Сериалы Список серий Переводы Новые сезоны Персонажи Актеры

Детектив Конан: Список серий

Детектив Конан

✔ Оценка сохранена!

Detective Conan

Криминал, Anime

08.01.1996 –

Сезон 2003

# Название Дата
1 揺れる警視庁 1200万人の人質 06.01.2003
2 見えない容疑者(前編) 13.01.2003
3 見えない容疑者(後編) 20.01.2003
4 残された声なき証言(前編) 27.01.2003
5 残された声なき証言(後編) 03.02.2003
6 黒の組織との接触(交渉編) 10.02.2003
7 黒の組織との接触(追跡編) 17.02.2003
8 黒の組織との接触(決死編) 24.02.2003
9 夕日に染まった雛人形(前編) 03.03.2003
10 夕日に染まった雛人形(後編) 10.03.2003
11 壊れた柵の展望台 17.03.2003
12 陽のあたる場所 14.04.2003
13 汚れた仮面ヒーロー(前編) 21.04.2003
14 汚れた仮面ヒーロー(後編) 28.04.2003
15 幸運のシガーケース(前編) 05.05.2003
16 幸運のシガーケース(後編) 12.05.2003
17 忍法アリバイ工作の術 19.05.2003
18 消えた誘拐逃走車(前編) 26.05.2003
19 消えた誘拐逃走車(後編) 02.06.2003
20 服部平次 絶体絶命(前編) 09.06.2003
21 服部平次 絶体絶命(後編) 16.06.2003
22 炎の中に赤い馬(事件編) 23.06.2003
23 炎の中に赤い馬(捜査編) 30.06.2003
24 炎の中に赤い馬(解決編) 07.07.2003
25 バースデーワインの謎 14.07.2003
26 お金で買えない友情(前編) 28.07.2003
27 お金で買えない友情(後編) 04.08.2003
28 疑惑の辛口カレー(前編) 11.08.2003
29 疑惑の辛口カレー(後編) 18.08.2003
30 似た者プリンセス(前編) 25.08.2003
31 似た者プリンセス(後編) 01.09.2003
32 東都現像所の秘密(前編) 08.09.2003
33 東都現像所の秘密(後編) 15.09.2003
34 転落事件の裏事情 13.10.2003
35 4台のポルシェ(前編) 20.10.2003
36 4台のポルシェ(後編) 27.10.2003
37 トイレに隠した秘密(前編) 03.11.2003
38 トイレに隠した秘密(後編) 10.11.2003
39 「ハウステンボスの花嫁」1時間スペシャル 17.11.2003
40 コンビニの落とし穴(前編) 01.12.2003
41 コンビニの落とし穴(後編) 08.12.2003

Сезон 2002

# Название Дата
1 大阪ダブルミステリー 浪花剣士と太閤の城 07.01.2002
2 法廷の対決 妃VS小五郎(前編) 14.01.2002
3 法廷の対決 妃VS小五郎(後編) 21.01.2002
4 バレンタインの真実(事件編) 28.01.2002
5 バレンタインの真実(推理編) 04.02.2002
6 バレンタインの真実(解決編) 11.02.2002
7 犯罪の忘れ形見(前編) 18.02.2002
8 犯罪の忘れ形見(後編) 04.03.2002
9 隠して急いで省略(前編) 11.03.2002
10 隠して急いで省略(後編) 18.03.2002
11 クイズ婆さんの失踪事件 08.04.2002
12 幽霊屋敷の真実(前編) 15.04.2002
13 幽霊屋敷の真実(後編) 22.04.2002
14 警察手帳紛失事件 06.05.2002
15 英語教師VS西の名探偵(前編) 13.05.2002
16 英語教師VS西の名探偵(後編) 20.05.2002
17 迷宮のフーリガン(前編) 27.05.2002
18 迷宮のフーリガン(後編) 03.06.2002
19 小さな目撃者たち 10.06.2002
20 水流るる石庭の怪(前編) 17.06.2002
21 水流るる石庭の怪(後編) 24.06.2002
22 中華街 雨のデジャビュ(前編) 01.07.2002
23 中華街 雨のデジャビュ(後編) 08.07.2002
24 工藤新一NYの事件(事件編) 15.07.2002
25 工藤新一NYの事件(推理編) 22.07.2002
26 工藤新一NYの事件(解決編) 29.07.2002
27 迷いの森の光彦(前編) 05.08.2002
28 迷いの森の光彦(後編) 12.08.2002
29 孤島の姫と龍宮城(事件編) 19.08.2002
30 孤島の姫と龍宮城(追求編) 26.08.2002
31 孤島の姫と龍宮城(解決編) 02.09.2002
32 愛と決断のスマッシュ(前編) 09.09.2002
33 愛と決断のスマッシュ(後編) 16.09.2002
34 屋形船 釣りショック 14.10.2002
35 法廷の対決II 妃VS九条(前編) 21.10.2002
36 法廷の対決II 妃VS九条(後編) 28.10.2002
37 友情と殺意の関門海峡(前編) 04.11.2002
38 友情と殺意の関門海峡(後編) 18.11.2002
39 悪意と聖者の行進(前編) 25.11.2002
40 悪意と聖者の行進(後編) 02.12.2002
41 戻ってきた被害者 09.12.2002

Сезон 2001

# Название Дата
1 集められた名探偵! 工藤新一VS怪盗キッド 08.01.2001
2 偽りだらけの依頼人(前編) 15.01.2001
3 偽りだらけの依頼人(後編) 22.01.2001
4 そして人魚はいなくなった(事件編) 29.01.2001
5 そして人魚はいなくなった(推理編) 05.02.2001
6 そして人魚はいなくなった(解決編) 12.02.2001
7 商売繁盛のヒミツ 19.02.2001
8 バトルゲームの罠(前編) 26.02.2001
9 バトルゲームの罠(後編) 05.03.2001
10 殺意の陶芸教室(前編) 12.03.2001
11 殺意の陶芸教室(後編) 19.03.2001
12 謎めいた乗客(前編) 16.04.2001
13 謎めいた乗客(後編) 23.04.2001
14 マンション転落事件 07.05.2001
15 消えなかった証拠(前編) 14.05.2001
16 消えなかった証拠(後編) 21.05.2001
17 密室のワインセラー 28.05.2001
18 南紀白浜ミステリーツアー(前編) 04.06.2001
19 南紀白浜ミステリーツアー(後編) 11.06.2001
20 大阪"3つのK"事件(前編) 18.06.2001
21 大阪"3つのK"事件(後編) 25.06.2001
22 新幹線護送事件(前編) 02.07.2001
23 新幹線護送事件(後編) 09.07.2001
24 元太少年の災難 16.07.2001
25 毛利小五郎のニセ者(前編) 23.07.2001
26 毛利小五郎のニセ者(後編) 30.07.2001
27 ヒマワリ館の銃声 06.08.2001
28 網にかかった謎(前編) 13.08.2001
29 網にかかった謎(後編) 20.08.2001
30 癒しの森のアリバイ 27.08.2001
31 アイドル達の秘密(前編) 03.09.2001
32 アイドル達の秘密(後編) 10.09.2001
33 OK牧場の悲劇 17.09.2001
34 絵の中の誘拐犯 08.10.2001
35 本庁の刑事恋物語4(前編) 15.10.2001
36 本庁の刑事恋物語4(後編) 22.10.2001
37 松江玉造連句14番勝負(前編) 29.10.2001
38 松江玉造連句14番勝負(後編) 05.11.2001
39 世にも奇妙な天罰 12.11.2001
40 シカゴから来た男(前編) 19.11.2001
41 シカゴから来た男(後編) 26.11.2001
42 揺れるレストラン 03.12.2001
43 雪の夜の恐怖伝説(前編) 10.12.2001
44 雪の夜の恐怖伝説(後編) 17.12.2001

Сезон 2000

# Название Дата
1 二十年目の殺意 シンフォニー号連続殺人事件 03.01.2000
2 四回殺された男 10.01.2000
3 黒の組織との再会(灰原編) 17.01.2000
4 黒の組織との再会(コナン編) 24.01.2000
5 黒の組織との再会(解決編) 31.01.2000
6 喫茶店トラック乱入事件 07.02.2000
7 赤い殺意の夜想曲(前編) 14.02.2000
8 赤い殺意の夜想曲(後編) 21.02.2000
9 大捜索九つのドア 28.02.2000
10 危険なレシピ 06.03.2000
11 呪いの仮面は冷たく笑う 13.03.2000
12 殺された名探偵(前編) 10.04.2000
13 殺された名探偵(後編) 17.04.2000
14 闇に響く謎の銃声 24.04.2000
15 命がけの復活 洞窟の探偵団 01.05.2000
16 命がけの復活 負傷した名探偵 08.05.2000
17 命がけの復活 第三の選択 15.05.2000
18 命がけの復活 黒衣の騎士 22.05.2000
19 命がけの復活 帰ってきた新一... 29.05.2000
20 命がけの復活 約束の場所 05.06.2000
21 意味深なオルゴール(前編) 12.06.2000
22 意味深なオルゴール(後編) 19.06.2000
23 見えない凶器 蘭の初推理 26.06.2000
24 スーパーカーの罠(前編) 03.07.2000
25 スーパーカーの罠(後編) 10.07.2000
26 容疑者・毛利小五郎(前編) 17.07.2000
27 容疑者・毛利小五郎(後編) 24.07.2000
28 10人目の乗客(前編) 31.07.2000
29 10人目の乗客(後編) 07.08.2000
30 黒いイカロスの翼(前編) 14.08.2000
31 黒いイカロスの翼(後編) 21.08.2000
32 本庁の刑事恋物語3(前編) 28.08.2000
33 本庁の刑事恋物語3(後編) 04.09.2000
34 見事すぎた名推理 11.09.2000
35 迷宮への入り口 巨大神像の怒り 09.10.2000
36 龍神山転落事件 16.10.2000
37 五彩伝説の水御殿(前編) 23.10.2000
38 五彩伝説の水御殿(後編) 30.10.2000
39 きのこと熊と探偵団(前編) 06.11.2000
40 きのこと熊と探偵団(後編) 13.11.2000
41 レトロルームの謎事件 20.11.2000
42 ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(前編) 27.11.2000
43 ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(後編) 04.12.2000
44 封印された目暮の秘密(前編) 11.12.2000
45 封印された目暮の秘密(後編) 18.12.2000

Сезон 1999

# Название Дата
1 黒の組織から来た女 大学教授殺人事件 04.01.1999
2 競技場無差別脅迫事件(前編) 11.01.1999
3 競技場無差別脅迫事件(後編) 18.01.1999
4 奇術愛好家殺人事件(事件篇) 25.01.1999
5 奇術愛好家殺人事件(疑惑篇) 01.02.1999
6 奇術愛好家殺人事件(解決篇) 08.02.1999
7 消えた凶器捜索事件 15.02.1999
8 青の古城探索事件(前編) 22.02.1999
9 青の古城探索事件(後編) 01.03.1999
10 最後の上映殺人事件(前編) 08.03.1999
11 最後の上映殺人事件(後編) 15.03.1999
12 SOS! 歩美からのメッセージ 12.04.1999
13 結婚前夜の密室事件(前編) 19.04.1999
14 結婚前夜の密室事件(後編) 26.04.1999
15 疑惑の天体観測 03.05.1999
16 上野発北斗星3号(前編) 10.05.1999
17 上野発北斗星3号(後編) 17.05.1999
18 本庁の刑事恋物語(前編) 24.05.1999
19 本庁の刑事恋物語(後編) 31.05.1999
20 路面電車急停止事件 07.06.1999
21 遊園地パンジー事件 21.06.1999
22 自動車爆発事件の真相(前編) 28.06.1999
23 自動車爆発事件の真相(後編) 05.07.1999
24 謎の老人失踪事件 12.07.1999
25 園子のアブない夏物語(前編) 19.07.1999
26 園子のアブない夏物語(後編) 26.07.1999
27 水中の鍵密室事件 02.08.1999
28 本庁の刑事恋物語2(前編) 09.08.1999
29 本庁の刑事恋物語2(後編) 16.08.1999
30 沈黙の環状線 23.08.1999
31 怪奇五重塔伝説(前編) 06.09.1999
32 怪奇五重塔伝説(後編) 13.09.1999
33 流水亭に流れる殺意 20.09.1999
34 空飛ぶ密室 工藤新一最初の事件 27.09.1999
35 月と星と太陽の秘密(前編) 11.10.1999
36 月と星と太陽の秘密(後編) 18.10.1999
37 少年探偵団消失事件 25.10.1999
38 鳥取クモ屋敷の怪(事件編) 01.11.1999
39 鳥取クモ屋敷の怪(疑惑編) 08.11.1999
40 鳥取クモ屋敷の怪(解決編) 15.11.1999
41 ビーナスのキッス 22.11.1999
42 暗闇の中の死角(前編) 29.11.1999
43 暗闇の中の死角(後編) 06.12.1999
44 よみがえる死の伝言(前編) 13.12.1999
45 よみがえる死の伝言(後編) 13.12.1999

