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Ван Пис: Список серий

Ван Пис

✔ Оценка сохранена!

One Piece

Приключения, Фэнтези, Боевик, Anime

20.10.1999 –

Сезон 2024

# Название Дата
1 Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo's Paths! 07.01.2024
2 A New Island! Future Island Egghead 14.01.2024
3 Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science! 21.01.2024
4 Bonney's Lamentation! Darkness Lurking on the Future Island 28.01.2024
5 The Winner Takes All! Law vs. Blackbeard! 11.02.2024
6 The Mystery Deepens! Egghead Labophase 18.02.2024
7 The Brain of a Genius - Six Vegapunks! 25.02.2024
8 A Forbidden Piece of History! A Theory Concerning a Kingdom 03.03.2024
9 The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research 17.03.2024
10 The Eccentric Dream of a Genius! 24.03.2024
11 Preparations for Interception! Rob Lucci Strikes! 31.03.2024
12 Powers on a Different Level! Luffy vs. Lucci! 07.04.2024
13 The Strongest Form of Humanity! The Seraphim's Powers! 21.04.2024
14 Sinister Schemes! The Operation to Escape Egghead 28.04.2024
15 Turn Back My Father! Bonney's Futile Wish! 05.05.2024
16 A Desperate Situation! The Seraphim's All-out Attack! 12.05.2024
17 A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy 19.05.2024
18 Trouble Occurs! Seek Dr. Vegapunk! 26.05.2024
19 A Shudder! The Evil Hand Creeping Up on the Laboratory! 02.06.2024
20 Incomprehensible! The Seraphim's Rebellion! 09.06.2024
21 A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front! 23.06.2024
22 Survive! Deadly Combat with the Strongest Form of Humanity! 30.06.2024
23 The Second Ohara! The Mastermind's Ambition! 07.07.2024
24 Clash! Shanks vs. Eustass Kid 14.07.2024
25 Run, Koby! A Desperate Escape Strategy! 28.07.2024
26 For the Beloved Pupil - The Fist of Vice Admiral Garp! 04.08.2024
27 The Navy Surprised! The Navy Headquarters' Former Admiral, Kuzan 11.08.2024
28 Let's Go Get It! Buggy's Big Declaration 18.08.2024
29 Sabo Returns - The Shocking Truth to Be Told! 01.09.2024
30 The Holy Land in Tumult! Sai and Leo's Full-Power Blow! 08.09.2024
31 The Entrusted Message! King Cobra's Resolve 15.09.2024
32 The World Is Shaken! The Ruler's Judgment and the Five Elders' Actions! 22.09.2024
33 Garp and Kuzan - A Master and a Pupil's Beliefs Clash 06.10.2024
34 The Last Lesson! Impact Inherited 13.10.2024

Сезон 2023

# Название Дата
1 Taking a Chance! The Two Arms Go into Battle! 08.01.2023
2 Ascend to the Dawn! A Pink Dragon Gets Agitated 15.01.2023
3 For the Future! Yamato and the Great Swordsmen's Pledge 22.01.2023
4 Luffy Soars! Revenge Against the King of the Beasts 29.01.2023
5 Two Dragons Face Off! Momonosuke's Determination! 05.02.2023
6 A Legend All Over Again! Luffy's Fist Roars in the Sky 12.02.2023
7 The Situation Has Grown Tense! The End of Onigashima! 19.02.2023
8 Sanji's Mutation - The Two Arms in Crisis! 26.02.2023
9 Death to Your Partner! Killer's Deadly Gamble! 19.03.2023
10 A Shadowy Figure Pulls the Strings! Onigashima in Flames 26.03.2023
11 Strike Back! Law and Kid's Counterattack Alliance 02.04.2023
12 For Luffy - Sanji and Zoro's Oath 09.04.2023
13 The Onslaught of Kazenbo - Orochi's Evil Clutches Close in 16.04.2023
14 Zoro's Hardship - A Monster! King the Wildfire 23.04.2023
15 Secrets of Enma! The Cursed Sword Entrusted to Zoro 30.04.2023
16 Attack of the Devil! Sanji vs. Queen 07.05.2023
17 King of Hell Three Sword Style - Zoro vs. King 21.05.2023
18 Luffy Accelerates! The Turning Point of a New Era! 28.05.2023
19 Shuron Hakke! A Lawless Dragon Approaches Luffy! 04.06.2023
20 The Destruction of the Alliance?! Fire up, the Will of the New Generation! 11.06.2023
21 The Main Attraction is Coming! Ultimate Attack of Shockwave and Magnetism 25.06.2023
22 To the New Era! Settled! The Determination of the Brats 02.07.2023
23 Moon Princess Echoes! Wano Country's Final Phase! 09.07.2023
24 There is Only One Winner - Luffy vs. Kaido 16.07.2023
25 Luffy is Defeated?! The Determination of Those Left Behind 30.07.2023
26 Luffy's Peak Attained! Gear 5 06.08.2023
27 The Ridiculous Power! Gear Five in Full Play 13.08.2023
28 Nowhere to Run! Hell on Onigashima! 20.08.2023
29 Believe in Momo - Luffy's Final Powerful Technique! 03.09.2023
30 Twenty Years of Prayer! Reclaim Wano Country 10.09.2023
31 The World That Luffy Wants! 17.09.2023
32 Closing the Curtain! Winner - Straw Hat Luffy! 24.09.2023
33 Return! Shogun of Wano Country - Kozuki Momonosuke 01.10.2023
34 Dawn Has Come! Luffy and Friends Rest 15.10.2023
35 The Festival Banquet! New Emperors of the Sea 22.10.2023
36 The World in Flames! The Navy Admiral's Attack! 29.10.2023
37 A New Era Arrives! The Fury of Red-Haired Yonko 05.11.2023
38 The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild! 12.11.2023
39 The Time of Departure - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hat Pirates! 19.11.2023
40 The Last Curtain! Luffy and Momonosuke's Vow 26.11.2023
41 A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester! 03.12.2023
42 The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero 10.12.2023
43 Luffy's Dream 17.12.2023

Сезон 2022

# Название Дата
1 The Power of Ice Oni! A New Version of the Plague Rounds! 09.01.2022
2 I Won't Forgive Him! Chopper's Determination! 16.01.2022
3 Zoro's Pursuit! Ice Oni Tag 23.01.2022
4 Nami Surrenders?! Ulti's Fierce Headbutt! 30.01.2022
5 Sasaki's Onslaught - Armored Division vs. Yamato 06.02.2022
6 Eliminate the Ice Oni! Chopper's Fire Trick! 13.02.2022
7 It's Not Okay! The Spider lures Sanji! 20.02.2022
8 A Turnaround Move! The Flames of Marco the Phoenix! 27.02.2022
9 Yamato's Past - The Man Who Came for an Emperor of the Sea 06.03.2022
10 Marco's Tears! The Bond of the Whitebeard Pirates! 17.04.2022
11 Straw Hat Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the King of the Pirates! 24.04.2022
12 The Battle of the Monsters! The Three Stubborn Captains 08.05.2022
13 A Barrage of Powerful Techniques! The Fierce Attacks of the Worst Generation! 15.05.2022
14 Kaido Laughs! The Emperors of the Sea vs. the New Generation! 22.05.2022
15 Otama's Secret Plan! Operation Kibi Dango! 29.05.2022
16 Sanji's Scream! An SOS Echoes Over the Island! 05.06.2022
17 Spank Strikes! Sanji's Woman-trouble! 12.06.2022
18 No Regrets! Luffy and Boss, a Master-Disciple Bond! 19.06.2022
19 All Set! Chopperphage Nebulizer! 03.07.2022
20 Oden Appears! The Confused Hearts of the Akazaya Members! 10.07.2022
21 The Worst Generation Gets Wiped Out?! The Emperors' Deadly Attack! 17.07.2022
22 The Supernovas Strike Back! The Mission to Tear Apart the Emperors! 24.07.2022
23 Protect Luffy! Zoro and Law's Sword Technique 31.07.2022
24 Surpass the Emperor of the Sea! Luffy Strikes Back with an Iron Fist! 07.08.2022
25 A Faint Memory - Luffy and Red-Haired's Daughter Uta! 14.08.2022
26 A Pledge for the Next Genesis! Luffy and Uta! 21.08.2022
27 Nami Screams - A Deadly Death Race! 04.09.2022
28 The Dawn of the Land of Wano - The All-Out Battle Heats Up! 11.09.2022
29 The Conclusion! Luffy, Accelerating Fist of the Supreme King 18.09.2022
30 Luffy Defeated! The Straw Hats in Jeopardy?! 25.09.2022
31 The Animal Kingdom Pirates Trample Down! The End of the Kozuki Clan! 02.10.2022
32 Fight Against the Dark Night – The Commander-in-chief of the Land of Wano Sounds Off 16.10.2022
33 Believe in Luffy! The Alliance's Counterattack Begins! 23.10.2022
34 Nami's Lethal Attack! Otama's Desperate Challenge! 30.10.2022
35 A Dramatic Increase of Allies! Straw Hats Fight Back! 06.11.2022
36 The Pride of a Helmsman – The Enraged Jimbei! 13.11.2022
37 Showdown Battles of the Monsters! Yamato and Franky 20.11.2022
38 The Predator's Trap - Black Maria's Temptation 27.11.2022
39 Slash the Nightmare - Brook Draws His Freezing Sword! 04.12.2022
40 Clutch! A Demon Incarnate, Robin! 11.12.2022
41 A Spell! Kid and Zoro Facing Threats! 18.12.2022

Сезон 2021

# Название Дата
1 Big News! An Incident That Will Affect the Seven Warlords! 10.01.2021
2 A Legendary Battle! Garp and Roger! 17.01.2021
3 The Rendezvous Port! The Land of Wano Act Three Begins! 24.01.2021
4 The Number-One Samurai in the Land of Wano! Here comes Kozuki Oden! 31.01.2021
5 Tearfully Swearing Allegiance! Oden and Kin'emon! 07.02.2021
6 Changing Destiny - The Whitebeard Pirates Cast Ashore! 14.02.2021
7 Oden's Determination! Whitebeard's Test! 21.02.2021
8 Whitebeard's Little Brother! Oden's Great Adventure! 28.02.2021
9 Blades Crossed! Roger and Whitebeard! 07.03.2021
10 Roger's Wish! A New Journey! 21.03.2021
11 Devoting His Life! Roger's Adventure! 28.03.2021
12 The King of the Pirates is Born! Arriving at the Last Island! 04.04.2021
13 To the Land of Wano! The Roger Pirates Disband! 11.04.2021
14 Sad News! The Opening of the Great Pirate Era! 18.04.2021
15 Raid! Oden and the Akazaya Nine 25.04.2021
16 The End of the Battle! Oden vs. Kaido! 02.05.2021
17 Boiled to Death! Oden's One-hour Struggle! 09.05.2021
18 Oden Wouldn't Be Oden If It Wasn't Boiled! 16.05.2021
19 The Castle on Fire! The Fate of the Kozuki Clan! 23.05.2021
20 Back to the Present Day! 20 Years Later 30.05.2021
21 Pirates at Sea! Raid! Onward to Onigashima 06.06.2021
22 The Worst Generation Charges in! The Battle of the Stormy Sea! 13.06.2021
23 Good Luck?! Leader Kin'emon's Plot! 20.06.2021
24 A Tearful Promise! The Kidnapped Momonosuke! 27.06.2021
25 A New Member! 'First Son of the Sea' Jimbei! 04.07.2021
26 Kaido's Trump Card! The Tobi Roppo Appear! 11.07.2021
27 The Samurai Warriors' Earnestness! The Straw Hats Land at Onigashima 18.07.2021
28 Luffy Goes Out of Control?! Sneaking into Kaido's Banquet 25.07.2021
29 Thinking of Otama! Luffy's Furious Strike! 01.08.2021
30 Fighting Music! An Ability That Harms Luffy! 08.08.2021
31 His Dream Broken?! The Trap That Lures Sanji! 15.08.2021
32 Reinforcements Arrive! The Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates! 22.08.2021
33 Oath of Man! Fierce Battle of the Brachio-Tank 29.08.2021
34 Thunder Bagua! Here Comes Kaido's Son! 05.09.2021
35 Enemy or Ally? Luffy and Yamato! 12.09.2021
36 Desire to be Oden! Yamato's Dream! 19.09.2021
37 Explosive?! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato's Freedom! 26.09.2021
38 The Akazaya Face-off! Kikunojo vs. Kanjuro! 03.10.2021
39 Raid! Inheriting Oden's Will 10.10.2021
40 Onigashima in Tumult! Luffy's All-Out War Begins! 24.10.2021
41 The Battle Under the Moon! The Berserker, Sulong the Moon Lion! 31.10.2021
42 Zeus' Treason?! The Cornered Nami! 07.11.2021
43 The Fate That Protects You - Yamato and Momonosuke 14.11.2021
44 Overwhelming Strength! The Straw Hats Come Together! 21.11.2021
45 A Risky Invitation! A Plot to Eliminate Queen 28.11.2021
46 A New Rivalry! Nami and Ulti! 05.12.2021
47 A Heroic Blade! Akazaya vs. Kaido, Again Once More! 12.12.2021
48 An Inherited Technique! Unleashing Oden's Secret Swordplay! 19.12.2021

Сезон 2020

# Название Дата
1 A Living Hell! Luffy, Humiliated in the Great Mine! 05.01.2020
2 The Holyland in Tumult! Emperor of the Sea Blackbeard Cackles! 12.01.2020
3 It's On! The Special Operation to Bring Down Kaido! 19.01.2020
4 Rampage! The Prisoners - Luffy and Kid! 26.01.2020
5 A Great Sensation! Sanji's Special Soba! 02.02.2020
6 Luxurious and Gorgeous! Wano's Most Beautiful Woman - Komurasaki! 09.02.2020
7 A Tale of Chivalry! Zoro and Tonoyasu's Little Trip! 16.02.2020
8 A State of Emergency! Big Mom Closes in! 23.02.2020
9 The Capital in an Uproar! Another Assassin Targets Sanji! 15.03.2020
10 Dashing! The Righteous Soba Mask! 22.03.2020
11 A Desperate Situation! Orochi's Menacing Oniwabanshu! 29.03.2020
12 Pandemonium! The Monster Snake, Shogun Orochi! 05.04.2020
13 The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano! 12.04.2020
14 The Bond Between Prisoners! Luffy and Old Man Hyo! 19.04.2020
15 A Lead Performer! Queen the Plague Emerges! 28.06.2020
16 Climb Up! Luffy's Desperate Escape! 05.07.2020
17 Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno! 12.07.2020
18 Gyukimaru! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit's Bridge 19.07.2020
19 A Big Turnover! The Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger! 26.07.2020
20 Zoro, Stunned! The Shocking Identity of the Mysterious Woman! 02.08.2020
21 Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano's Haki - Ryuo! 09.08.2020
22 Tonoyasu! Ebisu Town's Most Loved! 16.08.2020
23 Shaking the Nation! The Identity of Ushimitsu Kozo The Chivalrous Thief! 23.08.2020
24 The Straw Hats Run! Save the Captive Tonoyasu! 30.08.2020
25 Zoro's Fury! The Truth About the Smile! 06.09.2020
26 Toko's Tears! Orochi's Pitiless Bullets! 13.09.2020
27 The Straw Hats Step In! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground! 20.09.2020
28 Luffy's Determination! Win Through the Sumo Inferno! 27.09.2020
29 The Storm Has Come! A Raging Big Mom! 04.10.2020
30 A Grudge Over Red-bean Soup! Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation! 11.10.2020
31 Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Queen's Secret Plan! 18.10.2020
32 Brutal Ammunition! The Plague Rounds Aim at Luffy! 25.10.2020
33 Start Fighting Back! Luffy and the Akazaya Samurai! 01.11.2020
34 We're Here to Win! Luffy's Desperate Scream 08.11.2020
35 Warriors' Dream! Luffy's Conquer of Udon! 15.11.2020
36 Orochi's Hunting Party! The Ninja Group vs. Zoro! 22.11.2020
37 Tension Rises in Onigashima! Two Emperors of the Sea Meet?! 29.11.2020
38 Hiyori's Confession! A Reunion at Bandit's Bridge! 06.12.2020
39 Its Name is Enma! Oden's Great Swords! 13.12.2020
40 A New Alliance?! Kaido's Army Gathers! 20.12.2020
41 Ticking Down to the Great Battle! The Straw Hats Go into Combat Mode! 27.12.2020

Сезон 2019

# Название Дата
1 Lurking in the Darkness! An Assassin Targeting Luffy! 06.01.2019
2 A Man's Resolution - Katakuri's Life Risking Great Match 13.01.2019
3 Wake Up - To Cross Over the Strongest Kenbunshoku 20.01.2019
4 A Fist of Divine Speed! Another Gear Four Application Activated! 27.01.2019
5 Finally, It's Over! The Climax of the Intense Fight against Katakuri! 03.02.2019
6 A Desperate Situation - The Iron-Tight Entrapment of Luffy! 10.02.2019
7 Pulling Back from the Brink! The Formidable Reinforcements - Germa! 17.02.2019
8 The Last Hope! The Sun Pirates Emerge! 24.02.2019
9 A Captivating Flavor! Sanji's Cake of Happiness! 03.03.2019
10 The Man of Humanity and Justice! Jimbei, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current 17.03.2019
11 The Parting Time! Pudding's Last Wish! 24.03.2019
12 The World is Stunned! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Emerges! 31.03.2019
13 To the Reverie! The Straw Hats' Sworn Allies Come Together! 07.04.2019
14 Sabo Goes into Action! All the Captains of the Revolutionary Army Appear! 14.04.2019
15 Going into Action! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki! 21.04.2019
16 The Summit War - Pirate King's Inherited Will 28.04.2019
17 One Step Ahead of the Dream - Shirahoshi's Path to the Sun! 05.05.2019
18 I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments! 12.05.2019
19 In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat! 19.05.2019
20 The Holyland in Tumult! The Targeted Princess Shirahoshi! 26.05.2019
21 An Explosive Situation! Two Emperors of the Sea Going After Luffy! 02.06.2019
22 Sabo Enraged! The Tragedy of the Revolutionary Army Officer Kuma! 09.06.2019
23 Finally, It Starts! The Conspiracy-filled Reverie! 16.06.2019
24 Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento! 23.06.2019
25 Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone! 30.06.2019
26 The Land of Wano! To the Samurai Country where Cherry Blossoms Flutter! 07.07.2019
27 Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army! 14.07.2019
28 He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano! 21.07.2019
29 Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre! 28.07.2019
30 Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation! 04.08.2019
31 Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! 11.08.2019
32 The Headliner! Hawkings the Magician Appears! 18.08.2019
33 Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack! 25.08.2019
34 The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup! 01.09.2019
35 Charging into the Enemy's Territory! Bakura Town - Where Officials Thrive! 08.09.2019
36 The Yokozuna Appears! The Invincible Urashima Goes After Okiku! 15.09.2019
37 A Climatic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna! 22.09.2019
38 Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger! 29.09.2019
39 Taking Back Otama! A Fierce Fight Against Holdem! 06.10.2019
40 Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death! 13.10.2019
41 Romance Dawn 20.10.2019
42 The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor! 27.10.2019
43 Mysterious Grave Markers! A Reunion at the Ruins of Oden Castle! 10.11.2019
44 A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired! 17.11.2019
45 Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins! 24.11.2019
46 The Strongest Man in the World! Shutenmaru, the Thieves Brigade Chief! 01.12.2019
47 Everyone is Annihilated! Kaido's Furious Blast Breath! 08.12.2019
48 Finally Clashing! The Ferocious Luffy vs. Kaido! 15.12.2019
49 Destructive! One Shot, One Kill - Thunder Bagua! 22.12.2019

Сезон 2018

# Название Дата
1 To Reach Sanji! Luffy's Vengeful Hell-bent Dash! 07.01.2018
2 The Chateau in Turmoil! Luffy, to the Rendezvous! 14.01.2018
3 Deciding to Say Goodbye! Sanji and his Straw-Hat Bento! 21.01.2018
4 Betraying One of the Four Emperors! The Great Brook Rescue Plan! 28.01.2018
5 The Rendezvous! Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit! 04.02.2018
6 A Liar! Luffy and Sanji!! 11.02.2018
7 Sanji Comes Back! Crash! The Tea Party from Hell! 18.02.2018
8 A Secret Meeting! Luffy vs. The Fire Tank Pirates 04.03.2018
9 The Deadly Pact! Luffy & Bege's Allied Forces 18.03.2018
10 Luffy Engages in a Secret Maneuver! The Wedding Full of Conspiracies Starts Soon! 25.03.2018
11 The Family Gets Together! The Hellish Tea Party Starts! 01.04.2018
12 The Broken Couple! Sanji and Pudding Enter! 08.04.2018
13 A Deadly Kiss! The Mission to Assassinate the Emperor Kicks Off! 15.04.2018
14 Returning the Sake Cup! The Manly Jimbei Pays His Debt! 22.04.2018
15 The Mission Failed?! The Big Mom Pirates Strike Back! 29.04.2018
16 Run Sanji! SOS Germa 66! 06.05.2018
17 Mom's Secret! The Giant's Island Elbaph and a Little Monster! 13.05.2018
18 The Birth of Mom - The Day That Carmel Vanished 20.05.2018
19 The Launcher Blasts! The Moment of Big Mom's Assassination! 27.05.2018
20 The Evil Army! Transform! Germa 66! 03.06.2018
21 Cutting the Father-Son Relationship! Sanji and Judge! 10.06.2018
22 Escape From the Tea Party! Luffy vs. Big Mom! 17.06.2018
23 The Execution Begins! Luffy's Allied Forces Are Annihilated?! 24.06.2018
24 The Chateau Collapses! The Straw Hat's Great Escape Begins! 01.07.2018
25 The Spear of Elbaph! Onslaught! The Flying Big Mom! 08.07.2018
26 Pudding's Determination - Ablaze! The Seducing Woods 15.07.2018
27 A Lightning Counterattack! Nami and Zeus the Thundercloud! 22.07.2018
28 A Coincidental Reunion - Sanji and the Lovestruck Evil Pudding 29.07.2018
29 Save the Sunny! Fighting Bravely! Chopper and Brook! 05.08.2018
30 Before the Dawn! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians! 12.08.2018
31 I'll Be Back! Luffy, Deadly Departure! 19.08.2018
32 The Man with a Bounty of Billion! The Strongest Sweet General, Katakuri! 26.08.2018
33 A Hard Battle Starts! Luffy vs. Katakuri! 02.09.2018
34 The Green Room! An Invincible Helmsman, Jimbei! 16.09.2018
35 The Threat of the Mole! Luffy's Silent Fight! 23.09.2018
36 The End of the Deadly Battle?! Katakuri's Awakening in Anger! 30.09.2018
37 The Forbidden Secret! Katakuri's Merienda! 07.10.2018
38 Luffy Fights Back! The Invincible Katakuri's Weak Point! 14.10.2018
39 Another Crisis! Gear 4 vs Unstoppable Donuts 21.10.2018
40 The Rebellious Daughter, Chiffon! Sanji's Big Plan for Transporting the Cake! 28.10.2018
41 A Man's Way of Life - Bege and Luffy's Determination as Captains 04.11.2018
42 The Cake Sank?! Sanji and Bege's Getaway Battle! 11.11.2018
43 Sulong! Carrot's Big Mystic Transformation! 18.11.2018
44 Break Through! The Straw Hat's Mighty Sea Battle! 25.11.2018
45 Finally, The Clash! The Emperor of the Sea vs. the Straw Hats! 09.12.2018
46 Dark King's Direct Precepts! The Battle Against Katakuri Turns Around! 16.12.2018
47 He Finally Returns - Sanji, the Man Who Stops the Yonko 23.12.2018

Сезон 2017

# Название Дата
1 A Vow Between Two Men - Luffy and Kozuki Momonosuke 08.01.2017
2 The Legendary Journey! The Dog and the Cat and the Pirate King! 15.01.2017
3 Returning Nightmare - Assault of the Invulnerable Jack 22.01.2017
4 Defensive Battle of Zou - Luffy and Zunisha! 29.01.2017
5 Save Zunesha! The Straw Hat's Rescue Operation! 05.02.2017
6 Saying Goodbye and Descending from the Elephant! Setting Out to Take Back Sanji! 12.02.2017
7 To the Reverie - Princess Vivi and Princess Shirahoshi 19.02.2017
8 To the Reverie - Rebecca and the Sakura Kingdom 26.02.2017
9 Kaido Returns - The Worst Generation Threatened! 05.03.2017
10 A Hungry Front - Luffy and the Marine Rookies! 19.03.2017
11 The Persistent Trio – The Great Pursuit for the Straw Hats! 26.03.2017
12 Fist of the Devil – Showdown! Luffy vs. Grant 02.04.2017
13 Sanji's Homecoming! Into Big Mom's Territory! 09.04.2017
14 Zero and Four! Encountering Germa 66! 16.04.2017
15 A Deadly Poison Crisis - Luffy and Reiju! 23.04.2017
16 Totto Land! Emperor Big Mom Appears 30.04.2017
17 The Yonko's Daughter – Sanji's Fiancée "Pudding" 07.05.2017
18 A Massive Attack! Mom's Hunger Pangs 14.05.2017
19 The Capital City Falls?! Big Mom and Jimbei 21.05.2017
20 The Yonko's Castle – Arrival on Whole Cake Island 28.05.2017
21 A Mysterious Forest Full of Candies - Luffy vs. Luffy?! 04.06.2017
22 Mom's Assassin! Luffy and the Seducing Woods! 11.06.2017
23 A Seafaring Kingdom! Germa's King Judge! 18.06.2017
24 A Battle Between Father and Son - Judge vs. Sanji! 25.06.2017
25 A Giant Ambition - Big Mom and Caesar 02.07.2017
26 The Land of Souls! Mom's Fatal Ability! 09.07.2017
27 A Top Executive! One of the Three Commanders "Cracker" Appears 16.07.2017
28 An Enemy With 800 Million Bounty – Luffy vs. Thousand Arms Cracker 23.07.2017
29 Full Force Showdown – Gear Fourth vs. Bisu Bisu Ability 30.07.2017
30 The First and the Second Join! The Vinsmoke Family 06.08.2017
31 The Benefactor's Life! Sanji and Owner Zeff! 13.08.2017
32 An Angry Sanji! The Secret of Germa 66! 20.08.2017
33 The Past that He Let Go of! Vinsmoke Sanji! 27.08.2017
34 To the East Blue! Sanji's Resolute Departure! 03.09.2017
35 A Battle of Limits! Luffy and the Infinite Biscuits! 17.09.2017
36 Power of Fullness - New Gear Fourth Tankman! 24.09.2017
37 A Heartbreaking Duel! Luffy vs Sanji! - Part 1 01.10.2017
38 A Heartbreaking Duel! Luffy vs Sanji! - Part 2 01.10.2017
39 A Storm of Revenge! An Enraged Army Comes to Attack! 15.10.2017
40 The End of the Adventure - Sanji's Resolute Proposal 22.10.2017
41 I'll Wait Here - Luffy vs. the Enraged Army 29.10.2017
42 Infiltration Inside the Castle - Steal the Road Poneglyph 05.11.2017
43 A Fateful Confrontation - Luffy and Big Mom 12.11.2017
44 Shout of the Soul - Brook and Pedro's Lightning Operation 19.11.2017
45 Goodbye! Pudding's Tearful Determination! 26.11.2017
46 Fate of the Left Eye – Pedro vs Baron Tamago 03.12.2017
47 Moist Cigarette! The Night Before Sanji's Wedding! 10.12.2017
48 The Undaunted Soul - Brook vs. Big Mom 17.12.2017
49 Sora's Wish! Germa's Failure - Sanji! 24.12.2017

