Конан: Список серий

Сезон 2003
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 揺れる警視庁 1200万人の人質 | 06.01.2003 |
2 | 見えない容疑者(前編) | 13.01.2003 |
3 | 見えない容疑者(後編) | 20.01.2003 |
4 | 残された声なき証言(前編) | 27.01.2003 |
5 | 残された声なき証言(後編) | 03.02.2003 |
6 | 黒の組織との接触(交渉編) | 10.02.2003 |
7 | 黒の組織との接触(追跡編) | 17.02.2003 |
8 | 黒の組織との接触(決死編) | 24.02.2003 |
9 | 夕日に染まった雛人形(前編) | 03.03.2003 |
10 | 夕日に染まった雛人形(後編) | 10.03.2003 |
11 | 壊れた柵の展望台 | 17.03.2003 |
12 | 陽のあたる場所 | 14.04.2003 |
13 | 汚れた仮面ヒーロー(前編) | 21.04.2003 |
14 | 汚れた仮面ヒーロー(後編) | 28.04.2003 |
15 | 幸運のシガーケース(前編) | 05.05.2003 |
16 | 幸運のシガーケース(後編) | 12.05.2003 |
17 | 忍法アリバイ工作の術 | 19.05.2003 |
18 | 消えた誘拐逃走車(前編) | 26.05.2003 |
19 | 消えた誘拐逃走車(後編) | 02.06.2003 |
20 | 服部平次 絶体絶命(前編) | 09.06.2003 |
21 | 服部平次 絶体絶命(後編) | 16.06.2003 |
22 | 炎の中に赤い馬(事件編) | 23.06.2003 |
23 | 炎の中に赤い馬(捜査編) | 30.06.2003 |
24 | 炎の中に赤い馬(解決編) | 07.07.2003 |
25 | バースデーワインの謎 | 14.07.2003 |
26 | お金で買えない友情(前編) | 28.07.2003 |
27 | お金で買えない友情(後編) | 04.08.2003 |
28 | 疑惑の辛口カレー(前編) | 11.08.2003 |
29 | 疑惑の辛口カレー(後編) | 18.08.2003 |
30 | 似た者プリンセス(前編) | 25.08.2003 |
31 | 似た者プリンセス(後編) | 01.09.2003 |
32 | 東都現像所の秘密(前編) | 08.09.2003 |
33 | 東都現像所の秘密(後編) | 15.09.2003 |
34 | 転落事件の裏事情 | 13.10.2003 |
35 | 4台のポルシェ(前編) | 20.10.2003 |
36 | 4台のポルシェ(後編) | 27.10.2003 |
37 | トイレに隠した秘密(前編) | 03.11.2003 |
38 | トイレに隠した秘密(後編) | 10.11.2003 |
39 | 「ハウステンボスの花嫁」1時間スペシャル | 17.11.2003 |
40 | コンビニの落とし穴(前編) | 01.12.2003 |
41 | コンビニの落とし穴(後編) | 08.12.2003 |
Сезон 2002
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 大阪ダブルミステリー 浪花剣士と太閤の城 | 07.01.2002 |
2 | 法廷の対決 妃VS小五郎(前編) | 14.01.2002 |
3 | 法廷の対決 妃VS小五郎(後編) | 21.01.2002 |
4 | バレンタインの真実(事件編) | 28.01.2002 |
5 | バレンタインの真実(推理編) | 04.02.2002 |
6 | バレンタインの真実(解決編) | 11.02.2002 |
7 | 犯罪の忘れ形見(前編) | 18.02.2002 |
8 | 犯罪の忘れ形見(後編) | 04.03.2002 |
9 | 隠して急いで省略(前編) | 11.03.2002 |
10 | 隠して急いで省略(後編) | 18.03.2002 |
11 | クイズ婆さんの失踪事件 | 08.04.2002 |
12 | 幽霊屋敷の真実(前編) | 15.04.2002 |
13 | 幽霊屋敷の真実(後編) | 22.04.2002 |
14 | 警察手帳紛失事件 | 06.05.2002 |
15 | 英語教師VS西の名探偵(前編) | 13.05.2002 |
16 | 英語教師VS西の名探偵(後編) | 20.05.2002 |
17 | 迷宮のフーリガン(前編) | 27.05.2002 |
18 | 迷宮のフーリガン(後編) | 03.06.2002 |
19 | 小さな目撃者たち | 10.06.2002 |
20 | 水流るる石庭の怪(前編) | 17.06.2002 |
21 | 水流るる石庭の怪(後編) | 24.06.2002 |
22 | 中華街 雨のデジャビュ(前編) | 01.07.2002 |
23 | 中華街 雨のデジャビュ(後編) | 08.07.2002 |
24 | 工藤新一NYの事件(事件編) | 15.07.2002 |
25 | 工藤新一NYの事件(推理編) | 22.07.2002 |
26 | 工藤新一NYの事件(解決編) | 29.07.2002 |
27 | 迷いの森の光彦(前編) | 05.08.2002 |
28 | 迷いの森の光彦(後編) | 12.08.2002 |
29 | 孤島の姫と龍宮城(事件編) | 19.08.2002 |
30 | 孤島の姫と龍宮城(追求編) | 26.08.2002 |
31 | 孤島の姫と龍宮城(解決編) | 02.09.2002 |
32 | 愛と決断のスマッシュ(前編) | 09.09.2002 |
33 | 愛と決断のスマッシュ(後編) | 16.09.2002 |
34 | 屋形船 釣りショック | 14.10.2002 |
35 | 法廷の対決II 妃VS九条(前編) | 21.10.2002 |
36 | 法廷の対決II 妃VS九条(後編) | 28.10.2002 |
37 | 友情と殺意の関門海峡(前編) | 04.11.2002 |
38 | 友情と殺意の関門海峡(後編) | 18.11.2002 |
39 | 悪意と聖者の行進(前編) | 25.11.2002 |
40 | 悪意と聖者の行進(後編) | 02.12.2002 |
41 | 戻ってきた被害者 | 09.12.2002 |
Сезон 2001
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 集められた名探偵! 工藤新一VS怪盗キッド | 08.01.2001 |
2 | 偽りだらけの依頼人(前編) | 15.01.2001 |
3 | 偽りだらけの依頼人(後編) | 22.01.2001 |
4 | そして人魚はいなくなった(事件編) | 29.01.2001 |
5 | そして人魚はいなくなった(推理編) | 05.02.2001 |
6 | そして人魚はいなくなった(解決編) | 12.02.2001 |
7 | 商売繁盛のヒミツ | 19.02.2001 |
8 | バトルゲームの罠(前編) | 26.02.2001 |
9 | バトルゲームの罠(後編) | 05.03.2001 |
10 | 殺意の陶芸教室(前編) | 12.03.2001 |
11 | 殺意の陶芸教室(後編) | 19.03.2001 |
12 | 謎めいた乗客(前編) | 16.04.2001 |
13 | 謎めいた乗客(後編) | 23.04.2001 |
14 | マンション転落事件 | 07.05.2001 |
15 | 消えなかった証拠(前編) | 14.05.2001 |
16 | 消えなかった証拠(後編) | 21.05.2001 |
17 | 密室のワインセラー | 28.05.2001 |
18 | 南紀白浜ミステリーツアー(前編) | 04.06.2001 |
19 | 南紀白浜ミステリーツアー(後編) | 11.06.2001 |
20 | 大阪"3つのK"事件(前編) | 18.06.2001 |
21 | 大阪"3つのK"事件(後編) | 25.06.2001 |
22 | 新幹線護送事件(前編) | 02.07.2001 |
23 | 新幹線護送事件(後編) | 09.07.2001 |
24 | 元太少年の災難 | 16.07.2001 |
25 | 毛利小五郎のニセ者(前編) | 23.07.2001 |
26 | 毛利小五郎のニセ者(後編) | 30.07.2001 |
27 | ヒマワリ館の銃声 | 06.08.2001 |
28 | 網にかかった謎(前編) | 13.08.2001 |
29 | 網にかかった謎(後編) | 20.08.2001 |
30 | 癒しの森のアリバイ | 27.08.2001 |
31 | アイドル達の秘密(前編) | 03.09.2001 |
32 | アイドル達の秘密(後編) | 10.09.2001 |
33 | OK牧場の悲劇 | 17.09.2001 |
34 | 絵の中の誘拐犯 | 08.10.2001 |
35 | 本庁の刑事恋物語4(前編) | 15.10.2001 |
36 | 本庁の刑事恋物語4(後編) | 22.10.2001 |
37 | 松江玉造連句14番勝負(前編) | 29.10.2001 |
38 | 松江玉造連句14番勝負(後編) | 05.11.2001 |
39 | 世にも奇妙な天罰 | 12.11.2001 |
40 | シカゴから来た男(前編) | 19.11.2001 |
41 | シカゴから来た男(後編) | 26.11.2001 |
42 | 揺れるレストラン | 03.12.2001 |
43 | 雪の夜の恐怖伝説(前編) | 10.12.2001 |
44 | 雪の夜の恐怖伝説(後編) | 17.12.2001 |
Сезон 2000
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 二十年目の殺意 シンフォニー号連続殺人事件 | 03.01.2000 |
2 | 四回殺された男 | 10.01.2000 |
3 | 黒の組織との再会(灰原編) | 17.01.2000 |
4 | 黒の組織との再会(コナン編) | 24.01.2000 |
5 | 黒の組織との再会(解決編) | 31.01.2000 |
6 | 喫茶店トラック乱入事件 | 07.02.2000 |
7 | 赤い殺意の夜想曲(前編) | 14.02.2000 |
8 | 赤い殺意の夜想曲(後編) | 21.02.2000 |
9 | 大捜索九つのドア | 28.02.2000 |
10 | 危険なレシピ | 06.03.2000 |
11 | 呪いの仮面は冷たく笑う | 13.03.2000 |
12 | 殺された名探偵(前編) | 10.04.2000 |
13 | 殺された名探偵(後編) | 17.04.2000 |
14 | 闇に響く謎の銃声 | 24.04.2000 |
15 | 命がけの復活 洞窟の探偵団 | 01.05.2000 |
16 | 命がけの復活 負傷した名探偵 | 08.05.2000 |
17 | 命がけの復活 第三の選択 | 15.05.2000 |
18 | 命がけの復活 黒衣の騎士 | 22.05.2000 |
19 | 命がけの復活 帰ってきた新一... | 29.05.2000 |
20 | 命がけの復活 約束の場所 | 05.06.2000 |
21 | 意味深なオルゴール(前編) | 12.06.2000 |
22 | 意味深なオルゴール(後編) | 19.06.2000 |
23 | 見えない凶器 蘭の初推理 | 26.06.2000 |
24 | スーパーカーの罠(前編) | 03.07.2000 |
25 | スーパーカーの罠(後編) | 10.07.2000 |
26 | 容疑者・毛利小五郎(前編) | 17.07.2000 |
27 | 容疑者・毛利小五郎(後編) | 24.07.2000 |
28 | 10人目の乗客(前編) | 31.07.2000 |
29 | 10人目の乗客(後編) | 07.08.2000 |
30 | 黒いイカロスの翼(前編) | 14.08.2000 |
31 | 黒いイカロスの翼(後編) | 21.08.2000 |
32 | 本庁の刑事恋物語3(前編) | 28.08.2000 |
33 | 本庁の刑事恋物語3(後編) | 04.09.2000 |
34 | 見事すぎた名推理 | 11.09.2000 |
35 | 迷宮への入り口 巨大神像の怒り | 09.10.2000 |
36 | 龍神山転落事件 | 16.10.2000 |
37 | 五彩伝説の水御殿(前編) | 23.10.2000 |
38 | 五彩伝説の水御殿(後編) | 30.10.2000 |
39 | きのこと熊と探偵団(前編) | 06.11.2000 |
40 | きのこと熊と探偵団(後編) | 13.11.2000 |
41 | レトロルームの謎事件 | 20.11.2000 |
42 | ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(前編) | 27.11.2000 |
43 | ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(後編) | 04.12.2000 |
44 | 封印された目暮の秘密(前編) | 11.12.2000 |
45 | 封印された目暮の秘密(後編) | 18.12.2000 |
Сезон 1999
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 黒の組織から来た女 大学教授殺人事件 | 04.01.1999 |
2 | 競技場無差別脅迫事件(前編) | 11.01.1999 |
3 | 競技場無差別脅迫事件(後編) | 18.01.1999 |
4 | 奇術愛好家殺人事件(事件篇) | 25.01.1999 |
5 | 奇術愛好家殺人事件(疑惑篇) | 01.02.1999 |
6 | 奇術愛好家殺人事件(解決篇) | 08.02.1999 |
7 | 消えた凶器捜索事件 | 15.02.1999 |
8 | 青の古城探索事件(前編) | 22.02.1999 |
9 | 青の古城探索事件(後編) | 01.03.1999 |
10 | 最後の上映殺人事件(前編) | 08.03.1999 |
11 | 最後の上映殺人事件(後編) | 15.03.1999 |
12 | SOS! 歩美からのメッセージ | 12.04.1999 |
13 | 結婚前夜の密室事件(前編) | 19.04.1999 |
14 | 結婚前夜の密室事件(後編) | 26.04.1999 |
15 | 疑惑の天体観測 | 03.05.1999 |
16 | 上野発北斗星3号(前編) | 10.05.1999 |
17 | 上野発北斗星3号(後編) | 17.05.1999 |
18 | 本庁の刑事恋物語(前編) | 24.05.1999 |
19 | 本庁の刑事恋物語(後編) | 31.05.1999 |
20 | 路面電車急停止事件 | 07.06.1999 |
21 | 遊園地パンジー事件 | 21.06.1999 |
22 | 自動車爆発事件の真相(前編) | 28.06.1999 |
23 | 自動車爆発事件の真相(後編) | 05.07.1999 |
24 | 謎の老人失踪事件 | 12.07.1999 |
25 | 園子のアブない夏物語(前編) | 19.07.1999 |
26 | 園子のアブない夏物語(後編) | 26.07.1999 |
27 | 水中の鍵密室事件 | 02.08.1999 |
28 | 本庁の刑事恋物語2(前編) | 09.08.1999 |
29 | 本庁の刑事恋物語2(後編) | 16.08.1999 |
30 | 沈黙の環状線 | 23.08.1999 |
31 | 怪奇五重塔伝説(前編) | 06.09.1999 |
32 | 怪奇五重塔伝説(後編) | 13.09.1999 |
33 | 流水亭に流れる殺意 | 20.09.1999 |
34 | 空飛ぶ密室 工藤新一最初の事件 | 27.09.1999 |
35 | 月と星と太陽の秘密(前編) | 11.10.1999 |
36 | 月と星と太陽の秘密(後編) | 18.10.1999 |
37 | 少年探偵団消失事件 | 25.10.1999 |
38 | 鳥取クモ屋敷の怪(事件編) | 01.11.1999 |
39 | 鳥取クモ屋敷の怪(疑惑編) | 08.11.1999 |
40 | 鳥取クモ屋敷の怪(解決編) | 15.11.1999 |
41 | ビーナスのキッス | 22.11.1999 |
42 | 暗闇の中の死角(前編) | 29.11.1999 |
43 | 暗闇の中の死角(後編) | 06.12.1999 |
44 | よみがえる死の伝言(前編) | 13.12.1999 |
45 | よみがえる死の伝言(後編) | 13.12.1999 |
Сезон 1998
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 誘拐現場特定事件 | 12.01.1998 |
2 | 鶴の恩返し殺人事件 | 19.01.1998 |
3 | ドラキュラ荘殺人事件(前編) | 26.01.1998 |
4 | ドラキュラ荘殺人事件(後編) | 02.02.1998 |
5 | 花の香り殺人事件 | 09.02.1998 |
6 | 強盗犯人入院事件 | 16.02.1998 |
7 | 恐怖のトラヴァース殺人事件(前編) | 23.02.1998 |
8 | 恐怖のトラヴァース殺人事件(後編) | 02.03.1998 |
9 | 雪女伝説殺人事件 | 09.03.1998 |
10 | 小五郎のデート殺人事件 | 16.03.1998 |
11 | 追いつめられた名探偵! 連続2大殺人事件 | 23.03.1998 |
12 | 別れのワイン殺人事件 | 13.04.1998 |
13 | 名陶芸家殺人事件(前編) | 20.04.1998 |
14 | 名陶芸家殺人事件(後編) | 27.04.1998 |
15 | 初恋の人想い出事件(前編) | 11.05.1998 |
16 | 初恋の人想い出事件(後編) | 18.05.1998 |
17 | 時代劇俳優殺人事件(前編) | 25.05.1998 |
18 | 時代劇俳優殺人事件(後編) | 01.06.1998 |
19 | 盗賊団謎の洋館事件(前編) | 08.06.1998 |
20 | 盗賊団謎の洋館事件(後編) | 15.06.1998 |
21 | スクープ写真殺人事件 | 22.06.1998 |
22 | モグラ星人謎の事件(前編) | 29.06.1998 |
23 | モグラ星人謎の事件(後編) | 06.07.1998 |
24 | 探偵団大追跡事件 | 13.07.1998 |
25 | 料理教室殺人事件(前編) | 27.07.1998 |
26 | 料理教室殺人事件(後編) | 03.08.1998 |
27 | 帝丹小7不思議事件 | 10.08.1998 |
28 | 白い砂浜殺人事件 | 17.08.1998 |
29 | スキューバダイビング殺人事件(前編) | 24.08.1998 |
30 | スキューバダイビング殺人事件(後編) | 31.08.1998 |
31 | ミステリー作家失踪事件(前編) | 07.09.1998 |
32 | ミステリー作家失踪事件(後編) | 14.09.1998 |
33 | 浪花の連続殺人事件 | 21.09.1998 |
34 | 仮面ヤイバー殺人事件 | 12.10.1998 |
35 | ハニーカクテル殺人事件 | 19.10.1998 |
36 | バスルーム密室事件(前編) | 26.10.1998 |
37 | バスルーム密室事件(後編) | 02.11.1998 |
38 | お天気お姉さん誘拐事件 | 09.11.1998 |
39 | 謎の狙撃者殺人事件(前編) | 16.11.1998 |
40 | 謎の狙撃者殺人事件(後編) | 23.11.1998 |
41 | 旅芝居一座殺人事件(前編) | 30.11.1998 |
42 | 旅芝居一座殺人事件(後編) | 07.12.1998 |
43 | 黒の組織10億円強奪事件 | 14.12.1998 |
Сезон 1997
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 江戸川コナン誘拐事件 | 13.01.1997 |
2 | 堀田三兄弟殺人事件 | 20.01.1997 |
3 | 顔パック殺人事件 | 27.01.1997 |
4 | 雪山山荘殺人事件 | 03.02.1997 |
5 | スポーツクラブ殺人事件 | 10.02.1997 |
6 | 外交官殺人事件(前編) | 17.02.1997 |
7 | 外交官殺人事件(後編) | 24.02.1997 |
8 | 図書館殺人事件 | 03.03.1997 |
9 | ゴルフ練習場殺人事件 | 10.03.1997 |
10 | 霧天狗伝説殺人事件 | 17.03.1997 |
11 | 謎の凶器殺人事件 | 07.04.1997 |
12 | ゲーム会社殺人事件 | 14.04.1997 |
13 | 列車トリック殺人事件 | 21.04.1997 |
14 | おじゃマンボウ殺人事件 | 28.04.1997 |
15 | ホームズフリーク殺人事件(前編) | 05.05.1997 |
16 | ホームズフリーク殺人事件(後編) | 12.05.1997 |
17 | 初めてのお使い殺人事件 | 19.05.1997 |
18 | イラストレーター殺人事件 | 26.05.1997 |
19 | 幽霊船殺人事件(前編) | 02.06.1997 |
20 | 幽霊船殺人事件(後編) | 09.06.1997 |
21 | 大怪獣ゴメラ殺人事件 | 16.06.1997 |
22 | 第3の指紋殺人事件 | 23.06.1997 |
23 | カニとクジラ誘拐事件 | 30.06.1997 |
24 | 暗闇の道殺人事件 | 07.07.1997 |
25 | 舞台女優殺人事件 | 14.07.1997 |
26 | 闇の男爵殺人事件(事件篇) | 21.07.1997 |
27 | 闇の男爵殺人事件(疑惑篇) | 28.07.1997 |
28 | 闇の男爵殺人事件(解決篇) | 04.08.1997 |
29 | ストーカー殺人事件 | 11.08.1997 |
30 | 三つ子別荘殺人事件 | 18.08.1997 |
31 | 少年探偵団遭難事件 | 25.08.1997 |
32 | 死神陣内殺人事件 | 01.09.1997 |
33 | 金融会社社長殺人事件 | 08.09.1997 |
34 | コナンVS怪盗キッド | 22.09.1997 |
35 | 名家連続変死事件(前編) | 20.10.1997 |
36 | 名家連続変死事件(後編) | 27.10.1997 |
37 | 銀行強盗殺人事件 | 03.11.1997 |
38 | 放浪画家殺人事件 | 10.11.1997 |
39 | 人気アーティスト誘拐事件(前編) | 17.11.1997 |
40 | 人気アーティスト誘拐事件(後編) | 24.11.1997 |
41 | 総合病院殺人事件 | 01.12.1997 |
42 | スキーロッジ殺人事件(前編) | 08.12.1997 |
43 | スキーロッジ殺人事件(後編) | 15.12.1997 |
Сезон 1996
# | Название | Дата |
1 | ジェットコースター殺人事件 | 08.01.1996 |
2 | 社長令嬢誘拐事件 | 15.01.1996 |
