Shows Afleveringen Vertaling Komende seizoenen Personages Acteurs

Naruto: Afleveringen


✔ Beoordeling opgeslagen!


Avonturenfilm, Fantasyfilm, Actiefilm, Anime

03-10-02 – 08-02-07

Seizoen 2007

# Naam van de aflevering
1 消えた匠 狙われた守鶴 11-01-07
2 砂の同盟国 木ノ葉の忍 18-01-07
3 封じられた砂 水虎の反撃 25-01-07
4 よみがえった究極兵器 01-02-07
5 旅立ち 08-02-07

Seizoen 2006

# Naam van de aflevering
1 止まったままの時間 04-01-06
2 白鷺のはばたく時間 04-01-06
3 燃えろ寸胴!混ぜて伸ばして茹で上げろ!! 18-01-06
4 記憶 失われた頁 25-01-06
5 衝撃 閉ざされた扉 01-02-06
6 潜入 仕組まれた罠 08-02-06
7 絶望 引き裂かれた心 15-02-06
8 海戦 解き放たれた力 22-02-06
9 ありえねーってばよ!セレブ忍法・金遁の術 01-03-06
10 ここ掘れワンワン!埋蔵金を探せ 08-03-06
11 疾走、迷走、ジグザグ走! 追って追われて間違えて 15-03-06
12 OH!? ぷりーず♥みすたーぽすとまん 22-03-06
13 出会い「星」の名を持つ少年 29-03-06
14 ナツヒボシ 思い出の子守唄 05-04-06
15 秘術 孔雀妙法の代償 12-04-06
16 星影 葬り去られた真実 19-04-06
17 再会 残された時間 26-04-06
18 星は輝きを増して 03-05-06
19 犬塚キバのなが〜い一日 10-05-06
20 木ノ葉隠れの伝説 オンバアは実在した!! 17-05-06
21 笑うシノ 24-05-06
22 開業!!木ノ葉引越センター 31-05-06
23 不可解 狙われた行商人 07-06-06
24 地下水 無尽蔵の忍具 14-06-06
25 白眼は見た! 磁気使いの死角 21-06-06
26 死の宣告「くもり時々晴れ」 28-06-06
27 いの絶叫! ポッチャリ♥パラダイス 05-07-06
28 ビバ道場破り! 青春はバクハツだ 12-07-06
29 怪奇 呪われた幽霊城 12-07-06
30 第三の超獣 最大のライバル 26-07-06
31 涙の激突! 熱血師弟対決 09-08-06
32 大ピンチ! 木の葉の11人全員集合 16-08-06
33 暗部もお手上げ ナルトの記憶 23-08-06
34 的外れ 見えてきた標的 30-08-06
35 現役バリバリ! 最強の助っ人 13-09-06
36 多重トラップ 崩壊のカウントダウン 20-09-06
37 本日発表!「忍者たちの汗と涙の名勝負ベスト5! お楽しみの番外編もあるってばよ」スペシャル 27-09-06
38 紅の決断 とり残された第8班 05-10-06
39 狙われた八雲 封印された能力 05-10-06
40 紅の極秘任務〜三代目との約束〜 05-10-06
41 幻術か現実か 五感を制するもの 19-10-06
42 封じられたはずの能力 26-10-06
43 名器 花鳥風月の重さ 02-11-06
44 敵は「不忍」 09-11-06
45 迷いの森 16-11-06
46 炎の記憶 30-11-06
47 それぞれの道 07-12-06
48 失われた記憶 14-12-06
49 取り戻した現実 21-12-06
50 消し去りたい過去 21-12-06