Сезон 2016

# Название Дата
1 Anger Erupts! I Will Take Everything upon Myself! 10.01.2016
2 Fourth Gear! The Phenomenal Bounce-man! 17.01.2016
3 A Massive Counterattack! Doflamingo's Awakening! 24.01.2016
4 Luffy! An All-Out Leo Bazooka! 31.01.2016
5 Flame Dragon King! Protect Luffy's Life! 14.02.2016
6 Tears of Miracles! Mansherry's Fight! 21.02.2016
7 As Long as We Breathe! Stop the Deadly Birdcage 28.02.2016
8 Dead or Alive! A Fateful Countdown 06.03.2016
9 Strike the Heavens - Luffy's King Kong Gun of Rage 20.03.2016
10 To Freedom! Dressrosa Overjoyed! 27.03.2016
11 Unprecedented - The Shocking Decision of Admiral Fujitora! 03.04.2016
12 The World Trembles - The Worst Generation Advances! 10.04.2016
13 The Birth of a Legend - The Adventure of Sabo the Revolutionary! 17.04.2016
14 The Brother's Bond - The Story of Luffy and Sabo's Reunion 24.04.2016
15 The Strongest Creature - Kaido of the Beasts 01.05.2016
16 Fujitora on the Move - The Straw Hats Completely Surrounded 08.05.2016
17 A State of Emergency! Rebecca Is Kidnapped! 15.05.2016
18 The Bond Between Father and Daughter! Kyros and Rebecca! 22.05.2016
19 Manly Spirit - Luffy vs. Fujitora in a Head-to-Head Clash 29.05.2016
20 No Way Out! Admiral Fujitora's Ruthless Pursuit! 05.06.2016
21 Sons' Cups - Straw Hat Fleet is Formed! 12.06.2016
22 The Numerous Rivals Struggle Amongst Themselves - The Raging Monsters of the New World 19.06.2016
23 The Silver Fortress – The Great Adventures of Luffy and Bart 26.06.2016
24 An Underground Labyrinth – Luffy vs Mine Cart Man 03.07.2016
25 The Sword Technique Heats Up! Law and Zoro Finally Appear! 10.07.2016
26 A Desperate Situation! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat! 17.07.2016
27 The Start of a New Adventure - Arrival at the Mysterious Island, 'Zou'! 31.07.2016
28 The New Shichibukai - Son of the Legendary Whitebeard Arrives 07.08.2016
29 A Deadly Elephant Climb - A Great Adventure on the Back of the Giant Elephant! 21.08.2016
30 Battle Starts! Luffy vs. the Mink Tribe! 28.08.2016
31 Garchu! The Straw Hat Crew Reunites 04.09.2016
32 The Counterattack Begins! The Curly Hat Pirates moves out! 11.09.2016
33 An Incoming Threat - Jack of the Beasts Pirates! 25.09.2016
34 Ruler of Day - Enter Duke Inuarashi! 02.10.2016
35 Ruler of Night - Nekomamushi Appears 09.10.2016
36 The Exterminated Capital! The Twirly Hat Crew Arrive! 16.10.2016
37 The Time Limit Closes in! The Bond Between the Mink Tribe and the Crew! 23.10.2016
38 The Delinquent Comes Home! Emperor Big Mom's Assassins! 30.10.2016
39 The Truth Behind His Disappearance – Sanji's Shocking Invitation 06.11.2016
40 To My Buds! Sanji's Farewell Note! 13.11.2016
41 Let's Go See Master Nekomamushi 20.11.2016
42 Luffy's Decision - The Sanji Abdication Crisis! 27.11.2016
43 An Explosive Situation – Dog, Cat, and Samurai! 04.12.2016
44 The Third One! Raizo of the Mist, the Ninja, Appears! 11.12.2016
45 A Red Stone! A Guide to the One Piece! 18.12.2016
46 The Secret of the Land of Wano! The Kozuki Family and the Ponegliffs! 25.12.2016

Сезон 2015

# Название Дата
1 The Legend is Back! Kyros' All-Out Attack! 11.01.2015
2 The Fire Fist Strikes! - The Flare Flare Fruit Power Returns! 18.01.2015
3 Dashing onto the Scene - The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo! 25.01.2015
4 The Devil's Trap - Dressrosa Annihilation Plan 01.02.2015
5 The 500 Million Berry Man! Target: Usoland! 08.02.2015
6 Breakthrough the Enemy Lines - Luffy and Zoro's Counterattack! 15.02.2015
7 With a Rumbling of the Ground! The God of Destruction - Giant Pica Descends! 01.03.2015
8 Gathering into a Powerful Front! Luffy and a Group of Brutal Warriors! 15.03.2015
9 Steady Progress! Luffy's Army vs. Pica! 22.03.2015
10 A Shocking Confession! Law's Soulful Vow! 29.03.2015
11 A Big Collision! Chief of Staff Sabo vs. Admiral Fujitora 05.04.2015
12 A Desperate Situation - Luffy Gets Caught in a Trap! 12.04.2015
13 Great Escape! Luffy's Miraculous Elephant Gun! 19.04.2015
14 A United Front – Luffy's Breakthrough to Victory 26.04.2015
15 The Second Samurai – Evening Shower Kanjuro Appears 03.05.2015
16 The Struggle with Pica – Zoro's One Finishing Move 10.05.2015
17 The Little People's Princess - Captive Mansherry 17.05.2015
18 Invulnerable! The Terrifying Headcracker Doll Army 24.05.2015
19 Life-Risking! Luffy is the Trump Card to Victory 31.05.2015
20 A Tearful Reunion – Rebecca and Kyros! 07.06.2015
21 One Shot One Kill - The Man Who Will Save Dressrosa 14.06.2015
22 Anger Explosion - Luffy and Laws's Ultimate Secret Plan 21.06.2015
23 Noble Family - Doflamingo's True Identity! 28.06.2015
24 Ultimate Power - The Secret of the Ope Ope no Mi! 05.07.2015
25 Sad Memories - Law the Boy from the White City! 12.07.2015
26 Celestial Dragon! Doffy's Stormy Past! 19.07.2015
27 A Rocky Road! – Law and Corazon's Journey of Life! 02.08.2015
28 The Time is Ticking Down! Seize the Op-Op Fruit! 09.08.2015
29 The Moment of Resolution: Corazon's Farewell Smile! 16.08.2015
30 Advance, Law! The Kindhearted Man's Final Fight! 23.08.2015
31 To Be Free! Law's Injection Shot Blasts! 30.08.2015
32 An Intense Battle! Law vs. Doflamingo! 06.09.2015
33 A Decisive Battle Against the Executives! Proud Hajrudin! 13.09.2015
34 The Battle of Love! The New Leader Sai vs. Baby 5! 20.09.2015
35 The Man's Pride - Bellamy's Last Charge! 27.09.2015
36 Storm and Stress! Hakuba vs. Dellinger! 04.10.2015
37 Barrier-Barrier! Homage God Fist Strikes! 11.10.2015
38 The Healing Princess! Save Mansherry 18.10.2015
39 The Manly Duel! Señor's Elegy of Love! 25.10.2015
40 Stardust of Death! Diamante's Storm of Vicious Attacks! 01.11.2015
41 Trueno Bastardo! Kyros' Furious Strike! 08.11.2015
42 Moving Across the Ground! The Giant Statue Pica's Surprise Maneuver! 15.11.2015
43 A Decisive Battle in Midair! Zoro's New Special Secret Technique Blasts! 22.11.2015
44 So Long! Bellamy's Farewell Blow! 29.11.2015
45 Law Dies - Luffy's Raging Onslaught! 06.12.2015
46 A Blade of Tenacity! The Gamma Knife Counterattack! 13.12.2015
47 A Collision of Haki! Luffy vs. Doflamingo! 20.12.2015
48 Unassailable! The Stunning Secret of Trebol 27.12.2015

Сезон 2014

# Название Дата
1 Luffy Dies in the Sea!? The Collapse of the Pirate Alliance 05.01.2014
2 A Major Turnaround! Luffy's Angry Iron Fist Strikes! 12.01.2014
3 Startling! The Big News Shakes Up The New World! 19.01.2014
4 Adventure! The Country of Love and Passion, Dressrosa 26.01.2014
5 Swirling Madness - Corrida Colosseum 02.02.2014
6 Dangerous Love - Dancing Girl Violet 09.02.2014
7 A Formidable, Unknown Warrior! Here Comes Lucy! 16.02.2014
8 The Pirate Prince Cavendish 23.02.2014
9 The Fated Reunion - Bellamy the Hyena 02.03.2014
10 Supernova! Bartolomeo the Cannibal 16.03.2014
11 Rivalry of Warriors! B Block on Fire! 23.03.2014
12 One-hit Knockout! The Astounding King Punch 30.03.2014
13 Fighting Fish Attack! Break through the Iron Bridge of Death 06.04.2014
14 Adventure! The Island of Fairies, Green Bit 13.04.2014
15 The Unknown World - Tontatta Kingdom 20.04.2014
16 Scheme of the Century - Doflamingo Gets Moving 27.04.2014
17 Heaven and Earth Shakes! The True Power of Admiral Fujitora 04.05.2014
18 A Blow of Anger! A Giant vs. Lucy! 11.05.2014
19 The Destructive Cannon Explodes! A Close Call for Lucy 18.05.2014
20 The Legendary Pirate - Boss Chinjao 25.05.2014
21 Light and Shadow - The Darkness Lurking in Dressrosa! 01.06.2014
22 Sortie - The Legendary Hero, Usoland 08.06.2014
23 The Fierce Battle's Conclusion - Lucy vs. Chinjao 15.06.2014
24 Luffy and the Fated Gladiator Rebecca 22.06.2014
25 Protect Her 'til the End! Rebecca and the Toy Soldier 29.06.2014
26 Final Battleground - D Block Battle Begins 06.07.2014
27 A Decisive Battle! Giolla vs. the Straw Hats 13.07.2014
28 Blade of Beauty! Cavendish of the White Horse 20.07.2014
29 The Great Clash! Sanji vs. Doflamingo 03.08.2014
30 Rebecca's Sword of Death! Backwater Sword Dance 10.08.2014
31 The Strongest Warrior! Logan vs. Rebecca 17.08.2014
32 Shock! The Toy Soldier's True Identity 24.08.2014
33 A Chilling Past! The Secret Behind Dressrosa 31.08.2014
34 Nightmare! That One Tragic Evening in Dressrosa 07.09.2014
35 A Showdown Between the Warlords! Law vs. Doflamingo! 14.09.2014
36 Two Great Forces Face-off! Straw Hat and Heavenly Yaksha 21.09.2014
37 Luffy, Startled - The Man Who Will Inherit Ace's Will 28.09.2014
38 Operation SOP Starts - Usoland Charges Forth 05.10.2014
39 A Burning Passion! Rebecca vs. Suleiman! 12.10.2014
40 Winner Decided!? The End to the D-Block Bash 19.10.2014
41 The Admiral's Decision! Fujitora vs. Doflamingo! 26.10.2014
42 The Final Round Starts - Diamante the Hero Shows Up 02.11.2014
43 The Castle Moves! Elite Officer Pica Emerges 09.11.2014
44 Dragon Claw Strikes! Lucy's Intimidating Attack! 16.11.2014
45 Defeat Sugar - The Dwarf Soldiers Charge In! 23.11.2014
46 The Last Light - The Secret of Our Captain! 30.11.2014
47 The Rupture Human - Gladius' Big Explosion! 07.12.2014
48 A Liar! Usoland on the Run! 14.12.2014
49 A Fateful Encounter – Kyros and King Riku 21.12.2014
50 Operation Failed! Hero Usoland Dies!? 28.12.2014

Сезон 2013

# Название Дата
1 Arriving! A Burning Island - Punk Hazard! 06.01.2013
2 A Battle In The Heat! Luffy Vs. The Giant Dragon! 13.01.2013
3 The Straw Hats Stunned! Enter: A Samaura's Horrifying Severed Head! 20.01.2013
4 Startling! The Secret of the Island is Finally Revealed! 27.01.2013
5 Save the Children! The Straw Hats Start To Fight! 03.02.2013
6 A Swordplay Showdown! Brook Vs. The Mysterious Torso Samurai! 10.02.2013
7 The Warlord! Trafalgar Law! 17.02.2013
8 In A Real Pinch! Luffy Sinks Into The Ice-Cold Lake! 03.03.2013
9 A Collision! Law vs. Vice Admiral Smoker! 17.03.2013
10 Meeting Again After Two Years! Luffy and Law! 24.03.2013
11 The Worst In The World! A Scientist Of Terror - Caesar! 31.03.2013
12 History's Strongest Collaboration! Vs. Glutton of the Sea! 07.04.2013
13 Chopper's Fury! The Master's Inhumane Experiment! 14.04.2013
14 To Annihlate The Straw Hats! Legendary Assassins Descend! 21.04.2013
15 Save Nami! Luffy's Fight On The Snow-Capped Mountains! 28.04.2013
16 Formation! The Pirate Alliance Luffy-Law! 05.05.2013
17 Capture M! The Pirate Alliances's Operation Launches! 12.05.2013
18 On The Verge Of Annihilation! A Deadly Monster Comes Flying In! 19.05.2013
19 An Intense Battle! Caesar Exercises His True Power! 26.05.2013
20 A Samurai Who Can Cut Fire! Foxfire Kin'Emon! 02.06.2013
21 Shock! Identity of Vergo, the Mysterious Man 09.06.2013
22 Save The Children! The Master's Evil Hands Close In! 16.06.2013
23 Shaking Up The New World! Caesar's Horrendous Experiment! 23.06.2013
24 The Deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction in History! Land Of The Dead! 30.06.2013
25 The Counterattack Begins! Luffy and Law's Great Escape 07.07.2013
26 Get To Building R! The Pirate Alliance's Great Advance! 14.07.2013
27 Tashigi's Tears! G5's Desperate Breakthrough Plan! 21.07.2013
28 The Treacherous Vice Admiral! Demon Bamboo Vergo! 28.07.2013
29 A Fierce Battle Gets Heated! Luffy vs. Caesar! 11.08.2013
30 The Mastermind in the Shadows! Doflamingo Moves! 18.08.2013
31 Luffy Dies from Exposure?! The Spine-chilling Snow Woman Monet! 25.08.2013
32 Fist Fight! Two Vice Admirals Fight 01.09.2013
33 The Small Dragon! Momonosuke Appears 08.09.2013
34 Deadly Combat in Snowstorm The Straw Hats vs. the Snow Woman 15.09.2013
35 Showing Off His Techniques! Zoro's Formidable One-Sword Style! 24.09.2013
36 I'll Protect My Friends! Mocha's Desperate Escape 29.09.2013
37 Brownbeard's In Grief! Luffy Lands A Furious Blow! 06.10.2013
38 A Surprising Outcome! White Hunter vs. Vergo! 13.10.2013
39 Caesar Defeat! The Powerful Grizzly Magnum! 20.10.2013
40 Raid! An Assassin From Dressrosa! 27.10.2013
41 Runninng Wild! Invincible General Franky! 03.11.2013
42 A Critical Situation! Punk Hazard Explodes! 10.11.2013
43 Capture Caesar! General Cannon Blast's! 17.11.2013
44 A Touching Reunion! Momonosuke and Kin'emon! 24.11.2013
45 Regretful Departure - Leaving Punk Hazard 01.12.2013
46 G-5's Annihilation! Doflamingo's Assault! 08.12.2013
47 Tension! Aokiji vs. Doflamingo 15.12.2013
48 Caesar has Disappeared! The Pirate Alliance Sallies 22.12.2013

Сезон 2012

# Название Дата
1 The King of The Fishman Island!, Neptune, The God Of The Sea! 08.01.2012
2 The Ryugu Palace! Taken By The Shark That They Saved! 15.01.2012
3 A Coward and a Crybaby! The Princess in the Hard Shell Tower 22.01.2012
4 It's An Emergency! The Ryugu Palace Is Occupied! 29.01.2012
5 The Ryugu Palace In Shock! The Kidnapping Of Shirahoshi! 05.02.2012
6 Hordy's Onslaught! The Retaliatory Plan Set into Motion! 12.02.2012
7 The Battle In The Ryugu Palace! Zoro Vs. Hordy! 19.02.2012
8 Keep Shirahoshi Safe! Decken Close Behind! 26.02.2012
9 The Crew Falls?! Hody Conquers Ryuuguu Palace 04.03.2012
10 The Haunting Ties! Nami And The Fishmen Pirates! 18.03.2012
11 A Hero Who Freed The Slaves! An Adventurer Tiger! 25.03.2012
12 Kizaru Appears! A Trap To Catch Tiger! 01.04.2012
13 Toriko x One Piece Special: Team Formation! Save Chopper! 08.04.2012
14 The Death Of The Hero! A Shocking Truth Of Tiger! 15.04.2012
15 The Sun Pirates Split! Jimbe Vs. Arlong! 22.04.2012
16 Shaking Fishman Island! A Celestial Dragon Drifts In! 29.04.2012
17 A Sudden Tragedy! A Gunshot Shuts Down The Future! 06.05.2012
18 Back To The Present! Hordy Makes A Move! 13.05.2012
19 The Kingdom In Shock! An Order to Execute Neptune Issued! 20.05.2012
20 A Rift Opens Up! Luffy Vs. Jimbei! 27.05.2012
21 Something Has Happened To Hordy! The True Power Of The Evil Drug! 03.06.2012
22 The Battle Is On! At Conchcorde Plaza! 10.06.2012
23 A Surprising Confession! The Truth Behind The Assassination Of Otohime! 17.06.2012
24 Shirahoshi's Tears! Luffy Finally Shows Up! 24.06.2012
25 A Big Clash! The Straw Hats Vs. A Hundered Thousand Enemies! 01.07.2012
26 Deadly Attacks! Zoro And Sanji Join The Battle! 08.07.2012
27 Unveiled! The Secret Weapons Of The Sunny! 15.07.2012
28 Iron Pirate! Here Comes General Franky! 29.07.2012
29 The Noah Closing In! The Fishman Island Facing Destruction! 05.08.2012
30 Hurry Up Luffy! Shirahoshi's Life In Jeopardy! 12.08.2012
31 The Fierce Fight Begins! Luffy Vs. Hordy! 19.08.2012
32 A Massive Confused Fight! The Straw Hats Vs. The New Fishmen Pirates! 26.08.2012
33 Luffy Loses The Fight! Hordy's Long-Awaited Revenge! 02.09.2012
34 A Shocking Fact! The True Identity Of Hordy! 09.09.2012
35 Back To Zero! Ernest Wishes For Luffy! 16.09.2012
36 Luffy's All Out Attack! Red Hawk Blasts! 23.09.2012
37 Coming To An End! The Final Decisive Battle Against Hordy! 30.09.2012
38 Stop Noah! Desperate Elephant Gatling! 07.10.2012
39 To The Future! The Path To The Sun! 14.10.2012
40 The Secret Revealed! The Truth About The Ancient Weapon! 21.10.2012
41 The Straw Hat's Stunned! The New Fleet Admiral Of The Navy! 28.10.2012
42 She Loves Sweets! Big Mom Of The Four Emporers! 04.11.2012
43 Many Problems Lie Ahead! A Trap Awaiting In The New World! 11.11.2012
44 Finally Time To Go! Goodbye Fishman Island! 20.11.2012
45 To the New World! Heading For The Ultimate Sea! 25.11.2012
46 Z's Ambition Arc - The Little Giant Lily! 02.12.2012
47 Z's Ambition Arc - Introduction of the Mystery of the Strongest Army Corps! 09.12.2012
48 Z's Ambition Arc - A Desperate Big Escape Strategy! 16.12.2012
49 Z's Ambition Arc - Luffy vs. Shuzo! 23.12.2012

Сезон 2011

# Название Дата
1 The Power that Burns Fire - Akainu's Final Move 09.01.2011
2 Looking for the Answer! Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield! 16.01.2011
3 Marine Headquarters Crumbles! Whitebeard's Silent Rage! 23.01.2011
4 Settling the Score - Whitebeard vs. The Blackbeard Pirates 30.01.2011
5 The Start of the Show - Blackbeard's Plot Revealed 06.02.2011
6 The Insatiable Akainu! Lava Fists Pummel Luffy! 13.02.2011
7 A Desperate Cry - Seconds of Valor that Change Destiny 20.02.2011
8 Enter Shanks! The Ultimate War Ends at Last 06.03.2011
9 Powerful Independent Rivals! The Beginning of the 'New Era' 20.03.2011
10 Arrival at the Island of Women - Cruel Reality Tortures Luffy 27.03.2011
11 The Strongest Tag-Team! Luffy and Toriko's Hard Struggle! 03.04.2011
12 Luffy and Ace - The Story of the Brothers' Meeting! 10.04.2011
13 Enter Sabo! The Boy From the Grey Terminal 17.04.2011
14 I Won't Run! Ace's Desperate Rescue Operation! 24.04.2011
15 One Day We'll Go Out to Sea! The Oath Cups of the Three Brats! 01.05.2011
16 Leaving the Dadan Family!? The Secret Base is Complete! 08.05.2011
17 Luffy Becoming an Apprentice?! A Man Who Fought Against the King of the Pirates! 15.05.2011
18 The Battle Against the Big Tiger! Who Will Be the Captain?! 22.05.2011
19 Stolen Freedom! The Nobles' Trap Draws Near the Three Brothers 29.05.2011
20 The Flames Are Lit - The Gray Terminal's Crisis 05.06.2011
21 Where Is Freedom? The Boy's Sad Departure 12.06.2011
22 I'm Counting On You! A Letter From a Brother! 19.06.2011
23 To Fulfill the Promise - Separate Departures! 26.06.2011
24 I Want to See Them! Luffy's Tearful Scream 03.07.2011
25 Straw Hats In Shock! The Bad News Has Reached Them! 10.07.2011
26 Reunited with Dark King Rayleigh! Decision Time For Luffy! 17.07.2011
27 Back to Our Captain! A Jail Break at the Sky Island and the Incident on the Winter Island! 31.07.2011
28 Encounter! The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Zoro's Self-Willed Deadly Struggle! 07.08.2011
29 Sanji's Suffering - The Queen Returns to His Kingdom 14.08.2011
30 An Unbelievable Return! Luffy at the Marine Headquarters! 21.08.2011
31 Delivered to Friends - The Big News Comes Through! 28.08.2011
32 The Pirates Move Out! The Earth Shattering New World 04.09.2011
33 Live Through Hell - Sanji's Fight with Men at Stake 11.09.2011
34 I Will Get Much, Much Stronger! Zoro's Pledge to his Captain! 18.09.2011
35 Luffy's Training Begins - Meet Up at the Promised Place in Two Years 25.09.2011
36 A New Chapter Opens: The Straw Hat Pirates Regather! 02.10.2011
37 An Explosive Situation! Luffy vs Fake Luffy 09.10.2011
38 The Navy Has Set Out! The Straw Hats In Danger! 16.10.2011
39 Big Guns Assembled! The Danger Of The Fake Straw Hats! 23.10.2011
40 The Battle Is On! Show Them What You Got From Training! 30.10.2011
41 Everyone Together! Luffy, Setting Out For The New World! 06.11.2011
42 A Suprising Fact! The Man Who Guarded The Sunny! 13.11.2011
43 Deadly Combat Under The Sea! The Demon Of The Ocean Strikes! 20.11.2011
44 Lost In The Deep Sea! The Straw Hats Get Seperated! 27.11.2011
45 Undersea Volcanic Eruption! Drifting To The Fishman Island! 04.12.2011
46 Landing at The Fishman Island! Beautiful Mermaids! 11.12.2011
47 Excitement Blow-Out! Sanji's Life Under Threat! 18.12.2011
48 Fish-Man Island Collapses?! Shyarly's Prediction 25.12.2011

Сезон 2010

# Название Дата
1 Chief Warden Magellan Moves - The Net to Trap Straw Hat Is Complete! 10.01.2010
2 Preparations for War! A Decisive Battle in Level 4 - Inferno Hell 17.01.2010
3 Magellan's Strength! Bon Kurei Flees Before His Enemy Out! 24.01.2010
4 The Fight Finished! Luffy's Final Life-Risking Attack 31.01.2010
5 Because He's Our Friend - Bon Kurei's Do-or-Die Rescue 07.02.2010
6 A Paradise in Hell! Impel Down - Level 5.5! 14.02.2010
7 Luffy's Treatment Begins! Ivan-san's Miraculous Power! 21.02.2010
8 Believe in Miracles! Bon Clay's Cries From the Heart! 28.02.2010
9 Luffy's Back! Ivan-san Begins the Breakout Plan! 07.03.2010
10 Ace's Convoy Begins! Battle on the Lowest Floor - Level 6! 14.03.2010
11 The Ultimate Team Has Formed! Shaking Impel Down! 21.03.2010
12 Even More Chaos! Blackbeard Teach Invades! 28.03.2010
13 A Dangerous Meeting! Blackbeard and Shiryu of the Rain 04.04.2010
14 His Spirit Won't Break! Hannyabal Goes All Out 11.04.2010
15 The Jet Pistol of Rage - Luffy vs. Blackbeard 18.04.2010
16 Stop Magellan! Ivan-san Unleashes His Secret Attack 25.04.2010
17 Magellan's Scheme! The Jailbreak is Obstructed 02.05.2010
18 The Jailbreak Team Driven Into a Corner - Forbidden Move 'Venom Demon' 09.05.2010
19 Create the Final Miracle - Break Through the Gate of Justice 15.05.2010
20 The Destination is Marine Headquarters - The Ship Sets Out to Rescue Ace! 23.05.2010
21 The Friends' Whereabouts! Weatheria Report and Cyborg Animals 30.05.2010
22 The Friends' Whereabouts! A Cheeper of Giant Birds and a Pink Showdown! 06.06.2010
23 The Friends' Whereabouts! The Revolutionary Army and the Trap of the Forest of Gluttony! 13.06.2010
24 The Friends' Whereabouts! The Giant Gravestone and Panties of Gratitude 20.06.2010
25 Flashback Special Before Marineford - The Brothers' Oath! 27.06.2010
26 Flashback Special Before Marineford - The Three Admirals 11.07.2010
27 Ticking Down to the Time of Battle! The Navy's Strongest Lineup in Position! 18.07.2010
28 An Enormous Fleet Appears - The Whitebeard Pirates Invade 01.08.2010
29 The Beginning of the War - Ace and Whitebeard's Past! 08.08.2010
30 The Force That Could Destroy The World! The Power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit! 15.08.2010
31 An All-Consuming Inferno!! Admiral Akainu's Power! 22.08.2010
32 Descendant of the Devil! Little Oars Jr. Rushes! 29.08.2010
33 The Winner Will Be Justice - Sengoku's Strategy Is Put Into Action! 05.09.2010
34 The Straw Hat Team Arrives - Tensions Grows on the Battlefield! 12.09.2010
35 Even If It Means Death! Luffy Vs. The Navy - The Battle Starts! 19.09.2010
36 Hard Battles, One After Another! Devil's Fruit Eaters vs. Devil's Fruit Eaters! 26.09.2010
37 Kuma's Transformation! Ivan's Attack of Anger! 03.10.2010
38 The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Luffy Comes Under the Attack of the Black Sword! 10.10.2010
39 The Extermination Strategy in Action! The Power of the Pacifistas! 17.10.2010
40 Akainu's Plot! Whitebeard Trapped! 24.10.2010
41 The Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates Backed into a Corner!! 31.10.2010
42 The Order to Perform the Execution is Given - Break Through the Encircling Wall! 07.11.2010
43 Moving Into the Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card for Recovery! 14.11.2010
44 Luffy's Strength is Exhausted! All-Out War in the Oris Plaza! 21.11.2010
45 Power that Reduces One's Life - Tension Hormones Return 28.11.2010
46 For a Promise!! Luffy and Coby Clash! 05.12.2010
47 The Scaffold At Last! The Way To Ace Has Opened! 12.12.2010
48 Each On Different Paths! Luffy vs. Garp! 19.12.2010
49 Ace is Rescued! Whitebeard's Final Captain's Orders! 26.12.2010

