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Classroom of the Elite: Episodios

Classroom of the Elite

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

Classroom of the Elite

Comedia, Anime, Romántico

12/7/17 – 27/9/17

Temporada 3

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Strongest Principle of Growth Lies in the Human Choice. 3/1/24
2 Man is Wolf to Man. 10/1/24
3 We never forget what we endeavor to forget. 17/1/24
4 To Work You Have the Right, But Not to the Fruits Thereof. 24/1/24
5 Fortune favors the bold. 31/1/24
6 It is Better to Receive an Injury than to Inflict One. 7/2/24
7 People Will Do Anything, No Matter How Absurd, In Order to Avoid Facing Their Own Souls. 14/2/24
8 Those Who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat it. 21/2/24
9 Extreme justice is extreme injustice 28/2/24
10 The first cause of Absurd conclusions I ascribe to the want of Method 6/3/24
11 There is only one rule in love: bring happiness to those you love 13/3/24
12 Change your desires rather than the order of the world. 20/3/24
13 Love Is the Best Teacher. 27/3/24

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 Remember to Keep a Clear Head in Difficult Times 4/7/22
2 There Are Two Main Human Sins from Which All the Others Derive: Impatience and Indolence 11/7/22
3 The Greatest Souls Are Capable of the Greatest Vices as Well as of the Greatest Virtues 18/7/22
4 The Material Has to Be Created 25/7/22
5 Every Failure Is a Step to Success 1/8/22
6 Adversity Is the First Path to Truth 8/8/22
7 To Doubt Everything or to Believe Everything Are Two Equally Convenient Solutions; Both Dispense with the Necessity of Reflection. 15/8/22
8 The Wound Is at Her Heart. 22/8/22
9 If You Make a Mistake and Do Not Correct It, This Is Called a Mistake 29/8/22
10 People, Often Deceived by An Illusive Good, Desire Their Own Ruin. 5/9/22
11 A Man Who Cannot Command Himself Will Always Be a Slave. 12/9/22
12 Force Without Wisdom Falls of Its Own Weight. 19/9/22
13 The Worst Enemy You Can Meet Will Always Be Yourself. 26/9/22

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 What is evil? Whatever springs from weakness. 12/7/17
2 It takes a great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill. 19/7/17
3 Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another. 26/7/17
4 We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves. 2/8/17
5 Hell is other people. 9/8/17
6 There are two kinds of lies; one concerns an accomplished fact, the other concerns a future duty. 16/8/17
7 Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred. 23/8/17
8 Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. 30/8/17
9 Man is condemned to be free. 6/9/17
10 Every man has in himself the most dangerous traitor of all. 13/9/17
11 What People Commonly Call Fate Is Mostly Their Own Stupidity. 20/9/17
12 Genius lives only one story above madness. 27/9/17