Сезон 1998

# Название Дата
1 誘拐現場特定事件 12.01.1998
2 鶴の恩返し殺人事件 19.01.1998
3 ドラキュラ荘殺人事件(前編) 26.01.1998
4 ドラキュラ荘殺人事件(後編) 02.02.1998
5 花の香り殺人事件 09.02.1998
6 強盗犯人入院事件 16.02.1998
7 恐怖のトラヴァース殺人事件(前編) 23.02.1998
8 恐怖のトラヴァース殺人事件(後編) 02.03.1998
9 雪女伝説殺人事件 09.03.1998
10 小五郎のデート殺人事件 16.03.1998
11 追いつめられた名探偵! 連続2大殺人事件 23.03.1998
12 別れのワイン殺人事件 13.04.1998
13 名陶芸家殺人事件(前編) 20.04.1998
14 名陶芸家殺人事件(後編) 27.04.1998
15 初恋の人想い出事件(前編) 11.05.1998
16 初恋の人想い出事件(後編) 18.05.1998
17 時代劇俳優殺人事件(前編) 25.05.1998
18 時代劇俳優殺人事件(後編) 01.06.1998
19 盗賊団謎の洋館事件(前編) 08.06.1998
20 盗賊団謎の洋館事件(後編) 15.06.1998
21 スクープ写真殺人事件 22.06.1998
22 モグラ星人謎の事件(前編) 29.06.1998
23 モグラ星人謎の事件(後編) 06.07.1998
24 探偵団大追跡事件 13.07.1998
25 料理教室殺人事件(前編) 27.07.1998
26 料理教室殺人事件(後編) 03.08.1998
27 帝丹小7不思議事件 10.08.1998
28 白い砂浜殺人事件 17.08.1998
29 スキューバダイビング殺人事件(前編) 24.08.1998
30 スキューバダイビング殺人事件(後編) 31.08.1998
31 ミステリー作家失踪事件(前編) 07.09.1998
32 ミステリー作家失踪事件(後編) 14.09.1998
33 浪花の連続殺人事件 21.09.1998
34 仮面ヤイバー殺人事件 12.10.1998
35 ハニーカクテル殺人事件 19.10.1998
36 バスルーム密室事件(前編) 26.10.1998
37 バスルーム密室事件(後編) 02.11.1998
38 お天気お姉さん誘拐事件 09.11.1998
39 謎の狙撃者殺人事件(前編) 16.11.1998
40 謎の狙撃者殺人事件(後編) 23.11.1998
41 旅芝居一座殺人事件(前編) 30.11.1998
42 旅芝居一座殺人事件(後編) 07.12.1998
43 黒の組織10億円強奪事件 14.12.1998

Сезон 1997

# Название Дата
1 江戸川コナン誘拐事件 13.01.1997
2 堀田三兄弟殺人事件 20.01.1997
3 顔パック殺人事件 27.01.1997
4 雪山山荘殺人事件 03.02.1997
5 スポーツクラブ殺人事件 10.02.1997
6 外交官殺人事件(前編) 17.02.1997
7 外交官殺人事件(後編) 24.02.1997
8 図書館殺人事件 03.03.1997
9 ゴルフ練習場殺人事件 10.03.1997
10 霧天狗伝説殺人事件 17.03.1997
11 謎の凶器殺人事件 07.04.1997
12 ゲーム会社殺人事件 14.04.1997
13 列車トリック殺人事件 21.04.1997
14 おじゃマンボウ殺人事件 28.04.1997
15 ホームズフリーク殺人事件(前編) 05.05.1997
16 ホームズフリーク殺人事件(後編) 12.05.1997
17 初めてのお使い殺人事件 19.05.1997
18 イラストレーター殺人事件 26.05.1997
19 幽霊船殺人事件(前編) 02.06.1997
20 幽霊船殺人事件(後編) 09.06.1997
21 大怪獣ゴメラ殺人事件 16.06.1997
22 第3の指紋殺人事件 23.06.1997
23 カニとクジラ誘拐事件 30.06.1997
24 暗闇の道殺人事件 07.07.1997
25 舞台女優殺人事件 14.07.1997
26 闇の男爵殺人事件(事件篇) 21.07.1997
27 闇の男爵殺人事件(疑惑篇) 28.07.1997
28 闇の男爵殺人事件(解決篇) 04.08.1997
29 ストーカー殺人事件 11.08.1997
30 三つ子別荘殺人事件 18.08.1997
31 少年探偵団遭難事件 25.08.1997
32 死神陣内殺人事件 01.09.1997
33 金融会社社長殺人事件 08.09.1997
34 コナンVS怪盗キッド 22.09.1997
35 名家連続変死事件(前編) 20.10.1997
36 名家連続変死事件(後編) 27.10.1997
37 銀行強盗殺人事件 03.11.1997
38 放浪画家殺人事件 10.11.1997
39 人気アーティスト誘拐事件(前編) 17.11.1997
40 人気アーティスト誘拐事件(後編) 24.11.1997
41 総合病院殺人事件 01.12.1997
42 スキーロッジ殺人事件(前編) 08.12.1997
43 スキーロッジ殺人事件(後編) 15.12.1997

Сезон 1996

# Название Дата
1 ジェットコースター殺人事件 08.01.1996
2 社長令嬢誘拐事件 15.01.1996
3 アイドル密室殺人事件 22.01.1996
4 大都会暗号マップ事件 29.01.1996
5 新幹線大爆破事件 05.02.1996
6 バレンタイン殺人事件 12.02.1996
7 月いちプレゼント脅迫事件 19.02.1996
8 美術館オーナー殺人事件 26.02.1996
9 天下一夜祭殺人事件 04.03.1996
10 プロサッカー選手脅迫事件 11.03.1996
11 ピアノソナタ「月光」殺人事件 18.03.1996
12 歩美ちゃん誘拐事件 25.03.1996
13 奇妙な人捜し殺人事件 01.04.1996
14 謎のメッセージ狙撃事件 08.04.1996
15 消えた死体殺人事件 15.04.1996
16 骨董品コレクター殺人事件 22.04.1996
17 デパートジャック事件 29.04.1996
18 6月の花嫁殺人事件 06.05.1996
19 エレベーター殺人事件 13.05.1996
20 幽霊屋敷殺人事件 20.05.1996
21 TVドラマロケ殺人事件 27.05.1996
22 豪華客船連続殺人事件(前編) 03.06.1996
23 豪華客船連続殺人事件(後編) 10.06.1996
24 謎の美女記憶喪失事件 17.06.1996
25 偽りの身代金誘拐事件 24.06.1996
26 愛犬ジョン殺人事件 01.07.1996
27 小五郎の同窓会殺人事件(前編) 05.08.1996
28 小五郎の同窓会殺人事件(後編) 12.08.1996
29 コンピューター殺人事件 19.08.1996
30 アリバイ証言殺人事件 26.08.1996
31 テレビ局殺人事件 02.09.1996
32 コーヒーショップ殺人事件 09.09.1996
33 探偵団サバイバル事件 14.10.1996
34 山荘包帯男殺人事件(前編) 21.10.1996
35 山荘包帯男殺人事件(後編) 28.10.1996
36 月曜夜7時30分殺人事件 04.11.1996
37 サボテンの花殺人事件 11.11.1996
38 赤鬼村火祭殺人事件 18.11.1996
39 資産家令嬢殺人事件(前編) 25.11.1996
40 資産家令嬢殺人事件(後編) 02.12.1996
41 優勝旗切り裂き事件 09.12.1996
42 カラオケボックス殺人事件 16.12.1996

Сезон 32

# Название Дата
1 歩美の絵日記事件簿2 23.04.2022
2 言えないアリバイ 30.04.2022
3 警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE.萩原研二 07.05.2022
4 復讐のフィギュア 14.05.2022
5 豚汁は命がけの合図 21.05.2022
6 天罰くだる誕生パーティー(前編) 04.06.2022
7 天罰くだる誕生パーティー(後編) 11.06.2022
8 赤いヒツジの不気味なゲーム(前編) 18.06.2022
9 赤いヒツジの不気味なゲーム(後編) 25.06.2022
10 目暮、刑事人生の危機 09.07.2022
11 森川御殿の陰謀(前編) 16.07.2022
12 森川御殿の陰謀(後編) 23.07.2022
13 少年探偵団の肝試し 30.07.2022
14 牧場に墜ちた火種(前編) 06.08.2022
15 牧場に墜ちた火種(後編) 13.08.2022
16 幽霊になって復讐を 03.09.2022
17 あの人を取り戻したい 17.09.2022
18 わるいやつら 24.09.2022
19 警察に居座った男 01.10.2022
20 沖野ヨーコと屋根裏の密室(前編) 08.10.2022
21 沖野ヨーコと屋根裏の密室(後編) 15.10.2022
22 警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE. 諸伏景光 29.10.2022
23 雨と悪意のスパイラル 05.11.2022
24 狙われたひよこ鑑定士 12.11.2022
25 夢見る貴婦人、最後の恋 19.11.2022
26 探偵は眠らない 26.11.2022
27 死が二人を分かつまで 03.12.2022
28 恋する商店街 24.12.2022
29 円谷光彦の探偵ノート 07.01.2023
30 受話器ごしのスウィートボイス 14.01.2023
31 サプライズは悲劇のはじまり 21.01.2023
32 工藤優作の推理ショー(前編) 28.01.2023
33 工藤優作の推理ショー(後編) 04.02.2023
34 探偵団の引ったくり大追跡 11.02.2023
35 てっちり対決ミステリーツアー(門司港・小倉編) 18.02.2023
36 てっちり対決ミステリーツアー(下関編) 25.02.2023
37 カリスマ社長の極秘計画 04.03.2023
38 警察学校編 Wild Police Story CASE. 降谷零 11.03.2023
39 黒ずくめの謀略(狩り) 25.03.2023
40 黒ずくめの謀略(上陸) 01.04.2023
41 黒ずくめの謀略(正体) 08.04.2023
42 灰原を狙うカメラ 15.04.2023
43 愛犬パン君はおりこうさん 22.04.2023
44 哀しみの裏切り横丁 29.04.2023
45 Jリーグ決戦の舞台裏 13.05.2023
46 冷え切った男達 20.05.2023
47 不吉な縁結び(前編) 03.06.2023
48 不吉な縁結び(後編) 10.06.2023
49 歩美の絵日記事件簿3 17.06.2023
50 不運で不審な被害者 24.06.2023
51 天才レストラン 08.07.2023
52 眠れる街に消えた犯人 15.07.2023
53 女子会ミステリー 22.07.2023
54 張り込み2 29.07.2023
55 宮野明美のタイムカプセル(前編) 05.08.2023
56 宮野明美のタイムカプセル(後編) 12.08.2023
57 消えた男の夢 02.09.2023
58 円谷光彦の探偵ノート2 09.09.2023
59 私がやりましたか? 16.09.2023
60 風の女神・萩原千速(前編) 23.09.2023
61 風の女神・萩原千速(後編) 30.09.2023
62 疑惑の2000万円 14.10.2023
63 不死身男のプライド 21.10.2023
64 赤べこと3人の福男 04.11.2023
65 青春小説に罪の匂い 11.11.2023
66 真犯人は逃走中 18.11.2023
67 キッドVS安室 王妃の前髪(クイーンズ・バング)(前編) 02.12.2023
68 キッドVS安室 王妃の前髪(クイーンズ・バング)(後編) 09.12.2023
69 ハメられたのは私 16.12.2023
70 カードに伏せられた秘密 23.12.2023
71 高木と伊達と手帳の約束(前編) 06.01.2024
72 高木と伊達と手帳の約束(後編) 13.01.2024
73 ルーブ・ゴールドバーグマシン(前編) 20.01.2024
74 ルーブ・ゴールドバーグマシン(後編) 27.01.2024
75 ラスト・ディナーをあなたに 03.02.2024
76 お騒がせな籠城 10.02.2024
77 千速と重悟の婚活パーティー(前編) 02.03.2024
78 千速と重悟の婚活パーティー(後編) 09.03.2024
79 空手の先生、毛利蘭 16.03.2024
80 女子会ミステリー2 23.03.2024
81 4人だけの同窓会 06.04.2024
82 失われたお宝ミステリー 13.04.2024
83 あぶなすぎるメロン畑 27.04.2024
84 張り込み3 04.05.2024
85 群馬と長野 県境の遺体(前編) 11.05.2024
86 群馬と長野 県境の遺体(後編) 18.05.2024
87 歩美の絵日記事件簿4 01.06.2024
88 逆上せあがった探偵 08.06.2024
89 ザ・取調室2 15.06.2024
90 コナンと目暮 2人の人質(前編) 22.06.2024
91 コナンと目暮 2人の人質(後編) 29.06.2024
92 トリプルコラボの浮気疑惑(前編) 20.07.2024