Сезон 2009

# Название Дата
1 Brook's Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path to Becoming a True Nakama 11.01.2009
2 Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! The Red Line 18.01.2009
3 Hatred of the Straw Hat Crew - Enter Iron Mask Duval 25.01.2009
4 The Fated Reunion! Save the Imprisoned Fishman 01.02.2009
5 Tragedy! The Truth of the Unmasked Duval 08.02.2009
6 Explosion! The Sunny's Super Secret Weapon: Gaon Cannon 15.02.2009
7 Landing to Get to Fishman Island - The Sabaody Archipelago 22.02.2009
8 Tyranny! The Rulers of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons 01.03.2009
9 New Rivals Gather! The 11 Supernovas 08.03.2009
10 The Target Is Camie!! The Looming Clutches Of A Professional Kidnapper 17.03.2009
11 Rescue Caimie - The Dark History of the Archipelago 29.03.2009
12 Time Limit - The Human Auction Begins 05.04.2009
13 The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction 12.04.2009
14 Huge Panic! Struggle in the Auction Hall 19.04.2009
15 Admiral Kizaru Moves! The Sabaody Archipelago in Chaos 26.04.2009
16 Break Through the Encirclement! Marines vs. Three Captains 03.05.2009
17 Roger and Rayleigh - The Pirate King and His Right Hand 10.05.2009
18 No Escape!? Admiral Kizaru's Light Speed Kick!! 17.05.2009
19 Overwhelming! The Marine Combat Weapon Pacifista 24.05.2009
20 Another Strong Enemy Appears! Broadaxe-Wielding Sentomaru 31.05.2009
21 Admiral Kizaru's Fierce Attack. The Straw Hat Crew's Desperate Situation! 07.06.2009
22 Disappearing Crewmates - The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew 14.06.2009
23 Special Historical Arc - Boss Luffy Appears Again 21.06.2009
24 Special Historical Arc - Destroy! Thriller Company's Trap 28.06.2009
25 Landing! Young Men Forbidden Island Amazon Lily 05.07.2009
26 Hurry! Get back to your friends. Adventure on the Island of Women. 12.07.2009
27 Everyone is Lovestruck! Pirate Empress Hancock 19.07.2009
28 The Secret Hidden on Their Backs, Luffy Encounters The Princess 02.08.2009
29 The Heartless Judgment! Margaret Turned to Stone!! 09.08.2009
30 Luffy's Hard Trial! The Power of the Snake Sisters' Willpower! 16.08.2009
31 Battle with Full-Powered Abilities! Gomu Gomu vs. Hebi Hebi 23.08.2009
32 Hancock's Confession - The Sisters' Disgusting Past 30.08.2009
33 Rescue Ace! The New Destination is the Great Prison 06.09.2009
34 Love is a Hurricane! Hancock Madly in Love 13.09.2009
35 The Crew's Whereabouts - Weather Science and Karakuri Island 20.09.2009
36 The Crew's Whereabouts - The Island of Giant Birds and the Pink Paradise! 27.09.2009
37 The Crew's Whereabouts - The Bridge that Connects Islands and Man-Eating Plants 04.10.2009
38 The Crew's Whereabouts - The Negative Princess and the Devil King! 11.10.2009
39 A Life-threatening Break-in! The Underwater Prison Impel Down! 18.10.2009
40 A Reunion in Hell?! The Man Who Ate the Chop-Chop Fruit! 25.10.2009
41 Break through Crimson Hell! Buggys great Uproar Plan 01.11.2009
42 The Prison's strongest Man! Introduction of the Poison-Man Magellan 08.11.2009
43 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! A Gold Lion's Ambition on the Move! 15.11.2009
44 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Little East Blue in Danger! 22.11.2009
45 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! The Fierce Onslaught of the Amigo Pirates! 29.11.2009
46 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Luffy vs. Largo - The Battle is On! 06.12.2009
47 The Imprisoned Royal Shichibukai! Jinbei, Knight of the Sea 13.12.2009
48 The Trap of Chief Guard Saldeath - Level 3 Starvation Hell 20.12.2009
49 The Liberated Swan! Reunion! Bon Kurei 27.12.2009

Сезон 2008

# Название Дата
1 Venture Into the Devil's Sea! The Mysterious Skeleton Floating Through the Fog 06.01.2008
2 The Delight of Having Met People! The Gentleman Skeleton's True Colors 13.01.2008
3 One Phenomenon After Another! Disembarking at Thriller Bark 20.01.2008
4 The Man Called a Genius! Hogback Appears! 27.01.2008
5 Nami in Big Trouble! The Zombie Mansion and the Invisible Man 03.02.2008
6 Mystery of the Zombies! Hogback's Nightmarish Research Laboratory 10.02.2008
7 His Name is Moria! Trap of the Great Shadow-Stealing Pirate 17.02.2008
8 Feast of the Zombie Song! The Bell of the Night Raid is a Sound of Darkness 24.02.2008
9 A Bunch of Animals? Perona's Wonder Garden! 02.03.2008
10 Disappearing Strawhat Crew! The Mysterious Swordsman Appears! 09.03.2008
11 Leftover Chivalry! The Traitorous Zombie who Protects Nami 16.03.2008
12 Coming from the Sky! That Man is the Humming Swordsman 23.03.2008
13 Luffy in an Emergency! The Living Place of the Strongest Shadow! 30.03.2008
14 The Warrior Known as the Devil!! The Moment of Oars' Revival! 20.04.2008
15 Awakening After 500 Years!! Oars Opens His Eyes!! 27.04.2008
16 Conviction Strong Enough to Beg for One's Life!! Brook Protects his Afro 04.05.2008
17 A Man's Oath will Never Die! From Far Memories to the Waiting Friend 11.05.2008
18 We will Definately Meet Again! Brook and the Promise of the Cape 18.05.2008
19 Food, Nami, and Shadows!! Luffy's Enraged Counterattack 25.05.2008
20 Usopp the Strongest? Leave the Negatives to Me 01.06.2008
21 The General Zombies Are Down In A Flash!! Oars Feels Like An Adventure!! 08.06.2008
22 Blazing Knight Sanji!! Kick Down The Fake Wedding 15.06.2008
23 Invisibility Connection? Sanji's Stolen Dream 22.06.2008
24 Saving Hero!! The Enemy is the Invincible Princess 27.06.2008
25 Perona's Terror!! The U in Uso is the U in Usopp 06.07.2008
26 Slashes Dancing on the Roof!! Finale - Zoro vs. Ryuma 13.07.2008
27 Chopper is Furious!! Hogback's Evil Medical Practices 20.07.2008
28 Oars Roars!! Come Out Straw Hat Crew 03.08.2008
29 The Enemy is Luffy!! The Strongest Zombie vs. the Straw Hat Crew 10.08.2008
30 You're Going Down, Absalom!! Nami's Lightning Attack of Friendship!! 17.08.2008
31 One Down!! Sure Kill Straw Hat Docking? 24.08.2008
32 Soundless Invasion!! The Mysterious Visitor: Kuma the Tyrant 31.08.2008
33 Oars + Moria - The Greatest Combination of Brains and Brawn 07.09.2008
34 A Crazy Strategy to Turn the Tables - The Creation of Nightmare Luffy 14.09.2008
35 The Straw Hat Crew annihilated! Full-throttle Kage Kage abilities! 21.09.2008
36 The Battle for Superiority Starts! Luffy vs. Luffy 28.09.2008
37 The Conclusion Arrives! Deliver the Finishing Blow 05.10.2008
38 The Bodies Vanish! The Morning Sun Pierces Through the Nightmare Island! 12.10.2008
39 The Endless Crisis! Orders to Obliterate the Straw Hat Crew 19.10.2008
40 It Repels Everything! Kuma's Paw-Paw Power! 09.11.2008
41 My Companions' Pain is My Pain - Zoro Prepares to Die 16.11.2008
42 The Promise on that Distant Day - The Song of Pirates and a Small Whale 23.11.2008
43 Brook's Past - Sad Farewell to the Cheerful Crew 30.11.2008
44 Binks' Sake - The Song that Connects the Past and Present 07.12.2008
45 A New Crewmate! Musician - The Hummer Brook 14.12.2008
46 Noro Noro Menace - Return of Foxy the Silver Fox 21.12.2008
47 The Great Treasure Contest! Collapse! Spa Island 28.12.2008

Сезон 2007

# Название Дата
1 The Great Mochimaki Race to the Castle! Conspiracy of the Red Nose 07.01.2007
2 Bubble User Kalifa! Nami Draws Near to the Soap's Trap 14.01.2007
3 The Resounding Bad News! The Buster Call is Invoked 21.01.2007
4 5 Namis? Counterattack with the Mirage! 28.01.2007
5 Nami's Determination! Shoot the Rampaging Chopper! 04.02.2007
6 Hunter Sanji Appears? Elegy to the Lying Wolf 11.02.2007
7 Kick! Full Course of Sanji's Footwork 25.02.2007
8 The Drawn Sword's Fierce Attack! Zoro vs. Kaku Powerful Slash Showdown 04.03.2007
9 Zoro the Fierce God! The Incarnation of Asura Revealed by His Soul 11.03.2007
10 Spandam's Shock! A Hero Stands on the Tower of Justice 18.03.2007
11 Robin's Liberation! Luffy vs. Lucci: Peak of the Decisive Battle 25.03.2007
12 The Criminal is Boss Luffy? Chase the Vanished Great Sakura Tree 01.04.2007
13 If I Can't Win, I Can't Protect Anyone! Gear Third Activates 08.04.2007
14 The Terrifying Past! Dark Justice and Rob Lucci 15.04.2007
15 A Phantom Mermaid is Here? Within Fading Consciousness 22.04.2007
16 The Island Sinking in Gunfire! Franky's Outcry of Regret 29.04.2007
17 Wait for Luffy! Fight to the Death on the Bridge of Hesitation! 06.05.2007
18 Feelings Put Into Fists! Luffy's Full-Power Gatling 13.05.2007
19 A Friend Approaches from the Sea! The Straw Hat Crew's Strongest Bonds 20.05.2007
20 The Crew's Great Escape! The Victor's Path is for the Pirates 27.05.2007
21 Thank You Merry! The Sea of Separation in the Snow 03.06.2007
22 The Disturbance of Peace! The Vice-Admiral with the Fist of Love 10.06.2007
23 The Strongest Family Line? Luffy's Father Revealed! 17.06.2007
24 Its Name is The New World! The Whereabouts of the Great Grand Line! 24.06.2007
25 Shanks Moves! Ceremony to the Rampaging Age 01.07.2007
26 The Girl Searching for the Yagara! Great Investigation in the Water Metropolis! 08.07.2007
27 The Mother is Strong! Zoro's Slapstick Housework Help 15.07.2007
28 Sanji Crashes! The Mysterious Old Man and Intense Cooking 22.07.2007
29 Everyone's Finally Wanted! The Crew of Over Six Hundred Million! 19.08.2007
30 The King of Beasts that will Cross the Ocean! The Dream Ship's Magnificent Completion! 26.08.2007
31 Goodbye my Lovable Followers! Franky Departs 02.09.2007
32 Departing the Water Metropolis! Distinction of the Manly Usopp's Duel 09.09.2007
33 The World-Wide Bounties! The Hometowns Dance as the Ship Sails Forward! 16.09.2007
34 The Most Evil Ability! Blackbeard's Darkness Attacks Ace 23.09.2007
35 Mysterious Party of Pirates! The Sunny and a Dangerous Trap 14.10.2007
36 Sunny in a Pinch! Roar, Secret Superspeed Mecha 21.10.2007
37 The Dream Sinking in the New World! The Pirate of Despair, Puzzle 28.10.2007
38 The Assassins Attack! The Great Battle Above the Ice Begins 04.11.2007
39 The Hard Fights of the Straw Hat Crew! The Pirate Soul Banking it All on the Flag! 11.11.2007
40 Hot Full Throttle! The Twins' Magnetic Power Draws Near 18.11.2007
41 The Great Chaos Mansion! The Angry Don and the Imprisoned Crew 25.11.2007
42 The Phoenix Returns! The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend 02.12.2007
43 The Red Hot Decisive Battle! Luffy vs. the Scorching Don 09.12.2007
44 Waiting in the New World! Farewell to the Courageous Pirates 16.12.2007
45 Chopperman Departs! Protect the TV Station by the Shore 23.12.2007

Сезон 2006

# Название Дата
1 The Shout of Nami's Soul! The Return of the Straw Hat! 22.01.2006
2 Another Sea Train! Rocket Man Sortie 29.01.2006
3 Rescue our Friends! The Oath that Links the Enemies 04.02.2006
4 Smash the Wave! Luffy and Zoro, The Strongest Combo! 26.02.2006
5 A Mysterious Man Appears?! His Name Is Sogeking! 05.03.2006
6 Cook Confrontation! Sanji vs Ramen Kenpo 12.03.2006
7 Duel on the Roof! Franky vs Nero! 19.03.2006
8 Crash! Demon-Cutting Zoro vs Ship-Cutting T-Bone! 02.04.2006
9 Robin Struggles! Sogeking's Clever Scheme!! 16.04.2006
10 The Judiciary Island! The Full Picture of Enies Lobby! 30.04.2006
11 Operation Disembarkation Commences! The Straw Hat Crew Rushes In! 21.05.2006
12 Luffy Charges In! Great Decisive Battle on the Judiciary Island! 04.06.2006
13 Battle with the Giants! Open the Second Door! 11.06.2006
14 The Means of Escaping is Opened! Fly through the Sky, Rocketman! 18.06.2006
15 Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War 25.06.2006
16 Robin was Betrayed! The Expectations of the World Government! 25.06.2006
17 Give Robin Back! Luffy vs. Blueno! 02.07.2006
18 Don't Stop! Raise the Signal Fire of a Counterattack! 09.07.2006
19 Luffy is in Sight! Gather at the Courthouse Plaza 23.07.2006
20 All for the Sake of Protecting My Friends! Gear Second in Motion 30.07.2006
21 Answer Us, Robin! The Outcries of the Straw Hat Crew!! 06.08.2006
22 Robin's Past! The Girl who was Called a Demon! 13.08.2006
23 The Fated Parent and Child! The Mother's Name is Olvia! 10.09.2006
24 Tragedy of Ohara! Fear of Buster Call! 24.09.2006
25 Say You Want to Live! We are Friends!! 24.09.2006
26 Jump Into the Falls! Luffy's Feelings!! 01.10.2006
27 A Man's Way of Life! Zoro's Techniques, Usopp's Dream 08.10.2006
28 Tears Which Weaved the Bond of Comrades! Nami's World Map 15.10.2006
29 Separation Refines a Man! Sanji and Chopper 22.10.2006
30 All for my Comrades' Sake! The Darkness Within Robin! 29.10.2006
31 The Blueprints Aren't Passed! Franky's Decision 05.11.2006
32 Retrieve the 5 Keys! The Straw Hat Crew vs CP9 12.11.2006
33 Power of the Devil Fruit! Kaku and Jyabura Transform 19.11.2006
34 Even if I Die, I Won't Kick You! Sanji's Manly Chivalry 26.11.2006
35 Fukurou's Miscalculation - My Cola is the Water of Life! 03.12.2006
36 Zoro's New Technique Explodes! The Katana's Name is Sogeking? 10.12.2006
37 Uncontrollable! Chopper's Forbidden Rumble 17.12.2006
38 Boss Luffy Returns! A Dream or Reality Lottery Trouble 24.12.2006

Сезон 2005

# Название Дата
1 The Screaming Speed Serve! Pirate Dodgeball! 09.01.2005
2 Final Match on the Edge! Dharma has Fallen! 09.01.2005
3 Captain Confrontation! The Last Fight: Combat! 16.01.2005
4 Full Power Noro Noro Beam vs The Invulnerable Luffy 23.01.2005
5 Heroic Fierce Combat! The Fateful Last Battle 30.01.2005
6 Lost? Stolen? Who are You? 06.02.2005
7 The Mysterious Boy with the Whistle and Robin's Guess 13.02.2005
8 Get Back the Memories! The Pirates Land 20.02.2005
9 Zoro Sharpens His Fangs! A Fight with a Wild Animal 27.02.2005
10 The Real Memory Thief's Final Counterattack! 06.03.2005
11 The Man of Pride! Foxy the Silver Fox 13.03.2005
12 The Unbeatable Power Draws Near? A Very Dangerous Man! 20.03.2005
13 Marine High Admiral Aokiji! The Threat of the Greatest Power 27.03.2005
14 Rubber and Ice One-On-One Fight! Luffy vs Aokiji! 27.03.2005
15 Running Sea Train! The City of Water, Water 7 17.04.2005
16 The Adventure in the City of Water! Aim for the Giant Shipyard 24.04.2005
17 The Franky Family and Iceburg! 01.05.2005
18 Galley-La Company! The Magnificent Dock #1 15.05.2005
19 The Pirate Kidnapping Incident and the Pirate Ship Waits for Death! 22.05.2005
20 Rescuing a Friend! The Raid on the Franky House 05.06.2005
21 Quarrel in the Moonlight! The Pirate Ship Trembles in Sadness 12.06.2005
22 Luffy vs Usopp! The Spirit of the Clashing Men 19.06.2005
23 The City of Water is Shaking! Iceburg was Targeted! 03.07.2005
24 Rubberman vs Fire-Breathing Cyborg 10.07.2005
25 The Criminals are the Straw Hat Pirates? The Bodyguards of Water 7 31.07.2005
26 An Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, The Woman Who Bears Darkness 07.08.2005
27 Catch Robin! The Determination of the Straw Hat Pirates 14.08.2005
28 The Signal is the Explosion! CP9 Starts to Move 21.08.2005
29 CP9 Unmasked! Their Shocking True Faces 04.09.2005
30 The Secret Bond! Franky and Iceburg 11.09.2005
31 Come Back, Robin! The Confrontation with CP9 18.09.2005
32 Destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates? The Terror of the Model Leopard! 23.10.2005
33 The Man who is Loved by his Ship! Usopp's Tears! 30.10.2005
34 Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train Ran 06.11.2005
35 Spandam's Conspiracy! The Day the Sea Train Shook 13.11.2005
36 The End of the Legendary Man! The Day the Sea Train Cried 27.11.2005
37 The Truth Behind the Betrayal! Robin's Sorrowful Decision! 27.11.2005
38 The Steam Whistle Separates the Group! The Sea Train Begins to Run 04.12.2005
39 Sanji Breaks In! The Sea Train Battle in the Storm! 11.12.2005

Сезон 2004

# Название Дата
1 Climb Giant Jack! Deadly Combat in the Upper Ruins 04.01.2004
2 Ultimate Test of the Ordeal of Iron! The White-Barbed Death Match!! 18.01.2004
3 Gushing Blade Attack! Pirate Zoro vs Shinto Priest Ohm!! 25.01.2004
4 The Upper Ruins Crumble! The Quintet Finale!! 01.02.2004
5 Battle in the Ancient Ruins! God Enel's Desire!! 08.02.2004
6 Ambitions of Fairy Vearth - The Ark, Maxim!! 15.02.2004
7 Finally Clashing! Pirate Luffy vs God Enel!! 22.02.2004
8 Maxim Rises! The Start of Deathpiea!! 29.02.2004
9 Luffy's Fall! God's Judgement and Nami's Desire!! 07.03.2004
10 Two People Awaken! A Rescue in Front of Burning Love!! 14.03.2004
11 Capriccio to Destruction! The Impending Doom of Sky Island!! 21.03.2004
12 Guidance from the Sound of a Bell! The Great Warrior and Tales of an Explorer 28.03.2004
13 Released from Disgrace! The Tears of the Great Warrior!! 28.03.2004
14 Eternal Friendship! The Bell of Oath Echoes Throughout the Giant Ocean!! 04.04.2004
15 The Destruction of Angel Island! Terror of The Descending Raigou!! 25.04.2004
16 Chop Down Giant Jack! The Last Hope of Escaping 02.05.2004
17 The Miracle in God's Country! A Love Song Heard by Angels 09.05.2004
18 The Battle Ends! Proud Fantasia Echoes Far! 23.05.2004
19 I Have Come Here! The Weaving of the Poneglyphs 06.06.2004
20 Now Heading Towards the Blue Sea! Memories of an Interwoven Finale 13.06.2004
21 Emergency Announcement! An Infamous Pirate Ship has Invaded! 20.06.2004
22 Sanji the Chef! Demonstrating True Pride at the Marine Mess Hall! 27.06.2004
23 Zoro's Imprisonment and Chopper's Emergency Operation! 11.07.2004
24 The Marine Search Party Draws Near! Another of the Crew is Captured! 18.07.2004
25 Luffy and Sanji's Determination! The Great Escape Plan! 08.08.2004
26 The Squadron of Burning Souls Attack! Battle on the Bridge! 05.09.2004
27 Breaking Through Enemy Lines! The Rescue of the Going Merry! 12.09.2004
28 The Pirate Ship Disappears! Stronghold Battle, Round 2 19.09.2004
29 Operation Gold Recovery and Operation Waver Retrieval! 03.10.2004
30 The Pirate Round-Up Plan! Jonathon's Secret Winning Strategy! 03.10.2004
31 So Long, Marine Base! The Final Battle for Freedom 10.10.2004
32 Big Adventure in Long Ring Long Land 31.10.2004
33 The Foxy Pirate Crew and the Davy Back! 07.11.2004
34 Round 1! One Lap of the Donut Race 14.11.2004
35 Foxy the Silver Fox! A Violent Interference 21.11.2004
36 Round 2! Shoot into the Groggy Ring! 28.11.2004
37 Rapid-Fire Red Cards! Groggy Ring 05.12.2004
38 Round 3! Round and Round Roller Race! 12.12.2004
39 Burning Roller Race! Dash into the Final Round! 19.12.2004

Сезон 2003

# Название Дата
1 Legend of the Rainbow Mist! Ruluka Island and the Old Man Henzo 05.01.2003
2 Inhabitants of Neverland! The Pumpkin Pirates! 12.01.2003
3 A Longing for Home! The Inescapable Pirate Graveyard! 19.01.2003
4 Frantic Struggle! Whetton's Plans and the Rainbow Tower 26.01.2003
5 And Then the Legend Begins! To the End of the Rainbow 02.02.2003
6 The Log is Taken! Salvage King, Masira! 09.02.2003
7 Monsters Appear! Don't Touch the Whitebeard Pirates 16.02.2003
8 Stop Dreaming! The City of Ridicule, Mock Town! 23.02.2003
9 A Pirate's Height! The Man who Talks of Dreams and the King of Underwater Exploration 09.03.2003
10 The Legendary Family! 'Liar Norland' 16.03.2003
11 Hard Turn to the Clouds! Find the Southbird! 23.03.2003
12 Dreams Don't Come True!? Bellamy vs. The Saruyama Alliance 13.04.2003
13 The 100 Million Man! The World's Greatest Authority and the Pirate Blackbeard 20.04.2003
14 Sail into the Sky! Ride the Knock-Up Stream 27.04.2003
15 This is the Sea of the Sky! The Knight of the Sky and Heaven's Gate 04.05.2003
16 Godland Skypiea! The Angels Of the Cloud Beach 11.05.2003
17 Forbidden Sacred Ground! The Island Where God Resides and Heaven's Judgement! 18.05.2003
18 Already Criminals?! Skypiea's Upholder of the Law! 25.05.2003
19 Is Escape Possible?!? God's Challenge is Set in Motion 15.06.2003
20 Trap on Lovely Street! Almighty God Enel 22.06.2003
21 Go Forth, Little Crow! To the Sacrificial Altar 06.07.2003
22 10 Percent Survival Rate! Satori, the Mantra Master! 13.07.2003
23 Peril of the Ordeal of Balls! Fight to the Death in the Lost Forest 20.07.2003
24 Chopper's in Danger! Former God vs. Shinto priest Shura 03.08.2003
25 Ever Mysterious! Ordeal of String and Ordeal of Love!? 10.08.2003
26 Light the Fire of Shandora! Wyper the Warrior 17.08.2003
27 Floating Land of Gold, Jaya! To God's Shrine! 24.08.2003
28 Eve of Gold Festival! Feelings Toward 'Vearth'! 07.09.2003
29 God Enel Appears! Aubade to the Survivors 21.09.2003
30 The Python Strikes! The Survival Game Begins 12.10.2003
31 The Life-Threatening Reject! War Demon Wiper's Resolve 19.10.2003
32 Fierce Sky Battle! Pirate Zoro vs. Fighter Braham 19.10.2003
33 The Roaring Burn Bazooka! Luffy vs. War Demon Wyper! 26.10.2003
34 Ordeal of Swamp! Pirate Chopper vs Gedatsu!! 02.11.2003
35 The Invincible Ability! Enel's True Nature Revealed 09.11.2003
36 The Vanished City! The Magnificent Ruins of Shandora!! 16.11.2003
37 Chance of Survival: 0%!! Pirate Chopper vs. Shinto Priest Ohm 21.12.2003