Seizoen 2005

# Naam van de aflevering
1 視界360度 白眼の死角 05-01-05
2 負けられない理由 05-01-05
3 奪還〜間に合わなかった器〜 12-01-05
4 失策!新たなる敵 19-01-05
5 唸れ!吠えろ!究極のタッグ 02-02-05
6 それぞれの闘い 09-02-05
7 フェイク!男シカマル 起死回生の賭け 16-02-05
8 木ノ葉の碧き野獣 見参! 23-02-05
9 野獣炸裂! 弾けろ吹っ飛べ突き抜けろ! 02-03-05
10 木ノ葉同盟国砂の忍 09-03-05
11 最強対決!我愛羅VS君麻呂!! 16-03-05
12 執念の一撃!早蕨の舞 30-03-05
13 届かない叫び 30-03-05
14 兄と弟 遠すぎる存在 06-04-05
15 父と子 ひび割れた家紋 13-04-05
16 開眼 万華鏡写輪眼の秘密 20-04-05
17 親友よ! 27-04-05
18 涙の咆哮! オマエはオレの友達だ 04-05-05
19 涙雨の結末 11-05-05
20 守れなかった約束 18-05-05
21 潜入捜査!? 遂にきたきた超S級任務 25-05-05
22 無法者の街 ふうま一族の影 01-06-05
23 清き裏切り はかなき願い 08-06-05
24 恐怖!大蛇丸の館 15-06-05
25 二つの鼓動 カブトの罠 22-06-05
26 サクラの決意 29-06-05
27 厳戒施設の三悪人 06-07-05
28 走れトントン!お前の鼻が頼りだってばよ 13-07-05
29 新生三人一組 二人と一匹! 20-07-05
30 炸裂!ニューフォーメーションいのシカチョウ 27-07-05
31 残された野望 大蛇丸の影 10-08-05
32 因縁の対決!オマエにオレは倒せねえ 17-08-05
33 超追尾力に赤丸も嫉妬!幻の微香虫を探せ 17-08-05
34 どこが違うのさ!? 虫って同じに見えないか 24-08-05
35 だまして化かしてだまされて! 壮絶ムシムシ大バトル 31-08-05
36 燃えよ白眼! これが私の忍道よ 14-09-05
37 生あるものへの葬送曲 21-09-05
38 心に届け!愛の鉄拳 28-09-05
39 白眼の天敵 05-10-05
40 忍び寄る暗雲 12-10-05
41 逆襲の雷牙 19-10-05
42 走れ!!!生命のカレー 26-10-05
43 みんなオレについて来い!汗と涙のタクラミ大サバイバル 02-11-05
44 敵か味方か!? 荒野の賞金稼ぎ 09-11-05
45 獲るか獲られるか!? オッケー寺の決斗 16-11-05
46 珍客見参 碧の野獣?猛獣?…珍獣? 23-11-05
47 白き呪いの武者 30-11-05
48 策士・紅明の思惑 07-12-05
49 遅すぎた助っ人 14-12-05
50 ナルト死す 21-12-05

