The Last Tycoon: Cast Rate: –☹️ Very Bad🙁 Bad😐 Average🙂 Good😃 Excellent🤩 Super! ★ Save Rating✔ Rating Saved! Notify me: –about new episodeabout new seasonabout end of season Subscribe✔ Subscription Saved! The Last Tycoon Drama – 7/28/17 GeneralEpisodesCastCharactersGallery Cast See full cast → Matt Bomer as Monroe Stahr Kelsey Grammer as Pat Brady Kelsey Grammer as Pat Brady Rosemarie DeWitt as Rose Brady Rosemarie DeWitt as Rose Brady Lily Collins as Celia Brady Lily Collins as Celia Brady Dominique McElligott as Kathleen Moore Dominique McElligott as Kathleen Moore Enzo Cilenti as Aubrey Hackett Enzo Cilenti as Aubrey Hackett Koen De Bouw as Tomas Szep Mark O'Brien as Max Miner