Alice or Alice: Siscon Niisan to Futago no Imouto: Cast Rate: –☹️ Very Bad🙁 Bad😐 Average🙂 Good😃 Excellent🤩 Super! ★ Save Rating✔ Rating Saved! Notify me: –about new episodeabout new seasonabout end of season Subscribe✔ Subscription Saved! Alice or Alice: Siscon Niisan to Futago no Imouto Comedy, Anime 4/4/18 – 6/20/18 Japan GeneralEpisodesTranslationsCastCharactersGallery Cast See full cast → Rina Hidaka as Airi Ayane Sakura as Rise Saori Ōnishi as Ruha Natsumi Takamori as Mako Ayaka Suwa as Koko Sora Tokui as Kisaki