Сезон 31

# Название Дата
1 The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part One) 06.03.2021
2 The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part Two) 13.03.2021
3 The Beika City Shopping Center Garbage Bin Mystery 17.04.2021
4 The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part One) 24.04.2021
5 The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Two) 01.05.2021
6 The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Three) 08.05.2021
7 Who Poisoned the Victim 15.05.2021
8 Out For Revenge (Part One) 05.06.2021
9 Out For Revenge (Part Two) 12.06.2021
10 The Lost Article That Smells Like a Case 19.06.2021
11 The Idol Whose Smile Disappeared 26.06.2021
12 Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part One) 10.07.2021
13 Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part Two) 17.07.2021
14 The Man Who Loved Too Much 24.07.2021
15 The Novelist Known as the Demon King 31.07.2021
16 Stakeout 14.08.2021
17 The Monorail Sniper Case (Part One) 28.08.2021
18 The Monorail Sniper Case (Part Two) 04.09.2021
19 The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part One) 11.09.2021
20 The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Two) 18.09.2021
21 The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Three) 25.09.2021
22 Rondo in Bad Company 02.10.2021
23 The Cursed Museum 09.10.2021
24 The Whistling Bookstore 3 16.10.2021
25 Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part One) 30.10.2021
26 Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part Two) 06.11.2021
27 The Unspeakable Witness 13.11.2021
28 Beyond the Curtain 20.11.2021
29 Ballad of the Woman Who Loved Cake 27.11.2021
30 Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Matsuda Jinpei 04.12.2021
31 The Blank Year (Part One) 11.12.2021
32 The Blank Year (Part Two) 18.12.2021
33 Mori Ran, the Model 25.12.2021
34 Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Opening Move) 08.01.2022
35 Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Brilliant Move) 15.01.2022
36 Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Checkmate) 22.01.2022
37 Whiteout (Part One) 29.01.2022
38 Whiteout (Part Two) 05.02.2022
39 Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Date Wataru 12.03.2022
40 空飛ぶハロウィンカボチャ 16.04.2022

Сезон 30

# Название Дата
1 Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Opening Move) 08.01.2022
2 Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Brilliant Move) 15.01.2022
3 Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Checkmate) 22.01.2022
4 Whiteout (Part One) 29.01.2022
5 Whiteout (Part Two) 05.02.2022
6 Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Date Wataru 12.03.2022
7 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Interlude) 11.01.2020
8 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Climax) 18.01.2020
9 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Finale) 25.01.2020
10 The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part One) 15.02.2020
11 The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part Two) 22.02.2020
12 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part One) 07.03.2020
13 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Two) 14.03.2020
14 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Three) 21.03.2020
15 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Four) 28.03.2020
16 The Secret of the Search for His Wife 04.07.2020
17 Follow Them! Detective Taxi 18.07.2020
18 The Broken Fishbowl 01.08.2020
19 The Case on the Opposite Shore 15.08.2020
20 Leading a Detective Around by the Nose 29.08.2020
21 An Encouragement of the Perfect Crime 05.09.2020
22 Welcome to Bocchan Restaurant (Part Two) 26.09.2020
23 Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part One) 03.10.2020
24 Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part Two) 10.10.2020
25 The Two Real Faces (Part One) 24.10.2020
26 The Two Real Faces (Part Two) 31.10.2020
27 The Company Dissolution Party 07.11.2020
28 Girls In Conflict 14.11.2020
29 Ayumi's Picture Diary Case Files 05.12.2020
30 The Automatic Tragedy (Part One) 12.12.2020
31 The Automatic Tragedy (Part Two) 19.12.2020
32 Incident at Machiya Cafe 26.12.2020
33 Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part One) 09.01.2021
34 Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Two) 16.01.2021
35 Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Three) 23.01.2021
36 The Skilled Hawk Hides His Crimes 30.01.2021
37 The Conspiracy of the Smile Village 13.02.2021
38 The Hatred Frypan 20.02.2021
39 Troublesome Kindness 27.02.2021
40 迷惑な親切心 27.02.2021

Сезон 29

# Название Дата
1 Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part One) 09.01.2021
2 Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Two) 16.01.2021
3 Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Three) 23.01.2021
4 The Skilled Hawk Hides His Crimes 30.01.2021
5 The Conspiracy of the Smile Village 13.02.2021
6 The Hatred Frypan 20.02.2021
7 Troublesome Kindness 27.02.2021
8 The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part One) 06.03.2021
9 The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part Two) 13.03.2021
10 The Beika City Shopping Center Garbage Bin Mystery 17.04.2021
11 The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part One) 24.04.2021
12 The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Two) 01.05.2021
13 The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Three) 08.05.2021
14 Who Poisoned the Victim 15.05.2021
15 Out For Revenge (Part One) 05.06.2021
16 Out For Revenge (Part Two) 12.06.2021
17 The Lost Article That Smells Like a Case 19.06.2021
18 The Idol Whose Smile Disappeared 26.06.2021
19 Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part One) 10.07.2021
20 Picking Wild Plants and Clovers (Part Two) 17.07.2021
21 The Man Who Loved Too Much 24.07.2021
22 The Novelist Known as the Demon King 31.07.2021
23 Stakeout 14.08.2021
24 The Monorail Sniper Case (Part One) 28.08.2021
25 The Monorail Sniper Case (Part Two) 04.09.2021
26 The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part One) 11.09.2021
27 The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Two) 18.09.2021
28 The Antique Tray Can't Be Hidden (Part Three) 25.09.2021
29 Rondo in Bad Company 02.10.2021
30 The Cursed Museum 09.10.2021
31 The Whistling Bookstore 3 16.10.2021
32 Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part One) 30.10.2021
33 Ooka Momiji's Challenge (Part Two) 06.11.2021
34 The Unspeakable Witness 13.11.2021
35 Beyond the Curtain 20.11.2021
36 Ballad of the Woman Who Loved Cake 27.11.2021
37 Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Matsuda Jinpei 04.12.2021
38 The Blank Year (Part One) 11.12.2021
39 The Blank Year (Part Two) 18.12.2021
40 Mori Ran, the Model 25.12.2021

Сезон 28

# Название Дата
1 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Prologue) 04.01.2020
2 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Interlude) 11.01.2020
3 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Climax) 18.01.2020
4 Kaiju Gomera VS Kamen Yaiba (Finale) 25.01.2020
5 The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part One) 15.02.2020
6 The Young Kaga Lady's Mystery Tour (Part Two) 22.02.2020
7 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part One) 07.03.2020
8 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Two) 14.03.2020
9 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Three) 21.03.2020
10 Target: MPD Transportation Department (Part Four) 28.03.2020
11 The Secret of the Search for His Wife 04.07.2020
12 Follow Them! Detective Taxi 18.07.2020
13 The Broken Fishbowl 01.08.2020
14 The Case on the Opposite Shore 15.08.2020
15 Leading a Detective Around by the Nose 29.08.2020
16 An Encouragement of the Perfect Crime 05.09.2020
17 Welcome to Bocchan Restaurant (Part One) 19.09.2020
18 Welcome to Bocchan Restaurant (Part Two) 26.09.2020
19 Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part One) 03.10.2020
20 Kid vs. Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part Two) 10.10.2020
21 The Two Real Faces (Part One) 24.10.2020
22 The Two Real Faces (Part Two) 31.10.2020
23 The Company Dissolution Party 07.11.2020
24 Girls In Conflict 14.11.2020
25 Ayumi's Picture Diary Case Files 05.12.2020
26 The Automatic Tragedy (Part One) 12.12.2020
27 The Automatic Tragedy (Part Two) 19.12.2020
28 Incident at Machiya Cafe 26.12.2020
29 The Heartfelt Strap (Part Two) 22.12.2018

Сезон 27

# Название Дата
1 The Scarlet School Trip (Bright Red Arc) 05.01.2019
2 The Scarlet School Trip (Crimson Love Arc) 12.01.2019
3 The Woman Standing in the Window (Part One) 02.02.2019
4 The Woman Standing in the Window (Part Two) 09.02.2019
5 Kitakyushu Mystery Tour (Ogura Arc) 16.02.2019
6 Kitakyushu Mystery Tour (Moji Arc) 23.02.2019
7 The Thoroughbred Kidnapping Case (Part One) 09.03.2019
8 The Thoroughbred Kidnapping Case (Part Two) 16.03.2019
9 A Fortune Teller and Three Guests 23.03.2019
10 Intrigue at the Food Court 13.04.2019
11 The Killer Fist of Talos (Part One) 20.04.2019
12 The Killer Fist of Talos (Part Two) 27.04.2019
13 The Dangerous Fossil Finding Trip 04.05.2019
14 The Lover That Disappeared 11.05.2019
15 Find Maria-chan! (Part One) 01.06.2019
16 Find Maria-chan! (Part Two) 08.06.2019
17 The Tokyo Barls Collection 15.06.2019
18 The Cost of Likes (Part One) 22.06.2019
19 The Cost of Likes (Part Two) 29.06.2019
20 The Cursed Tears of Borgia (Part One) 13.07.2019
21 The Cursed Tears of Borgia (Part Two) 20.07.2019
22 The Man Crushed by a Dinosaur 27.07.2019
23 The Radio Questions and Concerns Show (Challenge Arc) 03.08.2019
24 The Radio Questions and Concerns Show (Solution Arc) 10.08.2019
25 The Whistling Bookstore 2 17.08.2019
26 The Unsolved Cocktail Case (Part One) 31.08.2019
27 The Unsolved Cocktail Case (Part Two) 07.09.2019
28 The Unsolved Cocktail Case (Part Three) 14.09.2019
29 The Secret of the Insect Man 28.09.2019
30 The Mystery-Solving Water Taxi (Part One) 12.10.2019
31 The Mystery-Solving Water Taxi (Part Two) 19.10.2019
32 The Poodle and the Shotgun (Part One) 09.11.2019
33 The Poodle and the Shotgun (Part Two) 16.11.2019
34 Miss Lonely and the Detective Boys 23.11.2019
35 The Glamping Mystery Case 30.11.2019
36 A Lecture by Mouri Kogoro (Part One) 07.12.2019
37 A Lecture by Mouri Kogoro (Part Two) 14.12.2019
38 A Lecture by Mouri Kogoro (Part Three) 21.12.2019
39 The Tokyo-Style Deduction Show Next Door (Part Two) 10.03.2018
40 A Woman With a White Hand (Part One) 17.03.2018
41 A Woman With a White Hand (Part Two) 24.03.2018

