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Mahou Sensei Negima!: Episodes

Mahou Sensei Negima!

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Mahou Sensei Negima!

Comedy, Fantasy, Anime, Romance

1/5/05 – 3/28/07


Season 2

# Name Date
1 What? 31 Students Right Off the Bat! 10/4/06
2 No Way! That's What You Do for a Probationary Contract?! 10/11/06
3 Oh-ho, So That's How a Provisional Contract Card Is Used 10/18/06
4 Teacher... It's my First Time... 10/25/06
5 Security Deposits and Key Fees are Expensive in Tokyo. Wait, That's Not What the Probationary Contract's About! 11/1/06
6 Pardon Me. Might I Not be Excused with Either the Forehead or the Cheek? 11/8/06
7 Um, I Think There are Some Good Things About Not Being Seen, but I do Think There are Times When It's Better to be Seen 11/15/06
8 Professor, Please Make Us Adults 11/22/06
9 You Hide the 'Heart' With a 'Sword' and Read It As Ninja. It is a Little Different Than How You Write 'Serious' and Read It As 11/29/06
10 Professor Negi Went Behind My Back?! I Shall Never Condone Such a Thing! 12/6/06
11 Huh, so the Baron Is a Kind of Rose. I Thought It Was a Kind of Potato 12/13/06
12 After Much Quibbling, In the End All It Comes Down to Is How You Feel 12/20/06
13 Rather Than a Question of You Being the Enemy, the Issue Is Really Whether or Not You are a Nuisance to the Master 12/27/06
14 Frankly Speaking, In the Face of Magic, Scientific Theory Might as Well be Nonexistent 1/3/07
15 The Class Is Growing Disquiet at the Unexpected Turn of Events. So They're Getting Louder? 15 Points 1/10/07
16 Yesterday's Foe Is Today's Friend. Good Enough Friends to Have Fights. No Doesn't Always Mean No 1/17/07
17 Natsumi, Family Will Always be the Home Run King of Bonds. Don't You Agree? I Don't Understand What You Mean at All, Chizuru 1/24/07
18 There's a Bastard Who Gets All Happy With Secrets, Then Reveals Them, and It Really Pisses Me Off. Chiu-Chiu Is Going to Get Angry Too! Really Mad! 1/31/07
19 It's Great to Go Back to Being a Kid Again and Having Fun. Although, I Can Have Fun Without Going Back to Being a Kid, Too 2/7/07
20 They Say, Bigger the Blander, But That's Not Necessarily True in Actuality 2/14/07
21 A Man Silently Eats His Ramen Takamichi. What the Hell Does That Even Mean? 2/21/07
22 Aiya! Something Strange Is Beginning to Happen! This Must Surely be the End of the World! 2/28/07
23 Wait, You Can't do That, Negi! That's Right, Because We're Your Partners! 3/7/07
24 Professor Negi, It Appears This is the Climax. Let's All Go Home Together, Negi! 3/14/07
25 And With That, the Case Is Closed! 3/21/07
26 I Will Not Say That I Am Lonely! Because, I Have Faith That We Will Surely Meet Again! 3/28/07

Season 1

# Name Date
1 The Blockhead in the Professor's Chair (Asinus in cathedra) 1/5/05
2 Every Beginning is Difficult (Omne initium est difficile) 1/12/05
3 Lovers, Lunatics (Amantes, amentes) 1/19/05
4 There's No Place like Home (Nullus locus est instar domus) 1/26/05
5 Rumors Fly (Fama volat) 2/2/05
6 Between a Rock and a Hard Place (A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi) 2/9/05
7 The Appearances of Things are Deceptive (Fallaces sunt rerum species) 2/16/05
8 One Night Befalls All of Us (Omnes una manet nox) 2/23/05
9 I'll Get You, Wascally Rabbit! (Te capiam, cunicule sceleste!) 3/2/05
10 Where There is Harmony, There is Victory(Te capiam, cunicule sceleste!) 3/9/05
11 When They are Silent, They are Shouting (Cum tacent clamant) 3/16/05
12 Either Learn or Leave (Aut disce aut discede) 3/23/05
13 We Live and Learn (Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas) 3/30/05
14 I Hope the Memory of Our Friendship Will Be Eternal (Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore) 4/6/05
15 A Reliable Friend is Perceived in an Uncertain Situation (Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur) 4/13/05
16 Love and a Cough are Not Kept Secret (Amor tussisque non celantur) 4/20/05
17 Nothing is Difficult for a Lover (Nihil difficile amanti) 4/27/05
18 Love Does Not Recognize Rank (Amor ordinem nescit) 5/4/05
19 Words Fly Away, Those Written Remain (Verba volant, scriptamanent) 5/11/05
20 Unless You Have Believed, You Will Not Understand (Nisi credideritis, non intelligetis) 5/18/05
21 It Must Not At All Be Despaired (Nil desperandum) 5/25/05
22 It is Difficult to Make a Joke with a Sad Mind (Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum) 6/1/05
23 Remember you will die (Memento Mori) 6/9/05
24 Both Weapons and Words Wound (Et arma et verba vulnerant) 6/15/05
25 Death is Certain, the Time is Uncertain (Mors certa, mora incerta) 6/22/05
26 Not For Me, Not For You, But For Us (Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis) 6/29/05