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The House Spirit Tatami-chan: Episodes

The House Spirit Tatami-chan

✔ Note enregistrée !

The House Spirit Tatami-chan

Comédie, Anime, Horreur

10/04/2020 – 26/06/2020

Saison 1

# Nom Date
1 Tatami-chan`s a Tokyoite Now 10/04/2020
2 You Shall Not Pass, Tatami-chan 17/04/2020
3 A Horror Story! Inanogawa-san 24/04/2020
4 Karaoke Party of One 01/05/2020
5 Do You Know Social Media? 08/05/2020
6 Hot Guy Hell and Mixers 15/05/2020
7 Tickling Priest's Meditation Group 22/05/2020
8 A Party of Monsters! 29/05/2020
9 Coup Coup Coup Couple Coucouple Ouples 05/06/2020
10 Tatami-chan and the Furious Ramen Chef 12/06/2020
11 Let's Read Some Fancy T-shirts! 19/06/2020
12 It's a Halloween Party, Tatami-chan 26/06/2020