Сезон 2002

# Название Дата
1 Ace and Luffy! Warm Memories and Brotherly Bonds 06.01.2002
2 The Green City, Erumalu and the Kung Fu Dugongs 13.01.2002
3 Adventure in the Country of Sand! The Demons that Live in the Scorching Earth 20.01.2002
4 Here Come the Desert Pirates! The Men who Live Free 27.01.2002
5 Spirit of the Fakes! Heart of the Rebel Army, Kamyu! 03.02.2002
6 Rebel Warrior Kohza! The Dream Sworn to Vivi! 10.02.2002
7 Showdown in a Heat Haze! Ace vs. the Gallant Scorpion! 17.02.2002
8 Ruins and Lost Ones! Vivi, Comrades, and the Shape of a Country 24.02.2002
9 At Spiders Cafe: The Enemy Ringleaders Meet at 8 o'clock 03.03.2002
10 Luffy vs. Vivi! A Tearful Vow for Comrades 10.03.2002
11 The Alabasta War Front! City of Dreams, Rainbase 17.03.2002
12 Trap in a Desperate Situation! Breaking Into Rain Dinners 24.03.2002
13 Operation Utopia Commences! The Wave of Rebellion Begins to Move 14.04.2002
14 The Fearsome Bananawani and Mr. Prince 21.04.2002
15 The Key to Turning the Tide and a Great Escape! Doru Doru Ball! 28.04.2002
16 Merciless Fight to the Death! Luffy vs. Crocodile 05.05.2002
17 The Miracle Sprint! Alabasta the Animal Land 12.05.2002
18 Rebel Army vs. Royal Army! The Battle will be in Alubarna! 19.05.2002
19 Alubarna Grieves! The Fierce Captain Karoo! 02.06.2002
20 Swear on Your Comrade's Dream! Battle at Molehill 4th Avenue 09.06.2002
21 Today's Grand Performance! Mane Mane Montage! 16.06.2002
22 Transforming Into Nami! Bon Clay's Hard-Hitting Ballet Kenpo 23.06.2002
23 Nami's Whirlwind Warning! Clima Tact Explosion 30.06.2002
24 Secret of the Royal Family! The Ancient Weapon, Pluton 14.07.2002
25 Essence of a Mighty Sword! The Power to Cut Steel and the Breath of All Things 21.07.2002
26 The Battle is Over! Kohza Flies the White Flag 04.08.2002
27 Vivi's Voice Goes Unheard! A Hero Descends! 11.08.2002
28 Sand Crocodile and Water Luffy! Death Match: Round 2 18.08.2002
29 Smells Like Croc! Run to the Tomb of the Royal Family, Luffy! 25.08.2002
30 The Nightmare Draws Near! Secret Base of the Sand Sand Clan 01.09.2002
31 Magnificent Wings! My Name is Pell, Guardian Spirit of the Kingdom 08.09.2002
32 I Will Surpass You! Rain Falls on Alabasta! 15.09.2002
33 A Farewell to Arms! Pirates and a Little Justice 06.10.2002
34 The Pirates' Banquet and Operation Escape Alabasta! 06.10.2002
35 Everything Began that Day! Vivi Tells of her Adventures! 20.10.2002
36 Beware her Scent! The Seventh One is Nico Robin! 27.10.2002
37 The First Patient! Anecdote of the Rumble Ball 03.11.2002
38 The Navigator's Mutiny! For an Unwavering Dream! 10.11.2002
39 Inherited Recipe! Sanji the Curry Expert 17.11.2002
40 I'll Make it Bloom! Manly Usopp's Eight-Shaku Ball 24.11.2002
41 Infamous Pirate Hunter! The Wandering Swordsman, Zoro 30.11.2002
42 Zenny Lives on Goat Island and There's a Pirate Ship on his Mountain! 08.12.2002
43 How's That for Profit? Money Lender Zenny's Ambition! 15.12.2002
44 Where the Island's Treasure Lies! Zenny Pirates Full Charge! 22.12.2002

Сезон 2001

# Название Дата
1 The Legend has Begun! Head to the Grand Line 10.01.2001
2 Foreboding of a New Adventure! The Puzzling Girl, Apis 17.01.2001
3 The Holy Beast! Apis' Secret and the Legendary Island 24.01.2001
4 Erik's Raid! Great Escape from Gunkan Island! 31.01.2001
5 Lone Island in a Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island 07.02.2001
6 Duel in the Ruins! Strained Zoro vs. Erik 21.02.2001
7 Luffy, Completely Surrounded! Admiral Nelson's Secret Plan 21.02.2001
8 Those who Soar in the Open Skies! Revival of the 1000 Year Legend 28.02.2001
9 Angry Finale! Cross the Red Line! 07.03.2001
10 The First Obstacle? Giant Whale Laboon Appears 21.03.2001
11 A Man's Promise, Luffy and the Whale Vow to Meet Again 21.03.2001
12 A Pirate-Loving Town? Arrival at Whiskey Peak 15.04.2001
13 Exploding Santouryu! Zoro vs. Baroque Works! 15.04.2001
14 A Serious Fight! Luffy vs. Zoro: The Unexpected Duel! 22.04.2001
15 Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart 29.04.2001
16 Try Hard, Koby! Diary of Koby-Meppo's Marine Struggles 13.05.2001
17 Koby-Meppo's Determination! Vice Admiral Garp's Fatherly Pride 20.05.2001
18 Prehistoric Island! The Shadow Lurking in Little Garden! 27.05.2001
19 Humongous Battle! The Giants Dorry and Brogy! 03.06.2001
20 Luffy's Anger! A Dirty Trick in a Sacred Battle 17.06.2001
21 Brogy Wails in Victory! Elbaf's Judgement 24.06.2001
22 The Devil's Candle! Tears of Regret and Tears of Anger 15.07.2001
23 Luffy Attacked by Magic! Colors Trap 12.08.2001
24 Critical Counterattack! Usopp's Quick Wit and Kaenboshi! 19.08.2001
25 Farewell to the Giants' Island! On to Alabasta 19.08.2001
26 Nami Is Sick? Beyond the Snow that Falls on the Ocean! 26.08.2001
27 Ambush! The Bliking and Wapol the Tin-man 02.09.2001
28 A Doctorless Island? Adventure in the Country Without a Name! 09.09.2001
29 Ya Happy? The Doctor who is Called a Witch! 16.09.2001
30 Dalton's Resolve! Wapol's Forces Land 07.10.2001
31 Island that Lives in Snow! Ascend The Drum Rockies! 07.10.2001
32 The Blue-Nosed Reindeer! Chopper's Secret 21.10.2001
33 Dream of the Outcasts! The Quack Doctor Hiruluk 28.10.2001
34 Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms and Inherited Will 04.11.2001
35 VS. Wapol's Army Corps! The Abilities of the Baku Baku Fruit! 11.11.2001
36 Devil's Fruit of the Zoan Family! Chopper's Seven-Level Transformation 18.11.2001
37 When the Kingdom's Rule is Over! The Flag of Conviction Lasts Forever 25.11.2001
38 Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms! Miracle of the Drum Rockies 02.12.2001
39 Farewell, Drum Island! I'm Going Out to Sea! 09.12.2001
40 The Hero of Alabasta and the Ballerina on Deck 09.12.2001
41 Coming to the Desert Kingdom! The Rain-Calling Powder and the Rebel Army 16.12.2001
42 Reunion of the Powerful! His Name Is Fire Fist Ace 23.12.2001

Сезон 2000

# Название Дата
1 The Honorable Liar? Captain Usopp! 12.01.2000
2 The Weirdest Guy Ever! Jango the Hypnotist! 19.01.2000
3 Expose the Plot! Pirate Butler, Captain Kuro! 26.01.2000
4 Clash with the Black Cat Pirates! The Great Battle on the Slope! 02.02.2000
5 The Terrifying Duo! Meowban Brothers vs. Zoro! 09.02.2000
6 Luffy Back in Action! Miss Kaya's Desperate Resistance! 16.02.2000
7 Beat Kuro! Usopp the Man's Tearful Resolve! 23.02.2000
8 Protect Kaya! The Usopp Pirates' Great Efforts! 01.03.2000
9 Anger Explosion! Kuro vs. Luffy! How it Ends! 08.03.2000
10 You're the Weird Creature! Gaimon and His Strange Friends! 15.03.2000
11 The Three-Sword Style's Past! Zoro and Kuina's Vow! 22.03.2000
12 Famous Cook! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant! 12.04.2000
13 Unwelcome Customer! Sanji's Food and Ghin's Debt! 12.04.2000
14 The Strongest Pirate Fleet! Commodore Don Krieg! 26.04.2000
15 Protect Baratie! The Great Pirate, Red Foot Zeff! 03.05.2000
16 Hawk-Eye Mihawk! The Great Swordsman Zoro Falls At Sea! 10.05.2000
17 The Deadly Foot Technique Bursts Forth! Sanji vs. The Invincible Pearl! 17.05.2000
18 Zeff and Sanji's Dream! The Illusory All Blue! 24.05.2000
19 The Coldhearted Devil-man. Gin, the Pirate Fleet Battle Commander 31.05.2000
20 I Won't Die! Conclusion: Luffy vs. Krieg 07.06.2000
21 Outcome of a Deadly Battle! The Spear Inside! 21.06.2000
22 Departure! Sea Chef and Luffy Travel Together! 28.06.2000
23 The Most Wicked Man of East Blue, Fishman Pirate Arlong 12.07.2000
24 The Witch of Cocoyashi Village, Arlong's Female Officer 19.07.2000
25 Usopp Dead?! When is Luffy Going to Make Landfall?! 19.07.2000
26 Reunited! Usopp Tells Nami's True Story 26.07.2000
27 The Hidden Past! Female Fighter Bellemere! 02.08.2000
28 Survive! The Mother Bellemere and Nami's Family! 09.08.2000
29 Luffy Stands Up! End of a Broken Promise! 16.08.2000
30 Luffy in Trouble! Fishmen vs. Luffy Pirates! 23.08.2000
31 Luffy Drowning! Zoro vs. Octopus Hatchan! 30.08.2000
32 Proud, Tall Warriors! Dramatic Battle of Sanji and Usopp! 06.09.2000
33 Luffy's Best! Nami's Courage and the Straw Hat 13.09.2000
34 Bursting Out! Fishman Arlong, Fearsome Attack From The Sea! 27.09.2000
35 End of the Fishman Empire! Nami's My Friend! 27.09.2000
36 Setting Out with a Smile! Farewell, Hometown Cocoyashi Village! 11.10.2000
37 Bounty! Straw Hat Luffy Becomes World Famous! 25.10.2000
38 Following the Straw Hat! Little Buggy's Big Adventure 01.11.2000
39 You've Been Waiting For It! The Return of Captain Buggy! 08.11.2000
40 The Town of the Beginning and the End - Arrival at Loguetown 22.11.2000
41 Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri! Zoro's New Swords, and the Female Sergeant Major 22.11.2000
42 Usopp vs. Daddy The Father! Showdown at High Noon! 29.11.2000
43 A Burning Culinary Battle? Sanji vs. The Gorgeous Chef 06.12.2000
44 Buggy's Revenge! The Man who Smiles at the Execution Platform! 13.12.2000

Сезон 1999

# Название Дата
1 I'm Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the Pirate King! 20.10.1999
2 The Great Swordsman Appears! Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro 17.11.1999
3 Morgan versus Luffy! Who's the Mysterious Pretty Girl? 24.11.1999
4 Luffy's Past! The Red-Haired Shanks Appears! 08.12.1999
5 A Terrifying Mysterious Power! Captain Buggy, the Clown Pirate! 15.12.1999
6 Desperate Situation! Beast Tamer Mohji vs. Luffy! 29.12.1999
7 Epic Showdown! Swordsman Zoro vs. Acrobat Cabaji! 29.12.1999
8 Who is the Victor? Devil Fruit Power Showdown! 29.12.1999

Сезон 11

# Название Дата
1 A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester! 03.12.2023
2 The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero 10.12.2023
3 Luffy's Dream 17.12.2023
4 TBA 07.01.2024
5 A New Island! Future Island Egghead 14.01.2024
6 Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science! 21.01.2024
7 Bonney's Lamentation! Darkness Lurking on the Future Island 28.01.2024
8 The Winner Takes All! Law vs. Blackbeard! 11.02.2024
9 The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research 17.03.2024
10 The Eccentric Dream of a Genius! 24.03.2024
11 Preparations for Interception! Rob Lucci Strikes! 31.03.2024
12 Powers on a Different Level! Luffy vs. Lucci! 07.04.2024
13 The Strongest Form of Humanity! The Seraphim's Powers! 21.04.2024
14 Sinister Schemes! The Operation to Escape Egghead 28.04.2024
15 Turn Back My Father! Bonney's Futile Wish! 05.05.2024
16 A Desperate Situation! The Seraphim's All-out Attack! 12.05.2024
17 A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy 19.05.2024
18 Trouble Occurs! Seek Dr. Vegapunk! 26.05.2024
19 A Shudder! The Evil Hand Creeping Up on the Laboratory! 02.06.2024
20 Incomprehensible! The Seraphim's Rebellion! 09.06.2024
21 A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front! 23.06.2024
22 Survive! Deadly Combat with the Strongest Form of Humanity! 30.06.2024
23 The Second Ohara! The Mastermind's Ambition! 07.07.2024
24 Clash! Shanks vs. Eustass Kid 14.07.2024
25 Run, Koby! A Desperate Escape Strategy! 28.07.2024
26 For the Beloved Pupil - The Fist of Vice Admiral Garp! 04.08.2024
27 The Navy Surprised! The Navy Headquarters' Former Admiral, Kuzan 11.08.2024
28 Let's Go Get It! Buggy's Big Declaration 18.08.2024
29 Sabo Returns - The Shocking Truth to Be Told! 01.09.2024
30 The Holy Land in Tumult! Sai and Leo's Full-Power Blow! 08.09.2024
31 The Entrusted Message! King Cobra's Resolve 15.09.2024
32 The World Is Shaken! The Ruler's Judgment and the Five Elders' Actions! 22.09.2024
33 Garp and Kuzan - A Master and a Pupil's Beliefs Clash 06.10.2024
34 The Last Lesson! Impact Inherited 13.10.2024

Сезон 10

# Название Дата
1 Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento! 23.06.2019
2 Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone! 30.06.2019
3 Wano Country! To the Land of Dancing Sakura and Samurai 07.07.2019
4 Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army! 14.07.2019
5 He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano! 21.07.2019
6 Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre! 28.07.2019
7 Special Editon! - Luffy Vs Carbonic Acid King 04.08.2019
8 Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! 11.08.2019
9 The Headliner! Hawkings the Magician Appears! 18.08.2019
10 Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack! 25.08.2019
11 The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup! 01.09.2019
12 Entering Enemy Territory! The Protagonists Spread into the Town of Bakura! 08.09.2019
13 The Yokozuna Appears! The Invincible Urashima Goes After Okiku! 15.09.2019
14 A Climatic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna! 22.09.2019
15 Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger! 29.09.2019
16 Fighting for Otama! Fight against Holdem! 06.10.2019
17 Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death! 13.10.2019
18 Romance Dawn 20.10.2019
19 The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor! 27.10.2019
20 Mysterious Grave Markers! A Reunion at the Ruins of Oden Castle! 10.11.2019
21 A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired! 17.11.2019
22 Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins! 24.11.2019
23 The Strongest Man in the World! Shutenmaru, the Thieves Brigade Chief! 01.12.2019
24 Everyone is Annihilated! Kaido's Furious Blast Breath! 08.12.2019
25 Finally Clashing! The Ferocious Luffy vs. Kaido! 15.12.2019
26 Destructive! One Shot, One Kill - Thunder Bagua! 22.12.2019
27 A Living Hell! Luffy, Humiliated in the Great Mine! 05.01.2020
28 The Holyland in Tumult! Emperor of the Sea Blackbeard Cackles! 12.01.2020
29 It's On! The Special Operation to Bring Down Kaido! 19.01.2020
30 Rampage! Prisoner Luffy and Kid! 26.01.2020
31 A Great Sensation! Sanji's Special Soba! 02.02.2020
32 Luxurious and Gorgeous! Wano's Most Beautiful Woman - Komurasaki! 09.02.2020
33 A Tale of Chivalry! Zoro and Tonoyasu's Little Trip! 16.02.2020
34 A State of Emergency! Big Mom Closes in! 23.02.2020
35 The Capital in an Uproar! Another Assassin Targets Sanji! 15.03.2020
36 Dashing! The Righteous Soba Mask! 22.03.2020
37 A Desperate Situation! Orochi's Menacing Oniwabanshu! 29.03.2020
38 Pandemonium! The Monster Snake, Shogun Orochi! 05.04.2020
39 The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano! 12.04.2020
40 The Bond Between Prisoners! Luffy and Old Man Hyo! 19.04.2020
41 A Lead Performer! Queen the Plague Emerges! 28.06.2020
42 Climb Up! Luffy's Desperate Escape! 05.07.2020
43 Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno! 12.07.2020
44 Gyukimaru! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit's Bridge 19.07.2020
45 A Big Turnover! The Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger! 26.07.2020
46 Zoro, Stunned! The Shocking Identity of the Mysterious Woman! 02.08.2020
47 Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano's Haki - Ryuo! 09.08.2020
48 Tonoyasu! Ebisu Town's Most Loved! 16.08.2020
49 Shaking the Nation! The Identity of Ushimitsu Kozo The Chivalrous Thief! 23.08.2020
50 The Straw Hats Run! Save the Captive Tonoyasu! 30.08.2020
51 Zoro's Fury! The Truth About the Smile! 06.09.2020
52 Toko's Tears! Orochi's Pitiless Bullets! 13.09.2020
53 The Straw Hats Step In! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground! 20.09.2020
54 Luffy's Determination! Win Through the Sumo Inferno! 27.09.2020
55 The Coming of the Storm! Big Mom's Great Rampage! 04.10.2020
56 A Grudge Over Red-bean Soup! Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation! 11.10.2020
57 Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Queen's Secret Plan! 18.10.2020
58 The Ultimate Weapon! Excite Bullets Aimed at Luffy 25.10.2020
59 Launching the Counter Attack! Luffy and the Red Scabbard Samurai! 01.11.2020
60 Victory Has Come! Luffy's Cry of Death 08.11.2020
61 Warriors' Dream! Luffy's Conquer of Udon! 15.11.2020
62 Orochi's Pursuers! Ninja Army Corps vs. Zoro 22.11.2020
63 Tensions on Onigashima! Encounter?! The Two Emperors 29.11.2020
64 Hiyori's Confession! Reunion on Bandit's Bridge 06.12.2020
65 Its Name is Enma! Oden's Great Swords! 13.12.2020
66 A New Alliance?! Kaido's Army Gathers! 20.12.2020
67 Decisive Battle Draws Near! The Straw Hat Crew Ready for Battle 27.12.2020
68 Big News! The Warlords Attack Incident 10.01.2021
69 A Legendary Battle! Garp and Roger! 17.01.2021
70 The Rendezvous Port! The Land of Wano Act Three Begins! 24.01.2021
71 The Number-One Samurai in the Land of Wano! Here comes Kozuki Oden! 31.01.2021
72 Tearful Apprentice! Oden and Kin'emon! 07.02.2021
73 Moving Fate Drift Ashore! Whitebeard Pirates! 14.02.2021
74 Oden's Determination! Whitebeard's Trials! 21.02.2021
75 Whitebeard's Little Brother! Oden's Great Adventure! 28.02.2021
76 Blades Crossed! Roger and Whitebeard! 07.03.2021
77 Roger's Wish! A New Journey! 21.03.2021
78 The Bet of a Lifetime! Roger's Adventure! 28.03.2021
79 The Birth of the Pirate King - Arrival! "The Last Island" 04.04.2021
80 To the Land of Wano! The Roger Pirates Disband! 11.04.2021
81 Sad News! The Opening of the Great Pirate Era! 18.04.2021
82 Raid! Oden and the Akazaya Nine 25.04.2021
83 The Moment of Conclusion! Oden vs. Kaido! 02.05.2021
84 Sentenced to Boil - Oden's Deadly Hour 09.05.2021
85 Oden Wouldn't Be Oden If It Wasn't Boiled! 16.05.2021
86 The Burning Castle! The Fate of the Kozuki Clan! 23.05.2021
87 Back to the Present! Beyond 20 years 30.05.2021
88 Pirates at Sea! Raid! Onward to Onigashima 06.06.2021
89 The Worst Generation Charges in! The Battle of the Stormy Sea! 13.06.2021
90 Good Luck?! Leader Kin'emon's Plot! 20.06.2021
91 Promise of Tears! The Kidnapped Momonosuke 27.06.2021
92 A New Companion! Knight of the Sea Jinbe! 04.07.2021
93 Kaido's Trump Card! The Tobi Roppo Appear! 11.07.2021
94 The Seriousness of the Samurai! The Crew Lands on Onigashima 18.07.2021
95 Luffy's Rampage?! Infiltrating Kaido's Banquet 25.07.2021
96 Feelings Toward Otama - Luffy's Furious Blow 01.08.2021
97 Fighting Music! The Ability to Attack Luffy! 08.08.2021
98 His Dream Broken?! The Trap That Lures Sanji! 15.08.2021
99 Arrival of Reinforcements! Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! 22.08.2021
100 Oath of Man! Fierce Battle of the Brachio-Tank 29.08.2021
101 Thunder Bagua! The Appearance of Kaido's Son 05.09.2021
102 Enemy or Ally? Luffy and Yamato! 12.09.2021
103 Desire to be Oden! Yamato's Dream! 19.09.2021
104 Explosion?! The Lock That Binds Yamato's Freedom! 26.09.2021
105 Akazaya One-On-One - Kikunojo vs. Kanjuro 03.10.2021
106 Raid! Inheriting the Will of Oden 10.10.2021
107 Onigashima in Tumult! Luffy's All-Out War Begins! 24.10.2021
108 Moonlight Battle Berserker - "Moon Lion" 31.10.2021
109 The Rebellion of Zeus?! Nami's Desperate Situation! 07.11.2021
110 The Fate That Protects You - Yamato and Momonosuke 14.11.2021
111 Overwhelming Strength! The Straw Hat Pirates Gather 21.11.2021
112 A Dangerous Invitation! Plan to Eradicate Queen 28.11.2021
113 A New Connection! Nami and Ulti! 05.12.2021
114 Tragic Sword! Akazaya vs. Kaido Again 12.12.2021
115 An Inherited Technique! Unleashing Oden's Secret Swordplay! 19.12.2021
116 The Power of the Ice Oni! The New Plague Rounds 09.01.2022
117 I Won't Forgive You! Chopper's Determination! Doctor's Determination 16.01.2022
118 I Won't Forgive You! Chopper's Determination! Zoro's Pursuit 23.01.2022
119 Nami's Surrender?! Ulti's Wild Headbutt 30.01.2022
120 Sasaki's Fierce Attack - Armored Division vs. Yamato 06.02.2022
121 Eliminate the Ice Oni! Chopper's Fire Trick! 13.02.2022
122 It's Not Okay! The Spider lures Sanji! 20.02.2022
123 A Turnaround Move! The Flames of Marco the Phoenix! 27.02.2022
124 Yamato's Past – The Man Aiming for an Emperor's Head 06.03.2022
125 Marco's Tears! The Bond of the Whitebeard Pirates! 20.03.2022
126 Straw Hat Luffy - The Man Who Will Become the Pirate King 27.03.2022
127 Battle of Monsters! Three Captains Stubborn to Each Other 08.05.2022
128 A Barrage of Powerful Techniques! The Fierce Attacks of the Worst Generation! 15.05.2022
129 Kaido Laughs! The Four Emperors Against the New Generation! 22.05.2022
130 O-Tama's Secret Plan! Operation Kibi Dango 29.05.2022
131 Sanji's Cries! The Island's Survival Call 05.06.2022
132 Spank Strikes! Sanji's Woman-trouble! 12.06.2022
133 No Regrets! Luffy and Boss, a Master-Disciple Bond! 19.06.2022
134 Preparations OK! Chopperphage Nebulizer 03.07.2022
135 Oden Appears! The Confused Hearts of the Akazaya Members! 10.07.2022
136 The Worst Generation Gets Wiped Out?! The Emperors' Deadly Attack! 17.07.2022
137 The Supernovas Counterattack! The Emperors of the Sea's Disassembly Operation 24.07.2022
138 Protect Luffy! Zoro and Law's Sword Technique 31.07.2022
139 Surpass the Emperor of the Sea! Luffy Strikes Back with an Iron Fist! 07.08.2022
140 Luffy's Faded Memories - Shanks's Daughter, Uta! 14.08.2022
141 The Oath of the New Era! Luffy and Uta 21.08.2022
142 Nami's Screams - The Desperate Death Race! 28.08.2022
143 Nami's Scream - The Desperate Death Race! 04.09.2022
144 Settled! Luffy's Accelerating Fist of the Supreme King 18.09.2022
145 Luffy Defeated! The Straw Hat Crew's Predicament?! 25.09.2022
146 The Beasts Trampled! The End of the Kozuki Family! 02.10.2022
147 Fight Against the Dark Night – The Commander-in-chief of the Land of Wano Sounds Off 16.10.2022
148 Believe in Luffy! The Alliance's Counterattack Begins! 23.10.2022
149 Nami's Lethal Attack! Otama's Desperate Challenge! 30.10.2022
150 A Dramatic Increase of Allies! Straw Hats Fight Back! 06.11.2022
151 The Pride of a Helmsman – The Enraged Jimbei! 13.11.2022
152 Showdown Battles of the Monsters! Yamato and Franky 20.11.2022
153 The Predator's Trap - Black Maria's Temptation 27.11.2022
154 Slash the Nightmare - Brook Draws His Freezing Sword! 04.12.2022
155 Clutch! A Demon Incarnate, Robin! 11.12.2022
156 A Spell! Kid and Zoro Facing Threats! 18.12.2022
157 A High-Stakes Battle! Both Wings Take the Field! 08.01.2023
158 Ascend to the Dawn! A Pink Dragon Gets Agitated 15.01.2023
159 To the Future! Yamato and the Great Swordsman's Oath 22.01.2023
160 Luffy Soars! Revenge on the Beasts 29.01.2023
161 Twin Dragons Collide! Momonosuke's Resolve! 05.02.2023
162 A Legend All Over Again! Luffy's Fist Roars in the Sky 12.02.2023
163 Sudden Grows in Tension! The End of Onigashima! 19.02.2023
164 Sanji's Incident - Both Wings' Yellow Light! 26.02.2023
165 Death to Your Partner! Killer's Deadly Gamble! 19.03.2023
166 A Shadowy Figure Pulls the Strings! Onigashima in Flames 26.03.2023
167 Strike Back! Law and Kid's Counterattack Alliance 02.04.2023
168 For Luffy - Sanji and Zoro's Oath 09.04.2023
169 The Onslaught of Kazenbo - Orochi's Evil Clutches Close in 16.04.2023
170 Zoro's Hardship - A Monster! King the Wildfire 23.04.2023
171 Secrets of Enma! The Cursed Sword Entrusted to Zoro 30.04.2023
172 Attack of the Devil! Sanji vs. Queen 07.05.2023
173 Great Fierce Battle! Zoro VS King 14.05.2023
174 Luffy Accelerates! The Turning Point of a New Era! 28.05.2023
175 Shuron Hakke! A Lawless Dragon Approaches Luffy! 04.06.2023
176 The Destruction of the Alliance?! Fire up, the Will of the New Generation! 11.06.2023
177 The Main Attraction is Coming! Ultimate Attack of Shockwave and Magnetism 25.06.2023
178 To the New Era! Settled! The Determination of the Brats 02.07.2023
179 Moon Princess Echoes! Wano Country's Final Phase! 09.07.2023
180 There is Only One Winner - Luffy vs. Kaido 16.07.2023
181 Luffy, Defeated? Resolving of the Left Behind! 30.07.2023
182 Luffy's Peak Attained! Gear 5 06.08.2023
183 The Ridiculous Power! Gear Five in Full Play 13.08.2023
184 Nowhere to Run! Hell on Onigashima! 20.08.2023
185 Believe in Momo - Luffy's Final Powerful Technique! 03.09.2023
186 Twenty Years of Prayer! Reclaim Wano Country 10.09.2023
187 The World That Luffy Wants! 17.09.2023
188 Closing the Curtain! Winner - Straw Hat Luffy! 24.09.2023
189 Return! Shogun of Wano Country - Kozuki Momonosuke 01.10.2023
190 Dawn Has Come! Luffy and Friends Rest 15.10.2023
191 The Festival Banquet! New Emperors of the Sea 22.10.2023
192 The World in Flames! The Navy Admiral's Attack! 29.10.2023
193 A New Era Arrives! The Fury of Red-Haired Yonko 05.11.2023
194 The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild! 12.11.2023
195 The Time of Departure - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hat Pirates! 19.11.2023
196 The End! The Oath of Luffy and Momonosuke! 26.11.2023
197 A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester! 03.12.2023
198 The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero 10.12.2023
199 Luffy's Dream 17.12.2023