3 | アイドル密室殺人事件 | 22.01.1996 |
4 | 大都会暗号マップ事件 | 29.01.1996 |
5 | 新幹線大爆破事件 | 05.02.1996 |
6 | バレンタイン殺人事件 | 12.02.1996 |
7 | 月いちプレゼント脅迫事件 | 19.02.1996 |
8 | 美術館オーナー殺人事件 | 26.02.1996 |
9 | 天下一夜祭殺人事件 | 04.03.1996 |
10 | プロサッカー選手脅迫事件 | 11.03.1996 |
11 | ピアノソナタ「月光」殺人事件 | 18.03.1996 |
12 | 歩美ちゃん誘拐事件 | 25.03.1996 |
13 | 奇妙な人捜し殺人事件 | 01.04.1996 |
14 | 謎のメッセージ狙撃事件 | 08.04.1996 |
15 | 消えた死体殺人事件 | 15.04.1996 |
16 | 骨董品コレクター殺人事件 | 22.04.1996 |
17 | デパートジャック事件 | 29.04.1996 |
18 | 6月の花嫁殺人事件 | 06.05.1996 |
19 | エレベーター殺人事件 | 13.05.1996 |
20 | 幽霊屋敷殺人事件 | 20.05.1996 |
21 | TVドラマロケ殺人事件 | 27.05.1996 |
22 | 豪華客船連続殺人事件(前編) | 03.06.1996 |
23 | 豪華客船連続殺人事件(後編) | 10.06.1996 |
24 | 謎の美女記憶喪失事件 | 17.06.1996 |
25 | 偽りの身代金誘拐事件 | 24.06.1996 |
26 | 愛犬ジョン殺人事件 | 01.07.1996 |
27 | 小五郎の同窓会殺人事件(前編) | 05.08.1996 |
28 | 小五郎の同窓会殺人事件(後編) | 12.08.1996 |
29 | コンピューター殺人事件 | 19.08.1996 |
30 | アリバイ証言殺人事件 | 26.08.1996 |
31 | テレビ局殺人事件 | 02.09.1996 |
32 | コーヒーショップ殺人事件 | 09.09.1996 |
33 | 探偵団サバイバル事件 | 14.10.1996 |
34 | 山荘包帯男殺人事件(前編) | 21.10.1996 |
35 | 山荘包帯男殺人事件(後編) | 28.10.1996 |
36 | 月曜夜7時30分殺人事件 | 04.11.1996 |
37 | サボテンの花殺人事件 | 11.11.1996 |
38 | 赤鬼村火祭殺人事件 | 18.11.1996 |
39 | 資産家令嬢殺人事件(前編) | 25.11.1996 |
40 | 資産家令嬢殺人事件(後編) | 02.12.1996 |
41 | 優勝旗切り裂き事件 | 09.12.1996 |
42 | カラオケボックス殺人事件 | 16.12.1996 |
Сезон 32
# | Название | Дата |
1 | 歩美の絵日記事件簿2 | 23.04.2022 |
2 | 言えないアリバイ | 30.04.2022 |
3 | 警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE.萩原研二 | 07.05.2022 |
4 | 復讐のフィギュア | 14.05.2022 |
5 | 豚汁は命がけの合図 | 21.05.2022 |
6 | 天罰くだる誕生パーティー(前編) | 04.06.2022 |
7 | 天罰くだる誕生パーティー(後編) | 11.06.2022 |
8 | 赤いヒツジの不気味なゲーム(前編) | 18.06.2022 |
9 | 赤いヒツジの不気味なゲーム(後編) | 25.06.2022 |
10 | 目暮、刑事人生の危機 | 09.07.2022 |
11 | 森川御殿の陰謀(前編) | 16.07.2022 |
12 | 森川御殿の陰謀(後編) | 23.07.2022 |
13 | 少年探偵団の肝試し | 30.07.2022 |
14 | 牧場に墜ちた火種(前編) | 06.08.2022 |
15 | 牧場に墜ちた火種(後編) | 13.08.2022 |
16 | 幽霊になって復讐を | 03.09.2022 |
17 | あの人を取り戻したい | 17.09.2022 |
18 | わるいやつら | 24.09.2022 |
19 | 警察に居座った男 | 01.10.2022 |
20 | 沖野ヨーコと屋根裏の密室(前編) | 08.10.2022 |
21 | 沖野ヨーコと屋根裏の密室(後編) | 15.10.2022 |
22 | 警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE. 諸伏景光 | 29.10.2022 |
23 | 雨と悪意のスパイラル | 05.11.2022 |
24 | 狙われたひよこ鑑定士 | 12.11.2022 |
25 | 夢見る貴婦人、最後の恋 | 19.11.2022 |
26 | 探偵は眠らない | 26.11.2022 |
27 | 死が二人を分かつまで | 03.12.2022 |
28 | 恋する商店街 | 24.12.2022 |
29 | 円谷光彦の探偵ノート | 07.01.2023 |
30 | 受話器ごしのスウィートボイス | 14.01.2023 |
31 | サプライズは悲劇のはじまり | 21.01.2023 |
32 | 工藤優作の推理ショー(前編) | 28.01.2023 |
33 | 工藤優作の推理ショー(後編) | 04.02.2023 |
34 | 探偵団の引ったくり大追跡 | 11.02.2023 |
35 | てっちり対決ミステリーツアー(門司港・小倉編) | 18.02.2023 |
36 | てっちり対決ミステリーツアー(下関編) | 25.02.2023 |
37 | カリスマ社長の極秘計画 | 04.03.2023 |
38 | 警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE. 降谷零 | 11.03.2023 |
39 | 黒ずくめの謀略(狩り) | 25.03.2023 |
40 | 黒ずくめの謀略(上陸) | 01.04.2023 |
41 | 黒ずくめの謀略(正体) | 08.04.2023 |
42 | 灰原を狙うカメラ | 15.04.2023 |
43 | 愛犬パン君はおりこうさん | 22.04.2023 |
44 | 哀しみの裏切り横丁 | 29.04.2023 |
45 | Jリーグ決戦の舞台裏 | 13.05.2023 |
46 | 冷え切った男達 | 20.05.2023 |
47 | 不吉な縁結び(前編) | 03.06.2023 |
48 | 不吉な縁結び(後編) | 10.06.2023 |
49 | 歩美の絵日記事件簿3 | 17.06.2023 |
50 | 不運で不審な被害者 | 24.06.2023 |
51 | 天才レストラン | 08.07.2023 |
52 | 眠れる街に消えた犯人 | 15.07.2023 |
53 | 女子会ミステリー | 22.07.2023 |
54 | 張り込み2 | 29.07.2023 |
55 | 宮野明美のタイムカプセル(前編) | 05.08.2023 |
56 | 宮野明美のタイムカプセル(後編) | 12.08.2023 |
57 | 消えた男の夢 | 02.09.2023 |
58 | 円谷光彦の探偵ノート2 | 09.09.2023 |
59 | 私がやりましたか? | 16.09.2023 |
60 | 風の女神・萩原千速(前編) | 23.09.2023 |
61 | 風の女神・萩原千速(後編) | 30.09.2023 |
62 | 疑惑の2000万円 | 14.10.2023 |
63 | 不死身男のプライド | 21.10.2023 |
64 | 赤べこと3人の福男 | 04.11.2023 |
65 | 青春小説に罪の匂い | 11.11.2023 |
66 | 真犯人は逃走中 | 18.11.2023 |
67 | キッドVS安室 王妃の前髪(クイーンズ・バング)(前編) | 02.12.2023 |
68 | キッドVS安室 王妃の前髪(クイーンズ・バング)(後編) | 09.12.2023 |
69 | ハメられたのは私 | 16.12.2023 |
70 | カードに伏せられた秘密 | 23.12.2023 |
71 | 高木と伊達と手帳の約束(前編) | 06.01.2024 |
72 | 高木と伊達と手帳の約束(後編) | 13.01.2024 |
73 | ルーブ・ゴールドバーグマシン(前編) | 20.01.2024 |
74 | ルーブ・ゴールドバーグマシン(後編) | 27.01.2024 |
75 | ラスト・ディナーをあなたに | 03.02.2024 |
76 | お騒がせな籠城 | 10.02.2024 |
77 | 千速と重悟の婚活パーティー(前編) | 02.03.2024 |
78 | 千速と重悟の婚活パーティー(後編) | 09.03.2024 |
79 | 空手の先生、毛利蘭 | 16.03.2024 |
80 | 女子会ミステリー2 | 23.03.2024 |
81 | 4人だけの同窓会 | 06.04.2024 |
82 | 失われたお宝ミステリー | 13.04.2024 |
83 | あぶなすぎるメロン畑 | 27.04.2024 |
84 | 張り込み3 | 04.05.2024 |
85 | 群馬と長野 県境の遺体(前編) | 11.05.2024 |
86 | 群馬と長野 県境の遺体(後編) | 18.05.2024 |
87 | 歩美の絵日記事件簿4 | 01.06.2024 |
88 | 逆上せあがった探偵 | 08.06.2024 |
89 | ザ・取調室2 | 15.06.2024 |
90 | コナンと目暮 2人の人質(前編) | 22.06.2024 |
91 | コナンと目暮 2人の人質(後編) | 29.06.2024 |
92 | トリプルコラボの浮気疑惑(前編) | 20.07.2024 |
Сезон 31
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part One) | 06.03.2021 |
2 | The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part Two) | 13.03.2021 |
3 | The Beika City Shopping Center Garbage Bin Mystery | 17.04.2021 |
4 | The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part One) | 24.04.2021 |
5 | The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Two) | 01.05.2021 |
6 | The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Three) | 08.05.2021 |
7 | Who Poisoned the Victim | 15.05.2021 |
8 | Out For Revenge (Part One) | 05.06.2021 |
9 | Out For Revenge (Part Two) | 12.06.2021 |
10 | The Lost Article That Smells Like a Case | 19.06.2021 |
11 | The Idol Whose Smile Disappeared | 26.06.2021 |
12 | Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part One) | 10.07.2021 |
13 | Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part Two) | 17.07.2021 |
14 | The Man Who Loved Too Much | 24.07.2021 |
15 | The Novelist Known as the Demon King | 31.07.2021 |
16 | Stakeout | 14.08.2021 |
17 | The Monorail Sniper Case (Part One) | 28.08.2021 |
18 | The Monorail Sniper Case (Part Two) | 04.09.2021 |
19 | The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part One) | 11.09.2021 |
20 | The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Two) | 18.09.2021 |
21 | The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Three) | 25.09.2021 |
22 | Rondo in Bad Company | 02.10.2021 |
23 | The Cursed Museum | 09.10.2021 |
24 | The Whistling Bookstore 3 | 16.10.2021 |
25 | Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part One) | 30.10.2021 |
26 | Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part Two) | 06.11.2021 |
27 | The Unspeakable Witness | 13.11.2021 |
28 | Beyond the Curtain | 20.11.2021 |
29 | Ballad of the Woman Who Loved Cake | 27.11.2021 |
30 | Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Matsuda Jinpei | 04.12.2021 |
31 | The Blank Year (Part One) | 11.12.2021 |
32 | The Blank Year (Part Two) | 18.12.2021 |
33 | Mori Ran, the Model | 25.12.2021 |
34 | Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Opening Move) | 08.01.2022 |
35 | Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Brilliant Move) | 15.01.2022 |
36 | Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Checkmate) | 22.01.2022 |
37 | Whiteout (Part One) | 29.01.2022 |
38 | Whiteout (Part Two) | 05.02.2022 |
39 | Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Date Wataru | 12.03.2022 |
40 | 空飛ぶハロウィンカボチャ | 16.04.2022 |
Сезон 30
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Opening Move) | 08.01.2022 |
2 | Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Brilliant Move) | 15.01.2022 |
3 | Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Checkmate) | 22.01.2022 |
4 | Whiteout (Part One) | 29.01.2022 |
5 | Whiteout (Part Two) | 05.02.2022 |
6 | Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Date Wataru | 12.03.2022 |
7 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Interlude) | 11.01.2020 |
8 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Climax) | 18.01.2020 |
9 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Finale) | 25.01.2020 |
10 | The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part One) | 15.02.2020 |
11 | The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part Two) | 22.02.2020 |
12 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part One) | 07.03.2020 |
13 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Two) | 14.03.2020 |
14 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Three) | 21.03.2020 |
15 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Four) | 28.03.2020 |
16 | The Secret of the Search for His Wife | 04.07.2020 |
17 | Follow Them! Detective Taxi | 18.07.2020 |
18 | The Broken Fishbowl | 01.08.2020 |
19 | The Case on the Opposite Shore | 15.08.2020 |
20 | Leading a Detective Around by the Nose | 29.08.2020 |
21 | An Encouragement of the Perfect Crime | 05.09.2020 |
22 | Welcome to Bocchan Restaurant (Part Two) | 26.09.2020 |
23 | Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part One) | 03.10.2020 |
24 | Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part Two) | 10.10.2020 |
25 | The Two Real Faces (Part One) | 24.10.2020 |
26 | The Two Real Faces (Part Two) | 31.10.2020 |
27 | The Company Dissolution Party | 07.11.2020 |
28 | Girls In Conflict | 14.11.2020 |
29 | Ayumi's Picture Diary Case Files | 05.12.2020 |
30 | The Automatic Tragedy (Part One) | 12.12.2020 |
31 | The Automatic Tragedy (Part Two) | 19.12.2020 |
32 | Incident at Machiya Cafe | 26.12.2020 |
33 | Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part One) | 09.01.2021 |
34 | Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Two) | 16.01.2021 |
35 | Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Three) | 23.01.2021 |
36 | The Skilled Hawk Hides His Crimes | 30.01.2021 |
37 | The Conspiracy of the Smile Village | 13.02.2021 |
38 | The Hatred Frypan | 20.02.2021 |
39 | Troublesome Kindness | 27.02.2021 |
40 | 迷惑な親切心 | 27.02.2021 |
Сезон 29
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part One) | 09.01.2021 |
2 | Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Two) | 16.01.2021 |
3 | Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Three) | 23.01.2021 |
4 | The Skilled Hawk Hides His Crimes | 30.01.2021 |
5 | The Conspiracy of the Smile Village | 13.02.2021 |
6 | The Hatred Frypan | 20.02.2021 |
7 | Troublesome Kindness | 27.02.2021 |
8 | The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part One) | 06.03.2021 |
9 | The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part Two) | 13.03.2021 |
10 | The Beika City Shopping Center Garbage Bin Mystery | 17.04.2021 |
11 | The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part One) | 24.04.2021 |
12 | The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Two) | 01.05.2021 |
13 | The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Three) | 08.05.2021 |
14 | Who Poisoned the Victim | 15.05.2021 |
15 | Out For Revenge (Part One) | 05.06.2021 |
16 | Out For Revenge (Part Two) | 12.06.2021 |