Сезон 26

# Название Дата
1 Kaitou Kid and the Trick Box (Part One) 06.01.2018
2 Kaitou Kid and the Trick Box (Part Two) 13.01.2018
3 New Assistant Teacher Skeleton Case (Part One) 20.01.2018
4 New Assistant Teacher Skeleton Case (Part Two) 27.01.2018
5 The Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour (Yamaguchi Arc) 03.02.2018
6 The Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour (Hagi Arc) 10.02.2018
7 Mystery of the Michelin Starred Restaurant 24.02.2018
8 The Tokyo-Style Deduction Show Next Door (Part One) 03.03.2018
9 The Tokyo-Style Deduction Show Next Door (Part Two) 10.03.2018
10 A Woman With a White Hand (Part One) 17.03.2018
11 A Woman With a White Hand (Part Two) 24.03.2018
12 The Melting Cake! 07.04.2018
13 The Real Culprit's Scream 28.04.2018
14 The Truths of the Locked Room Revealed 05.05.2018
15 Kisaki Lawyer SOS (Part One) 12.05.2018
16 Kisaki Lawyer SOS (Part Two) 19.05.2018
17 Birds of a Feather at Loggerheads 26.05.2018
18 Result of the Draw 16.06.2018
19 Eyewitness Testimony Seven Years Later (Part One) 23.06.2018
20 Eyewitness Testimony Seven Years Later (Part Two) 30.06.2018
21 The J League Bodyguard 14.07.2018
22 Friendship Washed Away in the Riverbed 21.07.2018
23 Mystery of the Burning Tent (Part One) 28.07.2018
24 Mystery of the Burning Tent (Part Two) 04.08.2018
25 The Job Request From Inspector Megure 01.09.2018
26 The Detective Boys Become Models 08.09.2018
27 Conan Kidnapped (Part One) 15.09.2018
28 Conan Kidnapped (Part Two) 22.09.2018
29 High School Girl Detective Suzuki Sonoko 29.09.2018
30 Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery (Part One) 06.10.2018
31 Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery (Part Two) 13.10.2018
32 The Mini-Patrol Car Police's Big Chase 27.10.2018
33 The High School Girl Trio's Secret Café (Part One) 03.11.2018
34 The High School Girl Trio's Secret Café (Part Two) 10.11.2018
35 The Murderous Carpool 17.11.2018
36 The Disappearing Detective Boys 24.11.2018
37 A Day Without Conan 01.12.2018
38 The Sun Sets Over Tangerine Fields 08.12.2018
39 The Heartfelt Strap (Part One) 15.12.2018
40 The Heartfelt Strap (Part Two) 22.12.2018

Сезон 25

# Название Дата
1 Conan and Ebizo's Kabuki Jūhachiban Mystery (Part 1) 09.01.2016
2 Conan and Ebizo's Kabuki Jūhachiban Mystery (Part 2) 16.01.2016
3 The Ventriloquist's Illusion (Part 1) 30.01.2016
4 The Ventriloquist's Illusion (Part 2) 06.02.2016
5 The Inn of the Kamaitachi (Part 1) 13.02.2016
6 The Inn of the Kamaitachi (Part 2) 20.02.2016
7 The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 1) 27.02.2016
8 The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 2) 05.03.2016
9 The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 3) 12.03.2016
10 The Shadow Sneaking Up on Amuro 16.04.2016
11 The Blog Actress's Locked Room Case (Part 1) 23.04.2016
12 The Blog Actress's Locked Room Case (Part 2) 30.04.2016
13 The Disappointing and Kind Alien 07.05.2016
14 The Missing Fiancée 14.05.2016
15 Kogoro's Pursuit of Rage (Part 1) 21.05.2016
16 Kogoro's Pursuit of Rage (Part 2) 28.05.2016
17 The Seven People in the Waiting Room 04.06.2016
18 The Hidden Secret of Dongaraji Temple 11.06.2016
19 The Suspects are a Passionate Couple (Part 1) 18.06.2016
20 The Suspects are a Passionate Couple (Part 2) 25.06.2016
21 The Detective Boys Get Out of the Rain 09.07.2016
22 The Tidal Park Comeback Case 16.07.2016
23 The Beauty, the Lie, and the Secret 23.07.2016
24 Ramen So Good, It's to Die For 2 (Part 1) 30.07.2016
25 Ramen So Good, It's to Die For 2 (Part 2) 06.08.2016
26 A Mysterious Boy 13.08.2016
27 A Cottage Surrounded By Zombies (Part 1) 03.09.2016
28 A Cottage Surrounded by Zombies (Part 2) 10.09.2016
29 A Cottage Surrounded by Zombies (Part 3) 17.09.2016
30 The Great Detective's Weakness 24.09.2016
31 The Man Who Died Twice (Part 1) 01.10.2016
32 The Man Who Died Twice (Part 2) 08.10.2016
33 The Unfriendly Girls Band (Part 1) 15.10.2016
34 The Unfriendly Girls Band (Part 2) 22.10.2016
35 Mystery in a Hot Air Balloon 05.11.2016
36 You Can Hear the Tengu's Voice 12.11.2016
37 The Last Gift 19.11.2016
38 The Rainy Bus Stop 26.11.2016
39 Turning Point on a Driving Date 10.12.2016
40 The Detectives in a Grove (Part 1) 17.12.2016
41 The Detectives in a Grove (Part 2) 24.12.2016
42 Conan Cornered in the Darkness (Part 1) 07.01.2017
43 Conan Cornered in the Darkness (Part 2) 14.01.2017
44 Chiba's Difficult UFO Case (Part 1) 28.01.2017
45 Chiba's Difficult UFO Case (Part 2) 04.02.2017
46 The Marriage Registration's Password (Part 1) 11.02.2017
47 The Marriage Registration's Password (Part 2) 18.02.2017
48 The Descent Into Hell Tour of Love (Beppu Chapter) 04.03.2017
49 The Descent Into Hell Tour of Love (Oita Chapter) 11.03.2017
50 Memories From Sakura Class (Ran GIRL) 18.03.2017
51 Memories From Sakura Class (Shinichi BOY) 25.03.2017
52 The Mystery of the Vanished Black Belt 15.04.2017
53 The Secret of the Socialite Couple 22.04.2017
54 The Mystery of Beika Street Crossroad (Part 1) 29.04.2017
55 The Mystery of Beika Street Crossroad (Part 2) 06.05.2017
56 The Mountain Route of Darkness 13.05.2017
57 The Trap of the Security System 20.05.2017
58 Just Like a 17 Year Old Crime Scene (Part 1) 03.06.2017
59 Just Like a 17 Year Old Crime Scene (Part 2) 10.06.2017
60 Soul Detective Murder Case (Part 1) 17.06.2017
61 Soul Detective Murder Case (Part 2) 24.06.2017
62 A Foul-Mouthed Myna Bird 08.07.2017
63 The Stage of Betrayal (Part 1) 15.07.2017
64 The Stage of Betrayal (Part 2) 22.07.2017
65 The Whistling Bookstore 29.07.2017
66 Conan Disappeared on the Cliff (Part 1) 05.08.2017
67 Conan Disappeared on the Cliff (Part 2) 12.08.2017
68 The Nobunaga 450 Case 02.09.2017
69 Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Squealing Part) 09.09.2017
70 Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Claw Part) 16.09.2017
71 Conan and Heiji's Nue Legend (Resolution Part) 23.09.2017
72 The Mysterious Prophetic Buddha 30.09.2017
73 The Clockwork Witness 07.10.2017
74 The Two Persons' Crossing Fates 14.10.2017
75 The Blind Spot in the Dressing Room (Part 1) 28.10.2017
76 The Blind Spot in the Dressing Room (Part 2) 04.11.2017
77 Detective Boys and the Haunted House 11.11.2017
78 The Wizard of the Ripples (Part 1) 18.11.2017
79 The Wizard of the Ripples (Part 2) 25.11.2017
80 The Bomber Came Out of the Picture Book (Part 1) 02.12.2017
81 The Bomber Came Out of the Picture Book (Part 2) 09.12.2017
82 Riddle Solution at Café Poirot (Part 1) 16.12.2017
83 Riddle Solution at Café Poirot (Part 2) 23.12.2017

Сезон 24

# Название Дата
1 Conan And Heiji, Code Of Love (Part 1) 10.01.2015
2 Conan And Heiji, Code Of Love (Part 2) 17.01.2015
3 Teimuzu River Kite Flying Case (Part 1) 24.01.2015
4 Teimuzu River Kite Flying Case (Part 2) 31.01.2015
5 The Missing Lover in the Snowstorm 07.02.2015
6 Ai Haibara Imprisonment Case 21.02.2015
7 The Troublesome Emergency Patient 28.02.2015
8 The Tense Tea Party (Part 1) 07.03.2015
9 The Tense Tea Party (Part 2) 14.03.2015
10 Shinichi Kudo Aquarium Case (Part 1) 21.03.2015
11 Shinichi Kudo Aquarium Case (Part 2) 28.03.2015
12 The Missing Scream of Munch 18.04.2015
13 The Manipulated Great Detective (Part 1) 25.04.2015
14 The Manipulated Great Detective (Part 2) 02.05.2015
15 Detective Boys vs Detective Elderlies 09.05.2015
16 The Missing Angel in a Mirage 16.05.2015
17 A Scarlet Prologue 30.05.2015
18 A Scarlet Pursuit 06.06.2015
19 A Scarlet Intersection 13.06.2015
20 A Scarlet Return 20.06.2015
21 A Scarlet Truth 27.06.2015
22 Welcome to Orihime Club 11.07.2015
23 Taiko Meijin's Match of Love (Part 1) 18.07.2015
24 Taiko Meijin's Match of Love (Part 2) 25.07.2015
25 The Mystery Sinking in the Midsummer Pool (Part 1) 01.08.2015
26 The Mystery Sinking in the Midsummer Pool (Part 2) 08.08.2015
27 A Weather Forecast from the Queen 15.08.2015
28 Beika Pong, Huge Bleeding Service 05.09.2015
29 Detective Takagi Escaping with Handcuffs 12.09.2015
30 Three First Discoverers (Part 1) 19.09.2015
31 Three First Discoverers (Part 2) 26.09.2015
32 Bodyguard Kogoro Mouri 03.10.2015
33 The Secret of Missing Young Lady 10.10.2015
34 Inseparable Couple's Strategy 17.10.2015
35 Fantasy Young Lady's Confused Deduction 24.10.2015
36 The Moving Target 07.11.2015
37 Detective Boys' Deduction Battle for the Locked Room 14.11.2015
38 Chase 100 Million Yen 21.11.2015
39 Tottori Sand Dunes Mystery Tour (Kurayoshi Part) 28.11.2015
40 Tottori Sand Dunes Mystery Tour (Tottori Part) 05.12.2015
41 Beware the Dangers of Fire 12.12.2015

Сезон 23

# Название Дата
1 Kaitou Kid and the Blush Mermaid (1) 04.01.2014
2 Kaitou Kid and the Blush Mermaid (2) 11.01.2014
3 The Happy Message That Brings Misfortune 18.01.2014
4 The Treasure Chest Filled With Fruits (1) 25.01.2014
5 The Treasure Chest Filled With Fruits (2) 01.02.2014
6 The Diamond, the Painting, and the Great Actress 08.02.2014
7 The Figure That Was Too Good 22.02.2014
8 The Crime Scene's Neighbor is My Ex-Boyfriend (1) 01.03.2014
9 The Crime Scene's Neighbor is My Ex-Boyfriend (2) 08.03.2014
10 The Wedding Reception and the Two Gunshots 22.03.2014
11 The Memory of Judy and the Trap of Blossom Viewing 29.03.2014
12 The Coded Invitation 19.04.2014
13 The Secret of the Statue of Kogoro Mouri 26.04.2014
14 The Suspicious Walking Path 03.05.2014
15 Kogoro in the Bar (1) 10.05.2014
16 Kogoro in the Bar (2) 17.05.2014
17 Bathroom Where Ran Collapsed As Well (1) 31.05.2014
18 Bathroom Where Ran Collapsed As Well (2) 07.06.2014
19 Promise with a J-Leaguer 14.06.2014
20 Two Coincidental Successes 21.06.2014
21 The Suspect is Makoto Kyogoku (1) 28.06.2014
22 The Suspect is Makoto Kyogoku (2) 05.07.2014
23 Kaitou Kid VS Makoto Kyogoku (1) 19.07.2014
24 Kaitou Kid VS Makoto Kyogoku (2) 26.07.2014
25 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (Confession) 02.08.2014
26 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (Truth) 09.08.2014
27 The Man Betrayed by the Sea 06.09.2014
28 The Beckoning Calico Cat Case (1) 20.09.2014
29 The Beckoning Calico Cat Case (2) 27.09.2014
30 The Blind Spot in the Shared House 04.10.2014
31 The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Steam) 11.10.2014
32 The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Evil Spirit) 18.10.2014
33 The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Revenge) 25.10.2014
34 The Comedian Who Turned Himself In (1) 01.11.2014
35 The Comedian Who Turned Himself In (2) 08.11.2014
36 The Unexpected Result Of Romance Novel (1) 22.11.2014
37 The Unexpected Result Of Romance Novel (2) 29.11.2014
38 Kaga Hyakumangoku Mystery Tour (Kanazawa Part) 06.12.2014
39 Kaga Hyakumangoku Mystery Tour (Kaga Part) 13.12.2014