Seizoen 2004

# Naam van de aflevering
1 激突!木ノ葉舞い砂うごめく瞬間 07-01-04
2 嵐を呼ぶ男!!サスケのゲジマユ流体術! 14-01-04
3 だてに遅れたわけじゃない!究極奥義·千鳥誕生!! 14-01-04
4 「木ノ葉崩し」始動! 28-01-04
5 待ってました!Aランク任務だってばよ!! 04-02-04
6 逃げ腰NO.1 めんどくせーがやろっきゃねえ!! 11-02-04
7 古今無双!「火影」というレベルの戦い 18-02-04
8 火影の過ち 仮面の下の素顔 25-02-04
9 禁術奥義!「屍鬼封尽」 03-03-04
10 驚愕!我愛羅の正体 10-03-04
11 限界を越えて... サスケの決断!! 17-03-04
12 月夜の暗殺者 24-03-04
13 光と闇 我愛羅という名 31-03-04
14 爆発!これぞナルト忍法帖〜〜っ!! 07-04-04
15 リミットぶっちぎり! 〜光と闇〜 14-04-04
16 三代目よ, 永久に......!! 21-04-04
17 朝霧の帰郷 28-04-04
18 写輪眼VS写輪眼!! 05-05-04
19 おお, のォ〜っ!自来也の女難, ナルトの災難 12-05-04
20 唸れ千鳥 吠えろサスケ! 19-05-04
21 愚かなる弟よ 恨め, 憎め! 26-05-04
22 修行開始 オレはぜってー強くなる! 02-06-04
23 根性!!!割れろ水風船! 09-06-04
24 木ノ葉マークと額当て 16-06-04
25 波紋 23-06-04
26 怒りバクハツ!許さねーってばよ 01-07-04
27 初代火影の遺産 死を呼ぶ首飾り 08-07-04
28 YESかNOか!ツナデの回答 22-07-04
29 交渉決裂!! 29-07-04
30 くらえ!怒りの螺旋丸 05-08-04
31 五代目火影 命を賭けた戦い 12-08-04
32 三すくみの戦い 12-08-04
33 ナルトの湯けむり珍道中 19-08-04
34 忍者を辞めろ!ツナデの通告 25-08-04
35 火の意志を継ぐもの 01-09-04
36 熱血師弟の絆〜男が忍道を貫くとき〜 08-09-04
37 見たい、知りたい、確かめたいカカシ先生の素顔 15-09-04
38 いざ新任務 義理と人情と茶国を救え! 22-09-04
39 ナルト撃沈!? 陰謀うずまく大海原 29-09-04
40 走れイダテ! 嵐を呼ぶ波乱のナギ島!! 13-10-04
41 ゴール直前!雷鳴とどろく大激闘 20-10-04
42 届くかイダテ! 執念のラストスパート!! 27-10-04
43 オマエと戦いたい!ついに激突、サスケVSナルト 03-11-04
44 見えない亀裂 10-11-04
45 音の誘い 17-11-04
46 結成!鉄壁のフォーメーション 24-11-04
47 接触〜音四人衆の実力〜 24-11-04
48 イキナリ仲間割れ!?シカマル小隊大ピンチ 01-12-04
49 パワー全開! 燃えろチョウジ 08-12-04
50 さらば友よ…! それでもオレは信じてる 15-12-04
51 お前の相手はこのオレだ! 22-12-04

Seizoen 2003

# Naam van de aflevering
1 意外性No. 1, ナルト参戦! 09-01-03
2 視界ゼロの戦い 写輪眼崩し 16-01-03
3 解放された封印 23-01-03
4 白い過去•秘めた想い 30-01-03
5 忍という名の道具 06-02-03
6 ザブザ雪に散る… 13-02-03
7 新章突入!中忍試験だってばよ 20-02-03
8 名乗れ!現れた強敵たち!! 27-02-03
9 気合い120% ナウでロックな挑戦状! 06-03-03
10 蹴散らせライバル!新人9人全員集合 13-03-03
11 いきなり失格?超難関の第一試験 20-03-03
12 出たとこ勝負!踏ん張りどころの10問目 27-03-03
13 絶対必見!死の森直前ルポ!木ノ葉の学級新聞だコレ! 01-04-03
14 第二試験スタート!周りはみんな敵だらけ! 01-04-03
15 喰うか喰われるか!エサになったナルト 08-04-03
16 ナルト反撃!逃げねーんだってばよ! 15-04-03
17 蘇れ写輪眼!必殺•火遁龍火の術! 22-04-03
18 激まゆプラトニック!僕は死ぬまでアナタを守る!! 29-04-03
19 サクラ咲く!決意の後ろ姿 06-05-03
20 無敵のフォーメーション!いのシカチョウ!! 13-05-03
21 赤丸ビックリ!我愛羅, 驚異の実力 20-05-03
22 のぞき見厳禁!巻き物の秘密 27-05-03
23 分身対決!オレが主役だってばよ! 03-06-03
24 第二試験突破!勢ぞろいルーキーナイン! 10-06-03
25 合格者二分の一!? イキナリ試合だってばよ!! 17-06-03
26 ゲジまゆジェラシー!「獅子連弾」誕生! 01-07-03
27 一触即発!! カカシVS大蛇丸 08-07-03
28 ライバル激突!オトメ心は本気モード 15-07-03
29 ベストバトルはしゃーんなろー!! 22-07-03
30 シカマルタジタジ!?くの一達の熱き戦い 29-07-03
31 赤丸参戦!!負け犬はどっちだ? 05-08-03
32 ヒナタ赤面! 観客あんぐり、ナルトの奥の手 12-08-03
33 白眼開眼!!内気なヒナタの大胆決意! 19-08-03
34 憧れの人の目の前で!! 26-08-03
35 我愛羅粉砕!! 若さだ!パワーだ!爆発だ! 03-09-03
36 熱血落ちこぼれ!遂に炸裂, 禁断の奥義! 10-09-03
37 嗚呼ロック・リー!これが男の生き様よ!! 17-09-03
38 闇にうごめく影 サスケに迫る危機! 24-09-03
39 エビス再び!ハレンチは私が許しませんぞ! 01-10-03
40 あいやしばらく!エロ仙人登場! 08-10-03
41 エロ仙人直伝 口寄せの術だってばよ!! 15-10-03
42 切ない想い 願いを込めた一輪 22-10-03
43 生か死か!?免許皆伝は命懸け! 29-10-03
44 飛んだ!跳ねた!潜った!ガマ親分登場!! 05-11-03
45 しのび寄る魔の手!狙われた病室 12-11-03
46 モー烈 モー追 モーダッシュ 本選開始だってばよ 19-11-03
47 白眼VS影分身!オレはゼってー勝つ!! 26-11-03
48 死角ゼロ!もうひとつの絶対防御 03-12-03
49 落ちこぼれの底力! 10-12-03
50 失格!?キケン!前倒し!波乱含みの大本選! 17-12-03
51 雲はいいなあ...やる気ゼロの男 24-12-03