Сезон 9

# Название Дата
1 The Silver Fortress – The Great Adventures of Luffy and Bart 26.06.2016
2 An Underground Labyrinth – Luffy vs Mine Cart Man 03.07.2016
3 The Sword Technique Heats Up! Law and Zoro Finally Appear! 10.07.2016
4 A Desperate Situation! Luffy Fights a Battle in Extreme Heat! 17.07.2016
5 The Start of a New Adventure - Arrival at the Mysterious Island, 'Zou'! 31.07.2016
6 The New Shichibukai - Son of the Legendary Whitebeard Arrives 07.08.2016
7 A Deadly Elephant Climb - A Great Adventure on the Back of the Giant Elephant! 21.08.2016
8 Battle Starts! Luffy vs. the Mink Tribe! 28.08.2016
9 Garchu! The Straw Hat Crew Reunites 04.09.2016
10 The Counterattack Begins! The Curly Hat Pirates moves out! 11.09.2016
11 An Incoming Threat - Jack of the Beasts Pirates! 25.09.2016
12 Ruler of Day - Enter Duke Inuarashi! 02.10.2016
13 Ruler of Night - Nekomamushi Appears 09.10.2016
14 The Exterminated Capital! The Twirly Hat Crew Arrive! 16.10.2016
15 The Time Limit Closes in! The Bond Between the Mink Tribe and the Crew! 23.10.2016
16 The Delinquent Comes Home! Emperor Big Mom's Assassins! 30.10.2016
17 The Truth Behind His Disappearance – Sanji's Shocking Invitation 06.11.2016
18 To My Buds! Sanji's Farewell Note! 13.11.2016
19 Let's Go See Master Nekomamushi 20.11.2016
20 Luffy's Decision - The Sanji Abdication Crisis! 27.11.2016
21 An Explosive Situation – Dog, Cat, and Samurai! 04.12.2016
22 The Third One! Raizo of the Mist, the Ninja, Appears! 11.12.2016
23 A Red Stone! A Guide to the One Piece! 18.12.2016
24 The Secret of the Land of Wano! The Kozuki Family and the Ponegliffs! 25.12.2016
25 A Vow Between Two Men - Luffy and Kozuki Momonosuke 08.01.2017
26 The Legendary Journey! The Dog and the Cat and the Pirate King! 15.01.2017
27 Returning Nightmare - Assault of the Invulnerable Jack 22.01.2017
28 Defensive Battle of Zou - Luffy and Zunisha! 29.01.2017
29 Save the Giant Elephant - The Straw Hats Rescue Operation! 05.02.2017
30 Saying Goodbye and Descending from the Elephant! Setting Out to Take Back Sanji! 12.02.2017
31 To the Reverie - Princess Vivi and Princess Shirahoshi 19.02.2017
32 To the Reverie - Rebecca and the Sakura Kingdom 26.02.2017
33 Kaido Returns - The Worst Generation Threatened! 05.03.2017
34 A Hungry Front - Luffy and the Marine Rookies! 19.03.2017
35 The Persistent Trio – The Great Pursuit for the Straw Hats! 26.03.2017
36 Fist of the Devil – Showdown! Luffy vs. Grant 02.04.2017
37 Sanji's Homecoming! Into Big Mom's Territory! 09.04.2017
38 0 and 4 – A Confrontation with Germa 66! 16.04.2017
39 The Deadly Poison Crisis – Luffy and Reiju! 23.04.2017
40 Totto Land! One of the Yonko "Big Mom" Appears 30.04.2017
41 The Yonko's Daughter – Sanji's Fiancée "Pudding" 07.05.2017
42 A Massive Attack! Mom's Hunger Pangs 14.05.2017
43 The Capital Crumbles!? Big Mom and Jinbe 21.05.2017
44 The Yonko's Castle – Arrival on Whole Cake Island 28.05.2017
45 The Forest of Sweets! Luffy vs. Luffy 04.06.2017
46 Mom's Assassin! Luffy and the Seducing Woods! 11.06.2017
47 A Seafaring Kingdom! Germa's King Judge! 18.06.2017
48 A Showdown Between Father and Son – Judge vs. Sanji 25.06.2017
49 Great Ambition – Big Mom and Caesar 02.07.2017
50 Kingdom of Souls – Mom's Fearsome Power! 09.07.2017
51 A Top Executive! One of the Three Commanders "Cracker" Appears 16.07.2017
52 An Enemy With 800 Million Bounty – Luffy vs. Thousand Arms Cracker 23.07.2017
53 Full Force Showdown – Gear Fourth vs. Bisu Bisu Ability 30.07.2017
54 1 and 2 – Assemble! The Vinsmoke Family 06.08.2017
55 The Benefactor's Life! Sanji and Owner Zeff! 13.08.2017
56 Sanji is furious! The secret of Germa 66! 20.08.2017
57 The Past that He Let Go of! Vinsmoke Sanji! 27.08.2017
58 In the East Blue! Sanji's firm decision! 03.09.2017
59 A Battle of Limits! Luffy and the Infinite Biscuits! 17.09.2017
60 Power of Fullness - New Gear Fourth Tankman! 24.09.2017
61 Saddest Duel - Luffy vs. Sanji - Part 1 01.10.2017
62 Saddest Duel - Luffy vs. Sanji - Part 2 01.10.2017
63 A Storm of Revenge! An Enraged Army Comes to Attack! 15.10.2017
64 The End of the Adventure - Sanji's Resolute Proposal 22.10.2017
65 I'll Wait Here - Luffy vs. the Enraged Army 29.10.2017
66 Infiltration Inside the Castle - Steal the Road Poneglyph 05.11.2017
67 Face-to-face - Luffy and Big Mom 12.11.2017
68 Shout of the Soul - Brook and Pedro's Lightning Operation 19.11.2017
69 Goodbye! Pudding's Tearful Determination! 26.11.2017
70 Fate of the Left Eye – Pedro vs Baron Tamago 03.12.2017
71 Moist Cigarette! The Night Before Sanji's Wedding! 10.12.2017
72 The Undaunted Soul - Brook vs. Big Mom 17.12.2017
73 Sora's Wish! Germa's Failure - Sanji! 24.12.2017
74 To Reach Sanji! Luffy's Vengeful Hell-bent Dash! 07.01.2018
75 The Chateau in Turmoil! Luffy, to the Rendezvous! 14.01.2018
76 Deciding to Say Goodbye! Sanji and his Straw-Hat Bento! 21.01.2018
77 Betraying One of the Four Emperors! The Great Brook Rescue Plan! 28.01.2018
78 The Rendezvous! Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit! 04.02.2018
79 A Liar! Luffy and Sanji!! 11.02.2018
80 Sanji Returns - Crash It! The Tea Party from Hell 18.02.2018
81 A Secret Meeting! Luffy vs. The Fire Tank Pirates 04.03.2018
82 The Deadly Pact! Luffy & Bege's Allied Forces 18.03.2018
83 Luffy's Secret Plan - Just Before the Curtain Rises! The Conspired Wedding Ceremony 25.03.2018
84 Family Gathering - The Curtain Rises! The Tea Party from Hell 01.04.2018
85 The Pretend Couple! Enter Sanji ♡ Pudding 08.04.2018
86 A Deadly Kiss! The Mission to Assassinate the Emperor Kicks Off! 15.04.2018
87 Offering up a Sake Cup! Chivalrous Jinbe repays his debt! 22.04.2018
88 The plan failed!? Big Mom Pirates Counterattack! 29.04.2018
89 Run Sanji! SOS Germa 66! 06.05.2018
90 Mom's Secret! The Giant's Island Elbaph and a Little Monster! 13.05.2018
91 Mama's Birthday - The Day that Carmel has disappeared 20.05.2018
92 Weapons Explosion ! Big Mom Assassination Moment 27.05.2018
93 Evil Army - Transformation! Germa 66 03.06.2018
94 Cutting the Father-Son Relationship! Sanji and Judge! 10.06.2018
95 Escape From the Tea Party! Luffy vs. Big Mom! 17.06.2018
96 The Execution Begins! Luffy's Allied Forces Are Annihilated?! 24.06.2018
97 The Chateau Collapses! The Straw Hat's Great Escape Begins! 01.07.2018
98 The Spear of Elbaph! Onslaught! The Flying Big Mom! 08.07.2018
99 Pudding's Determination - Ablaze! The Seducing Woods 15.07.2018
100 The Thunder's Counterattack - Nami and the Stormy Zeus 22.07.2018
101 A Coincidental Reunion - Sanji and the Evil Pudding in Love 29.07.2018
102 Save the Sunny! Fighting Bravely! Chopper and Brook! 05.08.2018
103 Before the Dawn! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians! 12.08.2018
104 I Will Definitely Return! Luffy's Life-Risking Departure 19.08.2018
105 The Man with a Bounty of Billion! The Strongest Sweet General, Katakuri! 26.08.2018
106 A Hard Battle Starts! Luffy vs. Katakuri! 02.09.2018
107 The Green Room! An Invincible Helmsman, Jimbei! 16.09.2018
108 The Threat of Mogura - The Silent Fight of Luffy 23.09.2018
109 The End of Death Battle !? Katakuri's Anger Awakens 30.09.2018
110 The Forbidden Secret! Katakuri's Merienda! 07.10.2018
111 Luffy's Counterattack - Invincible Katakuri's Weakness 14.10.2018
112 Crisis Again! Gear 4 vs Muso Donuts 21.10.2018
113 Rebellious Daughter - Sanji 's Cake Transport Operation 28.10.2018
114 Man's Way of Life - Pez and Captain Luffy's Decision 04.11.2018
115 The Cake Sank?! Sanji and Bege's Getaway Battle! 11.11.2018
116 Sulong! Carrot's Big Mystic Transformation! 18.11.2018
117 Break Through! The Straw Hat's Mighty Sea Battle! 25.11.2018
118 Finally, The Clash! The Emperor of the Sea vs. the Straw Hats! 09.12.2018
119 Dark King's Direct Precepts! The Battle Against Katakuri Turns Around! 16.12.2018
120 He Finally Returns - Sanji, the Man Who Stops the Yonko 23.12.2018
121 Lurking in the Darkness - Assassin Attacks Luffy! 06.01.2019
122 A Man's Resolution - Katakuri's Life Risking Great Match 13.01.2019
123 Wake Up - To Cross Over the Strongest Kenbunshoku 20.01.2019
124 A God Speed Fist - New Gear 4 Activation! 27.01.2019
125 Finally Concluded - An Outcome of the Fierce Battle with Katakuri 03.02.2019
126 A Desperate Situation! The Iron-tight Entrapment of Luffy! 10.02.2019
127 Pulling Back from the Brink! The Formidable Reinforcements - Germa! 17.02.2019
128 The Last Hope! The Sun Pirates Emerge! 24.02.2019
129 A Captivating Flavor! Sanji's Cake of Happiness! 03.03.2019
130 The Man of Humanity and Justice! Jimbei, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current 17.03.2019
131 The Parting Time! Pudding's Last Wish! 24.03.2019
132 The World in Shock! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Arrives! 31.03.2019
133 To the Reverie! The Straw Hats' Sworn Allies Come Together! 07.04.2019
134 Sabo Goes into Action! All the Captains of the Revolutionary Army Appear! 14.04.2019
135 Going into Action! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki! 21.04.2019
136 The Summit War - Pirate King's Inherited Will 28.04.2019
137 One Step Ahead of the Dream - Shirahoshi's Path to the Sun! 05.05.2019
138 I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments! 12.05.2019
139 In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat! 19.05.2019
140 The Uproarious Holy Land - Princess Shirahoshi is being targeted! 26.05.2019
141 On the Verge - The Two Yonko Targeting Luffy" 02.06.2019
142 Sabo Gets Angry - Tragedy of the Revolutionary Army Officer Kuma 09.06.2019
143 Finally, It Starts! The Conspiracy-filled Reverie! 16.06.2019

Сезон 8

# Название Дата
1 Z's Ambition Arc - The Little Giant Lily! 02.12.2012
2 Z's Ambition Arc - Introduction of the Mystery of the Strongest Army Corps! 09.12.2012
3 Z's Ambition Arc - A Desperate Big Escape Strategy! 16.12.2012
4 Z's Ambition Arc - Luffy VS Shuzo! 23.12.2012
5 Landing! The Burning Island, Punk Hazard 06.01.2013
6 A Scorching Battle! Luffy vs. the Giant Dragon! 13.01.2013
7 The Crew is Confused! The Shocking Beheaded Samurai Appears! 20.01.2013
8 Shock ! The Secret of the Island is Finally Revealed ! 27.01.2013
9 Save the Children! Gang Fight Starts! 03.02.2013
10 A Duel of Swordplay! Brook vs. the Mysterious Samurai Torso 10.02.2013
11 Shichibukai! Trafalgar Law 17.02.2013
12 A Big Pinch - Luffy Sinks Into the Cold Lake 03.03.2013
13 A Collision! Law vs. Vice Admiral Smoker! 17.03.2013
14 First Meeting in Two Years! Luffy and Law 24.03.2013
15 Worst of the World - The Scary Scientist Caesar 31.03.2013
16 History's Strongest Collaboration vs. Glutton of the Sea 07.04.2013
17 Chopper Enraged Master's Tyrannical Experiments 14.04.2013
18 Gang Obliteration! Legendary Hitmen Attack! 21.04.2013
19 Save Nami! Luffy's Snow Mountain Battle 28.04.2013
20 Formation! The Pirate Alliance Luffy-Law! 05.05.2013
21 Capture Master ! The Pirate Alliance's Operation Begins! 12.05.2013
22 Destruction Crisis - The Monster of Death Flies in 19.05.2013
23 Big Battle ! Caesar Activates his True Ability! 26.05.2013
24 The Samurai that Cuts the Fire! Kin'emon of Foxfire 02.06.2013
25 Shock! Identity of Vergo, the Mysterious Man 09.06.2013
26 Protect the Children! Reach of Master's Evil Hand! 16.06.2013
27 New World's Severe Earthquake ! Caesar's Nightmare Experiment 23.06.2013
28 The Deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction in History! Shinokuni! 30.06.2013
29 The Counterattack Begins! Luffy and Law's Great Escape 07.07.2013
30 The Aim is Building R! The Pirate Alliance's Great Assault! 14.07.2013
31 Tashigi's Tears - G5's Suicidal Breakthrough Strategy 21.07.2013
32 Vice Admiral's Betrayal! Demon Bamboo Vergo 28.07.2013
33 Incandescent Fierce Battle Luffy vs. Caesar 11.08.2013
34 The Mastermind in the Shadows! Doflamingo Moves! 18.08.2013
35 Luffy Dies from Exposure?! The Spine-chilling Snow Woman Monet! 25.08.2013
36 Fist Fight! Two Vice Admirals Fight 01.09.2013
37 The Small Dragon! Momonosuke Appears 08.09.2013
38 Deadly Combat in Snowstorm The Straw Hats vs. the Snow Woman 15.09.2013
39 Showing Off His Techniques! Zoro's Formidable One-Sword Style! 22.09.2013
40 I'll Protect My Friends! Mocha's Desperate Escape 29.09.2013
41 Brownbeard's Bitterness! Luffy's Anger Attack 06.10.2013
42 Shocking Conclusion! White Hunter vs. Vergo! 13.10.2013
43 Caesar Defeated! The Strongest Grizzly Magnum 20.10.2013
44 Invasion! The Assassin From Dressrosa 27.10.2013
45 Rampage! The Invincible Franky Shogun 03.11.2013
46 Desperate Situation! Punk Hazard's Big Explosion 10.11.2013
47 Capture Caesar - General Cannon Blast 17.11.2013
48 Emotional Meeting! Momonosuke and Kin'emon 24.11.2013
49 Regretful Departure - Leaving Punk Hazard 01.12.2013
50 G-5's Annihilation! Doflamingo's Assault! 08.12.2013
51 Tension! Aokiji vs. Doflamingo 15.12.2013
52 Caesar has Disappeared! The Pirate Alliance Sallies 22.12.2013
53 Luffy Dies in the Sea!? The Collapse of the Pirate Alliance 05.01.2014
54 A Major Turnaround! Luffy's Angry Iron Fist Strikes! 12.01.2014
55 Startling! The Big News Shakes Up The New World! 19.01.2014
56 Adventure! The Country of Love and Passion, Dressrosa 26.01.2014
57 Swirling Madness - Corrida Colosseum 02.02.2014
58 Dangerous Love - Dancing Girl Violet 09.02.2014
59 A Formidable, Unknown Warrior! Here Comes Lucy! 16.02.2014
60 The Pirate Prince Cavendish 23.02.2014
61 The Fated Reunion - Bellamy the Hyena 02.03.2014
62 Supernova! Bartolomeo the Cannibal 16.03.2014
63 Rivalry of Warriors! B Block on Fire! 23.03.2014
64 One-hit Knockout! The Astounding King Punch 30.03.2014
65 Fighting Fish Attack! Break through the Iron Bridge of Death 06.04.2014
66 Adventure! The Island of Fairies, Green Bit 13.04.2014
67 The Unknown World - Tontatta Kingdom 20.04.2014
68 Scheme of the Century - Doflamingo Gets Moving 27.04.2014
69 Heaven and Earth Shakes! The True Power of Admiral Fujitora 04.05.2014
70 A Blow of Anger! A Giant vs. Lucy! 11.05.2014
71 The Destructive Cannon Explodes! A Close Call for Lucy 18.05.2014
72 The Legendary Pirate - Boss Chinjao 25.05.2014
73 Light and Shadow - The Darkness Lurking in Dressrosa! 01.06.2014
74 Sortie - The Legendary Hero, Usoland 08.06.2014
75 The Fierce Battle's Conclusion - Lucy vs. Chinjao 15.06.2014
76 Luffy and the Fated Gladiator Rebecca 22.06.2014
77 Protect Her 'til the End! Rebecca and the Toy Soldier 29.06.2014
78 Final Battleground - D Block Battle Begins 06.07.2014
79 Decisive Battle! Jora vs. Straw Hat Crew 13.07.2014
80 Blade of Beauty! Cavendish of the White Horse 20.07.2014
81 The Great Clash! Sanji vs. Doflamingo 03.08.2014
82 Rebecca's Sword of Death! Backwater Sword Dance 10.08.2014
83 The Strongest Warrior! Logan vs. Rebecca 17.08.2014
84 Shock! The Toy Soldier's True Identity 24.08.2014
85 A Chilling Past! The Secret Behind Dressrosa 31.08.2014
86 Nightmare! That One Tragic Evening in Dressrosa 07.09.2014
87 A Showdown Between the Warlords! Law vs. Doflamingo! 14.09.2014
88 Two Great Forces Face-off! Straw Hat and Heavenly Yaksha 21.09.2014
89 Luffy, Startled - The Man Who Will Inherit Ace's Will 28.09.2014
90 Start Operation SOP — Usoland Charges 05.10.2014
91 Hot Emotions — Rebecca vs. Suleiman 12.10.2014
92 Winner Decided!? The End to the D-Block Bash 19.10.2014
93 The Admiral's Decision — Fujitora VS Doflamingo 26.10.2014
94 The Final Round Begins — Diamante the Hero Takes the Stage 02.11.2014
95 The Castle Moves! Elite Officer Pica Emerges 09.11.2014
96 Dragon Claw Explodes! Lucy's Threatening Blow! 16.11.2014
97 Defeat Sugar - The Dwarf Soldiers Charge In! 23.11.2014
98 The Last Light - The Secret of Our Captain! 30.11.2014
99 The Rupture Human - Gladius' Big Explosion! 07.12.2014
100 Liar! Usoland on the run! 14.12.2014
101 A Fateful Encounter – Kyros and King Riku 21.12.2014
102 Operation Failed! Hero Usoland Dies!? 28.12.2014
103 The Legend is Back! Kyros' All-Out Attack! 11.01.2015
104 The Fire Fist Strikes! - The Flare Flare Fruit Power Returns! 18.01.2015
105 Gallant Appearance - Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo! 25.01.2015
106 The Devil's Trap - Dressrosa Annihilation Plan 01.02.2015
107 The 500 Million Berry Man! Target: Usoland! 08.02.2015
108 Breakthrough the Enemy Lines - Luffy and Zoro's Counterattack! 15.02.2015
109 With a Rumbling of the Ground! The God of Destruction - Giant Pica Descends! 01.03.2015
110 Gathering into a Powerful Front! Luffy and a Group of Brutal Warriors! 15.03.2015
111 Steady Progress! Luffy's Army vs. Pica! 22.03.2015
112 A Shocking Confession! Law's Soulful Vow! 29.03.2015
113 A Big Collision! Chief of Staff Sabo vs. Admiral Fujitora 05.04.2015
114 A Desperate Situation - Luffy Gets Caught in a Trap! 12.04.2015
115 Great Escape! Luffy's Miraculous Elephant Gun! 19.04.2015
116 A United Front – Luffy's Breakthrough to Victory 26.04.2015
117 The Second Samurai – Evening Shower Kanjuro Appears 03.05.2015
118 The Struggle with Pica – Zoro's One Finishing Move 10.05.2015
119 The Little People's Princess - Captive Mansherry 17.05.2015
120 Invulnerable! The Terrifying Headcracker Doll Army 24.05.2015
121 Life-Risking! Luffy is the Trump Card to Victory 31.05.2015
122 A Tearful Reunion – Rebecca and Kyros! 07.06.2015
123 One Shot One Kill - The Man Who Will Save Dressrosa 14.06.2015
124 Anger Explosion - Luffy and Laws's Ultimate Secret Plan 21.06.2015
125 Noble Family - Doflamingo's True Identity! 28.06.2015
126 Ultimate Power - The Secret of the Ope Ope no Mi! 05.07.2015
127 Sad Memories - Law the Boy from the White City! 12.07.2015
128 Celestial Dragon! Doffy's Stormy Past! 19.07.2015
129 A Rocky Road! – Law and Corazon's Journey of Life! 02.08.2015
130 The Time is Ticking Down! Seize the Op-Op Fruit! 09.08.2015
131 The Moment of Resolution: Corazon's Farewell Smile! 16.08.2015
132 Advance, Law! The Kindhearted Man's Final Fight! 23.08.2015
133 To Be Free! Law's Injection Shot Blasts! 30.08.2015
134 An Intense Battle! Law vs. Doflamingo! 06.09.2015
135 A Decisive Battle Against the Executives! Proud Hajrudin! 13.09.2015
136 The Battle of Love! The New Leader Sai vs. Baby 5! 20.09.2015
137 A Man's Pride! Bellamy's Last Assault! 27.09.2015
138 Storm and Stress! Hakuba vs. Dellinger! 04.10.2015
139 Barrier-Barrier! Homage God Fist Strikes! 11.10.2015
140 The Healing Princess! Save Mansherry 18.10.2015
141 The Manly Duel! Señor's Elegy of Love! 25.10.2015
142 Stardust of Death! Diamante's Storm of Vicious Attacks! 01.11.2015
143 Trueno Bastardo! Kyros' Furious Strike! 08.11.2015
144 Moving Across the Ground! The Giant Statue Pica's Surprise Maneuver! 15.11.2015
145 A Decisive Battle in Midair! Zoro's New Special Secret Technique Blasts! 22.11.2015
146 See ya Later! Bellamy's Farewell Blow! 29.11.2015
147 Law Dies - Luffy's Fierce Assault of Anger! 06.12.2015
148 A Blade of Tenacity! The Gamma Knife Counterattack!" 13.12.2015
149 A Collision of Haki! Luffy vs. Doflamingo! 20.12.2015
150 Unassailable! The Stunning Secret of Trebol 27.12.2015
151 Anger Erupts! I Will Take Everything upon Myself! 10.01.2016
152 Fourth Gear! The Phenomenal Bounce-man! 17.01.2016
153 Great Counterattack! Doflamingo's Awakening 24.01.2016
154 Luffy! The All-Out Lion Bazooka 31.01.2016
155 Kaen Ryuo - Protect Luffy's Life 14.02.2016
156 Miracle Tears - Mansherry's Battle! 21.02.2016
157 As Long as We Breathe! Stop the Deadly Birdcage 28.02.2016
158 Dead or Alive! A Fateful Countdown 06.03.2016
159 Strike the Heavens - Luffy's King Kong Gun of Rage 20.03.2016
160 To Freedom! Dressrosa Overjoyed! 27.03.2016
161 Unprecedented - The Shocking Decision of Admiral Fujitora! 03.04.2016
162 The World Trembles - The Worst Generation Advances! 10.04.2016
163 The Birth of a Legend - The Adventure of Sabo the Revolutionary! 17.04.2016
164 The Brother's Bond - The Story of Luffy and Sabo's Reunion 24.04.2016
165 The Strongest Creature - Kaido of the Beasts 01.05.2016
166 Fujitora on the Move - The Straw Hats Completely Surrounded 08.05.2016
167 A State of Emergency! Rebecca Is Kidnapped! 15.05.2016
168 The Bond Between Father and Daughter! Kyros and Rebecca! 22.05.2016
169 Manly Spirit - Luffy vs. Fujitora in a Head-to-Head Clash 29.05.2016
170 No Way Out! Admiral Fujitora's Ruthless Pursuit! 05.06.2016
171 Exchanging the Sons' Cups! Straw Hat Grand Fleet! 12.06.2016
172 Clash of the Mightiest – Raging Monsters of the New World 19.06.2016

