Niko and the Sword of Light: Cast Rate: –☹️ Very Bad🙁 Bad😐 Average🙂 Good😃 Excellent🤩 Super! ★ Save Rating✔ Rating Saved! Notify me: –about new episodeabout new seasonabout end of season Subscribe✔ Subscription Saved! Niko and the Sword of Light Adventure, Fantasy, Action 7/21/17 – 9/6/19 GeneralEpisodesTranslationsCastCharactersGallery Cast See full cast → Andre Robinson as Niko Kari Wahlgren as Lyra Doris Belatha Poofhilda Melange Mrs. Funkfang Townie Well-Wishing Well Tom Kenny as Mandok Sargous Meercoon Leader Fergus Pufferhuffer 1 Shrimp Trooper Rusty Prickletwister Honeywillows Exuber-Ant Hornblower Street Sweeper Cutie-Pootie Soldier Steve Blum as Nar Est Rasper Scarpe Mingus Shrimp Trooper Fred Solfeggio Guard Breadtroll Brohan Giant Headwood Tree Jim Cummings as Narrator The Darkness Mugwhump Broseph Dark Champion Spokesbeetle Mr. Funkfang Ice Cave Mother Rust Bunny Dee Bradley Baker as Flicker Chompsky Chimpalope Monster Xerxes Merchant 1 Sidekick Arachtaur Skayma Shrimp Trooper Mantagore Musty Voracious Oasis Sporewing Shiraggo Umlauti Rabbitora Nursie Chimpalope General Commander Cash Vendor Enui Kevin Michael Richardson as Dingle Lump King Horris Shrimp Trooper Umlauti Townie #1 Jennifer Hale as Dusty Roxy Aura Kid Phil Hayes as Chimpalope Castle Guard Lantern Fish Pufferhuffer 2 Umlauti Larry the Lantern Fish Huffer Puffer John Michael Higgins as King Scampi John DiMaggio as Angus Captain Nimbeard Monte Merchant 2 Corey Burton as Secretary Offishiss Jackal Buzz Hynden Walch as Wispy Little Girl Baby Funkfang Sea Creature Susan Silo as Shrimp Trooper Dolphin Queen Frank Welker as Bosun Billows Grackleflint Umlauti Tea Moderator Wolvie Sigurden Stephen Root as Exuber-Ant Diggantus Laraine Newman as Windcrag Townie #2 Diane Delano as Captain Nekton Patton Oswalt as The Prince of Whale Fortune Feimster as Brohilda Josh Groban as Olivier Falstaff Scenechuer Ian Gregory as Manfred the Monkfish Clancy Brown as Otto the Automatron Rust Bunny