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The Flying Doctors: Episodes

The Flying Doctors

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The Flying Doctors

Drame, Action

Saison 9

# Nom Date
1 Nymphs & Nightmares 08/08/1991
2 Out of the Blue 15/08/1991
3 The Last Dance 22/08/1991
4 Unfinished Business 29/08/1991
5 Jacqueline 05/09/1991
6 Monkey 12/09/1991
7 The Stranger 19/09/1991
8 The Christening 19/09/1991
9 The Good Book 26/09/1991
10 My Little Patch 03/10/1991
11 Two Splatt Shuffle 10/10/1991
12 Secrets 17/10/1991
13 The Games We Play 24/10/1991
14 Bone China 31/10/1991
15 Johnno Be Good 07/11/1991
16 Lost Rainbows 13/11/1991
17 Broken Promises 21/11/1991
18 Visitors Welcome 28/11/1991
19 Yesterday's News 05/12/1991
20 Dirty Linen 19/12/1991
21 Chasing Rainbows 26/12/1991
22 Uncle Cyrano 02/01/1992
23 Luck of the Draw 25/08/1992
24 Trouble with M.E. 01/09/1992
25 The Accomplice 08/09/1992
26 Blind Obsession 15/09/1992
27 Wimp 22/09/1992
28 Visionaries 29/09/1992
29 Life Lessons 10/11/1992

Saison 8

# Nom Date
1 What a Guy 24/01/1991
2 Bad Moon Rising 31/01/1991
3 A New Life 07/02/1991
4 Through Thick & Thin 14/02/1991
5 Deceptions 21/02/1991
6 There Are None So Blind 28/02/1991
7 The Sleep of Reason 07/03/1991
8 My Mother's Child 14/03/1991
9 Swinging on the Rope 23/03/1991
10 Father & Son 04/04/1991
11 A Little Miracle 11/04/1991
12 Murphy's Law 18/04/1991
13 Breaking Down the Wall 25/04/1991
14 Once Bitten 01/01/1991
15 Clipped Wings 09/05/1991
16 Walk Don't Run 16/05/1991
17 Masquerade 23/05/1991
18 Against the Current 30/05/1991
19 Last of the Cochranes 06/06/1991
20 Double Life 13/06/1991
21 Something, Nothing 20/06/1991
22 Family 27/06/1991
23 Being Positive 04/07/1991
24 Open Day 11/07/1991
25 Changing Times 18/07/1991
26 Freedom 25/07/1991
27 Red Letter Day 01/08/1991

Saison 7

# Nom Date
1 Fly Like a Bird 19/07/1990
2 A Day to Remember 27/07/1990
3 A Place to Call Home 02/08/1990
4 Divided Loyalties 09/08/1990
5 A Rural Education 16/08/1990
6 Brother's Keeper 29/08/1990
7 The Ties That Bind 22/08/1990
8 A Little Tenderness 12/09/1990
9 Wilderness 19/09/1990
10 Valentine's Day 05/09/1990
11 Poet's Corner 26/09/1990
12 The Family Farm 03/10/1990
13 A Place Where You Belong 10/10/1990
14 Break Away 17/10/1990
15 Billie & Pete 24/10/1990
16 Old Man Weed 31/10/1990
17 David & Goliath 07/11/1990
18 The Last Carnival 21/11/1990
19 Innocence Lost 28/11/1990
20 Bush Christmas 05/12/1990

Saison 6

# Nom Date
1 A Good Drop of Red 01/03/1989
2 The Hero 08/03/1990
3 Suspicion 15/03/1990
4 Daddy's Girl 22/03/1990
5 Two Sisters Running 29/03/1990
6 Dangerous Games 05/04/1990
7 Milk Run 12/04/1990
8 Point of No Return 19/04/1990
9 Small Mercies 26/04/1990
10 A Painful Extraction 03/05/1990
11 The Climber 10/05/1990
12 Dead Reckoning 17/05/1990
13 A Bride-to-Be 24/05/1990
14 A Place for the Night 31/05/1990
15 End of the Rainbow 07/06/1990
16 Double Vision 14/06/1990
17 The Boy in the Boot 21/06/1990
18 Windows of the Soul 28/06/1990
19 Rest in Peace 05/07/1990
20 Life Line 12/07/1990

Saison 5

# Nom Date
1 The Gift 18/05/1989
2 Second Chance 25/05/1989
3 Not the Malavrys 01/06/1989
4 The Adventure 08/06/1989
5 No Man's Land 15/06/1989
6 Rising Sundown 06/07/1989
7 Man & Boy 13/07/1989
8 The Longing 20/07/1989
9 Bitter Harvest 03/08/1989
10 The Instrument 17/08/1989
11 Word & Deed 31/08/1989
12 All That Glitters 07/09/1989
13 Fly Past 14/09/1989
14 The Last Rodeo 21/09/1989
15 The Chips Are Down 05/10/1989
16 Sky Above, Earth Below 12/10/1989
17 Lucky Lady 28/09/1989
18 Guardian Angel 19/10/1989
19 Battlers 26/10/1989
20 No Tears 02/11/1989
21 A Doctor's Dreaming 02/11/1989
22 Blues for Judy 09/11/1989
23 The Claim 16/11/1989
24 A Rhyme for a Reason 01/01/1989
25 Dad's Little Bloke 15/02/1990
26 The Sporting Life 22/02/1990