Seizoen 2002

# Naam van de aflevering
1 参上!うずまきナルト 03-10-02
2 木ノ葉丸だ コレ! 10-10-02
3 宿敵!?サスケとサクラ 17-10-02
4 試練!サバイバル演習 24-10-02
5 失格?カカシの結論 31-10-02
6 重要任務!波の国へ超出発! 07-11-02
7 霧の暗殺者! 14-11-02
8 痛みに誓う決意 21-11-02
9 写輪眼のカカシ 28-11-02
10 チャクラの森 05-12-02
11 英雄のいた国 12-12-02
12 橋上決戦!ザブザ再び!! 19-12-02
13 白の秘術•魔鏡氷晶 26-12-02

Seizoen 5

# Naam van de aflevering
1 Laughing Shino 24-05-06
2 Opening Day!! Konoha Moving Center 31-05-06
3 Inexplicable, The Targeted Peddler 07-06-06
4 Underground Water, An Inexhaustable Supply of Ninja Tools 14-06-06
5 The Byakugan Saw It! The User of Gravity's Blind Spot 21-06-06
6 The Death Sentence "Cloudy, Sometimes Clear" 28-06-06
7 Ino Screams! Chubby ♥ Paradise 05-07-06
8 Viva, Training Group Challenge 12-07-06
9 Grotesque, The Cursed Ghost Castle 12-07-06
10 The Third Great Beast, The Greatest Rival 26-07-06
11 The Clash of Tears! The Hot-Blooded Teacher and Student Showdown! 09-08-06
12 BIg Problem! The Konoha Eleven Assemble! 16-08-06
13 ANBU's Hopelessness! Naruto's Memory! 23-08-06
14 Irrelevant! The Target is Becoming Clearer! 30-08-06
15 Active Duty! The Ultimate Getbacker! 13-09-06
16 Multiple Traps, Countdown to Collapse 20-09-06
17 Today's Announcement! The Best 5 Battles of Sweat and Tears 27-09-06
18 Kurenai's Decision, Team 8 Left Behind 05-10-06
19 Yakumo Targeted, Sealed Abilities 05-10-06
20 Kurenai's Top-Secret Mission~ A Promise with the Third 05-10-06
21 Genjutsu or Reality? Those Who Control the Five Senses 19-10-06
22 Abilities That Should Have Been Sealed 26-10-06
23 Rare Artifact, The Importance of the Beauties of Nature 02-11-06
24 The Enemy is "Shinobazu" 09-11-06
25 The Forest of Bewilderment 16-11-06
26 Memory of Flames 30-11-06
27 Each One's Way 07-12-06
28 Lost Memory 14-12-06
29 Recovered Reality 21-12-06
30 A Past I Want to Erase 21-12-06
31 The Artisan Disappears - The Targeted Shukaku 11-01-07
32 The Sand's Allies - The Leaf's Shinobi 18-01-07
33 Counterattack of the Sealed Sand Water Tiger 25-01-07
34 The Ultimate Weapon is Revivied 01-02-07
35 Setting Off 08-02-07