Сезон 22

# Название Дата
1 The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Begin Broadcasting) 05.01.2013
2 The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Desperate Situation) 12.01.2013
3 The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Enter the Scene) 19.01.2013
4 Froth, Steam, and Smoke (Part 1) 26.01.2013
5 Froth, Steam, and Smoke (Part 2) 02.02.2013
6 Car Carrying a Time Bomb 09.02.2013
7 The Unsolvable Frozen Trap 16.02.2013
8 Detective Takagi Found 30 Million Yen 23.02.2013
9 A Message From a Client 02.03.2013
10 Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case‎ (Part 1) 09.03.2013
11 Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case‎ (Part 2) 16.03.2013
12 The Night Cherry Blossom Route on Sumida River (Part 1) 23.03.2013
13 The Night Cherry Blossom Route on Sumida River (Part 2) 30.03.2013
14 The Missing Japanese Sweet in the Old Shop 20.04.2013
15 The Roses in the Vineyard 27.04.2013
16 The Stormy Flowerbed Conspiracy 04.05.2013
17 The Window of the Girls Academy 11.05.2013
18 No Way! The UFO Crash Case 18.05.2013
19 The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret (Part 1) 08.06.2013
20 The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret (Part 2) 15.06.2013
21 The Raven Mystery Train (Departure) 13.07.2013
22 The Raven Mystery Train (Tunnel) 20.07.2013
23 The Raven Mystery Train (Intersection) 27.07.2013
24 The Raven Mystery Train (Destination) 03.08.2013
25 Conan Inside the Locked Room 10.08.2013
26 Bourbon Figures It Out 17.08.2013
27 The Framed Great Detective 31.08.2013
28 The Man Who Fell Slowly 07.09.2013
29 An Unconfirmed Shocking Case 14.09.2013
30 Everyone Was Watching (Part 1) 21.09.2013
31 Everyone Was Watching (Part 2) 28.09.2013
32 Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (1) 05.10.2013
33 Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (2) 12.10.2013
34 Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (3) 19.10.2013
35 Heiji Hattori and the Vampire Mansion (4) 26.10.2013
36 Dancing Demon in a Noh Mask House (Part 1) 02.11.2013
37 Dancing Demon in a Noh Mask House (Part 2) 09.11.2013
38 The Devil's Circuit 16.11.2013
39 The Platinum Ticket Commotion 23.11.2013
40 Mystery Tour of Fire and Water (Aso Part) 30.11.2013
41 Mystery Tour of Fire and Water (Kumamoto Part) 07.12.2013
42 Sweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 1) 14.12.2013
43 Sweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 2) 21.12.2013

Сезон 21

# Название Дата
1 Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel (Part 1) 18.02.2012
2 Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel (Part 2) 25.02.2012
3 The Case of the Besieged Detective Agency (Outbreak) 03.03.2012
4 The Case of the Besieged Detective Agency (Sniping) 10.03.2012
5 The Case of the Besieged Detective Agency (Release) 17.03.2012
6 Conan vs. Heiji, The Deduction Showdown Between the Detective of the East and West (1 Hour Special) 24.03.2012
7 The Design of Poison and Illusion (EYE) 21.04.2012
8 The Design of Poison and Illusion (S) 28.04.2012
9 The Design of Poison and Illusion (Poison) 05.05.2012
10 The Design of Poison and Mirage (Illusion) 12.05.2012
11 The Professor's Video Site (Part 1) 19.05.2012
12 The Professor's Video Site (Part 2) 26.05.2012
13 Chocolate's Hot Trap 02.06.2012
14 Co-Investigating with a First Love (Part 1) 09.06.2012
15 Co-Investigating with a First Love (Part 2) 16.06.2012
16 Kogoro-san is a Good Man (Part 1) 23.06.2012
17 Kogoro-san is a Good Man (Part 2) 30.06.2012
18 Chase the Miyama Stag Beetle 07.07.2012
19 The Great Dog Coeur's Triumph 2 14.07.2012
20 The Suspicious Initial K 21.07.2012
21 The Intimidator in the Rainy Night 28.07.2012
22 Wedding Eve (Part 1) 01.09.2012
23 Wedding Eve (Part 2) 08.09.2012
24 Treasure in the Tower of Darkness (Part 1) 15.09.2012
25 Treasure in the Tower of Darkness (Part 2) 22.09.2012
26 Detectives' Nocturne (The Case) 06.10.2012
27 Detectives' Nocturne (Kidnapping) 13.10.2012
28 Detectives' Nocturne (Deduction) 20.10.2012
29 Detectives' Nocturne (Bourbon) 27.10.2012
30 Won't Forgive One Millimeter (Part 1) 10.11.2012
31 Won't Forgive One Millimeter (Part 2) 17.11.2012
32 The Sandy Beach Without Footprints 24.11.2012
33 Nagasaki Mystery Theatre (End of Edo Chapter) 01.12.2012
34 Nagasaki Mystery Theatre (Modern Chapter) 08.12.2012
35 Cactus Rhapsody 15.12.2012

Сезон 20

# Название Дата
1 Courtroom Confrontation IV: Juror Sumiko Kobayashi (Part 1) 26.02.2011
2 Courtroom Confrontation IV: Juror Sumiko Kobayashi (Part 2) 05.03.2011
3 White Day of Betrayal (Part 1) 05.03.2011
4 White Day of Betrayal (Part 2) 26.03.2011
5 The Victim is Shinichi Kudo 09.04.2011
6 Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Will-o'-The-Wisp Chapter) 16.04.2011
7 Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Footsteps Chapter) 23.04.2011
8 Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Chapter of Princess) 30.04.2011
9 The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 1) 07.05.2011
10 The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 2) 14.05.2011
11 Holmes' Revelation (Holmes' Apprentice) 21.05.2011
12 Holmes' Revelation (Love is 0) 28.05.2011
13 Holmes' Revelation (Satan) 04.06.2011
14 Holmes' Revelation (Code Break) 11.06.2011
15 Holmes' Revelation (Grass Court Queen) 18.06.2011
16 Holmes' Revelation (0 is Start) 25.06.2011
17 Emergency Situation 252 (Part 1) 02.07.2011
18 Emergency Situation 252 (Part 2) 09.07.2011
19 A Video Letter of First Love 16.07.2011
20 The Screaming Operation Room (Part 1) 23.07.2011
21 The Screaming Operation Room (Part 2) 30.07.2011
22 The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 1) 20.08.2011
23 The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 2) 27.08.2011
24 The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 1) 03.09.2011
25 The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 2) 10.09.2011
26 What the Flower Clock Knew 17.09.2011
27 The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 1) 01.10.2011
28 The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 2) 08.10.2011
29 The Super Narrow Shop Crime Scene 15.10.2011
30 Beware of Dieting 05.11.2011
31 The Most Useful School in the World Case (Part 1) 12.11.2011
32 The Most Useful School in the World Case (Part 2) 19.11.2011
33 Solving Mysteries at the Red Leaf Palace (Part 1) 26.11.2011
34 Solving Mysteries at the Red Leaf Palace (Part 2) 03.12.2011
35 The Memory Trip of the Eight Sketches (Okayama Part) 10.12.2011
36 The Memory Trip of the Eight Sketches (Kurashiki Part) 17.12.2011
37 Grabbing Karuta Cards in Dire Straits (Part 1) 07.01.2012
38 Grabbing Karuta Cards in Dire Straits (Part 2) 14.01.2012
39 Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 1) 04.02.2012
40 Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 2) 11.02.2012

Сезон 19

# Название Дата
1 The Partner is Santa-san 27.02.2010
2 Murderous Intent Raining on an Outdoor Spa 06.03.2010
3 Inspector Shiratori, Memories of the Cherry Blossom (Part 1) 13.03.2010
4 Inspector Shiratori, Memories of the Cherry Blossom (Part 2) 20.03.2010
5 The Crime with Zero Possibility to be Proven 27.03.2010
6 Battle of the Haunted Warhouse's Treasure (Part 1) 01.05.2010
7 Battle of the Haunted Warhouse's Treasure (Part 2) 08.05.2010
8 The Whereabouts of the Embarrassing Charm (Part 1) 15.05.2010
9 The Whereabouts of the Embarrassing Charm (Part 2) 22.05.2010
10 The Alibi of the Black Dress (Part 1) 29.05.2010
11 The Alibi of the Black Dress (Part 2) 05.06.2010
12 The Truth Lit Up By the Fireflies 19.06.2010
13 The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen 26.06.2010
14 The Suggestion of Black Thirteen 03.07.2010
15 The Black Time Limit Drawing Near 10.07.2010
16 The Red Shaking Target 17.07.2010
17 The Night the Zombie Died 24.07.2010
18 Kobayashi-sensei's Love 14.08.2010
19 Inspector Shiratori's Lost Love 21.08.2010
20 Timeless Sakura's Love 28.08.2010
21 The Kirin's Horn That Vanished into the Dark 04.09.2010
22 Kid vs. the Four Divine Detective Boys 11.09.2010
23 The Trap of the Rooftop Farm 18.09.2010
24 The Worst Birthday (Part 1) 25.09.2010
25 The Worst Birthday (Part 2) 02.10.2010
26 A House in the Aquarium 16.10.2010
27 The Monkey & Bamboo Rake's Stolen Items (Part 1) 23.10.2010
28 The Monkey & Bamboo Rake's Stolen Items (Part 2) 30.10.2010
29 The Seven Wonders Tour in Hiroshima and Miyajima (Part 1) 06.11.2010
30 The Seven Wonders Tour in Hiroshima and Miyajima (Part 2) 13.11.2010
31 The Alibi that Fell 20.11.2010
32 The Scenario of the Locked Steam Room (Part 1) 27.11.2010
33 The Scenario of the Locked Steam Room (Part 2) 04.12.2010
34 A Friend of Justice 11.12.2010
35 The Dream the Kappa Saw (Part 1) 18.12.2010
36 The Dream the Kappa Saw (Part 2) 25.12.2010
37 The Devil Hidden in the Tennis Court 08.01.2011
38 The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (First Locked Room) 29.01.2011
39 The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (Second Locked Room) 05.02.2011
40 The Séance's Double Locked Room Mystery Case (Opened Locked Room) 12.02.2011