17 | The Lost Article That Smells Like a Case | 19.06.2021 |
18 | The Idol Whose Smile Disappeared | 26.06.2021 |
19 | Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part One) | 10.07.2021 |
20 | Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part Two) | 17.07.2021 |
21 | The Man Who Loved Too Much | 24.07.2021 |
22 | The Novelist Known as the Demon King | 31.07.2021 |
23 | Stakeout | 14.08.2021 |
24 | The Monorail Sniper Case (Part One) | 28.08.2021 |
25 | The Monorail Sniper Case (Part Two) | 04.09.2021 |
26 | The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part One) | 11.09.2021 |
27 | The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Two) | 18.09.2021 |
28 | The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Three) | 25.09.2021 |
29 | Rondo in Bad Company | 02.10.2021 |
30 | The Cursed Museum | 09.10.2021 |
31 | The Whistling Bookstore 3 | 16.10.2021 |
32 | Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part One) | 30.10.2021 |
33 | Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part Two) | 06.11.2021 |
34 | The Unspeakable Witness | 13.11.2021 |
35 | Beyond the Curtain | 20.11.2021 |
36 | Ballad of the Woman Who Loved Cake | 27.11.2021 |
37 | Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Matsuda Jinpei | 04.12.2021 |
38 | The Blank Year (Part One) | 11.12.2021 |
39 | The Blank Year (Part Two) | 18.12.2021 |
40 | Mori Ran, the Model | 25.12.2021 |
Сезон 28
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Prologue) | 04.01.2020 |
2 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Interlude) | 11.01.2020 |
3 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Climax) | 18.01.2020 |
4 | Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Finale) | 25.01.2020 |
5 | The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part One) | 15.02.2020 |
6 | The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part Two) | 22.02.2020 |
7 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part One) | 07.03.2020 |
8 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Two) | 14.03.2020 |
9 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Three) | 21.03.2020 |
10 | Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Four) | 28.03.2020 |
11 | The Secret of the Search for His Wife | 04.07.2020 |
12 | Follow Them! Detective Taxi | 18.07.2020 |
13 | The Broken Fishbowl | 01.08.2020 |
14 | The Case on the Opposite Shore | 15.08.2020 |
15 | Leading a Detective Around by the Nose | 29.08.2020 |
16 | An Encouragement of the Perfect Crime | 05.09.2020 |
17 | Welcome to Bocchan Restaurant (Part One) | 19.09.2020 |
18 | Welcome to Bocchan Restaurant (Part Two) | 26.09.2020 |
19 | Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part One) | 03.10.2020 |
20 | Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part Two) | 10.10.2020 |
21 | The Two Real Faces (Part One) | 24.10.2020 |
22 | The Two Real Faces (Part Two) | 31.10.2020 |
23 | The Company Dissolution Party | 07.11.2020 |
24 | Girls In Conflict | 14.11.2020 |
25 | Ayumi's Picture Diary Case Files | 05.12.2020 |
26 | The Automatic Tragedy (Part One) | 12.12.2020 |
27 | The Automatic Tragedy (Part Two) | 19.12.2020 |
28 | Incident at Machiya Cafe | 26.12.2020 |
29 | The Heartfelt Strap (Part Two) | 22.12.2018 |
Сезон 27
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Scarlet School Trip (Bright Red Arc) | 05.01.2019 |
2 | The Scarlet School Trip (Crimson Love Arc) | 12.01.2019 |
3 | The Woman Standing in the Window (Part One) | 02.02.2019 |
4 | The Woman Standing in the Window (Part Two) | 09.02.2019 |
5 | Kitakyushu Mystery Tour (Ogura Arc) | 16.02.2019 |
6 | Kitakyushu Mystery Tour (Moji Arc) | 23.02.2019 |
7 | The Thoroughbred Kidnapping Case (Part One) | 09.03.2019 |
8 | The Thoroughbred Kidnapping Case (Part Two) | 16.03.2019 |
9 | A Fortune Teller and Three Guests | 23.03.2019 |
10 | Intrigue at the Food Court | 13.04.2019 |
11 | The Killer Fist of Talos (Part One) | 20.04.2019 |
12 | The Killer Fist of Talos (Part Two) | 27.04.2019 |
13 | The Dangerous Fossil Finding Trip | 04.05.2019 |
14 | The Lover That Disappeared | 11.05.2019 |
15 | Find Maria-chan! (Part One) | 01.06.2019 |
16 | Find Maria-chan! (Part Two) | 08.06.2019 |
17 | The Tokyo Barls Collection | 15.06.2019 |
18 | The Cost of Likes (Part One) | 22.06.2019 |
19 | The Cost of Likes (Part Two) | 29.06.2019 |
20 | The Cursed Tears of Borgia (Part One) | 13.07.2019 |
21 | The Cursed Tears of Borgia (Part Two) | 20.07.2019 |
22 | The Man Crushed by a Dinosaur | 27.07.2019 |
23 | The Radio Questions and Concerns Show (Challenge Arc) | 03.08.2019 |
24 | The Radio Questions and Concerns Show (Solution Arc) | 10.08.2019 |
25 | The Whistling Bookstore 2 | 17.08.2019 |
26 | The Unsolved Cocktail Case (Part One) | 31.08.2019 |
27 | The Unsolved Cocktail Case (Part Two) | 07.09.2019 |
28 | The Unsolved Cocktail Case (Part Three) | 14.09.2019 |
29 | The Secret of the Insect Man | 28.09.2019 |
30 | The Mystery-Solving Water Taxi (Part One) | 12.10.2019 |
31 | The Mystery-Solving Water Taxi (Part Two) | 19.10.2019 |
32 | The Poodle and the Shotgun (Part One) | 09.11.2019 |
33 | The Poodle and the Shotgun (Part Two) | 16.11.2019 |
34 | Miss Lonely and the Detective Boys | 23.11.2019 |
35 | The Glamping Mystery Case | 30.11.2019 |
36 | A Lecture by Mouri Kogoro (Part One) | 07.12.2019 |
37 | A Lecture by Mouri Kogoro (Part Two) | 14.12.2019 |
38 | A Lecture by Mouri Kogoro (Part Three) | 21.12.2019 |
39 | The Tokyo-Style Deduction Show Next Door (Part Two) | 10.03.2018 |
40 | A Woman With a White Hand (Part One) | 17.03.2018 |
41 | A Woman With a White Hand (Part Two) | 24.03.2018 |
Сезон 26
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Kaitou Kid and the Trick Box (Part One) | 06.01.2018 |
2 | Kaitou Kid and the Trick Box (Part Two) | 13.01.2018 |
3 | New Assistant Teacher Skeleton Case (Part One) | 20.01.2018 |
4 | New Assistant Teacher Skeleton Case (Part Two) | 27.01.2018 |
5 | The Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour (Yamaguchi Arc) | 03.02.2018 |
6 | The Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour (Hagi Arc) | 10.02.2018 |
7 | Mystery of the Michelin Starred Restaurant | 24.02.2018 |
8 | The Tokyo-Style Deduction Show Next Door (Part One) | 03.03.2018 |
9 | The Tokyo-Style Deduction Show Next Door (Part Two) | 10.03.2018 |
10 | A Woman With a White Hand (Part One) | 17.03.2018 |
11 | A Woman With a White Hand (Part Two) | 24.03.2018 |
12 | The Melting Cake! | 07.04.2018 |
13 | The Real Culprit's Scream | 28.04.2018 |
14 | The Truths of the Locked Room Revealed | 05.05.2018 |
15 | Kisaki Lawyer SOS (Part One) | 12.05.2018 |
16 | Kisaki Lawyer SOS (Part Two) | 19.05.2018 |
17 | Birds of a Feather at Loggerheads | 26.05.2018 |
18 | Result of the Draw | 16.06.2018 |
19 | Eyewitness Testimony Seven Years Later (Part One) | 23.06.2018 |
20 | Eyewitness Testimony Seven Years Later (Part Two) | 30.06.2018 |
21 | The J League Bodyguard | 14.07.2018 |
22 | Friendship Washed Away in the Riverbed | 21.07.2018 |
23 | Mystery of the Burning Tent (Part One) | 28.07.2018 |
24 | Mystery of the Burning Tent (Part Two) | 04.08.2018 |
25 | The Job Request From Inspector Megure | 01.09.2018 |
26 | The Detective Boys Become Models | 08.09.2018 |
27 | Conan Kidnapped (Part One) | 15.09.2018 |
28 | Conan Kidnapped (Part Two) | 22.09.2018 |
29 | High School Girl Detective Suzuki Sonoko | 29.09.2018 |
30 | Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery (Part One) | 06.10.2018 |
31 | Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery (Part Two) | 13.10.2018 |
32 | The Mini-Patrol Car Police's Big Chase | 27.10.2018 |
33 | The High School Girl Trio's Secret Café (Part One) | 03.11.2018 |
34 | The High School Girl Trio's Secret Café (Part Two) | 10.11.2018 |
35 | The Murderous Carpool | 17.11.2018 |
36 | The Disappearing Detective Boys | 24.11.2018 |
37 | A Day Without Conan | 01.12.2018 |
38 | The Sun Sets Over Tangerine Fields | 08.12.2018 |
39 | The Heartfelt Strap (Part One) | 15.12.2018 |
40 | The Heartfelt Strap (Part Two) | 22.12.2018 |
Сезон 25
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Conan and Ebizo's Kabuki Jūhachiban Mystery (Part 1) | 09.01.2016 |
2 | Conan and Ebizo's Kabuki Jūhachiban Mystery (Part 2) | 16.01.2016 |
3 | The Ventriloquist's Illusion (Part 1) | 30.01.2016 |
4 | The Ventriloquist's Illusion (Part 2) | 06.02.2016 |
5 | The Inn of the Kamaitachi (Part 1) | 13.02.2016 |
6 | The Inn of the Kamaitachi (Part 2) | 20.02.2016 |
7 | The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 1) | 27.02.2016 |
8 | The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 2) | 05.03.2016 |
9 | The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 3) | 12.03.2016 |
10 | The Shadow Sneaking Up on Amuro | 16.04.2016 |
11 | The Blog Actress's Locked Room Case (Part 1) | 23.04.2016 |
12 | The Blog Actress's Locked Room Case (Part 2) | 30.04.2016 |
13 | The Disappointing and Kind Alien | 07.05.2016 |
14 | The Missing Fiancée | 14.05.2016 |
15 | Kogoro's Pursuit of Rage (Part 1) | 21.05.2016 |
16 | Kogoro's Pursuit of Rage (Part 2) | 28.05.2016 |
17 | The Seven People in the Waiting Room | 04.06.2016 |
18 | The Hidden Secret of Dongaraji Temple | 11.06.2016 |
19 | The Suspects are a Passionate Couple (Part 1) | 18.06.2016 |
20 | The Suspects are a Passionate Couple (Part 2) | 25.06.2016 |
21 | The Detective Boys Get Out of the Rain | 09.07.2016 |
22 | The Tidal Park Comeback Case | 16.07.2016 |
23 | The Beauty, the Lie, and the Secret | 23.07.2016 |
24 | Ramen So Good, It's to Die For 2 (Part 1) | 30.07.2016 |
25 | Ramen So Good, It's to Die For 2 (Part 2) | 06.08.2016 |
26 | A Mysterious Boy | 13.08.2016 |
27 | A Cottage Surrounded By Zombies (Part 1) | 03.09.2016 |
28 | A Cottage Surrounded by Zombies (Part 2) | 10.09.2016 |
29 | A Cottage Surrounded by Zombies (Part 3) | 17.09.2016 |
30 | The Great Detective's Weakness | 24.09.2016 |
31 | The Man Who Died Twice (Part 1) | 01.10.2016 |
32 | The Man Who Died Twice (Part 2) | 08.10.2016 |
33 | The Unfriendly Girls Band (Part 1) | 15.10.2016 |
34 | The Unfriendly Girls Band (Part 2) | 22.10.2016 |
35 | Mystery in a Hot Air Balloon | 05.11.2016 |
36 | You Can Hear the Tengu's Voice | 12.11.2016 |
37 | The Last Gift | 19.11.2016 |
38 | The Rainy Bus Stop | 26.11.2016 |
39 | Turning Point on a Driving Date | 10.12.2016 |
40 | The Detectives in a Grove (Part 1) | 17.12.2016 |
41 | The Detectives in a Grove (Part 2) | 24.12.2016 |
42 | Conan Cornered in the Darkness (Part 1) | 07.01.2017 |
