Fernsehserien Episoden Übersetzungen Kommenden Saisons Charaktere Schauspieler

Classroom of the Elite: Episoden

Classroom of the Elite

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Classroom of the Elite

Filmkomödie, Anime, Liebesfilm

12.07.17 – 27.09.17

Staffel 3

# Episode name Datum
1 The Strongest Principle of Growth Lies in the Human Choice. 03.01.24
2 Man is Wolf to Man. 10.01.24
3 We never forget what we endeavor to forget. 17.01.24
4 To Work You Have the Right, But Not to the Fruits Thereof. 24.01.24
5 Fortune favors the bold. 31.01.24
6 It is Better to Receive an Injury than to Inflict One. 07.02.24
7 People Will Do Anything, No Matter How Absurd, In Order to Avoid Facing Their Own Souls. 14.02.24
8 Those Who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat it. 21.02.24
9 Extreme justice is extreme injustice 28.02.24
10 The first cause of Absurd conclusions I ascribe to the want of Method 06.03.24
11 There is only one rule in love: bring happiness to those you love 13.03.24
12 Change your desires rather than the order of the world. 20.03.24
13 Love Is the Best Teacher. 27.03.24

Staffel 2

# Episode name Datum
1 Remember to Keep a Clear Head in Difficult Times 04.07.22
2 There Are Two Main Human Sins from Which All the Others Derive: Impatience and Indolence 11.07.22
3 The Greatest Souls Are Capable of the Greatest Vices as Well as of the Greatest Virtues 18.07.22
4 The Material Has to Be Created 25.07.22
5 Every Failure Is a Step to Success 01.08.22
6 Adversity Is the First Path to Truth 08.08.22
7 To Doubt Everything or to Believe Everything Are Two Equally Convenient Solutions; Both Dispense with the Necessity of Reflection. 15.08.22
8 The Wound Is at Her Heart. 22.08.22
9 If You Make a Mistake and Do Not Correct It, This Is Called a Mistake 29.08.22
10 People, Often Deceived by An Illusive Good, Desire Their Own Ruin. 05.09.22
11 A Man Who Cannot Command Himself Will Always Be a Slave. 12.09.22
12 Force Without Wisdom Falls of Its Own Weight. 19.09.22
13 The Worst Enemy You Can Meet Will Always Be Yourself. 26.09.22

Staffel 1

# Episode name Datum
1 What is evil? Whatever springs from weakness. 12.07.17
2 It takes a great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill. 19.07.17
3 Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another. 26.07.17
4 We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves. 02.08.17
5 Hell is other people. 09.08.17
6 There are two kinds of lies; one concerns an accomplished fact, the other concerns a future duty. 16.08.17
7 Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred. 23.08.17
8 Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. 30.08.17
9 Man is condemned to be free. 06.09.17
10 Every man has in himself the most dangerous traitor of all. 13.09.17
11 What People Commonly Call Fate Is Mostly Their Own Stupidity. 20.09.17
12 Genius lives only one story above madness. 27.09.17