Сезон 18

# Название Дата
1 The Blue Spark of Hate (Part 1) 09.02.2009
2 The Blue Spark of Hate (Part 2) 16.02.2009
3 A Present from the True Culprit 23.02.2009
4 Evil Intent Hidden Behind a Mask 02.03.2009
5 Mind Over Mystery (Part 1) 09.03.2009
6 Mind Over Mystery (Part 2) 16.03.2009
7 The Truth of the Urban Legend (Part 1) 18.04.2009
8 The Truth of the Urban Legend (Part 2) 25.04.2009
9 The Scar of First Love 02.05.2009
10 The Scar that Invokes the Past 09.05.2009
11 The New Scar and the Whistling Man 16.05.2009
12 The Old Scar and the Inspector's Soul 23.05.2009
13 The Secret of the Vanished Masterpiece 30.05.2009
14 Kaito Kid vs the Strongest Vault (Part 1) 13.06.2009
15 Kaito Kid vs the Strongest Vault (Part 2) 20.06.2009
16 The Inheritance to a Foolish Person 04.07.2009
17 The Day Mori Kogoro Discontinues His Detective Business (Part 1) 11.07.2009
18 The Day Mori Kogoro Discontinues His Detective Business (Part 2) 18.07.2009
19 The Disappearing Fish at Ikkaku Rock (Part 1) 25.07.2009
20 The Disappearing Fish at Ikkaku Rock (Part 2) 01.08.2009
21 The Hand That Plays in Dissonance 08.08.2009
22 A Witch Yelling in the Fog (Part 1) 05.09.2009
23 A Witch Yelling in the Fog (Part 2) 12.09.2009
24 Two Days with the Culprit (First Day) 19.09.2009
25 Two Days with the Culprit (Second Day) 26.09.2009
26 The Revolving Sushi Mystery (Part 1) 03.10.2009
27 The Revolving Sushi Mystery (Part 2) 10.10.2009
28 The Criminal is Genta's Father (Part 1) 17.10.2009
29 The Criminal is Genta's Father (Part 2) 24.10.2009
30 The Interrogation Room 31.10.2009
31 Stork Mystery Tour (Ran's Search Part) 07.11.2009
32 Stork Mystery Tour (Haruna's Tracking Part) 14.11.2009
33 The Fearful Intersection 21.11.2009
34 Accompany with a Dangerous Pair 28.11.2009
35 The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Grateful Invitation) 05.12.2009
36 The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Item on Hand) 12.12.2009
37 The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Late Komei) 19.12.2009
38 The Death Mansion and the Red Wall (Plan of Empty Fort) 26.12.2009
39 The Kidnapping of Rainbow Colors 16.01.2010
40 Detective Boys vs. Burglar Gang (Turbulent) 23.01.2010
41 Detective Boys vs. Burglar Gang (Silence) 30.01.2010
42 The Eye-Witness Who Did Not See 06.02.2010

Сезон 17

# Название Дата
1 Clash of Red and Black! (The Beginning) 14.01.2008
2 Clash of Red and Black! (Blood Relative) 21.01.2008
3 Clash of Red and Black! (Exclamation) 28.01.2008
4 Clash of Red and Black! (Hades) 04.02.2008
5 Clash of Red and Black! (Coma) 11.02.2008
6 Clash of Red and Black! (Invasion) 18.02.2008
7 Clash of Red and Black! (Awakening) 25.02.2008
8 Clash of Red and Black! (Disturbance) 03.03.2008
9 Clash of Red and Black! (Camouflage) 10.03.2008
10 Clash of Red and Black! (Testament) 17.03.2008
11 Clash of Red and Black! (Suspicion) 14.04.2008
12 Clash of Red and Black! (Innocence) 28.04.2008
13 Clash of Red and Black! (Ready for Death) 12.05.2008
14 Clash of Red and Black! (Death on Duty) 19.05.2008
15 Lawyer Eri Kisaki's Testimony (Part 1) 16.06.2008
16 Lawyer Eri Kisaki's Testimony (Part 2) 23.06.2008
17 The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (Part 1) 30.06.2008
18 The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (Part 2) 07.07.2008
19 Red, White, Yellow, and the Detective Boys 14.07.2008
20 Conan vs. W Code Mystery 28.07.2008
21 Deduction Showdown! Shinichi vs. Subaru Okiya 04.08.2008
22 The Broken Horoscope 11.08.2008
23 Coffee Aroma with Murderous Intention (Part 1) 01.09.2008
24 Coffee Aroma with Murderous Intention (Part 2) 08.09.2008
25 Kaito Kid's Teleportation Magic (1 Hour Special) 20.10.2008
26 Furinkazan - The Mysterious Armoured Knight (1 Hour Special) 03.11.2008
27 Furinkazan - Shadow and Lightning's Conclusion 10.11.2008
28 Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour: Investigation Chapter 01.12.2008
29 Meiji Restoration Mystery Tour: Decipher Chapter 08.12.2008
30 Indictment by Red Wine 15.12.2008
31 Murderer, Kudo Shinichi (1 Hour Special) 19.01.2009
32 Shinichi's True Face and Ran's Tears (1 Hour Special) 26.01.2009
33 What She Really Wants to Ask 02.02.2009
34 憎しみの青い火花(前編) 09.02.2009
35 憎しみの青い火花(後編) 16.02.2009
36 真犯人からの届け物 23.02.2009
37 仮面劇に秘めた悪意 02.03.2009

Сезон 16

# Название Дата
1 Snowman that Cannot Be Smashed (Part 1) 26.02.2007
2 Snowman that Cannot Be Smashed (Part 2) 05.03.2007
3 The Mysterious Case Near the Pond 12.03.2007
4 Kaito Kid and the 4 Masterpieces (Part 1) 16.04.2007
5 Kaito Kid and the 4 Masterpieces (Part 2) 23.04.2007
6 The Out of Control Rental Car 07.05.2007
7 Shinichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure (Part 1) 14.05.2007
8 Shinichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure (Part 2) 21.05.2007
9 Love of Lawyer Eri Kisaki 04.06.2007
10 Bad Luck Grand Prix 18.06.2007
11 Genta's Certain Kill Shot (Part 1) 25.06.2007
12 Genta's Certain Kill Shot (Part 2) 02.07.2007
13 Real 30 Minutes 09.07.2007
14 Three Days With Hattori Heiji (2-hour Special) 16.07.2007
15 Yellow Alibi 23.07.2007
16 Mountain Witch's Cutlery (Part 1) 30.07.2007
17 Mountain Witch's Cutlery (Part 2) 06.08.2007
18 The Missing Policeman 13.08.2007
19 Whereabouts of the Dark Photograph (Part 1) 20.08.2007
20 Whereabouts of the Dark Photograph (Part 2) 27.08.2007
21 Manekineko from the Right to the Left 03.09.2007
22 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 8 Left Hand's Ring Finger (1 Hour Special) 15.10.2007
23 Devil of the TV Station (1 Hour Special) 22.10.2007
24 Courtroom Confrontation III A Lawyer as Eyewitness (1 Hour Special) 26.11.2007
25 Hattori Heiji vs. Kudo Shinichi! The Grand Deduction Battle! (1 Hour Special) 03.12.2007

Сезон 15

# Название Дата
1 The Super Secret Road to School (Part 1) 23.01.2006
2 The Super Secret Road to School (Part 2) 30.01.2006
3 The Two Who Can't Return Anymore (Part 1) 06.02.2006
4 The Two Who Can't Return Anymore (Part 2) 13.02.2006
5 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 7 (Part 1) 20.02.2006
6 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 7 (Part 2) 27.02.2006
7 Conan-A Strange Child 06.03.2006
8 The Famous Dog's Cool Achievement 10.04.2006
9 Information Gathered About the Detective Boys (Part 1) 17.04.2006
10 Information Gathered About the Detective Boys (Part 2) 24.04.2006
11 Ueto Aya and Shinichi - The Promise from 4 Years Ago 08.05.2006
12 The Fish Mail Pursuit 15.05.2006
13 And It'd be Nice if Everybody Disappeared 22.05.2006
14 Car Stunt at the Utmost Limit 29.05.2006
15 Final 05.06.2006
16 The Man Obstructing the Steel Frame 12.06.2006
17 Shell Gathering and a Sigh (Part 1) 26.06.2006
18 Shell Gathering and a Sigh (Part 2) 03.07.2006
19 Secret of the Russian Blue 10.07.2006
20 The Sealed Western-Style Window (Part 1) 24.07.2006
21 The Sealed Western-Style Window (Part 2) 31.07.2006
22 Meguro's Pike Case 14.08.2006
23 Metropolitan Police Love Story - Fake Wedding (1 Hour Special) 21.08.2006
24 Trick vs. Magic (Part 1) 28.08.2006
25 Trick vs. Magic (Part 2) 04.09.2006
26 The Mysterious Person From the Konpira Troupe (1 Hour Special) 11.09.2006
27 Private Showing of Fate and Friendship 23.10.2006
28 The Overturned Conclusion (Part 1) 30.10.2006
29 The Overturned Conclusion (Part 2) 06.11.2006
30 The Mystery I Loved 13.11.2006
31 Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (Part 1) 20.11.2006
32 Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (Part 2) 27.11.2006
33 A Mysterious Man - Overly Strict with Regulations 04.12.2006
34 Class 1-B's Great Operation 15.01.2007
35 The Vanished Page 22.01.2007
36 The Shadow of the Black Organization (The Young Witness) 29.01.2007
37 The Shadow of the Black Organization (The Strange Illumination) 05.02.2007
38 The Shadow of the Black Organization (The Mystery of the Big Reward) 12.02.2007
39 The Shadow of the Black Organization (Shining Star of Pearl) 19.02.2007

Сезон 14

# Название Дата
1 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 6 (Part 1) 28.02.2005
2 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 6 (Part 2) 07.03.2005
3 The Mysterious Height Difference of 20cm 14.03.2005
4 A Kidnapping Case... So It Seems 21.03.2005
5 Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion: The Seal 18.04.2005
6 Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion: The Mechanism 25.04.2005
7 Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion: The Resolution 02.05.2005
8 Hot, Bitter, Sweet Soup 09.05.2005
9 The Weird Family's Commission (Part 1) 16.05.2005
10 The Weird Family's Commission (Part 2) 23.05.2005
11 Ran's Suspicions 30.05.2005
12 Red-Handed Jewel Robber (Part 1) 06.06.2005
13 Red-Handed Jewel Robber (Part 2) 13.06.2005
14 The Mysterious Angel's Mansion (Part 1) 20.06.2005
15 The Mysterious Angel's Mansion (Part 2) 27.06.2005
16 Man Who Went to Call For An Ambulance 04.07.2005
17 Conan and Heiji's Reasoning Magic: The Trick 11.07.2005
18 Conan and Heiji's Reasoning Magic: The Mansion 18.07.2005
19 Conan and Heiji's Reasoning Magic: The Resolution 01.08.2005
20 The Simultaneous Stage Advance and Kidnapping (Part 1) 08.08.2005
21 The Simultaneous Stage Advance and Kidnapping (Part 2) 15.08.2005
22 The Shinto Shrine Torii's Surprising Code (Part 1) 22.08.2005
23 The Shinto Shrine Torii's Surprising Code (Part 2) 29.08.2005
24 The Mystery of the Half-Completed Crime 05.09.2005
25 The Detective Boys Follow the Blue Bird 12.09.2005
26 The Evil Spirit Appears on An Unlucky Day: The Case 10.10.2005
27 The Evil Spirit Appears on An Unlucky Day: The Suspicion 17.10.2005
28 The Evil Spirit Appears on An Unlucky Day: The Solution 24.10.2005
29 Home of Beika's Grenier 31.10.2005
30 Sword of the Eight-Headed Serpent (Part 1) 07.11.2005
31 Sword of the Eight-Headed Serpent (Part 2) 14.11.2005
32 Gingko-Colored First Love (Part 1) 21.11.2005
33 Gingko-Colored First Love (Part 2) 28.11.2005
34 Detective Boys and the Four Aomushi Brothers 05.12.2005
35 The Photograph Mail From a Clown 19.12.2005
36 Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out! (2.5 Hour special) 09.01.2006
37 Love Letter to Ran 16.01.2006