43 | Conan Cornered in the Darkness (Part 2) | 14.01.2017 |
44 | Chiba's Difficult UFO Case (Part 1) | 28.01.2017 |
45 | Chiba's Difficult UFO Case (Part 2) | 04.02.2017 |
46 | The Marriage Registration's Password (Part 1) | 11.02.2017 |
47 | The Marriage Registration's Password (Part 2) | 18.02.2017 |
48 | The Descent Into Hell Tour of Love (Beppu Chapter) | 04.03.2017 |
49 | The Descent Into Hell Tour of Love (Oita Chapter) | 11.03.2017 |
50 | Memories From Sakura Class (Ran GIRL) | 18.03.2017 |
51 | Memories From Sakura Class (Shinichi BOY) | 25.03.2017 |
52 | The Mystery of the Vanished Black Belt | 15.04.2017 |
53 | The Secret of the Socialite Couple | 22.04.2017 |
54 | The Mystery of Beika Street Crossroad (Part 1) | 29.04.2017 |
55 | The Mystery of Beika Street Crossroad (Part 2) | 06.05.2017 |
56 | The Mountain Route of Darkness | 13.05.2017 |
57 | The Trap of the Security System | 20.05.2017 |
58 | Just Like a 17 Year Old Crime Scene (Part 1) | 03.06.2017 |
59 | Just Like a 17 Year Old Crime Scene (Part 2) | 10.06.2017 |
60 | Soul Detective Murder Case (Part 1) | 17.06.2017 |
61 | Soul Detective Murder Case (Part 2) | 24.06.2017 |
62 | A Foul-Mouthed Myna Bird | 08.07.2017 |
63 | The Stage of Betrayal (Part 1) | 15.07.2017 |
64 | The Stage of Betrayal (Part 2) | 22.07.2017 |
65 | The Whistling Bookstore | 29.07.2017 |
66 | Conan Disappeared on the Cliff (Part 1) | 05.08.2017 |
67 | Conan Disappeared on the Cliff (Part 2) | 12.08.2017 |
68 | The Nobunaga 450 Case | 02.09.2017 |
69 | Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Squealing Part) | 09.09.2017 |
70 | Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Claw Part) | 16.09.2017 |
71 | Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Resolution Part) | 23.09.2017 |
72 | The Mysterious Prophetic Buddha | 30.09.2017 |
73 | The Clockwork Witness | 07.10.2017 |
74 | The Two Persons' Crossing Fates | 14.10.2017 |
75 | The Blind Spot in the Dressing Room (Part 1) | 28.10.2017 |
76 | The Blind Spot in the Dressing Room (Part 2) | 04.11.2017 |
77 | Detective Boys and the Haunted House | 11.11.2017 |
78 | The Wizard of the Ripples (Part 1) | 18.11.2017 |
79 | The Wizard of the Ripples (Part 2) | 25.11.2017 |
80 | The Bomber Came Out of the Picture Book (Part 1) | 02.12.2017 |
81 | The Bomber Came Out of the Picture Book (Part 2) | 09.12.2017 |
82 | Riddle Solution at Café Poirot (Part 1) | 16.12.2017 |
83 | Riddle Solution at Café Poirot (Part 2) | 23.12.2017 |
Сезон 24
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Conan And Heiji, Code Of Love (Part 1) | 10.01.2015 |
2 | Conan And Heiji, Code Of Love (Part 2) | 17.01.2015 |
3 | Teimuzu River Kite Flying Case (Part 1) | 24.01.2015 |
4 | Teimuzu River Kite Flying Case (Part 2) | 31.01.2015 |
5 | The Missing Lover in the Snowstorm | 07.02.2015 |
6 | Ai Haibara Imprisonment Case | 21.02.2015 |
7 | The Troublesome Emergency Patient | 28.02.2015 |
8 | The Tense Tea Party (Part 1) | 07.03.2015 |
9 | The Tense Tea Party (Part 2) | 14.03.2015 |
10 | Shinichi Kudo Aquarium Case (Part 1) | 21.03.2015 |
11 | Shinichi Kudo Aquarium Case (Part 2) | 28.03.2015 |
12 | The Missing Scream of Munch | 18.04.2015 |
13 | The Manipulated Great Detective (Part 1) | 25.04.2015 |
14 | The Manipulated Great Detective (Part 2) | 02.05.2015 |
15 | Detective Boys vs Detective Elderlies | 09.05.2015 |
16 | The Missing Angel in a Mirage | 16.05.2015 |
17 | A Scarlet Prologue | 30.05.2015 |
18 | A Scarlet Pursuit | 06.06.2015 |
19 | A Scarlet Intersection | 13.06.2015 |
20 | A Scarlet Return | 20.06.2015 |
21 | A Scarlet Truth | 27.06.2015 |
22 | Welcome to Orihime Club | 11.07.2015 |
23 | Taiko Meijin's Match of Love (Part 1) | 18.07.2015 |
24 | Taiko Meijin's Match of Love (Part 2) | 25.07.2015 |
25 | The Mystery Sinking in the Midsummer Pool (Part 1) | 01.08.2015 |
26 | The Mystery Sinking in the Midsummer Pool (Part 2) | 08.08.2015 |
27 | A Weather Forecast from the Queen | 15.08.2015 |
28 | Beika Pong, Huge Bleeding Service | 05.09.2015 |
29 | Detective Takagi Escaping with Handcuffs | 12.09.2015 |
30 | Three First Discoverers (Part 1) | 19.09.2015 |
31 | Three First Discoverers (Part 2) | 26.09.2015 |
32 | Bodyguard Kogoro Mouri | 03.10.2015 |
33 | The Secret of Missing Young Lady | 10.10.2015 |
34 | Inseparable Couple's Strategy | 17.10.2015 |
35 | Fantasy Young Lady's Confused Deduction | 24.10.2015 |
36 | The Moving Target | 07.11.2015 |
37 | Detective Boys' Deduction Battle for the Locked Room | 14.11.2015 |
38 | Chase 100 Million Yen | 21.11.2015 |
39 | Tottori Sand Dunes Mystery Tour (Kurayoshi Part) | 28.11.2015 |
40 | Tottori Sand Dunes Mystery Tour (Tottori Part) | 05.12.2015 |
41 | Beware the Dangers of Fire | 12.12.2015 |
Сезон 23
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Kaitou Kid and the Blush Mermaid (1) | 04.01.2014 |
2 | Kaitou Kid and the Blush Mermaid (2) | 11.01.2014 |
3 | The Happy Message That Brings Misfortune | 18.01.2014 |
4 | The Treasure Chest Filled With Fruits (1) | 25.01.2014 |
5 | The Treasure Chest Filled With Fruits (2) | 01.02.2014 |
6 | The Diamond, the Painting, and the Great Actress | 08.02.2014 |
7 | The Figure That Was Too Good | 22.02.2014 |
8 | The Crime Scene's Neighbor is My Ex-Boyfriend (1) | 01.03.2014 |
9 | The Crime Scene's Neighbor is My Ex-Boyfriend (2) | 08.03.2014 |
10 | The Wedding Reception and the Two Gunshots | 22.03.2014 |
11 | The Memory of Judy and the Trap of Blossom Viewing | 29.03.2014 |
12 | The Coded Invitation | 19.04.2014 |
13 | The Secret of the Statue of Kogoro Mouri | 26.04.2014 |
14 | The Suspicious Walking Path | 03.05.2014 |
15 | Kogoro in the Bar (1) | 10.05.2014 |
16 | Kogoro in the Bar (2) | 17.05.2014 |
17 | Bathroom Where Ran Collapsed As Well (1) | 31.05.2014 |
18 | Bathroom Where Ran Collapsed As Well (2) | 07.06.2014 |
19 | Promise with a J-Leaguer | 14.06.2014 |
20 | Two Coincidental Successes | 21.06.2014 |
21 | The Suspect is Makoto Kyogoku (1) | 28.06.2014 |
22 | The Suspect is Makoto Kyogoku (2) | 05.07.2014 |
23 | Kaitou Kid VS Makoto Kyogoku (1) | 19.07.2014 |
24 | Kaitou Kid VS Makoto Kyogoku (2) | 26.07.2014 |
25 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (Confession) | 02.08.2014 |
26 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (Truth) | 09.08.2014 |
27 | The Man Betrayed by the Sea | 06.09.2014 |
28 | The Beckoning Calico Cat Case (1) | 20.09.2014 |
29 | The Beckoning Calico Cat Case (2) | 27.09.2014 |
30 | The Blind Spot in the Shared House | 04.10.2014 |
31 | The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Steam) | 11.10.2014 |
32 | The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Evil Spirit) | 18.10.2014 |
33 | The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Revenge) | 25.10.2014 |
34 | The Comedian Who Turned Himself In (1) | 01.11.2014 |
35 | The Comedian Who Turned Himself In (2) | 08.11.2014 |
36 | The Unexpected Result Of Romance Novel (1) | 22.11.2014 |
37 | The Unexpected Result Of Romance Novel (2) | 29.11.2014 |
38 | Kaga Hyakumangoku Mystery Tour (Kanazawa Part) | 06.12.2014 |
39 | Kaga Hyakumangoku Mystery Tour (Kaga Part) | 13.12.2014 |
Сезон 22
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Begin Broadcasting) | 05.01.2013 |
2 | The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Desperate Situation) | 12.01.2013 |
3 | The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Enter the Scene) | 19.01.2013 |
4 | Froth, Steam, and Smoke (Part 1) | 26.01.2013 |
5 | Froth, Steam, and Smoke (Part 2) | 02.02.2013 |
6 | Car Carrying a Time Bomb | 09.02.2013 |
7 | The Unsolvable Frozen Trap | 16.02.2013 |
8 | Detective Takagi Found 30 Million Yen | 23.02.2013 |
9 | A Message From a Client | 02.03.2013 |
10 | Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case (Part 1) | 09.03.2013 |
11 | Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case (Part 2) | 16.03.2013 |
12 | The Night Cherry Blossom Route on Sumida River (Part 1) | 23.03.2013 |
13 | The Night Cherry Blossom Route on Sumida River (Part 2) | 30.03.2013 |
14 | The Missing Japanese Sweet in the Old Shop | 20.04.2013 |
15 | The Roses in the Vineyard | 27.04.2013 |
16 | The Stormy Flowerbed Conspiracy | 04.05.2013 |
17 | The Window of the Girls Academy | 11.05.2013 |
18 | No Way! The UFO Crash Case | 18.05.2013 |
19 | The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret (Part 1) | 08.06.2013 |
20 | The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret (Part 2) | 15.06.2013 |
21 | The Raven Mystery Train (Departure) | 13.07.2013 |
22 | The Raven Mystery Train (Tunnel) | 20.07.2013 |
23 | The Raven Mystery Train (Intersection) | 27.07.2013 |
24 | The Raven Mystery Train (Destination) | 03.08.2013 |
25 | Conan Inside the Locked Room | 10.08.2013 |
26 | Bourbon Figures It Out | 17.08.2013 |
27 | The Framed Great Detective | 31.08.2013 |
28 | The Man Who Fell Slowly | 07.09.2013 |
29 | An Unconfirmed Shocking Case | 14.09.2013 |
30 | Everyone Was Watching (Part 1) | 21.09.2013 |
31 | Everyone Was Watching (Part 2) | 28.09.2013 |
32 | Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (1) | 05.10.2013 |
33 | Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (2) | 12.10.2013 |
34 | Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (3) | 19.10.2013 |
35 | Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (4) | 26.10.2013 |
36 | Dancing Demon in a Noh Mask House (Part 1) | 02.11.2013 |
37 | Dancing Demon in a Noh Mask House (Part 2) | 09.11.2013 |
38 | The Devil's Circuit | 16.11.2013 |
39 | The Platinum Ticket Commotion | 23.11.2013 |
40 | Mystery Tour of Fire and Water (Aso Part) | 30.11.2013 |
41 | Mystery Tour of Fire and Water (Kumamoto Part) | 07.12.2013 |
42 | Sweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 1) | 14.12.2013 |
43 | Sweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 2) | 21.12.2013 |
Сезон 21
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel (Part 1) | 18.02.2012 |
2 | Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel (Part 2) | 25.02.2012 |
3 | The Case of the Besieged Detective Agency (Outbreak) | 03.03.2012 |
4 | The Case of the Besieged Detective Agency (Sniping) | 10.03.2012 |
5 | The Case of the Besieged Detective Agency (Release) | 17.03.2012 |
6 | Conan vs. Heiji, The Deduction Showdown Between the Detective of the East and West (1 Hour Special) | 24.03.2012 |
7 | The Design of Poison and Illusion (EYE) | 21.04.2012 |
8 | The Design of Poison and Illusion (S) | 28.04.2012 |
9 | The Design of Poison and Illusion (Poison) | 05.05.2012 |
10 | The Design of Poison and Mirage (Illusion) | 12.05.2012 |