Seizoen 4

# Naam van de aflevering
1 Friends! 27-04-05
2 Roar of Tears! You Are My Friend! 04-05-05
3 The Worst Conclusion and the Rain of Tears 11-05-05
4 The Promise I Couldn't Keep 18-05-05
5 Infiltration Investigation!? The Super-S Class Mission Which Has Finally Come! 25-05-05
6 Town of Outlaws. Shadow of the Fuuma Group 01-06-05
7 The Promise Betrayed, The Fleeting Request 08-06-05
8 Fear! Orochimaru's Castle! 15-06-05
9 Two Beats, Kabuto's Trap! 22-06-05
10 Sakura's Determination 29-06-05
11 The Evil Trio of the High Security Installation! 06-07-05
12 Run, Ton-ton! I'm Depending on Your Nose! 13-07-05
13 Newly Formed Three Man Cell! Two People and an Animal! 20-07-05
14 Explosion! New Formation! Ino-Shika-Cho 27-07-05
15 Leftover Ambitions and Orochimaru 10-08-05
16 Fateful Showdown! You Won't Defeat Me 17-08-05
17 Super Pursuit Power Even Akamaru is Jealous Of! Seek the Mysterious Bikouchuu 17-08-05
18 How Are They Different? Don't All Bugs Look the Same? 24-08-05
19 Deceive, Confuse, and Be Deceived. The Grand Bug Battle 31-08-05
20 Blazing Byakugan! This is My Way of the Ninja! 14-09-05
21 The Funeral March for Those Who Live 21-09-05
22 Reach Your Heart! Fist of Love 28-09-05
23 Natural Enemy of the Byakugan 05-10-05
24 The Creeping Dark Clouds 12-10-05
25 Raiga's Counterattack! 19-10-05
26 Run!!! Curry of Life 26-10-05
27 Everyone, Come with Me! Great Sweat and Tears Survival Plan 02-11-05
28 Enemy or Ally?! Wilderness Bounty Hunting 09-11-05
29 Will We Take It or Will It Be Taken from Us? The Okay Temple's Battle! 16-11-05
30 Meeting the Strange Visitor, Green Beast? Wild Beast?...Animal? 23-11-05
31 White Cursed Warrior 30-11-05
32 Tactician + Expectation of Crimson Light 07-12-05
33 The Helper That Came Too Late 14-12-05
34 Naruto Dies 21-12-05
35 It Stops Time 04-01-06
36 White Heron's Flapping Wings of Time 04-01-06
37 Burn Zundou! Mix, Stretch and Boil It Up! 18-01-06
38 Remembrance, The Lost Page 25-01-06
39 Impact, The Closed Door 01-02-06
40 Sneaking, The Planned Trap 08-02-06
41 Despair, The Broken Heart 15-02-06
42 Sea Battle, The Released Power 22-02-06
43 No Way!! Celebrity Ninpou: Jutsu of Gold Element 01-03-06
44 Dig Here! Woof! Woof! The Search for Buried Treasure 08-03-06
45 Zigzag Running ! Chasing, Being Chased, Making a Mistake 15-03-06
46 OH!? Please ♥ Mister Postman 22-03-06
47 Encounter: The Boy Holding the Name "Star" 29-03-06
48 Summer Day's Star, Remembered Lullaby 05-04-06
49 Secret Technique, Compensation of the Peacock Method 12-04-06
50 Hoshikage, The Buried Truth 19-04-06
51 Reunion, The Leftover Time 26-04-06
52 The Star That Shines Brighter 03-05-06
53 Inuzuka Kiba's Looooong Day 10-05-06
54 A Legend Has Existed in Konoha 17-05-06