Saison 4

# Nom Date
1 Preacher Man 08/09/1988
2 The Fear (1) 15/09/1988
3 The Fear (2) 22/09/1988
4 Fair Go 29/09/1988
5 Broken Airwaves 06/10/1988
6 Bed and Board 13/10/1988
7 Give a Dog a Bad Name 20/10/1988
8 Breaking the Drought 03/11/1988
9 Family Secrets (1) 10/11/1988
10 Family Secrets (2) 17/11/1988
11 All You Need is Luck 09/02/1989
12 The Silly Season 16/02/1989
13 Every Situation 23/02/1989
14 The Storyteller 02/03/1989
15 The Choice 09/03/1989
16 A Shade of Doubt 16/03/1989
17 Mick & Julia 23/03/1989
18 The Deal 01/01/1988
19 A Thing of Beauty 06/04/1989
20 Cadenza 13/04/1989
21 Mates 20/04/1989
22 The Child 27/04/1989
23 Next to Go 04/05/1989
24 Gotta Have Friends 11/05/1989

Saison 3

# Nom Date
1 Sapphire 03/03/1988
2 Cries from the Heart 10/03/1987
3 All in a Day's Work 17/03/1987
4 Out of a Clear Blue Sky 24/03/1988
5 Affirmative Action 31/03/1988
6 Figures in a Landscape 07/04/1988
7 The Devil You Know 14/04/1988
8 Operation Solo 21/04/1988
9 The Path of True Love 28/04/1988
10 The Kid 05/05/1988
11 The First Step 19/05/1988
12 Hopscotch 26/05/1988
13 Jacks High 02/06/1988
14 Clapped Out 09/06/1988
15 Private Lives, Public Faces 16/06/1988
16 Wedlock 23/07/1988
17 The Wrangler's Daughter 30/06/1988
18 Borrowed Time 07/07/1988
19 The Forbidden 14/07/1988
20 She'll Be Right 21/07/1988
21 One Final Request 28/07/1988
22 Roxanne 04/08/1988
23 Don't Tell Anybody 11/08/1988
24 No Way Back 18/08/1988
25 Johnnie Come Home 25/08/1988
26 Look, Up in the Sky 01/09/1988

Saison 2

# Nom Date
1 Good Day for It 07/07/1987
2 Horses for Courses 14/07/1987
3 The Unluckiest Boy in Town 21/12/1987
4 It Isn't Cricket 28/07/1987
5 An Only Child 04/08/1987
6 A Love Story 11/08/1987
7 Keeping Up Appearances 18/08/1987
8 All Things Bright and Beautiful 25/08/1987
9 My Name is Sky 01/09/1987
10 Bachelors & Spinsters 08/09/1987
11 Fifty-two Hours Straight 15/09/1987
12 A Friend of a Friend 22/09/1987
13 Friends and Lovers 29/09/1987
14 Realms of Gold 06/10/1987
15 The Hometown Hero 13/10/1987
16 A Distant Echo 20/10/1987
17 No Laughing Matter 27/10/1987
18 No Quarter Asked 03/11/1987
19 Myths & Legends 10/11/1987
20 The Hitch-hiker 17/11/1987
21 Give a Dog a Bad Name 24/11/1987
22 Everyday a Gift 11/02/1988
23 Bearing Gifts 18/02/1988
24 Repeat Performance 25/02/1988
25 The Noble Art 03/03/1988

Saison 1

# Nom Date
1 Will to Survive 15/05/1986
2 Trial by Gossip 22/05/1986
3 Hot Enough for You 29/05/1986
4 Dreams of Sand 05/06/1986
5 Public Property 12/06/1986
6 Is Nothing Sacred 19/06/1986
7 Square Pegs 26/06/1986
8 Sins of the Fathers 07/07/1986
9 Rally to the Cause 14/07/1986
10 Talk of the Town 21/07/1986
11 Do You Read Me 28/07/1986
12 E.T. - New Girl in Town 04/08/1986
13 A Choice of Enemies 11/08/1986
14 Departures 18/08/1986
15 A Lost Generation 25/08/1986
16 Someone Special 01/09/1986
17 Return of the Hero 08/09/1986
18 Eye of the Beholder 15/09/1986
19 Million-acre Prison 22/09/1986
20 Like a Death in the Family 29/09/1986
21 Fearless Frank 06/10/1986
22 Forgivness 13/10/1986
23 Acceptance 20/10/1986
24 The Show Goes On 27/10/1986
25 To the Rescue (1) 03/11/1986
26 Into the Future (2) 10/11/1986