11 | The Professor's Video Site (Part 1) | 19.05.2012 |
12 | The Professor's Video Site (Part 2) | 26.05.2012 |
13 | Chocolate's Hot Trap | 02.06.2012 |
14 | Co-Investigating with a First Love (Part 1) | 09.06.2012 |
15 | Co-Investigating with a First Love (Part 2) | 16.06.2012 |
16 | Kogoro-san is a Good Man (Part 1) | 23.06.2012 |
17 | Kogoro-san is a Good Man (Part 2) | 30.06.2012 |
18 | Chase the Miyama Stag Beetle | 07.07.2012 |
19 | The Great Dog Coeur's Triumph 2 | 14.07.2012 |
20 | The Suspicious Initial K | 21.07.2012 |
21 | The Intimidator in the Rainy Night | 28.07.2012 |
22 | Wedding Eve (Part 1) | 01.09.2012 |
23 | Wedding Eve (Part 2) | 08.09.2012 |
24 | Treasure in the Tower of Darkness (Part 1) | 15.09.2012 |
25 | Treasure in the Tower of Darkness (Part 2) | 22.09.2012 |
26 | Detectives' Nocturne (The Case) | 06.10.2012 |
27 | Detectives' Nocturne (Kidnapping) | 13.10.2012 |
28 | Detectives' Nocturne (Deduction) | 20.10.2012 |
29 | Detectives' Nocturne (Bourbon) | 27.10.2012 |
30 | Won't Forgive One Millimeter (Part 1) | 10.11.2012 |
31 | Won't Forgive One Millimeter (Part 2) | 17.11.2012 |
32 | The Sandy Beach Without Footprints | 24.11.2012 |
33 | Nagasaki Mystery Theatre (End of Edo Chapter) | 01.12.2012 |
34 | Nagasaki Mystery Theatre (Modern Chapter) | 08.12.2012 |
35 | Cactus Rhapsody | 15.12.2012 |
Сезон 20
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Courtroom Confrontation IV: Juror Sumiko Kobayashi (Part 1) | 26.02.2011 |
2 | Courtroom Confrontation IV: Juror Sumiko Kobayashi (Part 2) | 05.03.2011 |
3 | White Day of Betrayal (Part 1) | 05.03.2011 |
4 | White Day of Betrayal (Part 2) | 26.03.2011 |
5 | The Victim is Shinichi Kudo | 09.04.2011 |
6 | Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Will-o'-The-Wisp Chapter) | 16.04.2011 |
7 | Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Footsteps Chapter) | 23.04.2011 |
8 | Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Chapter of Princess) | 30.04.2011 |
9 | The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 1) | 07.05.2011 |
10 | The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 2) | 14.05.2011 |
11 | Holmes' Revelation (Holmes' Apprentice) | 21.05.2011 |
12 | Holmes' Revelation (Love is 0) | 28.05.2011 |
13 | Holmes' Revelation (Satan) | 04.06.2011 |
14 | Holmes' Revelation (Code Break) | 11.06.2011 |
15 | Holmes' Revelation (Grass Court Queen) | 18.06.2011 |
16 | Holmes' Revelation (0 is Start) | 25.06.2011 |
17 | Emergency Situation 252 (Part 1) | 02.07.2011 |
18 | Emergency Situation 252 (Part 2) | 09.07.2011 |
19 | A Video Letter of First Love | 16.07.2011 |
20 | The Screaming Operation Room (Part 1) | 23.07.2011 |
21 | The Screaming Operation Room (Part 2) | 30.07.2011 |
22 | The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 1) | 20.08.2011 |
23 | The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 2) | 27.08.2011 |
24 | The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 1) | 03.09.2011 |
25 | The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 2) | 10.09.2011 |
26 | What the Flower Clock Knew | 17.09.2011 |
27 | The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 1) | 01.10.2011 |
28 | The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 2) | 08.10.2011 |
29 | The Super Narrow Shop Crime Scene | 15.10.2011 |
30 | Beware of Dieting | 05.11.2011 |
31 | The Most Useful School in the World Case (Part 1) | 12.11.2011 |
32 | The Most Useful School in the World Case (Part 2) | 19.11.2011 |
33 | Solving Mysteries at the Red Leaf Palace (Part 1) | 26.11.2011 |
34 | Solving Mysteries at the Red Leaf Palace (Part 2) | 03.12.2011 |
35 | The Memory Trip of the Eight Sketches (Okayama Part) | 10.12.2011 |
36 | The Memory Trip of the Eight Sketches (Kurashiki Part) | 17.12.2011 |
37 | Grabbing Karuta Cards in Dire Straits (Part 1) | 07.01.2012 |
38 | Grabbing Karuta Cards in Dire Straits (Part 2) | 14.01.2012 |
39 | Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 1) | 04.02.2012 |
40 | Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 2) | 11.02.2012 |
Сезон 19
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Partner is Santa-san | 27.02.2010 |
2 | Murderous Intent Raining on an Outdoor Spa | 06.03.2010 |
3 | Inspector Shiratori, Memories of the Cherry Blossom (Part 1) | 13.03.2010 |
4 | Inspector Shiratori, Memories of the Cherry Blossom (Part 2) | 20.03.2010 |
5 | The Crime with Zero Possibility to be Proven | 27.03.2010 |
6 | Battle of the Haunted Warhouse's Treasure (Part 1) | 01.05.2010 |
7 | Battle of the Haunted Warhouse's Treasure (Part 2) | 08.05.2010 |
8 | The Whereabouts of the Embarrassing Charm (Part 1) | 15.05.2010 |
9 | The Whereabouts of the Embarrassing Charm (Part 2) | 22.05.2010 |
10 | The Alibi of the Black Dress (Part 1) | 29.05.2010 |
11 | The Alibi of the Black Dress (Part 2) | 05.06.2010 |
12 | The Truth Lit Up By the Fireflies | 19.06.2010 |
13 | The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen | 26.06.2010 |
14 | The Suggestion of Black Thirteen | 03.07.2010 |
15 | The Black Time Limit Drawing Near | 10.07.2010 |
16 | The Red Shaking Target | 17.07.2010 |
17 | The Night the Zombie Died | 24.07.2010 |
18 | Kobayashi-sensei's Love | 14.08.2010 |
19 | Inspector Shiratori's Lost Love | 21.08.2010 |
20 | Timeless Sakura's Love | 28.08.2010 |
21 | The Kirin's Horn That Vanished into the Dark | 04.09.2010 |
22 | Kid vs. the Four Divine Detective Boys | 11.09.2010 |
23 | The Trap of the Rooftop Farm | 18.09.2010 |
24 | The Worst Birthday (Part 1) | 25.09.2010 |
25 | The Worst Birthday (Part 2) | 02.10.2010 |
26 | A House in the Aquarium | 16.10.2010 |
27 | The Monkey & Bamboo Rake's Stolen Items (Part 1) | 23.10.2010 |
28 | The Monkey & Bamboo Rake's Stolen Items (Part 2) | 30.10.2010 |
29 | The Seven Wonders Tour in Hiroshima and Miyajima (Part 1) | 06.11.2010 |
30 | The Seven Wonders Tour in Hiroshima and Miyajima (Part 2) | 13.11.2010 |
31 | The Alibi that Fell | 20.11.2010 |
32 | The Scenario of the Locked Steam Room (Part 1) | 27.11.2010 |
33 | The Scenario of the Locked Steam Room (Part 2) | 04.12.2010 |
34 | A Friend of Justice | 11.12.2010 |
35 | The Dream the Kappa Saw (Part 1) | 18.12.2010 |
36 | The Dream the Kappa Saw (Part 2) | 25.12.2010 |
37 | The Devil Hidden in the Tennis Court | 08.01.2011 |
38 | The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (First Locked Room) | 29.01.2011 |
39 | The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (Second Locked Room) | 05.02.2011 |
40 | The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (Opened Locked Room) | 12.02.2011 |
Сезон 18
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Blue Spark of Hate (Part 1) | 09.02.2009 |
2 | The Blue Spark of Hate (Part 2) | 16.02.2009 |
3 | A Present from the True Culprit | 23.02.2009 |
4 | Evil Intent Hidden Behind a Mask | 02.03.2009 |
5 | Mind Over Mystery (Part 1) | 09.03.2009 |
6 | Mind Over Mystery (Part 2) | 16.03.2009 |
7 | The Truth of the Urban Legend (Part 1) | 18.04.2009 |
8 | The Truth of the Urban Legend (Part 2) | 25.04.2009 |
9 | The Scar of First Love | 02.05.2009 |
10 | The Scar that Invokes the Past | 09.05.2009 |
11 | The New Scar and the Whistling Man | 16.05.2009 |
12 | The Old Scar and the Inspector's Soul | 23.05.2009 |
13 | The Secret of the Vanished Masterpiece | 30.05.2009 |
14 | Kaito Kid vs the Strongest Vault (Part 1) | 13.06.2009 |
15 | Kaito Kid vs the Strongest Vault (Part 2) | 20.06.2009 |
16 | The Inheritance to a Foolish Person | 04.07.2009 |
17 | The Day Mori Kogoro Discontinues His Detective Business (Part 1) | 11.07.2009 |
18 | The Day Mori Kogoro Discontinues His Detective Business (Part 2) | 18.07.2009 |
19 | The Disappearing Fish at Ikkaku Rock (Part 1) | 25.07.2009 |
20 | The Disappearing Fish at Ikkaku Rock (Part 2) | 01.08.2009 |
21 | The Hand That Plays in Dissonance | 08.08.2009 |
22 | A Witch Yelling in the Fog (Part 1) | 05.09.2009 |
23 | A Witch Yelling in the Fog (Part 2) | 12.09.2009 |
24 | Two Days with the Culprit (First Day) | 19.09.2009 |
25 | Two Days with the Culprit (Second Day) | 26.09.2009 |
26 | The Revolving Sushi Mystery (Part 1) | 03.10.2009 |
27 | The Revolving Sushi Mystery (Part 2) | 10.10.2009 |
28 | The Criminal is Genta's Father (Part 1) | 17.10.2009 |
29 | The Criminal is Genta's Father (Part 2) | 24.10.2009 |
30 | The Interrogation Room | 31.10.2009 |
31 | Stork Mystery Tour (Ran's Search Part) | 07.11.2009 |
32 | Stork Mystery Tour (Haruna's Tracking Part) | 14.11.2009 |
33 | The Fearful Intersection | 21.11.2009 |
34 | Accompany with a Dangerous Pair | 28.11.2009 |
35 | The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Grateful Invitation) | 05.12.2009 |
36 | The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Item on Hand) | 12.12.2009 |
37 | The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Late Komei) | 19.12.2009 |
38 | The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Plan of Empty Fort) | 26.12.2009 |
39 | The Kidnapping of Rainbow Colors | 16.01.2010 |
40 | Detective Boys vs. Burglar Gang (Turbulent) | 23.01.2010 |
41 | Detective Boys vs. Burglar Gang (Silence) | 30.01.2010 |
42 | The Eye-Witness Who Did Not See | 06.02.2010 |
Сезон 17
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Clash of Red and Black! (The Beginning) | 14.01.2008 |
2 | Clash of Red and Black! (Blood Relative) | 21.01.2008 |
3 | Clash of Red and Black! (Exclamation) | 28.01.2008 |
4 | Clash of Red and Black! (Hades) | 04.02.2008 |
5 | Clash of Red and Black! (Coma) | 11.02.2008 |
6 | Clash of Red and Black! (Invasion) | 18.02.2008 |
7 | Clash of Red and Black! (Awakening) | 25.02.2008 |
8 | Clash of Red and Black! (Disturbance) | 03.03.2008 |
9 | Clash of Red and Black! (Camouflage) | 10.03.2008 |
10 | Clash of Red and Black! (Testament) | 17.03.2008 |
11 | Clash of Red and Black! (Suspicion) | 14.04.2008 |
12 | Clash of Red and Black! (Innocence) | 28.04.2008 |
13 | Clash of Red and Black! (Ready for Death) | 12.05.2008 |
14 | Clash of Red and Black! (Death on Duty) | 19.05.2008 |
15 | Lawyer Eri Kisaki's Testimony (Part 1) | 16.06.2008 |
16 | Lawyer Eri Kisaki's Testimony (Part 2) | 23.06.2008 |
17 | The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (Part 1) | 30.06.2008 |
18 | The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (Part 2) | 07.07.2008 |
19 | Red, White, Yellow, and the Detective Boys | 14.07.2008 |
20 | Conan vs. W Code Mystery | 28.07.2008 |
21 | Deduction Showdown! Shinichi vs. Subaru Okiya | 04.08.2008 |