Сезон 7

# Название Дата
1 A New Chapter Opens - The Straw Hat Pirates Regather! 02.10.2011
2 An Explosive Situation! Luffy vs Fake Luffy 09.10.2011
3 The Marines Move Out - The Straw Hat Crew Is Targeted 16.10.2011
4 A Gathering of Big Shots - Threat of the Fake Straw Hat Crew 23.10.2011
5 The Battle Begins! Show Them the Fruits of Training! 30.10.2011
6 The Whole Crew is Gathered - Luffy Sets Sail Towards the New World 06.11.2011
7 A Shocking Revelation - The Man Who Protected the Sunny 13.11.2011
8 Undersea Struggle - The Demon of the Deep Appears 20.11.2011
9 Disaster in the Deep Sea, The Straw Hat Crew Gets Lost! 27.11.2011
10 Undersea Volcanic Eruption! Sailing To Fishman Island 04.12.2011
11 Landing at Fishman Island - The Lovely Mermaids 11.12.2011
12 Explosive Stimulation! Sanji's Life Crisis! 18.12.2011
13 Fishman Island Collapses!? Shirley's Prediction 25.12.2011
14 The King of Fishman Island, Sea God Neptune! 08.01.2012
15 The Ryugu Castle! Brought by the Shark They Saved 15.01.2012
16 A Coward and a Crybaby! The Princess in the Hard Shell Tower 22.01.2012
17 State of Emergency! Ryugu Palace Taken Over! 29.01.2012
18 Ryugu Palace Quivers! The Case of the Kidnapped Shirahoshi 05.02.2012
19 Hordy's Invasion! The Beginning of the Plan for Revenge! 12.02.2012
20 The Ryugu Palace Fight! Zoro vs. Hody! 19.02.2012
21 Keep Shirahoshi Safe! Decken Close Behind! 26.02.2012
22 The Crew Falls?! Hody Conquers Ryuuguu Palace 04.03.2012
23 Revived Relations, Nami and the Fishman Pirates 18.03.2012
24 The Hero Who Freed The Slaves: Tiger The Adventurer 25.03.2012
25 Kizaru Appears! A Trap Aimed At Tiger! 01.04.2012
26 Toriko x One Piece Special: Team Formation! Save Chopper! 08.04.2012
27 The Hero's Last Moments! The Impact of Tiger's Truth 15.04.2012
28 The Pirates Split - Jinbe vs Arlong 22.04.2012
29 Fishman Island is Shaking! The Landing of a Tenryubito 29.04.2012
30 Unexpected Disaster! An Assassin's Bullet Shuts the Future 06.05.2012
31 Back to the Present! Hody Begins to Move 13.05.2012
32 A Great Shock to the Kingdom - Orders to Execute Neptune! 20.05.2012
33 A Crack Arises! Luffy vs Jinbe 27.05.2012
34 Hody's Accident - The Evil Drug's True Power! 03.06.2012
35 The Decisive Battle Begins at Gyoncorde Plaza! 10.06.2012
36 Shocking Confession - The Truth about Otohime's Assassination 17.06.2012
37 Shirahoshi's Tears! Finally, Luffy's Appearance! 24.06.2012
38 Big Clash! Straw Hat Group VS 100 000 Opponents 01.07.2012
39 Explosive Move! Zoro and Sanji Sally Forth! 08.07.2012
40 First Showing! Sunny's Secret Weapons! 15.07.2012
41 Iron Pirate! Entry of Franky Shogun 29.07.2012
42 Noah Approaching! The Crisis of Fishman Island's Destruction! 05.08.2012
43 Hurry Up, Luffy! Shirahoshi's Desperate Situation 12.08.2012
44 Beginning of the Battle! Luffy vs Hody! 19.08.2012
45 Battle Royal! The Group vs the New Fishman Pirates! 26.08.2012
46 Luffy is Defeated!? The Hour of Hody's Revenge 02.09.2012
47 Shocking Truth! Hody's True Identity! 09.09.2012
48 To Zero! Passionate Desire to Luffy! 16.09.2012
49 Luffy's Whole Body Blow! Red Hawk Explosion 23.09.2012
50 Final Conclusion! Hody's Final Battle 30.09.2012
51 Stop Noah! Elephant Gatling of Desperation! 07.10.2012
52 To the Future! The Path Towards the Sun! 14.10.2012
53 Revealed Secret - The Truth of Ancient Weapons 21.10.2012
54 The Crew Is Surprised! The New Marine Fleet Admiral! 28.10.2012
55 I Love Sweets! The Yonko Big Mom 04.11.2012
56 Grim Prospects! A Trap that Waits in the New World 11.11.2012
57 Finally Setting Sail! Goodbye Fishman Island 18.11.2012
58 To the New World! Aim for the Strongest Sea 25.11.2012

Сезон 6

# Название Дата
1 Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! The Red Line 18.01.2009
2 Hatred of the Straw Hat Crew - Enter Iron Mask Duval 25.01.2009
3 The Fated Reunion! Save the Imprisoned Fishman 01.02.2009
4 Tragedy! The Truth of the Unmasked Duval 08.02.2009
5 Explosion! The Sunny`s Super Secret Weapon: Gaon Cannon 15.02.2009
6 Landing to Get to Fishman Island - The Sabaody Archipelago 22.02.2009
7 Tyranny! The Rulers of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons 01.03.2009
8 New Rivals Gather! The 11 Supernovas 08.03.2009
9 The Target is Caimie!! The Kidnappers` Evil Draws Near 15.03.2009
10 Rescue Caimie - The Dark History of the Archipelago 29.03.2009
11 Time Limit - The Human Auction Begins 05.04.2009
12 The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction 12.04.2009
13 Huge Panic! Struggle in the Auction Hall 19.04.2009
14 Admiral Kizaru Moves! The Sabaody Archipelago in Chaos 26.04.2009
15 Break Through the Encirclement! Marines vs. Three Captains 03.05.2009
16 Roger and Rayleigh - The Pirate King and His Right Hand 10.05.2009
17 Impossible to Avoid!? Admiral Kizaru`s Speed of Light Kick 17.05.2009
18 Overwhelming! The Marine Combat Weapon Pacifista 24.05.2009
19 Another Strong Enemy Appears! Broadaxe-Wielding Sentomaru 31.05.2009
20 Admiral Kizaru's Fierce Attack. The Straw Hat Crew`s Desperate Situation! 07.06.2009
21 Disappearing Crewmates - The Final Day of the Straw Hat Crew 14.06.2009
22 Special Historical Arc - Boss Luffy Appears Again 21.06.2009
23 Special Historical Arc - Destroy! Thriller Company`s Trap 28.06.2009
24 Landing! Young Men Forbidden Island Amazon Lily 05.07.2009
25 Hurry! Get back to your friends. Adventure on the Island of Women. 12.07.2009
26 Everyone is Lovestruck! Pirate Empress Hancock 19.07.2009
27 The Secret Hidden on Their Backs, Luffy Encounters The Princess 02.08.2009
28 The Heartless Judgment! Margaret Turned to Stone!! 09.08.2009
29 Luffy's Hard Trial! The Power of the Snake Sisters' Willpower! 16.08.2009
30 Battle with Full-Powered Abilities! Gomu Gomu vs. Hebi Hebi 23.08.2009
31 Hancock's Confession - The Sisters' Disgusting Past 30.08.2009
32 Rescue Ace! The New Destination is the Great Prison 07.09.2009
33 Love is a Hurricane! Hancock Madly in Love 13.09.2009
34 The Crew's Whereabouts - Weather Science and Karakuri Island 20.09.2009
35 The Crew's Whereabouts - The Island of Giant Birds and the Pink Paradise! 27.09.2009
36 The Crew's Whereabouts - The Bridge that Connects Islands and Man-Eating Plants 04.10.2009
37 The Crew's Whereabouts - The Negative Princess and the Devil King! 11.10.2009
38 A Life-threatening Break-in! The Underwater Prison Impel Down! 18.10.2009
39 Reunion in Hell!? The powerful User of the Bara Bara No Mi! 25.10.2009
40 Break through Crimson Hell! Buggys great Uproar Plan 01.11.2009
41 The Prison's strongest Man! Introduction of the Poison-Man Magellan 08.11.2009
42 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! A Gold Lion's Ambition on the Move! 15.11.2009
43 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Little East Blue in Danger! 22.11.2009
44 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! The Fierce Onslaught of the Amigo Pirates! 29.11.2009
45 A Special Presentation Related to the Movie! Luffy vs. Largo - The Battle is On! 06.12.2009
46 The Imprisoned Royal Shichibukai! Jinbei, Knight of the Sea 13.12.2009
47 The Trap of Chief Guard Saldeath - Level 3 Starvation Hell 20.12.2009
48 The Liberated Swan! Reunion! Bon Kurei 27.12.2009
49 Chief Warden Magellan Moves - The Net to Trap Straw Hat Is Complete! 10.01.2010
50 Preparations for War! A Decisive Battle in Level 4 - Inferno Hell 17.01.2010
51 Magellan's Strength! Bon Kurei Flees Before His Enemy Out! 24.01.2010
52 The Fight Finished! Luffy's Final Life-Risking Attack 31.01.2010
53 Because He's Our Friend - Bon Kurei's Do-or-Die Rescue 07.02.2010
54 A Paradise in Hell! Impel Down - Level 5.5! 14.02.2010
55 Luffy's Treatment Begins! Ivan-san's Miraculous Power! 21.02.2010
56 Believe in Miracles! Bon Clay's Cries From the Heart! 28.02.2010
57 Luffy's Back! Ivan-san Begins the Breakout Plan! 07.03.2010
58 Ace's Convoy Begins! Battle on the Lowest Floor - Level 6! 14.03.2010
59 The Ultimate Team Has Formed! Shaking Impel Down! 21.03.2010
60 Even More Chaos! Blackbeard Teach Invades! 28.03.2010
61 A Dangerous Meeting! Blackbeard and Shiryu of the Rain 04.04.2010
62 His Spirit Won't Break! Hannyabal Goes All Out 11.04.2010
63 The Jet Pistol of Rage - Luffy vs. Blackbeard 18.04.2010
64 Stop Magellan! Ivan-san Unleashes His Secret Attack 25.04.2010
65 Magellan's Scheme! The Jailbreak is Obstructed 02.05.2010
66 The Jailbreak Team Driven Into a Corner - Forbidden Move 'Venom Demon' 09.05.2010
67 Create the Final Miracle - Break Through the Gate of Justice 16.05.2010
68 The Destination is Marine Headquarters - The Ship Sets Out to Rescue Ace! 23.05.2010
69 The Friends' Whereabouts! Weatheria Report and Cyborg Animals 30.05.2010
70 The Friends' Whereabouts! A Cheeper of Giant Birds and a Pink Showdown! 06.06.2010
71 The Friends' Whereabouts! The Revolutionary Army and the Trap of the Forest of Gluttony! 13.06.2010
72 The Friends' Whereabouts! The Giant Gravestone and Panties of Gratitude 20.06.2010
73 Flashback Special Before Marineford - The Brothers' Oath! 27.06.2010
74 Flashback Special Before Marineford - The Three Admirals 11.07.2010
75 Ticking Down to the Time of Battle! The Navy's Strongest Lineup in Position! 18.07.2010
76 An Enormous Fleet Appears - The Whitebeard Pirates Invade 01.08.2010
77 The Beginning of the War - Ace and Whitebeard's Past! 08.08.2010
78 The Force That Could Destroy The World! The Power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit! 15.08.2010
79 An All-Consuming Inferno!! Admiral Akainu's Power! 22.08.2010
80 Descendant of the Devil! Little Oars Jr. Rushes! 29.08.2010
81 The Winner Will Be Justice - Sengoku's Strategy Is Put Into Action! 05.09.2010
82 The Straw Hat Team Arrives - Tensions Grows on the Battlefield! 12.09.2010
83 Even If It Means Death! Luffy Vs. The Navy - The Battle Starts! 19.09.2010
84 Hard Battles, One After Another! Devil's Fruit Eaters vs. Devil's Fruit Eaters! 26.09.2010
85 Kuma's Transformation! Ivan's Attack of Anger! 03.10.2010
86 The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Luffy Comes Under the Attack of the Black Sword! 10.10.2010
87 The Extermination Strategy in Action! The Power of the Pacifistas! 17.10.2010
88 Akainu's Plot! Whitebeard Trapped! 24.10.2010
89 The Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates Backed into a Corner!! 31.10.2010
90 The Order to Perform the Execution is Given - Break Through the Encircling Wall! 07.11.2010
91 Moving Into the Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card for Recovery! 14.11.2010
92 Luffy's Strength is Exhausted! All-Out War in the Oris Plaza! 21.11.2010
93 Power that Reduces One's Life - Tension Hormones Return 28.11.2010
94 For a Promise!! Luffy and Coby Clash! 05.12.2010
95 The Scaffold At Last! The Way To Ace Has Opened! 12.12.2010
96 Each On Different Paths! Luffy vs. Garp! 19.12.2010
97 Ace is Rescued! Whitebeard's Final Captain's Orders! 26.12.2010
98 The Power that Burns Fire - Akainu's Final Move 09.01.2011
99 Searching for an Answer - Fire Fist Ace Dies on the Battlefield 16.01.2011
100 Marine Headquarters Crumbles! Whitebeard's Silent Rage! 23.01.2011
101 Settling the Score - Whitebeard vs. The Blackbeard Pirates 30.01.2011
102 The Start of the Show - Blackbeard's Plot Revealed 06.02.2011
103 The Insatiable Akainu! Lava Fists Pummel Luffy! 13.02.2011
104 A Desperate Cry - Seconds of Valor that Change Destiny 20.02.2011
105 Enter Shanks! The Ultimate War Ends at Last 06.03.2011
106 Powerful Independent Rivals! The Beginning of the 'New Era' 13.03.2011
107 Arrival at the Island of Women - Cruel Reality Tortures Luffy 20.03.2011
108 The Strongest Tag-Team! Luffy and Toriko's Hard Struggle! 03.04.2011
109 Luffy and Ace - The Story of the Brothers' Meeting! 10.04.2011
110 Enter Sabo! The Boy From the Grey Terminal 17.04.2011
111 I Won't Run! Ace's Desperate Rescue Operation! 24.04.2011
112 One Day We'll Go Out to Sea! The Oath Cups of the Three Brats! 01.05.2011
113 Leaving the Dadan Family!? The Secret Base is Complete! 08.05.2011
114 Luffy Becoming an Apprentice?! A Man Who Fought Against the King of the Pirates! 15.05.2011
115 The Battle Against the Big Tiger! Who Will Be the Captain?! 22.05.2011
116 Stolen Freedom! The Nobles' Trap Draws Near the Three Brothers 29.05.2011
117 The Flames Are Lit - The Gray Terminal's Crisis 05.06.2011
118 Where Is Freedom? The Boy's Sad Departure 12.06.2011
119 I'm Counting On You! A Letter From a Brother! 19.06.2011
120 To Fulfill the Promise - Separate Departures! 26.06.2011
121 I Want to See Them! Luffy`s Tearful Scream 03.07.2011
122 Straw Hats In Shock! The Bad News Has Reached Them! 10.07.2011
123 Reunited with Dark King Rayleigh! Decision Time For Luffy! 17.07.2011
124 Back to Our Captain! A Jail Break at the Sky Island and the Incident on the Winter Island! 31.07.2011
125 Encounter! The great swordsman Mihawk! Zoro's self-willed deadly struggle! 07.08.2011
126 Sanji's Suffering - The Queen Returns to His Kingdom 14.08.2011
127 An Unbelievable Return! Luffy at the Marine Headquarters! 21.08.2011
128 Delivered to Friends - The Big News Comes Through! 28.08.2011
129 The Pirates Move Out! The Earth Shattering New World 04.09.2011
130 Live Through Hell - Sanji's Fight with Men at Stake 11.09.2011
131 I Will Get Much, Much Stronger! Zoro's Pledge to his Captain! 18.09.2011
132 Luffy's Training Begins - Meet Up at the Promised Place in Two Years 25.09.2011

Сезон 5

# Название Дата
1 Mysterious Party of Pirates! The Sunny and a Dangerous Trap 14.10.2007
2 Sunny in a Pinch! Roar, Secret Superspeed Mecha 21.10.2007
3 The Dream Sinking in the New World! The Pirate of Despair, Puzzle 28.10.2007
4 The Assassins Attack! The Great Battle Above the Ice Begins 04.11.2007
5 The Hard Fights of the Straw Hat Crew! The Pirate Soul Banking it All on the Flag! 11.11.2007
6 Hot Full Throttle! The Twins' Magnetic Power Draws Near 18.11.2007
7 The Great Chaos Mansion! The Angry Don and the Imprisoned Crew 25.11.2007
8 The Phoenix Returns! The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend 02.12.2007
9 The Red Hot Decisive Battle! Luffy vs. the Scorching Don 09.12.2007
10 Waiting in the New World! Farewell to the Courageous Pirates 16.12.2007
11 Chopperman Departs! Protect the TV Station by the Shore 23.12.2007
12 Venture Into the Devil's Sea! The Mysterious Skeleton Floating Through the Fog 06.01.2008
13 The Delight of Having Met People! The Gentleman Skeleton's True Colors 13.01.2008
14 One Phenomenon After Another! Disembarking at Thriller Bark 20.01.2008
15 The Man Called a Genius! Hogback Appears! 27.01.2008
16 Nami in Big Trouble! The Zombie Mansion and the Invisible Man 03.02.2008
17 Mystery of the Zombies! Hogback's Nightmarish Research Laboratory 10.02.2008
18 His Name is Moria! Trap of the Great Shadow-Stealing Pirate 17.02.2008
19 Feast of the Zombie Song! The Bell of the Night Raid is a Sound of Darkness 24.02.2008
20 Filled with Animals!? Perona's Wonder Garden 02.03.2008
21 Disappearing Strawhat Crew! The Mysterious Swordsman Appears! 09.03.2008
22 Leftover Chivalry! The Traitorous Zombie who Protects Nami 16.03.2008
23 Coming from the Sky! That Man is the Humming Swordsman 23.03.2008
24 Luffy in an Emergency! The Living Place of the Strongest Shadow! 30.03.2008
25 The Warrior Called a Demon!! The Time of Oars's Resurrection 20.04.2008
26 Awakening After 500 Years!! Oars Revives!! 27.04.2008
27 Conviction Strong Enough to Beg for One's Life!! Brook Protects his Afro 04.05.2008
28 A Man's Oath will Never Die! From Far Memories to the Waiting Friend 11.05.2008
29 We will Definately Meet Again! Brook and the Promise of the Cape 18.05.2008
30 Food, Nami and Shadows!! Luffy's Angry Counterattack 25.05.2008
31 Usopp the Strongest? Leave the Negatives to Me 01.06.2008
32 Sudden Death of the General Zombies!! Oars in an Adventurous Mood 08.06.2008
33 Sanji, the Knight of Flames!! Kick Down the False Ceremony 15.06.2008
34 Invisibility Connection? Sanji's Stolen Dream 22.06.2008
35 Saving Hero!! The Enemy is the Invincible Princess 29.06.2008
36 Perona's Terror!! The U in Uso is the U in Usopp 06.07.2008
37 Slashes Dancing on the Roof!! Finale - Zoro vs. Ryuma 13.07.2008
38 Chopper`s Rage!! Hogback`s Demonic Medical Practice 20.07.2008
39 Oars Roars!! Come Out Straw Hat Crew 03.08.2008
40 The Enemy is Luffy!! The Strongest Zombie vs. the Straw Hat Crew 10.08.2008
41 Defeat Absalom!! Nami's Lightning Attack of Friendship! 17.08.2008
42 One Down!! Sure Kill Straw Hat Docking? 24.08.2008
43 Soundless Invasion!! The Mysterious Visitor: Kuma the Tyrant 31.08.2008
44 Oars + Moria - The Greatest Combination of Brains and Brawn 07.09.2008
45 A Crazy Strategy to Turn the Tables - The Creation of Nightmare Luffy 14.09.2008
46 The Straw Hat crew annihilated! Full-throttle Kage Kage abilities! 21.09.2008
47 The Battle for Superiority Starts! Luffy vs. Luffy 28.09.2008
48 The Conclusion Arrives! Deliver the Finishing Blow 05.10.2008
49 The Bodies Vanish! The Morning Sun Pierces Through the Nightmare Island! 12.10.2008
50 The Endless Crisis! Orders to Obliterate the Straw Hat Crew 19.10.2008
51 Kuma`s Nikyu Nikyu Abilities That Deflect Everything 09.11.2008
52 My Companions' Pain is My Pain - Zoro Prepares to Die 16.11.2008
53 The Promise on that Distant Day - The Song of Pirates and a Small Whale 23.11.2008
54 Brook`s Past - Sad Farewell to the Cheerful Crew 30.11.2008
55 Binks`s Sake - The Song that Connects the Past and Present 07.12.2008
56 A New Crewmate! Musician - The Hummer Brook 14.12.2008
57 Noro Noro Menace - Return of Foxy the Silver Fox 21.12.2008
58 The Great Treasure Contest! Collapse! Spa Island 28.12.2008
59 Brook`s Hard Struggle - The Difficult Path to Becoming a True Nakama 11.01.2009

