Shows Afleveringen Vertaling Komende seizoenen Personages Acteurs

Bob the Builder: Afleveringen

Bob the Builder

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Bob the Builder

01-09-15 –

Verenigd Koninkrijk

Seizoen 3

# Naam van de aflevering
lang Aflevering lang
1 A-Amazing Maze 02-01-18
2 Grand Marshal Bob 03-01-18
3 Fess Up Or Mess Up 04-01-18
4 Bob's First Build 05-01-18
5 Grid Block 08-01-18
6 Bob Cat Bridge 09-01-18
7 Speedway Scoop 10-01-18
8 Parrot Talk 11-01-18
9 Lofty's Playground Problem 12-01-18
10 Dog Disaster 15-01-18
11 Can't Runaway Runway 16-01-18
12 Scoop's Big Oops 17-01-18
13 Floating Away 18-01-18
14 Aflevering 14 19-01-18
15 A Heavy Load 22-01-18
16 Canal Chaos 23-01-18
17 Barn Building Bedlam 24-01-18
18 Aqua Ducks 25-01-18
19 Talking Loud And Clear 26-01-18

Seizoen 2

# Naam van de aflevering
lang Aflevering lang
1 Pyramid Puzzle 27-06-16
2 Phillip's Sleepover 28-06-16
3 Haunted Town Hall 29-06-16
4 Flotsam and Jetsam 30-06-16
5 Drive Thru Disaster 01-07-16
6 Where's Pilchard? 04-07-16
7 Bob's Band 05-07-16
8 Wild Wild Wedding 06-07-16
9 Jumping Muck 07-07-16
10 Muck Mucks About 08-07-16
11 Phillip's Important Job 11-07-16
12 Moving House 19-09-16
13 Wendy's Surprise 20-09-16
14 Icy Cold Fixham 21-09-16
15 Super Scoop 21-09-16
16 Dizzy and the Butterfly 22-09-16
17 Dino Coaster 23-09-16
18 Crane Pain 26-09-16
19 A Message from Space 27-09-16
20 Bob's Badges 28-09-16
21 Apples Everywhere 29-09-16
22 Muck the Safety Officer 30-09-16
23 Best Laid Plans 06-03-17
24 Bob's Big Surprise 07-03-17
25 A Safe Place For Dizzy 08-03-17
26 Pilchard and the Bear 09-03-17
27 In Too Deep 10-03-17
28 The Dash Lighting Experience 17-03-17
29 TV or Not TV 24-03-17
30 Captain Bentley 31-03-17
31 Machine Magic 07-04-17
32 Bucket Stand 14-04-17
33 Camping Calamity 21-04-17
34 Dino Scare 25-04-17
35 Bricks And Mortar 28-04-17
36 Scoop's Scoops 07-05-17
37 Hoist Away 28-05-17
38 Pop Up Shops 04-06-17
39 Yard Muddle 11-06-17
40 Roley's Speech 18-06-17
41 Muck The Chauffeur 25-06-17
42 Scoop Dashes For Glory 01-07-17
43 Ship Shape 08-07-17
44 Too Many Cooks 15-07-17
45 Training Day 22-07-17
46 Muck's Stinky Trip 29-07-17
47 Playing Ketchup 03-08-17
48 Shifters New Garage 10-08-17
49 Snow Fall 17-08-17
50 Danger House 24-08-17
51 Muck the Elf 31-08-17
52 A Christmas Fix 07-09-17

Seizoen 1

# Naam van de aflevering
lang Aflevering lang
1 Sky-High Scoop 01-09-15
2 Milkshake Mixup 02-09-15
3 Kitchen Whizz 03-09-15
4 Lofty Lets Loose 04-09-15
5 Scoop's Big Break 07-09-15
6 Bob the Brave 08-09-15
7 Saffi's Treehouse 09-09-15
8 Cats and Dogs 10-09-15
9 Workshop Makeover 11-09-15
10 Muck on Ice 14-09-15
11 Bentley's Bones 15-09-15
12 Bear Mountain 16-09-15
13 Fitness Frenzy 17-09-15
14 Ballroom Blitz 18-09-15
15 Rockets Under the Stars 21-09-15
16 Winter in Spring 22-09-15
17 Pick Up a Penguin 23-09-15
18 Home on the Range 24-09-15
19 Pass the Parcel 24-09-15
20 Dig This 25-09-15
21 Dino Park 09-11-15
22 Marathon Span 10-11-15
23 End of the Line 11-11-15
24 Light! Camera! Leo! 12-11-15
25 Star Struck Muck 13-11-15
26 Here Be Dragons 16-11-15
27 Check Up Day 17-11-15
28 Boogie Woogie Wonderland 18-11-15
29 Scoops Pet Shark 19-11-15
30 Car Wash 20-11-15
31 Out of the Woods 23-11-15
32 Never Give Up 24-11-15
33 Smallest Rocket 25-11-15
34 Scoop and the Slide 26-11-15
35 Spring City Wheel 27-11-15
36 Star Attraction 30-11-15
37 Stranded 01-12-15
38 Tattie's Mash-Up 02-12-15
39 Spring City TV 03-12-15
40 Wind and Shine 04-12-15
41 Spring City Clock 15-02-16
42 Muck and the Elephant 16-02-16
43 Bob and the Masked Biker 17-02-16
44 Dizzy's Pirates 18-02-16
45 City Beach 19-02-16
46 The Silver Shield 22-02-16
47 Scoop Cries Wolf 23-02-16
48 Battle of the Boards 24-02-16
49 Stormy Weather 25-02-16
50 The Big Bang 26-02-16
51 A Present for Bob 25-12-15
52 Fly Away Ghost 29-02-16