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Katanagatari: Episodes


✔ Note enregistrée !


Aventure, Historique, Action, Anime

25/01/2010 – 10/12/2010

Saison 1

# Nom Date
1 Kanna, the Cutting Sword 25/01/2010
2 Namakura, the Decapitation Sword 08/02/2010
3 Tsurugi, the Sword of Thousand 08/03/2010
4 Hari, the Slender Sword 16/04/2010
5 Yoroi, the Rebel Sword 21/05/2010
6 Kanazuchi, the Twin Swords 04/06/2010
7 Bita, the Evil Sword 09/07/2010
8 Sai, the Minute 13/08/2010
9 Nokogiri, the Sword of Kings 10/09/2010
10 Hakari, the Sword of Truth 15/10/2010
11 Mekki, the Poison Sword 12/11/2010
12 Juu, the Flame Sword 10/12/2010