Сезон 4

# Название Дата
1 Big Adventure in Long Ring Long Land 31.10.2004
2 The Foxy Pirate Crew and the Davy Back! 07.11.2004
3 Round 1! One Lap of the Donut Race 14.11.2004
4 Foxy the Silver Fox! A Violent Interference 21.11.2004
5 Round 2! Shoot into the Groggy Ring! 28.11.2004
6 Rapid-Fire Red Cards! Groggy Ring 05.12.2004
7 Round 3! Round and Round Roller Race! 12.12.2004
8 Burning Roller Race! Dash into the Final Round! 19.12.2004
9 The Screaming Speed Serve! Pirate Dodgeball! 09.01.2005
10 Final Match on the Edge! Dharma has Fallen! 09.01.2005
11 Captain Confrontation! The Last Fight: Combat! 16.01.2005
12 Full Power Noro Noro Beam vs The Invulnerable Luffy 23.01.2005
13 Heroic Fierce Combat! The Fateful Last Battle 30.01.2005
14 Lost? Stolen? Who are You? 06.02.2005
15 The Mysterious Boy with the Whistle and Robin's Guess 13.02.2005
16 Get Back the Memories! The Pirates Land 20.02.2005
17 Zoro Sharpens His Fangs! A Fight with a Wild Animal 27.02.2005
18 The Real Memory Thief's Final Counterattack! 06.03.2005
19 The Man of Pride! Foxy the Silver Fox 13.03.2005
20 The Unbeatable Power Draws Near? A Very Dangerous Man! 20.03.2005
21 Marine High Admiral Aokiji! The Threat of the Greatest Power 27.03.2005
22 Rubber and Ice One-On-One Fight! Luffy vs Aokiji! 27.03.2005
23 Running Sea Train! The City of Water, Water 7 17.04.2005
24 The Adventure in the City of Water! Aim for the Giant Shipyard 24.04.2005
25 The Franky Family and Iceburg! 01.05.2005
26 Galley-La Company! The Magnificent Dock #1 15.05.2005
27 The Pirate Kidnapping Incident and the Pirate Ship Waits for Death! 22.05.2005
28 Rescuing a Friend! The Raid on the Franky House 05.06.2005
29 Quarrel in the Moonlight! The Pirate Ship Trembles in Sadness 12.06.2005
30 Luffy vs Usopp! The Spirit of the Clashing Men 19.06.2005
31 The City of Water is Shaking! Iceburg was Targeted! 03.07.2005
32 Rubberman vs Fire-Breathing Cyborg 10.07.2005
33 The Criminals are the Straw Hat Pirates? The Bodyguards of Water 7 31.07.2005
34 An Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, The Woman Who Bears Darkness 07.08.2005
35 Catch Robin! The Determination of the Straw Hat Pirates 14.08.2005
36 The Signal is the Explosion! CP9 Starts to Move 21.08.2005
37 CP9 Unmasked! Their Shocking True Faces 04.09.2005
38 The Secret Bond! Franky and Iceburg 11.09.2005
39 Come Back, Robin! The Confrontation with CP9 18.09.2005
40 Destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates? The Terror of the Model Leopard! 23.10.2005
41 The Man who is Loved by his Ship! Usopp's Tears! 30.10.2005
42 Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train Ran 06.11.2005
43 Spandam's Conspiracy! The Day the Sea Train Shook 13.11.2005
44 The End of the Legendary Man! The Day the Sea Train Cried 20.11.2005
45 The Truth Behind the Betrayal! Robin's Sorrowful Decision! 20.11.2005
46 The Steam Whistle Separates the Group! The Sea Train Begins to Run 04.12.2005
47 Sanji Breaks In! The Sea Train Battle in the Storm! 11.12.2005
48 The Shout of Nami's Soul! The Return of the Straw Hat! 22.01.2006
49 Another Sea Train! Rocket Man Sortie 29.01.2006
50 Rescue our Friends! The Oath that Links the Enemies 05.02.2006
51 Smash the Wave! Luffy and Zoro, The Strongest Combo! 26.02.2006
52 A Man of Mystery Appears!? His Name is Sogeking! 05.03.2006
53 Cook Confrontation! Sanji vs Ramen Kenpo 12.03.2006
54 Duel on the Roof! Franky vs Nero! 19.03.2006
55 Crash! Demon-Cutting Zoro vs Ship-Cutting T-Bone! 02.04.2006
56 Robin Struggles! Sogeking's Clever Scheme!! 16.04.2006
57 The Judiciary Island! The Full Picture of Enies Lobby! 30.04.2006
58 Operation Disembarkation Commences! The Straw Hat Crew Rushes In! 21.05.2006
59 Luffy Charges In! Great Decisive Battle on the Judiciary Island! 04.06.2006
60 Battle with the Giants! Open the Second Door! 11.06.2006
61 The Means of Escaping is Opened! Fly through the Sky, Rocketman! 18.06.2006
62 Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War 25.06.2006
63 Robin was Betrayed! The Expectations of the World Government! 25.06.2006
64 Give Robin Back! Luffy vs. Blueno! 02.07.2006
65 Don't Stop! Raise the Signal Fire of a Counterattack! 09.07.2006
66 Luffy is in Sight! Gather at the Courthouse Plaza 23.07.2006
67 All for the Sake of Protecting My Friends! Gear Second in Motion 30.07.2006
68 Answer Us, Robin! The Outcries of the Straw Hat Crew!! 06.08.2006
69 Robin's Past! The Girl who was Called a Demon! 13.08.2006
70 The Fated Parent and Child! The Mother's Name is Olvia! 10.09.2006
71 Tragedy of Ohara! Fear of Buster Call! 24.09.2006
72 Say You Want to Live! We are Comrades!!! 24.09.2006
73 Jump Into the Falls! Luffy's Feelings!! 01.10.2006
74 A Man's Way of Life! Zoro's Techniques, Usopp's Dream 08.10.2006
75 Tears Which Weaved the Bond of Comrades! Nami's World Map 15.10.2006
76 Separation Refines a Man! Sanji and Chopper 22.10.2006
77 All for my Comrades' Sake! The Darkness Within Robin! 29.10.2006
78 The Blueprints Aren't Passed! Franky's Decision 05.11.2006
79 Retrieve the 5 Keys! The Straw Hat Crew vs CP9 12.11.2006
80 Power of the Devil Fruit! Kaku and Jyabura Transform 19.11.2006
81 Even if I Die, I Won't Kick You! Sanji's Manly Chivalry 26.11.2006
82 Fukurou's Miscalculation - My Cola is the Water of Life! 03.12.2006
83 Zoro's New Technique Explodes! The Katana's Name is Sogeking? 10.12.2006
84 Uncontrollable! Chopper's Forbidden Rumble 17.12.2006
85 Boss Luffy Returns! A Dream or Reality Lottery Trouble 24.12.2006
86 The Great Mochimaki Race to the Castle! Conspiracy of the Red Nose 07.01.2007
87 Bubble User Kalifa! Nami Draws Near to the Soap's Trap 14.01.2007
88 The Resounding Bad News! The Buster Call is Invoked 21.01.2007
89 5 Namis? Counterattack with the Mirage! 28.01.2007
90 Nami's Determination! Shoot the Rampaging Chopper! 04.02.2007
91 Hunter Sanji Appears? Elegy to the Lying Wolf 11.02.2007
92 Kick! Full Course of Sanji's Footwork 25.02.2007
93 The Drawn Sword's Fierce Attack! Zoro vs. Kaku Powerful Slash Showdown 04.03.2007
94 Zoro the Fierce God! The Incarnation of Asura Revealed by His Soul 11.03.2007
95 Spandam's Shock! A Hero Stands on the Tower of Justice 18.03.2007
96 Robin's Liberation! Luffy vs. Lucci: Peak of the Decisive Battle 25.03.2007
97 The Criminal is Boss Luffy? Chase the Vanished Great Sakura Tree 01.04.2007
98 If I Can't Win, I Can't Protect Anyone! Gear Third Activates 08.04.2007
99 The Terrifying Past! Dark Justice and Rob Lucci 15.04.2007
100 A Phantom Mermaid is Here? Within Fading Consciousness 22.04.2007
101 The Island Sinking in Gunfire! Franky's Outcry of Regret 29.04.2007
102 Wait for Luffy! Fight to the Death on the Bridge of Hesitation! 06.05.2007
103 Feelings Put Into Fists! Luffy's Full-Power Gatling 13.05.2007
104 A Friend Approaches from the Sea! The Straw Hat Crew's Strongest Bonds 20.05.2007
105 The Crew's Great Escape! The Victor's Path is for the Pirates 27.05.2007
106 Thank You Merry! The Sea of Separation in the Snow 03.06.2007
107 The Disturbance of Peace! The Vice-Admiral with the Fist of Love 10.06.2007
108 The Strongest Family Line? Luffy's Father Revealed! 17.06.2007
109 Its Name is The New World! The Whereabouts of the Great Grand Line! 24.06.2007
110 Shanks Moves! Ceremony to the Rampaging Age 01.07.2007
111 The Girl Searching for the Yagara! Great Investigation in the Water Metropolis! 08.07.2007
112 The Mother is Strong! Zoro's Slapstick Housework Help 15.07.2007
113 Sanji Crashes! The Mysterious Old Man and Intense Cooking 22.07.2007
114 Everyone's Finally Wanted! The Crew of Over Six Hundred Million! 19.08.2007
115 The King of Beasts that will Cross the Ocean! The Dream Ship's Magnificent Completion! 26.08.2007
116 Goodbye my Lovable Followers! Franky Departs 02.09.2007
117 Departing the Water Metropolis! Distinction of the Manly Usopp's Duel 09.09.2007
118 The World-Wide Bounties! The Hometowns Dance as the Ship Sails Forward! 16.09.2007
119 The Most Evil Ability! Blackbeard's Darkness Attacks Ace 23.09.2007

Сезон 3

# Название Дата
1 Zenny Lives on Goat Island and There's a Pirate Ship on his Mountain! 08.12.2002
2 How's That for Profit? Money Lender Zenny's Ambition! 15.12.2002
3 Where the Island's Treasure Lies! Zenny Pirates Full Charge! 22.12.2002
4 Legend of the Rainbow Mist! Ruluka Island and the Old Man Henzo 05.01.2003
5 Inhabitants of Neverland! The Pumpkin Pirates! 12.01.2003
6 A Longing for Home! The Inescapable Pirate Graveyard! 19.01.2003
7 Frantic Struggle! Whetton's Plans and the Rainbow Tower 26.01.2003
8 And Then the Legend Begins! To the End of the Rainbow 02.02.2003
9 The Log is Taken! Salvage King, Masira! 09.02.2003
10 Monsters Appear! Don't Touch the Whitebeard Pirates 16.02.2003
11 Stop Dreaming! The City of Ridicule, Mock Town! 23.02.2003
12 A Pirate's Height! The Man who Talks of Dreams and the King of Underwater Exploration 09.03.2003
13 The Legendary Family! 'Liar Norland' 16.03.2003
14 Hard Turn to the Clouds! Find the Southbird! 23.03.2003
15 Dreams Don't Come True!? Bellamy vs. The Saruyama Alliance 13.04.2003
16 The 100 Million Man! The World's Greatest Authority and the Pirate Blackbeard 20.04.2003
17 Sail into the Sky! Ride the Knock-Up Stream 27.04.2003
18 This is the Sea of the Sky! The Knight of the Sky and Heaven's Gate 04.05.2003
19 Godland Skypiea! The Angels Of the Cloud Beach 11.05.2003
20 Forbidden Sacred Ground! The Island Where God Resides and Heaven's Judgement! 18.05.2003
21 Criminals Already!? Skypiea's Upholders of the Law 08.06.2003
22 Can we Escape!? God's Ordeals are Set in Motion! 15.06.2003
23 Trap on Lovely Street! Almighty God Enel 22.06.2003
24 Go Forth, Little Crow! To the Sacrificial Altar 06.07.2003
25 Survival Rate: 10%! Priest Satori with the Power of Mantra! 13.07.2003
26 Peril of the Ordeal of Balls! Fight to the Death in the Lost Forest 20.07.2003
27 Chopper's in Danger! Former God vs. Shinto priest Shura 03.08.2003
28 Ever Mysterious! Ordeal of String and Ordeal of Love!? 10.08.2003
29 Light the Fire of Shandia! Wiper the Warrior 17.08.2003
30 Floating Land of Gold, Jaya! To God's Shrine! 24.08.2003
31 Eve of Gold Festival! Feelings Toward 'Vearth'! 07.09.2003
32 God Enel Appears! Aubade to the Survivors 21.09.2003
33 The Python Strikes! The Survival Game Begins 12.10.2003
34 The Life-Threatening Reject! War Demon Wiper's Resolve 19.10.2003
35 Fierce Sky Battle! Pirate Zoro vs. Fighter Braham 19.10.2003
36 Howling Burn Bazooka!! Pirate Luffy vs. Wiper the Berserker 26.10.2003
37 Ordeal of Swamp! Pirate Chopper vs Gedatsu!! 02.11.2003
38 The Invincible Ability! Enel's True Nature Revealed 09.11.2003
39 The Vanished City! The Magnificent Ruins of Shandora!! 16.11.2003
40 Chance of Survival: 0%!! Pirate Chopper vs. Shinto Priest Ohm 21.12.2003
41 Climb Giant Jack!! Showdown in the Upper Ruins 11.01.2004
42 Ultimate Test of the Ordeal of Iron! The White-Barbed Death Match!! 18.01.2004
43 Gushing Blade Attack! Pirate Zoro vs Shinto Priest Ohm!! 25.01.2004
44 The Upper Ruins Crumble! The Quintet Finale!! 01.02.2004
45 Battle in the Ancient Ruins! God Enel's Desire!! 08.02.2004
46 Ambitions of Fairy Vearth - The Ark, Maxim!! 15.02.2004
47 Finally Clashing! Pirate Luffy vs God Enel!! 22.02.2004
48 Maxim Rises! The Start of Deathpiea!! 29.02.2004
49 Luffy's Fall! God's Judgement and Nami's Desire!! 07.03.2004
50 Two People Awaken! A Rescue in Front of Burning Love!! 14.03.2004
51 Capriccio to Destruction! The Impending Doom of Sky Island!! 21.03.2004
52 Guidance from the Sound of a Bell! The Great Warrior and Tales of an Explorer 28.03.2004
53 Released from Disgrace! The Tears of the Great Warrior!! 28.03.2004
54 Eternal Friendship! The Bell of Oath Echoes Throughout the Giant Ocean!! 04.04.2004
55 The Destruction of Angel Island! Terror of The Descending Raigou!! 25.04.2004
56 Chop Down Giant Jack! The Last Hope of Escaping 02.05.2004
57 The Miracle in God's Country! A Love Song Heard by Angels 09.05.2004
58 The War Draws to a Close! Ringing War and Wide, the Proud Fantasia 23.05.2004
59 I Have Come Here! The Weaving of the Poneglyphs 06.06.2004
60 Now Heading Towards the Blue Sea! Memories of an Interwoven Finale 13.06.2004
61 Emergency Announcement! An Infamous Pirate Ship has Invaded! 20.06.2004
62 Sanji the Chef! Demonstrating True Pride at the Marine Mess Hall! 04.07.2004
63 Zoro's Imprisonment and Chopper's Emergency Operation! 11.07.2004
64 The Marine Search Party Draws Near! Another of the Crew is Captured! 18.07.2004
65 Luffy and Sanji's Determination! The Great Escape Plan! 08.08.2004
66 The Squadron of Burning Souls Attack! Battle on the Bridge! 05.09.2004
67 Breaking Through Enemy Lines! The Rescue of the Going Merry! 12.09.2004
68 The Pirate Ship Disappears! Stronghold Battle, Round 2 19.09.2004
69 Operation Gold Recovery and Operation Waver Retrieval! 03.10.2004
70 The Pirate Round-Up Plan! Jonathon's Secret Winning Strategy! 03.10.2004
71 So Long, Marine Base! The Final Battle for Freedom 10.10.2004

Сезон 2

# Название Дата
1 The First Obstacle? Giant Whale Laboon Appears 21.03.2001
2 A Man's Promise, Luffy and the Whale Vow to Meet Again 21.03.2001
3 A Pirate-Loving Town? Arrival at Whiskey Peak 15.04.2001
4 Exploding Santouryu! Zoro vs. Baroque Works! 15.04.2001
5 A Serious Fight! Luffy vs. Zoro: The Unexpected Duel! 21.04.2001
6 Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart 29.04.2001
7 Try Hard, Koby! Diary of Koby-Meppo's Marine Struggles 13.05.2001
8 Koby-Meppo's Determination! Vice Admiral Garp's Fatherly Pride 20.05.2001
9 Prehistoric Island! The Shadow Lurking in Little Garden! 27.05.2001
10 Humongous Battle! The Giants Dorry and Brogy! 03.06.2001
11 Luffy's Anger! A Dirty Trick in a Sacred Battle 17.06.2001
12 Brogy Wails in Victory! Elbaf's Judgement 24.06.2001
13 The Devil's Candle! Tears of Regret and Tears of Anger 15.07.2001
14 Luffy Attacked by Magic! Colors Trap 12.08.2001
15 Critical Counterattack! Usopp's Quick Wit and Kaenboshi! 19.08.2001
16 Farewell to the Giants' Island! On to Alabasta 19.08.2001
17 Nami is Sick? Beyond the Snow that Falls on the Ocean! 26.08.2001
18 Ambush! The Bliking and Wapol the Tin-man 02.09.2001
19 A Doctorless Island? Adventure in the Country Without a Name! 09.09.2001
20 Ya Happy? The Doctor who is Called a Witch! 16.09.2001
21 Dalton's Resolve! Wapol's Forces Land 07.10.2001
22 Island that Lives in Snow! Ascend The Drum Rockies! 07.10.2001
23 The Blue-Nosed Reindeer! Chopper's Secret 21.10.2001
24 Dream of the Outcasts! The Quack Doctor Hiruluk 28.10.2001
25 Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms and Inherited Will 04.11.2001
26 VS. Wapol's Army Corps! The Abilities of the Baku Baku Fruit! 11.11.2001
27 Devil's Fruit of the Zoan Family! Chopper's Seven-Level Transformation 18.11.2001
28 When the Kingdom's Rule is Over! The Flag of Conviction Lasts Forever 25.11.2001
29 Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms! Miracle of the Drum Rockies 02.12.2001
30 Farewell, Drum Island! I'm Going Out to Sea! 09.12.2001
31 The Hero of Alabasta and the Ballerina on Deck 09.12.2001
32 Coming to the Desert Kingdom! The Rain-Calling Powder and the Rebel Army 16.12.2001
33 Reunion of the Powerful! His Name is Fire Fist Ace 23.12.2001
34 Ace and Luffy! Warm Memories and Brotherly Bonds 06.01.2002
35 The Green City, Erumalu and the Kung Fu Dugongs 13.01.2002
36 Adventure in the Country of Sand! The Demons that Live in the Scorching Earth 20.01.2002
37 Here Come the Desert Pirates! The Men who Live Free 27.01.2002
38 Spirit of the Fakes! Heart of the Rebel Army, Kamyu! 03.02.2002
39 Rebel Warrior Kohza! The Dream Sworn to Vivi! 10.02.2002
40 Showdown in a Heat Haze! Ace vs. the Gallant Scorpion! 17.02.2002
41 Ruins and Lost Ones! Vivi, Comrades, and the Shape of a Country 24.02.2002
42 At Spiders Cafe: The Enemy Ringleaders Meet at 8 o'clock 03.03.2002
43 Luffy vs. Vivi! A Tearful Vow for Comrades 10.03.2002
44 The Alabasta War Front! City of Dreams, Rainbase 17.03.2002
45 Trap in a Desperate Situation! Breaking Into Rain Dinners 25.03.2002
46 Operation Utopia Commences! The Wave of Rebellion Begins to Move 14.04.2002
47 The Fearsome Bananawani and Mr. Prince 21.04.2002
48 The Key to Turning the Tide and a Great Escape! Doru Doru Ball! 28.04.2002
49 Merciless Fight to the Death! Luffy vs. Crocodile 06.05.2002
50 The Miracle Sprint! Alabasta the Animal Land 12.05.2002
51 Rebel Army vs. Royal Army! The Battle will be in Alubarna! 19.05.2002
52 Alubarna is Crying! Fierce Fight of Captain Carue! 03.06.2002
53 Swear on Your Comrade's Dream! Battle at Molehill 4th Avenue 09.06.2002
54 Today's Grand Performance! Mane Mane Montage! 16.06.2002
55 Transforming Into Nami! Bon Clay's Hard-Hitting Ballet Kenpo 23.06.2002
56 Nami's Whirlwind Warning! Clima Tact Explosion 30.06.2002
57 Secret of the Royal Family! The Ancient Weapon, Pluton 14.07.2002
58 Essence of a Mighty Sword! The Power to Cut Steel and the Breath of All Things 21.07.2002
59 The Battle is Over! Kohza Flies the White Flag 04.08.2002
60 Vivi's Voice Goes Unheard! A Hero Descends! 11.08.2002
61 Sand Crocodile and Water Luffy! Death Match: Round 2 18.08.2002
62 Smells Like Croc! Run to the Tomb of the Royal Family, Luffy! 25.08.2002
63 The Nightmare Draws Near! Secret Base of the Sand Sand Clan 01.09.2002
64 Magnificent Wings! My Name is Pell, Guardian Spirit of the Kingdom 08.09.2002
65 I Will Surpass You! Rain Falls on Alabasta! 18.09.2002
66 A Farewell to Arms! Pirates and a Little Justice 06.10.2002
67 The Pirates' Banquet and Operation Escape Alabasta! 06.10.2002
68 Everything Began that Day! Vivi Tells of her Adventures! 20.10.2002
69 Beware her Scent! The Seventh One is Nico Robin! 27.10.2002
70 The First Patient! Anecdote of the Rumble Ball 03.11.2002
71 The Navigator's Mutiny! For an Unwavering Dream! 10.11.2002
72 Inherited Recipe! Sanji the Curry Expert 17.11.2002
73 I'll Make it Bloom! Manly Usopp's Eight-Shaku Ball 24.11.2002
74 Infamous Pirate Hunter! The Wandering Swordsman, Zoro 01.12.2002

