Shows Afleveringen Vertaling Komende seizoenen Personages Acteurs

Hinako Note: Afleveringen

Hinako Note

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Hinako Note

Komedie, Anime

07-04-17 – 23-06-17

Seizoen 1

# Naam van de aflevering
1 My Talent Is Being a Scarecrow 07-04-17
2 It Begins Here 14-04-17
3 Mistaken Friend 21-04-17
4 Scarecrow Heroine 28-04-17
5 A Kind Girl Who Isn't Kind 05-05-17
6 Maids, Ghosts, and the Stage of Dreams 12-05-17
7 The Lost Swimsuit 19-05-17
8 Trying Too Hard 26-05-17
9 We'll Have a Training Camp 02-06-17
10 Pa-Pa-Parade 09-06-17
11 From One Year to the Next 16-06-17
12 The Place We Longed to Reach 23-06-17