A Year in the Life: Cast Rate: –☹️ Very Bad🙁 Bad😐 Average🙂 Good😃 Excellent🤩 Super! ★ Save Rating✔ Rating Saved! Notify me: –about new episodeabout new seasonabout end of season Subscribe✔ Subscription Saved! A Year in the Life Drama 9/16/87 – 4/13/88 NBC United States GeneralEpisodesCastCharactersGallery Cast See full cast → Richard Kiley as Joe Gardner Richard Kiley as Joe Gardner Wendy Phillips as Anne Gardner Maxwell Wendy Phillips as Anne Gardner Maxwell Trey Ames as David Sisk Amanda Peterson as Sunny Sisk Jayne Atkinson as Lindley Gardner Eisenberg Jayne Atkinson as Lindley Gardner Eisenberg Adam Arkin as Jim Eisenberg Adam Arkin as Jim Eisenberg Morgan Stevens as Jack Gardner Morgan Stevens as Jack Gardner David Oliver as Sam Gardner Sarah Jessica Parker as Kay Ericson Gardner Diana Muldaur as Dr. Alice Foley Diana Muldaur as Dr. Alice Foley