Сезон 1

# Название Дата
1 I'm Luffy! The Man Who's Gonna Be King of the Pirates! 20.10.1999
2 Enter the Great Swordsman! Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro! 17.11.1999
3 Morgan versus Luffy! Who's the Mysterious Pretty Girl? 24.11.1999
4 Luffy's Past! Enter Red-Haired Shanks! 08.12.1999
5 A Terrifying Mysterious Power! Captain Buggy, the Clown Pirate! 15.12.1999
6 Desperate Situation! Beast Tamer Mohji vs. Luffy! 29.12.1999
7 Epic Showdown! Swordsman Zoro vs. Acrobat Cabaji! 29.12.1999
8 Who is the Victor? Devil Fruit Power Showdown! 29.12.1999
9 The Honorable Liar? Captain Usopp! 12.01.2000
10 The Weirdest Guy Ever! Jango the Hypnotist! 19.01.2000
11 Expose the Plot! Pirate Butler, Captain Kuro! 26.01.2000
12 Clash with the Black Cat Pirates! The Great Battle on the Slope! 02.02.2000
13 The Terrifying Duo! Meowban Brothers vs. Zoro! 09.02.2000
14 Luffy Back in Action! Miss Kaya's Desperate Resistance! 16.02.2000
15 Beat Kuro! Usopp the Man's Tearful Resolve! 23.02.2000
16 Protect Kaya! The Usopp Pirates' Great Efforts! 01.03.2000
17 Anger Explosion! Kuro vs. Luffy! How it Ends! 08.03.2000
18 You're the Weird Creature! Gaimon and His Strange Friends! 15.03.2000
19 The Three-Sword Style's Past! Zoro and Kuina's Vow! 22.03.2000
20 Famous Cook! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant! 12.04.2000
21 Unwelcome Customer! Sanji's Food and Ghin's Debt! 12.04.2000
22 The Strongest Pirate Fleet! Commodore Don Krieg! 26.04.2000
23 Protect Baratie! The Great Pirate, Red Foot Zeff! 03.05.2000
24 Hawk-Eye Mihawk! The Great Swordsman Zoro Falls At Sea! 10.05.2000
25 The Emerge of the Super Kicking Skill! Sanji vs. The Iron Wall Pearl 17.05.2000
26 Zeff and Sanji's Dream! The Sea of Dreams - All Blue 24.05.2000
27 The Coldhearted Devil-man. Gin, the Pirate Fleet Battle Commander 31.05.2000
28 I Won't Die! Conclusion: Luffy vs. Krieg 07.06.2000
29 Outcome of a Deadly Battle! The Spear Inside! 21.06.2000
30 Departure! Sea Chef and Luffy Travel Together! 28.06.2000
31 The Most Wicked Man of East Blue, Fishman Pirate Arlong 12.07.2000
32 The Witch of Cocoyashi Village, Arlong's Female Officer 19.07.2000
33 Usopp's Death?! Luffy - Yet To Land? 19.07.2000
34 Reunited! Usopp Tells Nami's True Story 26.07.2000
35 The Hidden Past! Female Fighter Bellemere! 02.08.2000
36 Survive! The Mother Bellemere and Nami's Family! 09.08.2000
37 Luffy Stands Up! End of a Broken Promise! 16.08.2000
38 Luffy in Trouble! Fishmen vs. Luffy Pirates! 23.08.2000
39 Luffy Drowning! Zoro vs. Octopus Hatchan! 30.08.2000
40 Proud, Tall Warriors! Dramatic Battle of Sanji and Usopp! 06.09.2000
41 Luffy's Best! Nami's Courage and the Straw Hat 13.09.2000
42 Bursting Out! Fishman Arlong, Fearsome Attack From The Sea! 27.09.2000
43 The End of the Fishman Empire! Nami is my Comrade! 27.09.2000
44 Setting off with a Smile! Farewell my Hometown, Cocoyashi Village! 11.10.2000
45 Bounty! Straw Hat Luffy Becomes World Famous! 25.10.2000
46 Following the Straw Hat! Little Buggy's Big Adventure 01.11.2000
47 You've Been Waiting For It! The Return of Captain Buggy! 08.11.2000
48 The Town of the Beginning and the End - Arrival at Loguetown 22.11.2000
49 Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri! Zoro's New Swords, and the Female Sergeant Major 22.11.2000
50 Usopp vs. Daddy The Father! Showdown at High Noon! 29.11.2000
51 A Burning Culinary Battle? Sanji vs. The Gorgeous Chef 06.12.2000
52 Buggy's Revenge! The Man who Smiles at the Execution Platform! 13.12.2000
53 The Legend has Begun! Head to the Grand Line 10.01.2001
54 Foreboding of a New Adventure! The Puzzling Girl, Apis 17.01.2001
55 The Holy Beast! Apis' Secret and the Legendary Island 24.01.2001
56 Erik's Raid! Great Escape from Gunkan Island! 31.01.2001
57 Lone Island in a Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island 07.02.2001
58 Duel in the Ruins! Strained Zoro vs. Erik 21.02.2001
59 Luffy, Completely Surrounded! Admiral Nelson's Secret Plan 21.02.2001
60 Those who Soar in the Open Skies! Revival of the 1000 Year Legend 28.02.2001
61 Angry Finale! Cross the Red Line! 07.03.2001
62 Серия 62 21.03.2001
63 Серия 63 21.03.2001
64 Серия 64 15.04.2001
65 Серия 65 15.04.2001
66 Серия 66 22.04.2001
67 Серия 67 29.04.2001
68 Серия 68 13.05.2001
69 Серия 69 20.05.2001
70 Серия 70 27.05.2001
71 Серия 71 03.06.2001
72 Серия 72 17.06.2001
73 Серия 73 24.06.2001
74 Серия 74 15.07.2001
75 Серия 75 12.08.2001
76 Серия 76 19.08.2001
77 Серия 77 19.08.2001
78 Серия 78 26.08.2001
79 Серия 79 02.09.2001
80 Серия 80 09.09.2001
81 Серия 81 16.09.2001
82 Серия 82 07.10.2001
83 Серия 83 07.10.2001
84 Серия 84 21.10.2001
85 Серия 85 28.10.2001
86 Серия 86 04.11.2001
87 Серия 87 11.11.2001
88 Серия 88 18.11.2001
89 Серия 89 25.11.2001
90 Серия 90 02.12.2001
91 Серия 91 09.12.2001
92 Серия 92 09.12.2001
93 Серия 93 16.12.2001
94 Серия 94 23.12.2001
95 Серия 95 06.01.2002
96 Серия 96 13.01.2002
97 Серия 97 20.01.2002
98 Серия 98 27.01.2002
99 Серия 99 03.02.2002
100 Серия 100 10.02.2002
101 Серия 101 17.02.2002
102 Серия 102 24.02.2002
103 Серия 103 03.03.2002
104 Серия 104 10.03.2002
105 Серия 105 17.03.2002
106 Серия 106 24.03.2002
107 Серия 107 14.04.2002
108 Серия 108 21.04.2002
109 Серия 109 28.04.2002
110 Серия 110 05.05.2002
111 Серия 111 12.05.2002
112 Серия 112 19.05.2002
113 Серия 113 02.06.2002
114 Серия 114 09.06.2002
115 Серия 115 16.06.2002
116 Серия 116 23.06.2002
117 Серия 117 30.06.2002
118 Серия 118 14.07.2002
119 Серия 119 21.07.2002
120 Серия 120 04.08.2002
121 Серия 121 11.08.2002
122 Серия 122 18.08.2002
123 Серия 123 25.08.2002
124 Серия 124 01.09.2002
125 Серия 125 08.09.2002
126 Серия 126 15.09.2002
127 Серия 127 06.10.2002
128 Серия 128 06.10.2002
129 Серия 129 20.10.2002
130 Серия 130 27.10.2002
131 Серия 131 03.11.2002
132 Серия 132 10.11.2002
133 Серия 133 17.11.2002
134 Серия 134 24.11.2002
135 Серия 135 01.12.2002
136 Серия 136 08.12.2002
137 Серия 137 15.12.2002
138 Серия 138 22.12.2002
139 Серия 139 08.01.2003
140 Серия 140 12.01.2003
141 Серия 141 19.01.2003
142 Серия 142 26.01.2003
143 Серия 143 02.02.2003
144 Серия 144 09.02.2003
145 Серия 145 16.02.2003
146 Серия 146 23.02.2003
147 Серия 147 09.03.2003
148 Серия 148 16.03.2003
149 Серия 149 23.03.2003
150 Серия 150 13.04.2003
151 Серия 151 20.04.2003
152 Серия 152 27.04.2003
153 Серия 153 04.05.2003
154 Серия 154 11.05.2003
155 Серия 155 18.05.2003
156 Серия 156 08.06.2003
157 Серия 157 15.06.2003
158 Серия 158 22.06.2003
159 Серия 159 06.07.2003
160 Серия 160 13.07.2003
161 Серия 161 20.07.2003
162 Серия 162 03.08.2003
163 Серия 163 10.08.2003
164 Серия 164 17.08.2003
165 Серия 165 24.08.2003
166 Серия 166 07.09.2003
167 Серия 167 21.09.2003
168 Серия 168 12.10.2003
169 Серия 169 19.10.2003
170 Серия 170 19.10.2003
171 Серия 171 26.10.2003
172 Серия 172 02.11.2003
173 Серия 173 09.11.2003
174 Серия 174 16.11.2003
175 Серия 175 21.12.2003
176 Серия 176 11.01.2004
177 Серия 177 18.01.2004
178 Серия 178 25.01.2004
179 Серия 179 01.02.2004
180 Серия 180 08.02.2004
181 Серия 181 15.02.2004
182 Серия 182 22.02.2004
183 Серия 183 29.02.2004
184 Серия 184 07.03.2004
185 Серия 185 14.03.2004
186 Серия 186 21.03.2004
187 Серия 187 28.03.2004
188 Серия 188 28.03.2004
189 Серия 189 07.04.2004
190 Серия 190 25.04.2004
191 Серия 191 02.05.2004
192 Серия 192 09.05.2004
193 Серия 193 23.05.2004
194 Серия 194 06.06.2004
195 Серия 195 13.06.2004
196 Серия 196 20.06.2004
197 Серия 197 04.07.2004
198 Серия 198 11.07.2004
199 Серия 199 18.07.2004
200 Серия 200 08.08.2004
201 Серия 201 05.09.2004
202 Серия 202 12.09.2004
203 Серия 203 19.09.2004
204 Серия 204 03.10.2004
205 Серия 205 03.10.2004
206 Серия 206 10.10.2004
207 Серия 207 31.10.2004
208 Серия 208 07.11.2004
209 Серия 209 14.11.2004
210 Серия 210 21.11.2004
211 Серия 211 28.11.2004
212 Серия 212 05.12.2004
213 Серия 213 12.12.2004
214 Серия 214 19.12.2004
215 Серия 215 09.01.2005
216 Серия 216 09.01.2005
217 Серия 217 16.01.2005
218 Серия 218 23.01.2005
219 Серия 219 30.01.2005
220 Серия 220 06.02.2005
221 Серия 221 13.02.2005
222 Серия 222 20.02.2005
223 Серия 223 27.02.2005
224 Серия 224 06.03.2005
225 Серия 225 13.03.2005
226 Серия 226 20.03.2005
227 Серия 227 27.03.2005
228 Серия 228 27.03.2005
229 Серия 229 17.04.2005
230 Серия 230 24.04.2005
231 Серия 231 01.05.2005
232 Серия 232 15.05.2005
233 Серия 233 22.05.2005
234 Серия 234 05.06.2005
235 Серия 235 12.06.2005
236 Серия 236 19.06.2005
237 Серия 237 03.07.2005
238 Серия 238 10.07.2005
239 Серия 239 31.07.2005
240 Серия 240 07.08.2005
241 Серия 241 14.08.2005
242 Серия 242 21.08.2005
243 Серия 243 04.09.2005
244 Серия 244 11.09.2005
245 Серия 245 18.09.2005
246 Серия 246 23.10.2005
247 Серия 247 30.10.2005
248 Серия 248 06.11.2005
249 Серия 249 13.11.2005
250 Серия 250 20.11.2005
251 Серия 251 20.11.2005
252 Серия 252 04.12.2005
253 Серия 253 11.12.2005
254 Серия 254 22.01.2006
255 Серия 255 29.01.2006
256 Серия 256 05.02.2006
257 Серия 257 26.02.2006
258 Серия 258 05.03.2006
259 Серия 259 12.03.2006
260 Серия 260 19.03.2006
261 Серия 261 02.04.2006
262 Серия 262 16.04.2006
263 Серия 263 30.04.2006
264 Серия 264 21.05.2006
265 Серия 265 04.06.2006
266 Серия 266 11.06.2006
267 Серия 267 18.06.2006
268 Серия 268 25.06.2006
269 Серия 269 25.06.2006
270 Серия 270 02.07.2006
271 Серия 271 09.07.2006
272 Серия 272 23.07.2006
273 Серия 273 30.07.2006
274 Серия 274 06.08.2006
275 Серия 275 13.08.2006
276 Серия 276 10.09.2006
277 Серия 277 24.09.2006
278 Серия 278 24.09.2006
279 Серия 279 01.10.2006
280 Серия 280 08.10.2006
281 Серия 281 15.10.2006
282 Серия 282 22.10.2006
283 Серия 283 29.10.2006
284 Серия 284 05.11.2006
285 Серия 285 12.11.2006
286 Серия 286 19.11.2006
287 Серия 287 26.11.2006
288 Серия 288 03.12.2006
289 Серия 289 10.12.2006
290 Серия 290 17.12.2006
291 Серия 291 24.12.2006
292 Серия 292 07.01.2007
293 Серия 293 14.01.2007
294 Серия 294 21.01.2007
295 Серия 295 28.01.2007
296 Серия 296 04.02.2007
297 Серия 297 11.02.2007
298 Серия 298 25.02.2007
299 Серия 299 04.03.2007
300 Серия 300 11.03.2007
301 Серия 301 18.03.2007
302 Серия 302 25.03.2007
303 Серия 303 01.04.2007
304 Серия 304 08.04.2007
305 Серия 305 15.04.2007
306 Серия 306 22.04.2007
307 Серия 307 29.04.2007
308 Серия 308 06.05.2007
309 Серия 309 13.05.2007
310 Серия 310 20.05.2007
311 Серия 311 27.05.2007
312 Серия 312 03.06.2007
313 Серия 313 10.06.2007
314 Серия 314 17.06.2007
315 Серия 315 24.06.2007
316 Серия 316 01.07.2007
317 Серия 317 08.07.2007
318 Серия 318 15.07.2007
319 Серия 319 22.07.2007
320 Серия 320 19.08.2007
321 Серия 321 26.08.2007
322 Серия 322 02.09.2007
323 Серия 323 09.09.2007
324 Серия 324 16.09.2007
325 Серия 325 23.09.2007
326 Серия 326 14.10.2007
327 Серия 327 21.10.2007
328 Серия 328 28.10.2007
329 Серия 329 04.11.2007
330 Серия 330 11.11.2007
331 Серия 331 18.11.2007
332 Серия 332 25.11.2007
333 Серия 333 02.12.2007
334 Серия 334 09.12.2007
335 Серия 335 16.12.2007
336 Серия 336 23.12.2007
337 Серия 337 06.01.2008
338 Серия 338 13.01.2008
339 Серия 339 20.01.2008
340 Серия 340 27.01.2008
341 Серия 341 03.02.2008
342 Серия 342 10.02.2008
343 Серия 343 17.02.2008
344 Серия 344 24.02.2008
345 Серия 345 02.03.2008
346 Серия 346 09.03.2008
347 Серия 347 16.03.2008
348 Серия 348 23.03.2008
349 Серия 349 30.03.2008
350 Серия 350 20.04.2008
351 Серия 351 27.04.2008
352 Серия 352 04.05.2008
353 Серия 353 11.05.2008
354 Серия 354 18.05.2008
355 Серия 355 25.05.2008
356 Серия 356 01.06.2008
357 Серия 357 08.06.2008
358 Серия 358 15.06.2008
359 Серия 359 22.06.2008
360 Серия 360 29.06.2008
361 Серия 361 06.07.2008
362 Серия 362 13.07.2008
363 Серия 363 20.07.2008
364 Серия 364 03.08.2008
365 Серия 365 10.08.2008
366 Серия 366 17.08.2008
367 Серия 367 23.08.2008
368 Серия 368 30.08.2008
369 Серия 369 07.09.2008
370 Серия 370 14.09.2008
371 Серия 371 21.09.2008
372 Серия 372 28.09.2008
373 Серия 373 05.10.2008
374 Серия 374 12.10.2008
375 Серия 375 19.10.2008
376 Серия 376 09.11.2008
377 Серия 377 16.11.2008
378 Серия 378 23.11.2008
379 Серия 379 30.11.2008
380 Серия 380 07.12.2008
381 Серия 381 14.12.2008
382 Серия 382 21.12.2008
383 Серия 383 28.12.2008
384 Серия 384 11.01.2009
385 Серия 385 18.01.2009
386 Серия 386 25.01.2009
387 Серия 387 01.02.2009
388 Серия 388 08.02.2009
389 Серия 389 15.02.2009
390 Серия 390 22.02.2009
391 Серия 391 01.03.2009
392 Серия 392 08.03.2009
393 Серия 393 15.03.2009
394 Серия 394 22.03.2009
395 Серия 395 29.03.2009
396 Серия 396 12.04.2009
397 Серия 397 19.04.2009
398 Серия 398 26.04.2009
399 Серия 399 03.05.2009
400 Серия 400 10.05.2009
401 Серия 401 17.05.2009
402 Серия 402 24.05.2009
403 Серия 403 31.05.2009
404 Серия 404 07.06.2009
405 Серия 405 14.06.2009
406 Серия 406 21.06.2009
407 Серия 407 28.06.2009
408 Серия 408 05.07.2009
409 Серия 409 12.07.2009
410 Серия 410 19.07.2009
411 Серия 411 02.08.2009
412 Серия 412 09.08.2009
413 Серия 413 16.08.2009
414 Серия 414 23.08.2009
415 Серия 415 30.08.2009
416 Серия 416 06.09.2009
417 Серия 417 13.09.2009
418 Серия 418 20.09.2009
419 Серия 419 27.09.2009
420 Серия 420 04.10.2009
421 Серия 421 11.10.2009
422 Серия 422 18.10.2009
423 Серия 423 25.10.2009
424 Серия 424 01.11.2009
425 Серия 425 08.11.2009
426 Серия 426 15.11.2009
427 Серия 427 22.11.2009
428 Серия 428 29.11.2009
429 Серия 429 06.12.2009
430 Серия 430 13.12.2009
431 Серия 431 20.12.2009
432 Серия 432 27.12.2009
433 Серия 433 10.01.2010
434 Серия 434 17.01.2010
435 Серия 435 24.01.2010
436 Серия 436 31.01.2010
437 Серия 437 07.02.2010
438 Серия 438 14.02.2010
439 Серия 439 21.02.2010
440 Серия 440 28.02.2010
441 Серия 441 07.03.2010
442 Серия 442 14.03.2010
443 Серия 443 21.03.2010
444 Серия 444 28.03.2010
445 Серия 445 04.04.2010
446 Серия 446 11.04.2010
447 Серия 447 18.04.2010
448 Серия 448 25.04.2010
449 Серия 449 02.05.2010
450 Серия 450 09.05.2010
451 Серия 451 16.05.2010
452 Серия 452 23.05.2010
453 Серия 453 30.05.2010
454 Серия 454 06.06.2010
455 Серия 455 13.06.2010
456 Серия 456 20.06.2010
457 Серия 457 27.06.2010
458 Серия 458 11.07.2010
459 Серия 459 18.07.2010
460 Серия 460 01.08.2010
461 Серия 461 08.08.2010
462 Серия 462 15.08.2010
463 Серия 463 22.08.2010
464 Серия 464 29.08.2010
465 Серия 465 05.09.2010
466 Серия 466 12.09.2010
467 Серия 467 19.09.2010
468 Серия 468 26.09.2010
469 Серия 469 03.10.2010
470 Серия 470 10.10.2010
471 Серия 471 17.10.2010
472 Серия 472 24.10.2010
473 Серия 473 31.10.2010
474 Серия 474 07.11.2010
475 Серия 475 14.11.2010
476 Серия 476 21.11.2010
477 Серия 477 28.11.2010
478 Серия 478 05.12.2010
479 Серия 479 12.12.2010
480 Серия 480 19.12.2010
481 Серия 481 26.12.2010
482 Серия 482 09.01.2011
483 Серия 483 16.01.2011
484 Серия 484 23.01.2011
485 Серия 485 30.01.2011
486 Серия 486 06.02.2011
487 Серия 487 13.02.2011
488 Серия 488 20.02.2011
489 Серия 489 06.03.2011
490 Серия 490 20.03.2011
491 Серия 491 27.03.2011
492 Серия 492 03.04.2011
493 Серия 493 10.04.2011
494 Серия 494 17.04.2011
495 Серия 495 24.04.2011
496 Серия 496 01.05.2011
497 Серия 497 08.05.2011
498 Серия 498 15.05.2011
499 Серия 499 22.05.2011
500 Серия 500 29.05.2011
501 Серия 501 05.06.2011
502 Серия 502 12.06.2011
503 Серия 503 19.06.2011
504 Серия 504 26.06.2011
505 Серия 505 03.07.2011
506 Серия 506 10.07.2011
507 Серия 507 17.07.2011
508 Серия 508 31.07.2011
509 Серия 509 07.08.2011
510 Серия 510 14.08.2011
511 Серия 511 21.08.2011
512 Серия 512 28.08.2011
513 Серия 513 04.09.2011
514 Серия 514 11.09.2011
515 Серия 515 18.09.2011
516 Серия 516 25.09.2011
517 Серия 517 02.10.2011
518 Серия 518 09.10.2011
519 Серия 519 16.10.2011
520 Серия 520 23.10.2011
521 Серия 521 30.10.2011
522 Серия 522 06.11.2011
523 Серия 523 13.11.2011
524 Серия 524 20.11.2011
525 Серия 525 27.11.2011
526 Серия 526 04.12.2011
527 Серия 527 11.12.2011
528 Серия 528 18.12.2011
529 Серия 529 25.12.2011
530 Серия 530 08.01.2012
531 Серия 531 15.01.2012
532 Серия 532 22.01.2012
533 Серия 533 29.01.2012
534 Серия 534 05.02.2012
535 Серия 535 12.02.2012
536 Серия 536 19.02.2012
537 Серия 537 26.02.2012
538 Серия 538 04.03.2012
539 Серия 539 18.03.2012
540 Серия 540 25.03.2012
541 Серия 541 01.04.2012
542 Серия 542 08.04.2012
543 Серия 543 15.04.2012
544 Серия 544 22.04.2012
545 Серия 545 29.04.2012
546 Серия 546 06.05.2012
547 Серия 547 13.05.2012
548 Серия 548 20.05.2012
549 Серия 549 27.05.2012
550 Серия 550 01.06.2012
551 Серия 551 10.06.2012
552 Серия 552 17.06.2012
553 Серия 553 24.06.2012
554 Серия 554 01.07.2012
555 Серия 555 08.07.2012
556 Серия 556 15.07.2012
557 Серия 557 29.07.2012
558 Серия 558 05.08.2012
559 Серия 559 12.08.2012
560 Серия 560 19.08.2012
561 Серия 561 26.08.2012
562 Серия 562 02.09.2012
563 Серия 563 09.09.2012
564 Серия 564 16.09.2012
565 Серия 565 23.09.2012
566 Серия 566 30.09.2012
567 Серия 567 07.10.2012
568 Серия 568 14.10.2012
569 Серия 569 21.10.2012
570 Серия 570 28.11.2012
571 Серия 571 04.11.2012
572 Серия 572 11.11.2012
573 Серия 573 18.11.2012
574 Серия 574 25.11.2012
575 Серия 575 02.12.2012
576 Серия 576 09.12.2012
577 Серия 577 16.12.2012
578 Серия 578 23.12.2012
579 Серия 579 08.01.2013
580 Серия 580 13.01.2013
581 Серия 581 20.01.2013
582 Серия 582 27.01.2013
583 Серия 583 03.02.2013
584 Серия 584 10.02.2013
585 Серия 585 17.02.2013
586 Серия 586 03.03.2013
587 Серия 587 17.03.2013
588 Серия 588 24.03.2013
589 Серия 589 31.03.2013
590 Серия 590 07.04.2013
591 Серия 591 14.04.2013
592 Серия 592 21.04.2013
593 Серия 593 28.04.2013
594 Серия 594 05.05.2013
595 Серия 595 12.05.2013
596 Серия 596 19.05.2013
597 Серия 597 26.05.2013
598 Серия 598 02.06.2013
599 Серия 599 09.06.2013
600 Серия 600 16.06.2013
601 Серия 601 23.06.2013
602 Серия 602 30.06.2013
603 Серия 603 07.07.2013
604 Серия 604 14.07.2013
605 Серия 605 21.07.2013
606 Серия 606 28.07.2013
607 Серия 607 11.08.2013
608 Серия 608 18.08.2013
609 Серия 609 25.08.2013
610 Серия 610 01.09.2013
611 Серия 611 08.09.2013
612 Серия 612 15.09.2013
613 Серия 613 22.09.2013
614 Серия 614 29.09.2013
615 Серия 615 06.10.2013
616 Серия 616 13.10.2013
617 Серия 617 20.10.2013
618 Серия 618 27.10.2013
619 Серия 619 03.11.2013
620 Серия 620 10.11.2013
621 Серия 621 17.11.2013
622 Серия 622 24.11.2013
623 Серия 623 01.12.2013
624 Серия 624 08.12.2013
625 Серия 625 15.12.2013
626 Серия 626 22.12.2013
627 Серия 627 05.01.2014
628 Серия 628 12.01.2014
629 Серия 629 19.01.2014
630 Серия 630 26.01.2014
631 Серия 631 02.02.2014
632 Серия 632 09.02.2014
633 Серия 633 16.02.2014
634 Серия 634 23.02.2014
635 Серия 635 02.03.2014
636 Серия 636 16.03.2014
637 Серия 637 23.03.2014
638 Серия 638 30.03.2014
639 Серия 639 06.04.2014
640 Серия 640 13.04.2014
641 Серия 641 20.04.2014
642 Серия 642 27.04.2014
643 Серия 643 04.05.2014
644 Серия 644 11.05.2014
645 Серия 645 18.05.2014
646 Серия 646 25.05.2014
647 Серия 647 01.06.2014
648 Серия 648 08.06.2014
649 Серия 649 15.06.2014
650 Серия 650 22.06.2014
651 Серия 651 29.06.2014
652 Серия 652 06.07.2014
653 Серия 653 13.07.2014
654 Серия 654 20.07.2014
655 Серия 655 03.08.2014
656 Серия 656 10.08.2014
657 Серия 657 17.08.2014
658 Серия 658 24.08.2014
659 Серия 659 31.08.2014
660 Серия 660 07.09.2014
661 Серия 661 14.09.2014
662 Серия 662 21.09.2014
663 Серия 663 28.09.2014
664 Серия 664 05.10.2014
665 Серия 665 12.10.2014
666 Серия 666 19.10.2014
667 Серия 667 26.10.2014
668 Серия 668 02.11.2014
669 Серия 669 09.11.2014
670 Серия 670 16.11.2014
671 Серия 671 23.11.2014
672 Серия 672 30.11.2014
673 Серия 673 07.12.2014
674 Серия 674 14.12.2014
675 Серия 675 21.12.2014
676 Серия 676 28.12.2014
677 Серия 677 11.01.2015
678 Серия 678 18.01.2015
679 Серия 679 25.01.2015
680 Серия 680 01.02.2015
681 Серия 681 08.02.2015
682 Серия 682 15.02.2015
683 Серия 683 01.03.2015
684 Серия 684 15.03.2015
685 Серия 685 22.03.2015
686 Серия 686 29.03.2015
687 Серия 687 05.04.2015
688 Серия 688 12.04.2015
689 Серия 689 19.04.2015
690 Серия 690 26.04.2015
691 Серия 691 03.05.2015
692 Серия 692 10.05.2015
693 Серия 693 17.05.2015
694 Серия 694 24.05.2015
695 Серия 695 31.05.2015
696 Серия 696 07.06.2015
697 Серия 697 14.06.2015
698 Серия 698 21.06.2015
699 Серия 699 28.06.2015
700 Серия 700 05.07.2015
701 Серия 701 12.07.2015
702 Серия 702 19.07.2015
703 Серия 703 02.08.2015
704 Серия 704 09.08.2015
705 Серия 705 16.08.2015
706 Серия 706 23.08.2015
707 Серия 707 30.08.2015
708 Серия 708 06.09.2015
709 Серия 709 13.09.2015
710 Серия 710 20.09.2015
711 Серия 711 27.09.2015
712 Серия 712 04.10.2015
713 Серия 713 11.10.2015
714 Серия 714 18.10.2015
715 Серия 715 25.10.2015
716 Серия 716 01.11.2015
717 Серия 717 08.11.2015
718 Серия 718 15.11.2015
719 Серия 719 22.11.2015
720 Серия 720 29.11.2015
721 Серия 721 06.12.2015
722 Серия 722 13.12.2015
723 Серия 723 20.12.2015
724 Серия 724 27.12.2015
725 Серия 725 10.01.2016
726 Серия 726 17.01.2016
727 Серия 727 24.01.2016
728 Серия 728 31.01.2016
729 Серия 729 14.02.2016
730 Серия 730 21.02.2016
731 Серия 731 28.02.2016
732 Серия 732 06.03.2016
733 Серия 733 20.03.2016
734 Серия 734 27.03.2016
735 Серия 735 03.04.2016
736 Серия 736 10.04.2016
737 Серия 737 17.04.2016
738 Серия 738 24.04.2016
739 Серия 739 01.05.2016
740 Серия 740 08.05.2016
741 Серия 741 15.05.2016
742 Серия 742 22.05.2016
743 Серия 743 29.05.2016
744 Серия 744 05.06.2016
745 Серия 745 12.06.2016
746 Серия 746 19.06.2016
747 Серия 747 26.06.2016
748 Серия 748 03.07.2016
749 Серия 749 10.07.2016
750 Серия 750 17.07.2016
751 Серия 751 31.07.2016
752 Серия 752 07.08.2016
753 Серия 753 21.08.2016
754 Серия 754 28.08.2016
755 Серия 755 04.09.2016
756 Серия 756 11.09.2016
757 Серия 757 25.09.2016
758 Серия 758 02.10.2016
759 Серия 759 09.10.2016
760 Серия 760 16.10.2016
761 Серия 761 23.10.2016
762 Серия 762 30.10.2016
763 Серия 763 06.11.2016
764 Серия 764 13.11.2016
765 Серия 765 20.11.2016
766 Серия 766 27.11.2016
767 Серия 767 04.12.2016
768 Серия 768 11.12.2016
769 Серия 769 18.12.2016
770 Серия 770 25.12.2016
771 Серия 771 08.01.2017
772 Серия 772 15.01.2017
773 Серия 773 22.01.2017
774 Серия 774 29.01.2017
775 Серия 775 05.02.2017
776 Серия 776 12.02.2017
777 Серия 777 19.02.2017
778 Серия 778 26.02.2017
779 Серия 779 05.03.2017
780 Серия 780 19.03.2017
781 Серия 781 26.03.2017
782 Серия 782 02.04.2017
783 Серия 783 09.04.2017
784 Серия 784 16.04.2017
785 Серия 785 23.04.2017
786 Серия 786 30.04.2017
787 Серия 787 07.05.2017
788 Серия 788 14.05.2017
789 Серия 789 21.05.2017
790 Серия 790 28.05.2017
791 Серия 791 04.06.2017
792 Серия 792 11.06.2017
793 Серия 793 18.06.2017
794 Серия 794 25.06.2017
795 Серия 795 02.07.2017
796 Серия 796 09.07.2017
797 Серия 797 16.07.2017
798 Серия 798 23.07.2017
799 Серия 799 30.07.2017
800 Серия 800 06.08.2017
801 Серия 801 13.08.2017
802 Серия 802 20.08.2017
803 Серия 803 27.08.2017
804 Серия 804 03.09.2017
805 Серия 805 17.09.2017
806 Серия 806 24.09.2017
807 Серия 807 01.10.2017
808 Серия 808 01.10.2017
809 Серия 809 15.10.2017
810 Серия 810 22.10.2017
811 Серия 811 29.10.2017
812 Серия 812 05.11.2017
813 Серия 813 12.11.2017
814 Серия 814 19.11.2017
815 Серия 815 26.11.2017
816 Серия 816 03.12.2017
817 Серия 817 10.12.2017
818 Серия 818 17.12.2017
819 Серия 819 24.12.2017
820 Серия 820 07.01.2018
821 Серия 821 14.01.2018
822 Серия 822 21.01.2018
823 Серия 823 28.01.2018
824 Серия 824 04.02.2018
825 Серия 825 11.02.2018
826 Серия 826 18.02.2018
827 Серия 827 04.03.2018
828 Серия 828 18.03.2018
829 Серия 829 25.03.2018
830 Серия 830 01.04.2018
831 Серия 831 08.04.2018
832 Серия 832 15.04.2018
833 Серия 833 22.04.2018
834 Серия 834 29.04.2018
835 Серия 835 06.05.2018
836 Серия 836 13.05.2018
837 Серия 837 20.05.2018
838 Серия 838 27.05.2018
839 Серия 839 03.06.2018
840 Серия 840 10.06.2018
841 Серия 841 17.06.2018
842 Серия 842 24.06.2018
843 Серия 843 01.07.2018
844 Серия 844 08.07.2018
845 Серия 845 15.07.2018
846 Серия 846 22.07.2018
847 Серия 847 29.07.2018
848 Серия 848 05.08.2018
849 Серия 849 12.08.2018
850 Серия 850 19.08.2018
851 Серия 851 26.08.2018
852 Серия 852 02.09.2018
853 Серия 853 16.09.2018
854 Серия 854 23.09.2018
855 Серия 855 30.09.2018
856 Серия 856 07.10.2018
857 Серия 857 14.10.2018
858 Серия 858 21.10.2018
859 Серия 859 28.10.2018
860 Серия 860 04.11.2018
861 Серия 861 11.11.2018
862 Серия 862 18.11.2018
863 Серия 863 25.11.2018
864 Серия 864 09.12.2018
865 Серия 865 16.12.2018
866 Серия 866 23.12.2018
867 Серия 867 06.01.2019
868 Серия 868 13.01.2019
869 Серия 869 20.01.2019
870 Серия 870 27.01.2019
871 Серия 871 03.02.2019
872 Серия 872 10.02.2019
873 Серия 873 17.02.2019
874 Серия 874 24.02.2019
875 Серия 875 03.03.2019
876 Серия 876 17.03.2019
877 Серия 877 24.03.2019
878 Серия 878 31.03.2019
879 Серия 879 07.04.2019
880 Серия 880 14.04.2019
881 Серия 881 21.04.2019
882 Серия 882 28.04.2019
883 Серия 883 05.05.2019
884 Серия 884 12.05.2019
885 Серия 885 19.05.2019
886 Серия 886 26.05.2019
887 Серия 887 02.06.2019
888 Серия 888 09.06.2019
889 Серия 889 16.06.2019
890 Серия 890 23.06.2019
891 Серия 891 30.06.2019
892 Серия 892 07.07.2019
893 Серия 893 14.07.2019
894 Серия 894 21.07.2019
895 Серия 895 28.07.2019
896 Серия 896 04.08.2019
897 Серия 897 11.08.2019
898 Серия 898 18.08.2019
899 Серия 899 25.08.2019
900 Серия 900 01.09.2019
901 Серия 901 08.09.2019
902 Серия 902 15.09.2019
903 Серия 903 22.09.2019
904 Серия 904 29.09.2019
905 Серия 905 06.10.2019
906 Серия 906 13.10.2019
907 Серия 907 20.10.2019
908 Серия 908 27.10.2019
909 Серия 909 10.11.2019