7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!: Characters Rate: –☹️ Very Bad🙁 Bad😐 Average🙂 Good😃 Excellent🤩 Super! ★ Save Rating✔ Rating Saved! Notify me: –about new episodeabout new seasonabout end of season Subscribe✔ Subscription Saved! 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Anime 1/7/24 – 1/7/24 Japan https://7th-timeloop.com/ GeneralEpisodesTranslationsCastCharactersGallery Characters See all characters → Theodor August Hein Oliver Laurents Friedheim Kaine Tully Michel Evan Kyle Morgan Crevary Rishe Irmgard Weitzner Arnold Hein