22 | The Broken Horoscope | 11.08.2008 |
23 | Coffee Aroma with Murderous Intention (Part 1) | 01.09.2008 |
24 | Coffee Aroma with Murderous Intention (Part 2) | 08.09.2008 |
25 | Kaito Kid's Teleportation Magic (1 Hour Special) | 20.10.2008 |
26 | Furinkazan - The Mysterious Armoured Knight (1 Hour Special) | 03.11.2008 |
27 | Furinkazan - Shadow and Lightning's Conclusion | 10.11.2008 |
28 | Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour: Investigation Chapter | 01.12.2008 |
29 | Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour: Decipher Chapter | 08.12.2008 |
30 | Indictment by Red Wine | 15.12.2008 |
31 | Murderer, Kudo Shinichi (1 Hour Special) | 19.01.2009 |
32 | Shinichi's True Face and Ran's Tears (1 Hour Special) | 26.01.2009 |
33 | What She Really Wants to Ask | 02.02.2009 |
34 | 憎しみの青い火花(前編) | 09.02.2009 |
35 | 憎しみの青い火花(後編) | 16.02.2009 |
36 | 真犯人からの届け物 | 23.02.2009 |
37 | 仮面劇に秘めた悪意 | 02.03.2009 |
Сезон 16
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Snowman that Cannot Be Smashed (Part 1) | 26.02.2007 |
2 | Snowman that Cannot Be Smashed (Part 2) | 05.03.2007 |
3 | The Mysterious Case Near the Pond | 12.03.2007 |
4 | Kaito Kid and the 4 Masterpieces (Part 1) | 16.04.2007 |
5 | Kaito Kid and the 4 Masterpieces (Part 2) | 23.04.2007 |
6 | The Out of Control Rental Car | 07.05.2007 |
7 | Shinichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure (Part 1) | 14.05.2007 |
8 | Shinichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure (Part 2) | 21.05.2007 |
9 | Love of Lawyer Eri Kisaki | 04.06.2007 |
10 | Bad Luck Grand Prix | 18.06.2007 |
11 | Genta's Certain Kill Shot (Part 1) | 25.06.2007 |
12 | Genta's Certain Kill Shot (Part 2) | 02.07.2007 |
13 | Real 30 Minutes | 09.07.2007 |
14 | Three Days With Hattori Heiji (2-hour Special) | 16.07.2007 |
15 | Yellow Alibi | 23.07.2007 |
16 | Mountain Witch's Cutlery (Part 1) | 30.07.2007 |
17 | Mountain Witch's Cutlery (Part 2) | 06.08.2007 |
18 | The Missing Policeman | 13.08.2007 |
19 | Whereabouts of the Dark Photograph (Part 1) | 20.08.2007 |
20 | Whereabouts of the Dark Photograph (Part 2) | 27.08.2007 |
21 | Manekineko from the Right to the Left | 03.09.2007 |
22 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 8 Left Hand's Ring Finger (1 Hour Special) | 15.10.2007 |
23 | Devil of the TV Station (1 Hour Special) | 22.10.2007 |
24 | Courtroom Confrontation III A Lawyer as Eyewitness (1 Hour Special) | 26.11.2007 |
25 | Hattori Heiji vs. Kudo Shinichi! The Grand Deduction Battle! (1 Hour Special) | 03.12.2007 |
Сезон 15
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Super Secret Road to School (Part 1) | 23.01.2006 |
2 | The Super Secret Road to School (Part 2) | 30.01.2006 |
3 | The Two Who Can't Return Anymore (Part 1) | 06.02.2006 |
4 | The Two Who Can't Return Anymore (Part 2) | 13.02.2006 |
5 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 7 (Part 1) | 20.02.2006 |
6 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 7 (Part 2) | 27.02.2006 |
7 | Conan-A Strange Child | 06.03.2006 |
8 | The Famous Dog's Cool Achievement | 10.04.2006 |
9 | Information Gathered About the Detective Boys (Part 1) | 17.04.2006 |
10 | Information Gathered About the Detective Boys (Part 2) | 24.04.2006 |
11 | Ueto Aya and Shinichi - The Promise from 4 Years Ago | 08.05.2006 |
12 | The Fish Mail Pursuit | 15.05.2006 |
13 | And It'd be Nice if Everybody Disappeared | 22.05.2006 |
14 | Car Stunt at the Utmost Limit | 29.05.2006 |
15 | Final | 05.06.2006 |
16 | The Man Obstructing the Steel Frame | 12.06.2006 |
17 | Shell Gathering and a Sigh (Part 1) | 26.06.2006 |
18 | Shell Gathering and a Sigh (Part 2) | 03.07.2006 |
19 | Secret of the Russian Blue | 10.07.2006 |
20 | The Sealed Western-Style Window (Part 1) | 24.07.2006 |
21 | The Sealed Western-Style Window (Part 2) | 31.07.2006 |
22 | Meguro's Pike Case | 14.08.2006 |
23 | Metropolitan Police Love Story - Fake Wedding (1 Hour Special) | 21.08.2006 |
24 | Trick vs. Magic (Part 1) | 28.08.2006 |
25 | Trick vs. Magic (Part 2) | 04.09.2006 |
26 | The Mysterious Person From the Konpira Troupe (1 Hour Special) | 11.09.2006 |
27 | Private Showing of Fate and Friendship | 23.10.2006 |
28 | The Overturned Conclusion (Part 1) | 30.10.2006 |
29 | The Overturned Conclusion (Part 2) | 06.11.2006 |
30 | The Mystery I Loved | 13.11.2006 |
31 | Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (Part 1) | 20.11.2006 |
32 | Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (Part 2) | 27.11.2006 |
33 | A Mysterious Man - Overly Strict with Regulations | 04.12.2006 |
34 | Class 1-B's Great Operation | 15.01.2007 |
35 | The Vanished Page | 22.01.2007 |
36 | The Shadow of the Black Organization (The Young Witness) | 29.01.2007 |
37 | The Shadow of the Black Organization (The Strange Illumination) | 05.02.2007 |
38 | The Shadow of the Black Organization (The Mystery of the Big Reward) | 12.02.2007 |
39 | The Shadow of the Black Organization (Shining Star of Pearl) | 19.02.2007 |
Сезон 14
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 6 (Part 1) | 28.02.2005 |
2 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 6 (Part 2) | 07.03.2005 |
3 | The Mysterious Height Difference of 20cm | 14.03.2005 |
4 | A Kidnapping Case... So It Seems | 21.03.2005 |
5 | Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion: The Seal | 18.04.2005 |
6 | Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion: The Mechanism | 25.04.2005 |
7 | Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion: The Resolution | 02.05.2005 |
8 | Hot, Bitter, Sweet Soup | 09.05.2005 |
9 | The Weird Family's Commission (Part 1) | 16.05.2005 |
10 | The Weird Family's Commission (Part 2) | 23.05.2005 |
11 | Ran's Suspicions | 30.05.2005 |
12 | Red-Handed Jewel Robber (Part 1) | 06.06.2005 |
13 | Red-Handed Jewel Robber (Part 2) | 13.06.2005 |
14 | The Mysterious Angel's Mansion (Part 1) | 20.06.2005 |
15 | The Mysterious Angel's Mansion (Part 2) | 27.06.2005 |
16 | Man Who Went to Call For An Ambulance | 04.07.2005 |
17 | Conan and Heiji's Reasoning Magic: The Trick | 11.07.2005 |
18 | Conan and Heiji's Reasoning Magic: The Mansion | 18.07.2005 |
19 | Conan and Heiji's Reasoning Magic: The Resolution | 01.08.2005 |
20 | The Simultaneous Stage Advance and Kidnapping (Part 1) | 08.08.2005 |
21 | The Simultaneous Stage Advance and Kidnapping (Part 2) | 15.08.2005 |
22 | The Shinto Shrine Torii's Surprising Code (Part 1) | 22.08.2005 |
23 | The Shinto Shrine Torii's Surprising Code (Part 2) | 29.08.2005 |
24 | The Mystery of the Half-Completed Crime | 05.09.2005 |
25 | The Detective Boys Follow the Blue Bird | 12.09.2005 |
26 | The Evil Spirit Appears on An Unlucky Day: The Case | 10.10.2005 |
27 | The Evil Spirit Appears on An Unlucky Day: The Suspicion | 17.10.2005 |
28 | The Evil Spirit Appears on An Unlucky Day: The Solution | 24.10.2005 |
29 | Home of Beika's Grenier | 31.10.2005 |
30 | Sword of the Eight-Headed Serpent (Part 1) | 07.11.2005 |
31 | Sword of the Eight-Headed Serpent (Part 2) | 14.11.2005 |
32 | Gingko-Colored First Love (Part 1) | 21.11.2005 |
33 | Gingko-Colored First Love (Part 2) | 28.11.2005 |
34 | Detective Boys and the Four Aomushi Brothers | 05.12.2005 |
35 | The Photograph Mail From a Clown | 19.12.2005 |
36 | Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out! (2.5 Hour special) | 09.01.2006 |
37 | Love Letter to Ran | 16.01.2006 |
Сезон 13
# | Название | Дата |
1 | A Small Client (Part 1) | 08.03.2004 |
2 | A Small Client (Part 2) | 15.03.2004 |
3 | Kaito Kid's Miracle Midair Walk (1 Hour Special) | 12.04.2004 |
4 | Sweetheart is an Illusion of Spring | 26.04.2004 |
5 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 5 (Part 1) | 03.05.2004 |
6 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 5 (Part 2) | 10.05.2004 |
7 | A Mysterious Spring Beetle | 17.05.2004 |
8 | Teitan High School's Ghost Story (Part 1) | 24.05.2004 |
9 | Teitan High School's Ghost Story (Part 2) | 31.05.2004 |
10 | The City's Crows | 07.06.2004 |
11 | Synchronicity Case (Part 1) | 14.06.2004 |
12 | Synchronicity Case (Part 2) | 21.06.2004 |
13 | The Tragedy of the Pier in Plain Sight (Part 1) | 05.07.2004 |
14 | The Tragedy of the Pier in Plain Sight (Part 2) | 12.07.2004 |
15 | The Candy House the Witch Lives In | 26.07.2004 |
16 | Lucky Man's Suspense | 02.08.2004 |
17 | Running Away in a Game | 09.08.2004 |
18 | A Course Without Protest (Part 1) | 23.08.2004 |
19 | A Course Without Protest (Part 2) | 30.08.2004 |
20 | Poisonous Spider Trap | 06.09.2004 |
21 | A Code of Stars and Tobacco (Part 1) | 18.10.2004 |
22 | A Code of Stars and Tobacco (Part 2) | 25.10.2004 |
23 | Time Limit at 15 | 01.11.2004 |
24 | Momotarou Mystery Solving Tour (Part 1) | 08.11.2004 |
25 | Momotarou Mystery Solving Tour (Part 2) | 15.11.2004 |
26 | Case of the Long Sleeved Kimono at the Hidden Hot Spring on a Snowy Night (Part 1) | 22.11.2004 |
27 | Case of the Long Sleeved Kimono at the Hidden Hot Spring on a Snowy Night (Part 2) | 29.11.2004 |
28 | Whose Reasoning Show (Part 1) | 06.12.2004 |
29 | Whose Reasoning Show (Part 2) | 13.12.2004 |
30 | Miracle at Koshien Ball Park! The Defiants Face the Dark Demon (2 Hour Special) | 20.12.2004 |
31 | The Target is Mouri Kogoro! | 17.01.2005 |
32 | Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Overture) | 24.01.2005 |
33 | Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Interlude) | 31.01.2005 |
34 | Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Last Tune) | 07.02.2005 |
35 | Kogoro Gets Drunk in Satsuma (Part 1) | 14.02.2005 |
36 | Kogoro Gets Drunk in Satsuma (Part 2) | 21.02.2005 |
Сезон 12
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Tarnished Masked Hero (Part One) | 21.04.2003 |
2 | The Tarnished Masked Hero (Part Two) | 28.04.2003 |
3 | Cigar Case of Good Fortune (Part One) | 05.05.2003 |
4 | Cigar Case of Good Fortune (Part Two) | 12.05.2003 |
5 | Art of Ninja Alibi Craft | 19.05.2003 |
6 | The Vanished Kidnapper's Getaway Car (Part One) | 26.05.2003 |
7 | The Vanished Kidnapper's Getaway Car (Part Two) | 02.06.2003 |
8 | Hattori Heiji's Desperate Situation! (Part One) | 09.06.2003 |
9 | Hattori Heiji's Desperate Situation! (Part Two) | 16.06.2003 |
10 | Red Horse Inside the Flame: Incident Chapter | 23.06.2003 |
11 | Red Horse Inside the Flame: Investigation Chapter | 29.06.2003 |
12 | Red Horse Inside the Flame: Solution Chapter | 07.07.2003 |
13 | Mystery of the Birthday Wine | 14.07.2003 |
14 | Friendship Torn Apart (Part One) | 28.07.2003 |
15 | Friendship Torn Apart (Part Two) | 04.08.2003 |