Seizoen 3

# Naam van de aflevering
1 Growl Chidori, Howl Sasuke 19-05-04
2 Foolish Little Brother: Despise Me, Hate Me! 26-05-04
3 The Pursuit of Knowledge! I'll Definitely Get Stronger!!! 02-06-04
4 Will Power! Break the Water Balloon!!! 09-06-04
5 The Konoha Mark and Forehead Protector 16-06-04
6 Ripples 23-06-04
7 Angry Explosion! I Won't Forgive You! 01-07-04
8 Inherence of the 1st: The Necklace of Death 08-07-04
9 Yes or No! Tsunade's Decision! 22-07-04
10 Negotiations Breakdown 29-07-04
11 Attack! Fury of the Rasengan! 05-08-04
12 Become the 5th! Sacrificing Her Life to Fight! 12-08-04
13 Three-Way Battle! Tsunade and Jiraiya v. Orochimaru! 12-08-04
14 Naruto's Hot Springs Adventure 19-08-04
15 Quit Being a Ninja! Tsunade's Announcement 25-08-04
16 The One Who Inherits the Will of Fire 01-09-04
17 The Bond Between the Hot-Blooded Teacher and Pupil: When a Man Follows His Way 08-09-04
18 I Want to See It! Kakashi-sensei's True Face 15-09-04
19 It's a New Batch of Missions! Rescue the Tea Country! 22-09-04
20 Sinking Naruto! The Great Whirling Sea! 29-09-04
21 Run Idate, Run! 13-10-04
22 Almost to the Goal! A Thunder Roaring Big Battle 20-10-04
23 Will You Make Idate? The Never-Give-Up Last Spurt! 27-10-04
24 The Fight I've Always Wanted! They Clash, Sasuke vs. Naruto! 03-11-04
25 Unseen Fission 10-11-04
26 Temptation of the Sound 17-11-04
27 Konoha Five 24-11-04
28 One, Invincible Formation Goes Into Force 24-11-04
29 Member Dispute?! Shikamaru's Group's Critical Situation 01-12-04
30 At Full Power! Burn Chouji! 08-12-04
31 Farewell My Friend! But I Still Believe in You! 15-12-04
32 Your Opponent is Me! 22-12-04
33 Finally It's Revealed! The Secret of the Byakugan! 05-01-05
34 To Believe in Oneself...A Miracle When He's Cornered! 05-01-05
35 To the Rescue! To Be in Time for the Barrel! 12-01-05
36 A Blunder! A New Enemy! 19-01-05
37 Growl! Howl! The Ultimate Tag! 02-02-05
38 Everyone's Respective Fight 09-02-05
39 Fake! Shikamaru, the Man Who Bets on the Revival of the Dead! 16-02-05
40 Konoha's Green Beast Appears! 23-02-05
41 Wild Beast Explosion! Like a Bullet Fired to Pierce! 02-03-05
42 Allies of Konoha! The Shinobi of the Sand! 09-03-05
43 The Strongest Battle! Gaara vs. Kimimaro 16-03-05
44 Kimimaro and Gaara, Who Will Finish Their Battle? 30-03-05
45 Unreachable Outcry 30-03-05
46 Itachi and Sasuke: A Faraway Existence 06-04-05
47 Father and Child, The Cracked Family Crest 13-04-05
48 Open Eyes! Mangekyou Sharingan's Secret! 20-04-05