Сезон 13

# Название Дата
1 A Small Client (Part 1) 08.03.2004
2 A Small Client (Part 2) 15.03.2004
3 Kaito Kid's Miracle Midair Walk (1 Hour Special) 12.04.2004
4 Sweetheart is an Illusion of Spring 26.04.2004
5 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 5 (Part 1) 03.05.2004
6 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 5 (Part 2) 10.05.2004
7 A Mysterious Spring Beetle 17.05.2004
8 Teitan High School's Ghost Story (Part 1) 24.05.2004
9 Teitan High School's Ghost Story (Part 2) 31.05.2004
10 The City's Crows 07.06.2004
11 Synchronicity Case (Part 1) 14.06.2004
12 Synchronicity Case (Part 2) 21.06.2004
13 The Tragedy of the Pier in Plain Sight (Part 1) 05.07.2004
14 The Tragedy of the Pier in Plain Sight (Part 2) 12.07.2004
15 The Candy House the Witch Lives In 26.07.2004
16 Lucky Man's Suspense 02.08.2004
17 Running Away in a Game 09.08.2004
18 A Course Without Protest (Part 1) 23.08.2004
19 A Course Without Protest (Part 2) 30.08.2004
20 Poisonous Spider Trap 06.09.2004
21 A Code of Stars and Tobacco (Part 1) 18.10.2004
22 A Code of Stars and Tobacco (Part 2) 25.10.2004
23 Time Limit at 15 01.11.2004
24 Momotarou Mystery Solving Tour (Part 1) 08.11.2004
25 Momotarou Mystery Solving Tour (Part 2) 15.11.2004
26 Case of the Long Sleeved Kimono at the Hidden Hot Spring on a Snowy Night (Part 1) 22.11.2004
27 Case of the Long Sleeved Kimono at the Hidden Hot Spring on a Snowy Night (Part 2) 29.11.2004
28 Whose Reasoning Show (Part 1) 06.12.2004
29 Whose Reasoning Show (Part 2) 13.12.2004
30 Miracle at Koshien Ball Park! The Defiants Face the Dark Demon (2 Hour Special) 20.12.2004
31 The Target is Mouri Kogoro! 17.01.2005
32 Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Overture) 24.01.2005
33 Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Interlude) 31.01.2005
34 Dissonance of the Stradivarius Violin (Last Tune) 07.02.2005
35 Kogoro Gets Drunk in Satsuma (Part 1) 14.02.2005
36 Kogoro Gets Drunk in Satsuma (Part 2) 21.02.2005

Сезон 12

# Название Дата
1 The Tarnished Masked Hero (Part One) 21.04.2003
2 The Tarnished Masked Hero (Part Two) 28.04.2003
3 Cigar Case of Good Fortune (Part One) 05.05.2003
4 Cigar Case of Good Fortune (Part Two) 12.05.2003
5 Art of Ninja Alibi Craft 19.05.2003
6 The Vanished Kidnapper's Getaway Car (Part One) 26.05.2003
7 The Vanished Kidnapper's Getaway Car (Part Two) 02.06.2003
8 Hattori Heiji's Desperate Situation! (Part One) 09.06.2003
9 Hattori Heiji's Desperate Situation! (Part Two) 16.06.2003
10 Red Horse Inside the Flame: Incident Chapter 23.06.2003
11 Red Horse Inside the Flame: Investigation Chapter 29.06.2003
12 Red Horse Inside the Flame: Solution Chapter 07.07.2003
13 Mystery of the Birthday Wine 14.07.2003
14 Friendship Torn Apart (Part One) 28.07.2003
15 Friendship Torn Apart (Part Two) 04.08.2003
16 Suspicious Curry (Part One) 11.08.2003
17 Suspicious Curry (Part Two) 18.08.2003
18 Alike Princesses (Part One) 25.08.2003
19 Alike Princesses (Part Two) 01.09.2003
20 Secret of the Touto Film Developer Place (Part One) 08.09.2003
21 Secret of the Touto Film Developer Place (Part Two) 15.09.2003
22 Hidden Circumstances of the Falling Incident 13.10.2003
23 Four Porsches (Part One) 20.10.2003
24 Four Porsches (Part Two) 27.10.2003
25 Hidden Bathroom Secret (Part One) 03.11.2003
26 Hidden Bathroom Secret (Part Two) 10.11.2003
27 Bride of Huis Ten Bosch (One Hour Special) 17.11.2003
28 The Convenience Store Trap (Part One) 01.12.2003
29 The Convenience Store Trap (Part Two) 08.12.2003
30 Head-to-Head Match With Black Organization, Two Mysteries Night of the Full Moon 05.01.2004
31 Find the Buttocks' Mark! (Part One) 12.01.2004
32 Find the Buttocks' Mark! (Part Two) 19.01.2004
33 Love, A Ghost and A Wordly Inheritance (Part One) 26.01.2004
34 Love, A Ghost and A Wordly Inheritance (Part Two) 02.02.2004
35 The Forgetten Cellphone (Part One) 09.02.2004
36 The Forgetten Cellphone, (Part Two) 16.02.2004
37 The Fishing Tournament Tragedy (Part One) 23.02.2004
38 The Fishing Tournament Tragedy (Part Two) 01.03.2004

Сезон 11

# Название Дата
1 Kudo Shinichi's NY Case (Part One) 15.07.2002
2 Kudo Shinichi's NY Case (Part Two) 22.07.2002
3 Kudo Shinichi's NY Case (Part Three) 29.07.2002
4 Mitsuhiko's Mystifying Forest (Part One) 05.08.2002
5 Mitsuhiko's Mystifying Forest (Part Two) 12.08.2002
6 Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (Part One) 19.08.2002
7 Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (Part Two) 26.08.2002
8 Solitary Island of the Princess and the Dragon King's Palace (Part Three) 02.09.2002
9 Smash of Love and Determination (Part One) 09.09.2002
10 Smash of Love and Determination (Part Two) 16.09.2002
11 Houseboat Fishing Shock 14.10.2002
12 Courtroom Confrontation 2 Kisaki VS Kujo Reiko (Part One) 21.10.2002
13 Courtroom Confrontation 2 Kisaki VS Kujo Reiko (Part Two) 28.10.2002
14 Kanmon Strait of Friendship & Murderous Intent (Part One) 04.11.2002
15 Kanmon Strait of Friendship & Murderous Intent (Part Two) 18.11.2002
16 Parade of Malice and Saint (Part One) 25.11.2002
17 Parade of Malice and Saint (Part Two) 02.12.2002
18 The Victim who Came Back 09.12.2002
19 Trembling Metropolitan Police Headquarters 12 Million Hostages (2 Hour special) 06.01.2003
20 Unseen Suspect (part 1) 13.01.2003
21 Unseen Suspect (part 2) 20.01.2003
22 The Dark Footprint (part 1) 27.01.2003
23 The Dark Footprint (part 2) 03.02.2003
24 Contact with the Black Organization: Negotiation Chapter 10.02.2003
25 Contact with the Black Organization: Pursuit Chapter 17.02.2003
26 Contact with the Black Organization: Desperation Chapter 24.02.2003
27 Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Part 1) 03.03.2003
28 Festival Dolls Dyed in the Setting Sun (Part 2) 10.03.2003
29 Broken Fence of the Observatory 17.03.2003
30 Place Exposed to the Sun 14.04.2003

Сезон 10

# Название Дата
1 The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamazo Linked Verse Contest (Part 1) 29.10.2001
2 The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamazo Linked Verse Contest (Part 2) 05.11.2001
3 The Mysterious Punishment from Heaven 12.11.2001
4 The Man From Chicago (1) 19.11.2001
5 The Man from Chicago (2) 26.11.2001
6 The Shaking Restaurant 03.12.2001
7 The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (1) 10.12.2001
8 The Fearful Legend of the Snowy Night (2) 17.12.2001
9 The Osaka Double Mystery - The Swordsman and Toyotomi's Castle [Special] 07.01.2002
10 The Courtroom Battle: Kisaki vs Kogoro (1) 14.01.2002
11 The Courtroom Battle: Kisaki vs Kogoro (2) 21.01.2002
12 The Truth Behind Valentine's (1) 28.01.2002
13 The Truth Behind Valentine's (2) 04.02.2002
14 The Truth Behind Valentine's (3) 11.02.2002
15 The Forgotten Memento from the Crime (1) 18.02.2002
16 The Forgotten Memento from the Crime (2) 12.03.2002
17 Secret Rushed Omission (1) 11.03.2002
18 Secret Rushed Omission (2) 18.03.2002
19 Quiz Oba-san's Dart Clue Case 08.04.2002
20 Truth About the Haunted House (1) 15.04.2002
21 Truth About the Haunted House (2) 22.04.2002
22 Case of the Missing Policeman's Notebook 06.05.2002
23 English Teacher VS Great Western Detective (1) 13.05.2002
24 English Teacher VS Great Western Detective (2) 20.05.2002
25 Hooligan's Labyrinth (1) 27.05.2002
26 Hooligan's Labyrinth (2) 03.06.2002
27 The Small Eye Witnesses 10.06.2002
28 Mystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (1) 17.06.2002
29 Mystery of the Water Flowing Stone Garden (2) 24.06.2002
30 Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (1) 01.07.2002
31 Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain (2) 08.07.2002

Сезон 9

# Название Дата
1 The Client Full of Lies (Part One) 15.01.2001
2 The Client Full of Lies (Part Two) 22.01.2001
3 And Then There Were No Mermaids (Part One: The Murder) 29.01.2001
4 And Then There Were No Mermaids (Part Two: The Deduction) 05.02.2001
5 And Then There Were No Mermaids (Part Three: The Solution) 12.02.2001
6 The Secret of the High Sales 19.02.2001
7 The Battle Game Trap (Part One) 26.02.2001
8 The Battle Game Trap (Part Two) 05.03.2001
9 The Murderous Pottery Class (Part One) 12.03.2001
10 The Murderous Pottery Class (Part Two) 19.03.2001
11 The Mysterious Passenger (Part One) 16.04.2001
12 The Mysterious Passenger (Part Two) 23.04.2001
13 The Falling Off The Condo Case 07.05.2001
14 The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part One) 14.05.2001
15 The Evidence That Didn't Disappear (Part Two) 21.05.2001
16 The Locked Wine Cellar 28.05.2001
17 The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part One) 04.06.2001
18 The Nanki Beach Mystery Tour (Part Two) 11.06.2001
19 The Osaka 3 K Case (Part One) 18.06.2001
20 The Osaka 3 K Case (Part Two) 25.06.2001
21 The Bullet Train Transport Case (Part One) 02.07.2001
22 The Bullet Train Transport Case (Part Two) 09.07.2001
23 Genta's Disaster 16.07.2001
24 Mori Kogoro's Imposter (Part One) 23.07.2001
25 Mori Kogoro's Imposter (Part Two) 30.07.2001
26 The Gunshot in the Sunflower Building 06.08.2001
27 The Mystery in the Net (Part One) 13.08.2001
28 The Mystery in the Net (Part Two) 20.08.2001
29 The Alibi of the Soothing Forest 27.08.2001
30 The Idol Stars' Secret (Part One) 03.09.2001
31 The Idol Stars' Secret (Part Two) 10.09.2001
32 The Tragedy at the OK Corral 17.09.2001
33 The Kidnapper in the Picture 08.10.2001
34 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 4 (Part 1) 15.10.2001
35 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 4 (Part 2) 22.10.2001
36 絵の中の誘拐犯 08.10.2001
37 本庁の刑事恋物語4(前編) 15.10.2001
38 本庁の刑事恋物語4(後編) 22.10.2001

Сезон 8

# Название Дата
1 The Significant Music Box (part 1) 12.06.2000
2 The Significant Music Box (part 2) 19.06.2000
3 The Invisible Weapon, Ran's First Investigations 26.06.2000
4 A Super Car's Trap (part 1) 03.07.2000
5 A Super Car's Trap (part 2) 10.07.2000
6 Kogoro Mouri, Suspect (part 1) 17.07.2000
7 Kogoro Mouri, Suspect (part 2) 24.07.2000
8 The Tenth Passenger (part 1) 31.07.2000
9 The Tenth Passenger (part 2) 07.08.2000
10 The Black Wings of Icarus (part 1) 14.08.2000
11 The Black Wings of Icarus (part 2) 21.08.2000
12 The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 3 (part 1) 28.08.2000
13 The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 3 (part 2) 04.09.2000
14 The Deduction That Was Too Good 11.09.2000
15 The Entrance to the Maze: The Anger of the Colossus 09.10.2000
16 The Falling from Mt. Ryushin Case 16.10.2000
17 The Water Palace of Five Colors (Part One) 23.10.2000
18 The Water Palace of Five Colors (Part Two) 30.10.2000
19 Mushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part One) 06.11.2000
20 Mushrooms, Bears, and the Detective Boys (Part Two) 13.11.2000
21 The Mysterious Retro Room Case 20.11.2000
22 The Bay of Revenge (Part One) 27.11.2000
23 The Bay of Revenge (Part Two) 04.12.2000
24 Megure's Locked Away Secret (Part 1) 11.12.2000
25 Megure's Locked Away Secret (Part 2) 18.12.2000
26 The Gathering of the Detectives! Kudo Shinich vs Kaito Kid! (One Hour Special) 08.01.2001