16 | Suspicious Curry (Part One) | 11.08.2003 |
17 | Suspicious Curry (Part Two) | 18.08.2003 |
18 | Alike Princesses (Part One) | 25.08.2003 |
19 | Alike Princesses (Part Two) | 01.09.2003 |
20 | Secret of the Touto Film Developer Place (Part One) | 08.09.2003 |
21 | Secret of the Touto Film Developer Place (Part Two) | 15.09.2003 |
22 | Hidden Circumstances of the Falling Incident | 13.10.2003 |
23 | Four Porsches (Part One) | 20.10.2003 |
24 | Four Porsches (Part Two) | 27.10.2003 |
25 | Hidden Bathroom Secret (Part One) | 03.11.2003 |
26 | Hidden Bathroom Secret (Part Two) | 10.11.2003 |
27 | Bride of Huis Ten Bosch (One Hour Special) | 17.11.2003 |
28 | The Convenience Store Trap (Part One) | 01.12.2003 |
29 | The Convenience Store Trap (Part Two) | 08.12.2003 |
30 | Head-to-Head Match With Black Organization, Two Mysteries Night of the Full Moon | 05.01.2004 |
31 | Find the Buttocks' Mark! (Part One) | 12.01.2004 |
32 | Find the Buttocks' Mark! (Part Two) | 19.01.2004 |
33 | Love, A Ghost and A Wordly Inheritance (Part One) | 26.01.2004 |
34 | Love, A Ghost and A Wordly Inheritance (Part Two) | 02.02.2004 |
35 | The Forgetten Cellphone (Part One) | 09.02.2004 |
36 | The Forgetten Cellphone, (Part Two) | 16.02.2004 |
37 | The Fishing Tournament Tragedy (Part One) | 23.02.2004 |
38 | The Fishing Tournament Tragedy (Part Two) | 01.03.2004 |
Сезон 11
# | Название | Дата |
1 | Kudo Shinichi's NY Case (Part One) | 15.07.2002 |
2 | Kudo Shinichi's NY Case (Part Two) | 22.07.2002 |
3 | Kudo Shinichi's NY Case (Part Three) | 29.07.2002 |
4 | Mitsuhiko's Mystifying Forest (Part One) | 05.08.2002 |
5 | Mitsuhiko's Mystifying Forest (Part Two) | 12.08.2002 |
6 | Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (Part One) | 19.08.2002 |
7 | Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (Part Two) | 26.08.2002 |
8 | Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (Part Three) | 02.09.2002 |
9 | Smash of Love and Determination (Part One) | 09.09.2002 |
10 | Smash of Love and Determination (Part Two) | 16.09.2002 |
11 | Houseboat Fishing Shock | 14.10.2002 |
12 | Courtroom Confrontation 2 Kisaki VS Kujo Reiko (Part One) | 21.10.2002 |
13 | Courtroom Confrontation 2 Kisaki VS Kujo Reiko (Part Two) | 28.10.2002 |
14 | Kanmon Strait of Friendship & Murderous Intent (Part One) | 04.11.2002 |
15 | Kanmon Strait of Friendship & Murderous Intent (Part Two) | 18.11.2002 |
16 | Parade of Malice and Saint (Part One) | 25.11.2002 |
17 | Parade of Malice and Saint (Part Two) | 02.12.2002 |
18 | The Victim who Came Back | 09.12.2002 |
19 | Trembling Metropolitan Police Headquarters 12 Million Hostages (2 Hour special) | 06.01.2003 |
20 | Unseen Suspect (part 1) | 13.01.2003 |
21 | Unseen Suspect (part 2) | 20.01.2003 |
22 | The Dark Footprint (part 1) | 27.01.2003 |
23 | The Dark Footprint (part 2) | 03.02.2003 |
24 | Contact with the Black Organization: Negotiation Chapter | 10.02.2003 |
25 | Contact with the Black Organization: Pursuit Chapter | 17.02.2003 |
26 | Contact with the Black Organization: Desperation Chapter | 24.02.2003 |
27 | Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Part 1) | 03.03.2003 |
28 | Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Part 2) | 10.03.2003 |
29 | Broken Fence of the Observatory | 17.03.2003 |
30 | Place Exposed to the Sun | 14.04.2003 |
Сезон 10
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamazo Linked Verse Contest (Part 1) | 29.10.2001 |
2 | The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamazo Linked Verse Contest (Part 2) | 05.11.2001 |
3 | The Mysterious Punishment from Heaven | 12.11.2001 |
4 | The Man From Chicago (1) | 19.11.2001 |
5 | The Man from Chicago (2) | 26.11.2001 |
6 | The Shaking Restaurant | 03.12.2001 |
7 | The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (1) | 10.12.2001 |
8 | The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (2) | 17.12.2001 |
9 | The Osaka Double Mystery - The Swordsman and Toyotomi's Castle [Special] | 07.01.2002 |
10 | The Courtroom Battle: Kisaki vs Kogoro (1) | 14.01.2002 |
11 | The Courtroom Battle: Kisaki vs Kogoro (2) | 21.01.2002 |
12 | The Truth Behind Valentine's (1) | 28.01.2002 |
13 | The Truth Behind Valentine's (2) | 04.02.2002 |
14 | The Truth Behind Valentine's (3) | 11.02.2002 |
15 | The Forgotten Memento from the Crime (1) | 18.02.2002 |
16 | The Forgotten Memento from the Crime (2) | 12.03.2002 |
17 | Secret Rushed Omission (1) | 11.03.2002 |
18 | Secret Rushed Omission (2) | 18.03.2002 |
19 | Quiz Oba-san's Dart Clue Case | 08.04.2002 |
20 | Truth About the Haunted House (1) | 15.04.2002 |
21 | Truth About the Haunted House (2) | 22.04.2002 |
22 | Case of the Missing Policeman's Notebook | 06.05.2002 |
23 | English Teacher VS Great Western Detective (1) | 13.05.2002 |
24 | English Teacher VS Great Western Detective (2) | 20.05.2002 |
25 | Hooligan's Labyrinth (1) | 27.05.2002 |
26 | Hooligan's Labyrinth (2) | 03.06.2002 |
27 | The Small Eye Witnesses | 10.06.2002 |
28 | Mystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (1) | 17.06.2002 |
29 | Mystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (2) | 24.06.2002 |
30 | Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (1) | 01.07.2002 |
31 | Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (2) | 08.07.2002 |
Сезон 9
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Client Full of Lies (Part One) | 15.01.2001 |
2 | The Client Full of Lies (Part Two) | 22.01.2001 |
3 | And Then There Were No Mermaids (Part One: The Murder) | 29.01.2001 |
4 | And Then There Were No Mermaids (Part Two: The Deduction) | 05.02.2001 |
5 | And Then There Were No Mermaids (Part Three: The Solution) | 12.02.2001 |
6 | The Secret of the High Sales | 19.02.2001 |
7 | The Battle Game Trap (Part One) | 26.02.2001 |
8 | The Battle Game Trap (Part Two) | 05.03.2001 |
9 | The Murderous Pottery Class (Part One) | 12.03.2001 |
10 | The Murderous Pottery Class (Part Two) | 19.03.2001 |
11 | The Mysterious Passenger (Part One) | 16.04.2001 |
12 | The Mysterious Passenger (Part Two) | 23.04.2001 |
13 | The Falling Off The Condo Case | 07.05.2001 |
14 | The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part One) | 14.05.2001 |
15 | The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part Two) | 21.05.2001 |
16 | The Locked Wine Cellar | 28.05.2001 |
17 | The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part One) | 04.06.2001 |
18 | The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part Two) | 11.06.2001 |
19 | The Osaka 3 K Case (Part One) | 18.06.2001 |
20 | The Osaka 3 K Case (Part Two) | 25.06.2001 |
21 | The Bullet Train Transport Case (Part One) | 02.07.2001 |
22 | The Bullet Train Transport Case (Part Two) | 09.07.2001 |
23 | Genta's Disaster | 16.07.2001 |
24 | Mori Kogoro's Imposter (Part One) | 23.07.2001 |
25 | Mori Kogoro's Imposter (Part Two) | 30.07.2001 |
26 | The Gunshot in the Sunflower Building | 06.08.2001 |
27 | The Mystery in the Net (Part One) | 13.08.2001 |
28 | The Mystery in the Net (Part Two) | 20.08.2001 |
29 | The Alibi of the Soothing Forest | 27.08.2001 |
30 | The Idol Stars' Secret (Part One) | 03.09.2001 |
31 | The Idol Stars' Secret (Part Two) | 10.09.2001 |
32 | The Tragedy at the OK Corral | 17.09.2001 |
33 | The Kidnapper in the Picture | 08.10.2001 |
34 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 4 (Part 1) | 15.10.2001 |
35 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 4 (Part 2) | 22.10.2001 |
36 | 絵の中の誘拐犯 | 08.10.2001 |
37 | 本庁の刑事恋物語4(前編) | 15.10.2001 |
38 | 本庁の刑事恋物語4(後編) | 22.10.2001 |
Сезон 8
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Significant Music Box (part 1) | 12.06.2000 |
2 | The Significant Music Box (part 2) | 19.06.2000 |
3 | The Invisible Weapon, Ran's First Investigations | 26.06.2000 |
4 | A Super Car's Trap (part 1) | 03.07.2000 |
5 | A Super Car's Trap (part 2) | 10.07.2000 |
6 | Kogoro Mouri, Suspect (part 1) | 17.07.2000 |
7 | Kogoro Mouri, Suspect (part 2) | 24.07.2000 |
8 | The Tenth Passenger (part 1) | 31.07.2000 |
9 | The Tenth Passenger (part 2) | 07.08.2000 |
10 | The Black Wings of Icarus (part 1) | 14.08.2000 |
11 | The Black Wings of Icarus (part 2) | 21.08.2000 |
12 | The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 3 (part 1) | 28.08.2000 |
13 | The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 3 (part 2) | 04.09.2000 |
14 | The Deduction That Was Too Good | 11.09.2000 |
15 | The Entrance to the Maze: The Anger of the Colossus | 09.10.2000 |
16 | The Falling from Mt. Ryushin Case | 16.10.2000 |
17 | The Water Palace of Five Colors (Part One) | 23.10.2000 |
18 | The Water Palace of Five Colors (Part Two) | 30.10.2000 |
19 | Mushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part One) | 06.11.2000 |
20 | Mushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part Two) | 13.11.2000 |
21 | The Mysterious Retro Room Case | 20.11.2000 |
22 | The Bay of Revenge (Part One) | 27.11.2000 |
23 | The Bay of Revenge (Part Two) | 04.12.2000 |
24 | Megure's Locked Away Secret (Part 1) | 11.12.2000 |
25 | Megure's Locked Away Secret (Part 2) | 18.12.2000 |
26 | The Gathering of the Detectives! Kudo Shinich vs Kaito Kid! (One Hour Special) | 08.01.2001 |
Сезон 7
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun (part 1) | 11.10.1999 |
2 | The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun (part 2) | 18.10.1999 |
3 | The Case of the Disappearing Detective Boys | 25.10.1999 |
4 | The Monster of the Tottori Spider Mansion (Part One: The Murder) | 01.11.1999 |
5 | The Monster of the Tottori Spider Mansion (Part Two: The Suspicion) | 08.11.1999 |
6 | The Monster of the Tottori Spider Mansion (Part Three: The Solution) | 15.11.1999 |
7 | Venus' Kiss | 22.11.1999 |
8 | The Unseen Angle of the Darkness (part 1) | 29.11.1999 |
9 | The Unseen Angle of the Darkness (part 2) | 06.12.1999 |
10 | The Revival of the Dying Message (part 1) | 13.12.1999 |
11 | The Revival of the Dying Message (part 2) | 20.12.1999 |
12 | The 20 Year old Murder Case: The Symphony Serial Murders (2 Hour Special) | 03.01.2000 |
13 | The Man Who Was Killed Four Times | 17.01.2000 |
14 | Meeting with the Black Organization Again (part 1) | 17.01.2000 |
15 | Meeting with the Black Organization Again (part 2) | 24.01.2000 |
16 | Meeting with the Black Organization Again (part 3) | 24.01.2000 |
17 | The Case of the Coffee Shop Truck's Wild Entrance | 07.02.2000 |
18 | The Nocturne of the Red Murderous Intent (Part One) | 14.02.2000 |
