Исцели меня: Список серий

Сезон 1
# | Название | Дата |
1 | The Boy Who Fed On Nightmares | 20.06.2020 |
2 | The Lady in Red Shoes | 21.06.2020 |
3 | Sleeping Witch | 27.06.2020 |
4 | Zombie Kid | 28.06.2020 |
5 | Rapunzel and the Cursed Castle | 04.07.2020 |
6 | Bluebeard's Secret | 05.07.2020 |
7 | The Cheerful Dog | 11.07.2020 |
8 | Beauty and the Beast | 12.07.2020 |
9 | King Donkey Ears | 18.07.2020 |
10 | The Girl Who Cried Wolf | 19.07.2020 |
11 | The Ugly Duckling | 25.07.2020 |
12 | Romeo and Juliet | 26.07.2020 |
13 | The Father of the Two Sisters | 01.08.2020 |
14 | The Hand, The Monkfish | 02.08.2020 |
15 | A Tale of Two Brothers | 08.08.2020 |
16 | Finding the Real Face | 09.08.2020 |