Сезон 7

# Название Дата
1 The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun (part 1) 11.10.1999
2 The Secret of the Moon, the Star, and the Sun (part 2) 18.10.1999
3 The Case of the Disappearing Detective Boys 25.10.1999
4 The Monster of the Tottori Spider Mansion (Part One: The Murder) 01.11.1999
5 The Monster of the Tottori Spider Mansion (Part Two: The Suspicion) 08.11.1999
6 The Monster of the Tottori Spider Mansion (Part Three: The Solution) 15.11.1999
7 Venus' Kiss 22.11.1999
8 The Unseen Angle of the Darkness (part 1) 29.11.1999
9 The Unseen Angle of the Darkness (part 2) 06.12.1999
10 The Revival of the Dying Message (part 1) 13.12.1999
11 The Revival of the Dying Message (part 2) 20.12.1999
12 The 20 Year old Murder Case: The Symphony Serial Murders (2 Hour Special) 03.01.2000
13 The Man Who Was Killed Four Times 17.01.2000
14 Meeting with the Black Organization Again (part 1) 17.01.2000
15 Meeting with the Black Organization Again (part 2) 24.01.2000
16 Meeting with the Black Organization Again (part 3) 24.01.2000
17 The Case of the Coffee Shop Truck's Wild Entrance 07.02.2000
18 The Nocturne of the Red Murderous Intent (Part One) 14.02.2000
19 The Nocturne of the Red Murderous Intent (Part Two) 21.02.2000
20 The Big Investigation of the Nine Doors 28.02.2000
21 A Dangerous Recipe 06.03.2000
22 The cursed Mask laughs coldly (One hour Special) 13.03.2000
23 The Murdered Famous Detective (Part One) 10.04.2000
24 The Murdered Famous Detective (Part Two) 17.04.2000
25 The Unknown Gunshot That Rings In The Dark 24.04.2000
26 Desperate Revival: Cavern Of The Detective Boys 01.05.2000
27 Desperate Revival: The Wounded Famous Detective 08.05.2000
28 Desperate Revival: The Third Choice 15.05.2000
29 Desperate Revival: The Black Cloaked Knight 22.05.2000
30 Desperate Revival: The Returned Shinichi! 29.05.2000
31 Desperate Revival: The Promised Place 05.06.2000

Сезон 6

# Название Дата
1 The Search for the Disappearing Weapon Case 15.02.1999
2 The Old Castle Investigation Case (1) 22.02.1999
3 The Old Castle Investigation Case (2) 08.03.1999
4 The Final Screening Murder Case (1) 22.03.1999
5 The Final Screening Murder Case (2) 05.04.1999
6 SOS! A Messages From Ayumi 12.04.1999
7 The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case (1) 19.04.1999
8 The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case (2) 26.04.1999
9 The Suspicious Astronomical Observation 03.05.1999
10 The North Star #3 Express Leaving Ueno (1) 10.05.1999
11 The North Star #3 Express Leaving Ueno (2) 24.05.1999
12 The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (1) 31.05.1999
13 The Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story (2) 07.06.1999
14 The Sudden Streetcar Stopping Case 14.06.1999
15 The Amusement Park Bungee Jumping Case 21.06.1999
16 The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (1) 28.06.1999
17 The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (2) 05.07.1999
18 The Mysterious Old Man Disappearance Case 12.07.1999
19 Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (1) 19.07.1999
20 Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story (2) 26.07.1999
21 The Underwater Locked Room Case 02.08.1999
22 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (1) 09.08.1999
23 Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (2) 16.08.1999
24 The Silent Ring Line 23.08.1999
25 Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (1) 06.09.1999
26 Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (2) 13.09.1999
27 The Murder Floating in Ryusuitei 20.09.1999
28 The Case of the Flying Locked Room, Shinichi Kudo's First Case (One hour special) 27.09.1999

Сезон 5

# Название Дата
1 The Mysterious Mole Alien Case (1) 29.06.1998
2 The Mysterious Mole Alien Case (2) 06.07.1998
3 The Great Detective Club Pursuit Case 13.07.1998
4 The Murder Case of the Cooking Classroom (1) 20.07.1998
5 The Murder Case of the Cooking Classroom (2) 27.07.1998
6 The Case of the Seven Mysteries of Teitan Elementary School 03.08.1998
7 The Murder Case of the White Sands 10.08.1998
8 The Scuba Diving Murder Case (1) 17.08.1998
9 The Scuba Diving Murder Case (2) 24.08.1998
10 The Missing Mystery Writer Case (1) 14.09.1998
11 The Missing Mystery Writer Case (2) 21.09.1998
12 The Naniwa Serial Murder Case (One Hour) 28.09.1998
13 Masked Yaiba Murder Case 12.10.1998
14 A Honey Cocktail Murder Case 19.10.1998
15 A Locked Bathroom Case (1) 26.10.1998
16 A Locked Bathroom Case (2) 02.11.1998
17 The Weather Girl Kidnapping Case 09.11.1998
18 A Mysterious Sniper Murder Case (1) 16.11.1998
19 A Mysterious Sniper Murder Case (2) 23.11.1998
20 The Traveling Drama Murder Case (1) 30.11.1998
21 The Traveling Drama Murder Case (2) 07.12.1998
22 The Black Corps One Billion Yen Robbery Case 14.12.1998
23 A University Professor and the Girl Who Came From the Black Organization 21.12.1998
24 The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case (1) 11.01.1999
25 The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case (2) 18.01.1999
26 Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Murder) 25.01.1999
27 Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Suspicion) 01.02.1999
28 Magic Lover's Murder Case (The Resolution) 08.02.1999

Сезон 4

# Название Дата
1 General Hospital Murder Case 01.12.1997
2 A Ski Lodge Murder Case (1) 08.12.1997
3 A Ski Lodge Murder Case (2) 15.12.1997
4 The Kidnapping Location Case 22.12.1997
5 The Murder Case of the Crane's Kindness 05.01.1998
6 A Dracula Villa Murder Case (1) 12.01.1998
7 A Dracula Villa Murder Case (2) 19.01.1998
8 The Murder Case of the Flower Smell 26.01.1998
9 The Case of the Hospitalized Burgulary Suspect 16.02.1998
10 The Fearful Mountain Trek Murder Case (1) 23.02.1998
11 The Fearful Mountain Trek Murder Case (2) 02.03.1998
12 The Legend of the Snow Woman 09.03.1998
13 The Murder Case of Kogoro's Date 16.03.1998
14 Caught Up with the Great Detective! Two Murder Cases (Two Hour Special) 23.03.1998
15 The Farewell Wine Murder Case 13.04.1998
16 The Famous Potter Murder Case (1) 20.04.1998
17 The Famous Potter Murder Case (2) 27.04.1998
18 The Memories of the First Love Case (1) 02.05.1998
19 The Memories of the First Love Case (2) 09.05.1998
20 The Samurai Drama Murder Case (1) 16.05.1998
21 The Samurai Drama Murder Case (2) 23.05.1998
22 The Mysterious Robbers and Mansion Case (1) 08.06.1998
23 The Mysterious Robbers and Mansion Case (2) 15.06.1998
24 The Murder Case of the Scoop Picture 22.06.1998

Сезон 3

# Название Дата
1 The Train Trick Murder Case 21.04.1997
2 The Ojamanbō Murder Case 28.04.1997
3 Holmes Freak Murder Case (1) 05.05.1997
4 Holmes Freak Murder Case (2) 12.05.1997
5 The First Errand Murder Case 19.05.1997
6 An Illustrator Murder Case 26.05.1997
7 A Ghost Ship Murder Case (1) 02.06.1997
8 A Ghost Ship Murder Case (2) 09.06.1997
9 Murder Case of the Big Monster Gomera 16.06.1997
10 The Third Fingerprint Murder Case 23.06.1997
11 A Crab and Whale Kidnapping Case 30.06.1997
12 Night Road Murder Case 07.07.1997
13 Stage Actress Murder Case 14.07.1997
14 Baron of the Night Murder Case (1) 21.07.1997
15 Baron of the Night Murder Case (2) 28.07.1997
16 Baron of the Night Murder Case (3) 04.08.1997
17 A Stalker's Murder Case 11.08.1997
18 The Triplet's Country Home Murder Case 18.08.1997
19 The Detective Boy's Disaster Case 25.08.1997
20 The Death God Jinnai Murder Case 01.09.1997
21 The Loan Company President's Murder Case 08.09.1997
22 Conan vs Kaitou Kid (One Hour Special) 15.09.1997
23 A Famous House's Strange Continous Murder (1) 22.09.1997
24 A Famous House's Strange Continous Murder (2) 29.09.1997
25 The Bank Heist Murder Case 06.10.1997
26 The Wandering Artist Murder Case 13.10.1997
27 The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (1) 20.11.1997
28 The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case (2) 27.11.1997

Сезон 2

# Название Дата
1 A Computer Murder Case 19.08.1996
2 An Alibi Testimony Murder Case 26.08.1996
3 The TV Station Murder Case 02.09.1996
4 A Coffee Shop Murder Case 09.09.1996
5 The Detective Boys Hiking Trip Case 16.09.1996
6 The Murder Case of Man In Bandages at the Mountain Villa (1) 23.09.1996
7 The Murder Case of Man In Bandages at the Mountain Villa (2) 30.09.1996
8 Monday, 7:30 PM Murder Case 07.10.1996
9 A Cactus Flower Murder Case 14.10.1996
10 Aka Oni Mura Fire Festival Murder Case 21.10.1996
11 The Wealthy Daughter Murder Case (1) 28.10.1996
12 The Wealthy Daughter Murder Case (2) 04.11.1996
13 The Victory Flag Vandalism Case 11.11.1996
14 A Karaoke Box Murder Case 18.11.1996
15 The Kidnapping of Conan Edogawa 25.11.1996
16 The Three Hotta Brothers Murder Case 02.12.1996
17 Facial Pack Murder Case 09.12.1996
18 The Snowy Mountain Villa Murder Case 06.01.1997
19 Sports Club Murder Case 13.01.1997
20 The Case of the Murdered Diplomat (1) 20.01.1997
21 The Case of the Murdered Diplomat (2) 27.01.1997
22 Library Murder Case 03.02.1997
23 The Golf Driving Range Murder Case 10.03.1997
24 The Kiri Tengu Legend Murder Case 17.03.1997
25 The Mysterious Weapon Murder Case 07.04.1997
26 A Game Company's Murder Case 14.04.1997

Сезон 1

# Название Дата
1 The Roller Coaster Murder Case 08.01.1996
2 The Kidnapping of a Company President's Daughter Case 15.01.1996
3 An Idol's Locked Room Murder Case 22.01.1996
4 The Case of the Coded Map of the City 29.01.1996
5 The Shinkansen's Bomb Case 05.02.1996
6 A Valentine Murder Case 12.02.1996
7 The Case of the Once-A-Month Present Threat 19.02.1996
8 The Murder of an Art Gallery Owner Case 26.02.1996
9 Tenkaichi Night Festival Murder Case 04.03.1996
10 The Case of the Blackmailed Pro Soccer Player 11.03.1996
11 A Moonlight Sonata Murder Case (one hour special) 18.03.1996
12 Ayumi-chan's Kidnapping Case 25.03.1996
13 The Strange Person Hunt Murder Case 01.04.1996
14 The Mysterious Shooting Message 08.04.1996
15 The Case of the Missing Corpse 15.04.1996
16 The Antique Collector Murder Case 22.04.1996
17 The Highjacking of a Department Case 29.04.1996
18 A June Bride Murder Case 06.05.1996
19 An Elevator Murder Case 13.05.1996
20 A Haunted Mansion Murder Case 20.05.1996
21 On Location, TV Drama Murder Case 27.05.1996
22 Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case (1) 03.06.1996
23 Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case (2) 10.06.1996
24 The Case of the Mysterious Woman With Amnesia 17.06.1996
25 The False Kidnapping and Hostage Case 24.06.1996
26 The Pet Dog, Jon, Murder Case 01.07.1996
27 The Murder Case of Kogoro's Classmate (1) 05.08.1996
28 The Murder Case of Kogoro's Classmate (2) 12.08.1996