19 | The Nocturne of the Red Murderous Intent (Part Two) | 21.02.2000 |
20 | The Big Investigation of the Nine Doors | 28.02.2000 |
21 | A Dangerous Recipe | 06.03.2000 |
22 | The cursed Mask laughs coldly (One hour Special) | 13.03.2000 |
23 | The Murdered Famous Detective (Part One) | 10.04.2000 |
24 | The Murdered Famous Detective (Part Two) | 17.04.2000 |
25 | The Unknown Gunshot That Rings In The Dark | 24.04.2000 |
26 | Desperate Revival: Cavern Of The Detective Boys | 01.05.2000 |
27 | Desperate Revival: The Wounded Famous Detective | 08.05.2000 |
28 | Desperate Revival: The Third Choice | 15.05.2000 |
29 | Desperate Revival: The Black Cloaked Knight | 22.05.2000 |
30 | Desperate Revival: The Returned Shinichi! | 29.05.2000 |
31 | Desperate Revival: The Promised Place | 05.06.2000 |
Сезон 6
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Search for the Disappearing Weapon Case | 15.02.1999 |
2 | The Old Castle Investigation Case (1) | 22.02.1999 |
3 | The Old Castle Investigation Case (2) | 08.03.1999 |
4 | The Final Screening Murder Case (1) | 22.03.1999 |
5 | The Final Screening Murder Case (2) | 05.04.1999 |
6 | SOS! A Messages From Ayumi | 12.04.1999 |
7 | The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case (1) | 19.04.1999 |
8 | The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case (2) | 26.04.1999 |
9 | The Suspicious Astronomical Observation | 03.05.1999 |
10 | The North Star #3 Express Leaving Ueno (1) | 10.05.1999 |
11 | The North Star #3 Express Leaving Ueno (2) | 24.05.1999 |
12 | The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (1) | 31.05.1999 |
13 | The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (2) | 07.06.1999 |
14 | The Sudden Streetcar Stopping Case | 14.06.1999 |
15 | The Amusement Park Bungee Jumping Case | 21.06.1999 |
16 | The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (1) | 28.06.1999 |
17 | The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (2) | 05.07.1999 |
18 | The Mysterious Old Man Disappearance Case | 12.07.1999 |
19 | Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (1) | 19.07.1999 |
20 | Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (2) | 26.07.1999 |
21 | The Underwater Locked Room Case | 02.08.1999 |
22 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (1) | 09.08.1999 |
23 | Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (2) | 16.08.1999 |
24 | The Silent Ring Line | 23.08.1999 |
25 | Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (1) | 06.09.1999 |
26 | Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (2) | 13.09.1999 |
27 | The Murder Floating in Ryusuitei | 20.09.1999 |
28 | The Case of the Flying Locked Room, Shinichi Kudo's First Case (One hour special) | 27.09.1999 |
Сезон 5
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Mysterious Mole Alien Case (1) | 29.06.1998 |
2 | The Mysterious Mole Alien Case (2) | 06.07.1998 |
3 | The Great Detective Club Pursuit Case | 13.07.1998 |
4 | The Murder Case of the Cooking Classroom (1) | 20.07.1998 |
5 | The Murder Case of the Cooking Classroom (2) | 27.07.1998 |
6 | The Case of the Seven Mysteries of Teitan Elementary School | 03.08.1998 |
7 | The Murder Case of the White Sands | 10.08.1998 |
8 | The Scuba Diving Murder Case (1) | 17.08.1998 |
9 | The Scuba Diving Murder Case (2) | 24.08.1998 |
10 | The Missing Mystery Writer Case (1) | 14.09.1998 |
11 | The Missing Mystery Writer Case (2) | 21.09.1998 |
12 | The Naniwa Serial Murder Case (One Hour) | 28.09.1998 |
13 | Masked Yaiba Murder Case | 12.10.1998 |
14 | A Honey Cocktail Murder Case | 19.10.1998 |
15 | A Locked Bathroom Case (1) | 26.10.1998 |
16 | A Locked Bathroom Case (2) | 02.11.1998 |
17 | The Weather Girl Kidnapping Case | 09.11.1998 |
18 | A Mysterious Sniper Murder Case (1) | 16.11.1998 |
19 | A Mysterious Sniper Murder Case (2) | 23.11.1998 |
20 | The Traveling Drama Murder Case (1) | 30.11.1998 |
21 | The Traveling Drama Murder Case (2) | 07.12.1998 |
22 | The Black Corps One Billion Yen Robbery Case | 14.12.1998 |
23 | A University Professor and the Girl Who Came From the Black Organization | 21.12.1998 |
24 | The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case (1) | 11.01.1999 |
25 | The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case (2) | 18.01.1999 |
26 | Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Murder) | 25.01.1999 |
27 | Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Suspicion) | 01.02.1999 |
28 | Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Resolution) | 08.02.1999 |
Сезон 4
# | Название | Дата |
1 | General Hospital Murder Case | 01.12.1997 |
2 | A Ski Lodge Murder Case (1) | 08.12.1997 |
3 | A Ski Lodge Murder Case (2) | 15.12.1997 |
4 | The Kidnapping Location Case | 22.12.1997 |
5 | The Murder Case of the Crane's Kindness | 05.01.1998 |
6 | A Dracula Villa Murder Case (1) | 12.01.1998 |
7 | A Dracula Villa Murder Case (2) | 19.01.1998 |
8 | The Murder Case of the Flower Smell | 26.01.1998 |
9 | The Case of the Hospitalized Burgulary Suspect | 16.02.1998 |
10 | The Fearful Mountain Trek Murder Case (1) | 23.02.1998 |
11 | The Fearful Mountain Trek Murder Case (2) | 02.03.1998 |
12 | The Legend of the Snow Woman | 09.03.1998 |
13 | The Murder Case of Kogoro's Date | 16.03.1998 |
14 | Caught Up with the Great Detective! Two Murder Cases (Two Hour Special) | 23.03.1998 |
15 | The Farewell Wine Murder Case | 13.04.1998 |
16 | The Famous Potter Murder Case (1) | 20.04.1998 |
17 | The Famous Potter Murder Case (2) | 27.04.1998 |
18 | The Memories of the First Love Case (1) | 02.05.1998 |
19 | The Memories of the First Love Case (2) | 09.05.1998 |
20 | The Samurai Drama Murder Case (1) | 16.05.1998 |
21 | The Samurai Drama Murder Case (2) | 23.05.1998 |
22 | The Mysterious Robbers and Mansion Case (1) | 08.06.1998 |
23 | The Mysterious Robbers and Mansion Case (2) | 15.06.1998 |
24 | The Murder Case of the Scoop Picture | 22.06.1998 |
Сезон 3
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Train Trick Murder Case | 21.04.1997 |
2 | The Ojamanbō Murder Case | 28.04.1997 |
3 | Holmes Freak Murder Case (1) | 05.05.1997 |
4 | Holmes Freak Murder Case (2) | 12.05.1997 |
5 | The First Errand Murder Case | 19.05.1997 |
6 | An Illustrator Murder Case | 26.05.1997 |
7 | A Ghost Ship Murder Case (1) | 02.06.1997 |
8 | A Ghost Ship Murder Case (2) | 09.06.1997 |
9 | Murder Case of the Big Monster Gomera | 16.06.1997 |
10 | The Third Fingerprint Murder Case | 23.06.1997 |
11 | A Crab and Whale Kidnapping Case | 30.06.1997 |
12 | Night Road Murder Case | 07.07.1997 |
13 | Stage Actress Murder Case | 14.07.1997 |
14 | Baron of the Night Murder Case (1) | 21.07.1997 |
15 | Baron of the Night Murder Case (2) | 28.07.1997 |
16 | Baron of the Night Murder Case (3) | 04.08.1997 |
17 | A Stalker's Murder Case | 11.08.1997 |
18 | The Triplet's Country Home Murder Case | 18.08.1997 |
19 | The Detective Boy's Disaster Case | 25.08.1997 |
20 | The Death God Jinnai Murder Case | 01.09.1997 |
21 | The Loan Company President's Murder Case | 08.09.1997 |
22 | Conan vs Kaitou Kid (One Hour Special) | 15.09.1997 |
23 | A Famous House's Strange Continous Murder (1) | 22.09.1997 |
24 | A Famous House's Strange Continous Murder (2) | 29.09.1997 |
25 | The Bank Heist Murder Case | 06.10.1997 |
26 | The Wandering Artist Murder Case | 13.10.1997 |
27 | The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (1) | 20.11.1997 |
28 | The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (2) | 27.11.1997 |
Сезон 2
# | Название | Дата |
1 | A Computer Murder Case | 19.08.1996 |
2 | An Alibi Testimony Murder Case | 26.08.1996 |
3 | The TV Station Murder Case | 02.09.1996 |
4 | A Coffee Shop Murder Case | 09.09.1996 |
5 | The Detective Boys Hiking Trip Case | 16.09.1996 |
6 | The Murder Case of Man In Bandages at the Mountain Villa (1) | 23.09.1996 |
7 | The Murder Case of Man In Bandages at the Mountain Villa (2) | 30.09.1996 |
8 | Monday, 7:30 PM Murder Case | 07.10.1996 |
9 | A Cactus Flower Murder Case | 14.10.1996 |
10 | Aka Oni Mura Fire Festival Murder Case | 21.10.1996 |
11 | The Wealthy Daughter Murder Case (1) | 28.10.1996 |
12 | The Wealthy Daughter Murder Case (2) | 04.11.1996 |
13 | The Victory Flag Vandalism Case | 11.11.1996 |
14 | A Karaoke Box Murder Case | 18.11.1996 |
15 | The Kidnapping of Conan Edogawa | 25.11.1996 |
16 | The Three Hotta Brothers Murder Case | 02.12.1996 |
17 | Facial Pack Murder Case | 09.12.1996 |
18 | The Snowy Mountain Villa Murder Case | 06.01.1997 |
19 | Sports Club Murder Case | 13.01.1997 |
20 | The Case of the Murdered Diplomat (1) | 20.01.1997 |
21 | The Case of the Murdered Diplomat (2) | 27.01.1997 |
22 | Library Murder Case | 03.02.1997 |
23 | The Golf Driving Range Murder Case | 10.03.1997 |
24 | The Kiri Tengu Legend Murder Case | 17.03.1997 |
25 | The Mysterious Weapon Murder Case | 07.04.1997 |
26 | A Game Company's Murder Case | 14.04.1997 |
Сезон 1
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Roller Coaster Murder Case | 08.01.1996 |
2 | The Kidnapping of a Company President's Daughter Case | 15.01.1996 |
3 | An Idol's Locked Room Murder Case | 22.01.1996 |
4 | The Case of the Coded Map of the City | 29.01.1996 |
5 | The Shinkansen's Bomb Case | 05.02.1996 |
6 | A Valentine Murder Case | 12.02.1996 |
7 | The Case of the Once-A-Month Present Threat | 19.02.1996 |
8 | The Murder of an Art Gallery Owner Case | 26.02.1996 |
9 | Tenkaichi Night Festival Murder Case | 04.03.1996 |
10 | The Case of the Blackmailed Pro Soccer Player | 11.03.1996 |
11 | A Moonlight Sonata Murder Case (one hour special) | 18.03.1996 |
12 | Ayumi-chan's Kidnapping Case | 25.03.1996 |
13 | The Strange Person Hunt Murder Case | 01.04.1996 |
14 | The Mysterious Shooting Message | 08.04.1996 |
15 | The Case of the Missing Corpse | 15.04.1996 |
16 | The Antique Collector Murder Case | 22.04.1996 |
17 | The Highjacking of a Department Case | 29.04.1996 |
18 | A June Bride Murder Case | 06.05.1996 |
19 | An Elevator Murder Case | 13.05.1996 |
20 | A Haunted Mansion Murder Case | 20.05.1996 |
21 | On Location, TV Drama Murder Case | 27.05.1996 |
22 | Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case (1) | 03.06.1996 |
23 | Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case (2) | 10.06.1996 |
24 | The Case of the Mysterious Woman With Amnesia | 17.06.1996 |
25 | The False Kidnapping and Hostage Case | 24.06.1996 |
26 | The Pet Dog, Jon, Murder Case | 01.07.1996 |
27 | The Murder Case of Kogoro's Classmate (1) | 05.08.1996 |
28 | The Murder Case of Kogoro's Classmate (2) | 12.08.1996 |