Seizoen 2

# Naam van de aflevering
1 Replication Match! I'm the Main Character! 03-06-03
2 Second Exam Completed! All of Them Are Here, the Rookie Nine! 10-06-03
3 Those Who Pass Cut Down to Half!? It's an Unexpected Fight!! 17-06-03
4 Super Eyebrows Jealous, "Lion Fist Combo" is Born! 01-07-03
5 A Touch-and-Go Situation! Kakashi vs Orochimaru 08-07-03
6 Rivals Clash! The Hearts of the Girls Are in Serious Mode 15-07-03
7 Best Battle is All Right, Damn It!! 22-07-03
8 Shikamaru Staggers!? Female Ninja's Heated Battle 29-07-03
9 Akamaru Joins the Fight!! Which One Will Be the Underdog? 05-08-03
10 Hinata Blushes! The Crowd Open Their Mouths Wide, Naruto's Trump Card 12-08-03
11 Byakugan Unleashed!! The Shy Hinata's Daring Determination! 19-08-03
12 In Front of the Person I Admire!! 26-08-03
13 Gaara Crushed!! It's Youth! Power! and Explosion! 03-09-03
14 Hot-Blooded Dropout! Finally Unleashed, the Forbidden Master Move! 10-09-03
15 Aah, Rock Lee! This is What a Man Should Be Like!! 17-09-03
16 The Shadow That Stirs in the Darkness. Danger Approaches Sasuke! 24-09-03
17 Ebisu Again! I Won't Let You Do Such Perverted Things! 01-10-03
18 Coming Soon! Enter the Perverted Sennin! 08-10-03
19 Transmitted Directly from Pervert Sennin. It's the Summoning No Jutsu!! 15-10-03
20 Painful Feeling - A Single Flower with a Wish 22-10-03
21 Life or Death?! Mastering the Move is Life Threatening! 29-10-03
22 Fly! Jump! Dive! Gama Oyabun Appears! 05-11-03
23 The Evil Hand Sneaks Near! The Targeted Hospital Room 12-11-03
24 Furious, Intense Race, and Aggressive Dash. The Main Matches Begin! 19-11-03
25 Byakugan vs Kage Bunshin! I'm Going to Win!! 26-11-03
26 No Blind Spot! The Other Absolute Defense 03-12-03
27 The Strength of a Dropout 10-12-03
28 Disqualified!? Danger! Ahead of Schedule! Trouble in the Main Tournament! 17-12-03
29 The Clouds Are Nice... The Guy with No Interest 24-12-03
30 Clash! The Moment Konoha Dances and the Sand Wriggles! 07-01-04
31 The Man Who Calls Up a Storm!!! Sasuke's Fuzzy Eyebrow Style Combat Move! 14-01-04
32 I Wasn't Late for Nothing! Ultimate Move - Chidori Revealed!! 14-01-04
33 Destruction of Konoha Commenced! 28-01-04
34 I've Been Waiting for This!!! My First A-Rank Mission!!! 04-02-04
35 Coward No. 1 It's Troublesome, But I've Got to Do It!! 11-02-04
36 Absolutely Incomparable! A Hokage-Level Battle! 18-02-04
37 Hokage's Mistake - The True Face Under the Mask 25-02-04
38 Forbidden Secret Jutsu! Shiki-Fujin 03-03-04
39 Astonishment! Gaara's True Identity! 10-03-04
40 Over His Limits! Sasuke's Choice 17-03-04
41 An Assassin in the Moonlight! 24-03-04
42 Light and Shadow: The Name of Gaara! 31-03-04
43 Explosion! This is the Naruto Ninpocho! 07-04-04
44 Go Over the Limit! Light and Shadow! 14-04-04
45 The Third, Forever... 21-04-04
46 Coming Home in the Morning Mist 28-04-04
47 Sharingan vs. Sharingan 05-05-04
48 Oh No! Jiraiya's Joke and Naruto's Misfortune 12-05-04

Seizoen 1

# Naam van de aflevering
1 Enter! Uzumaki Naruto 03-10-02
2 I Am Konohamaru 10-10-02
3 A Rival!? Sasuke and Sakura 17-10-02
4 The Trial! Survival Training 24-10-02
5 Failure? Kakashi's Conclusion 31-10-02
6 Important Mission! Heading to the Wave Country 07-11-02
7 The Assassin of Mist 14-11-02
8 Decision Sworn on Pain 21-11-02
9 Kakashi the Sharingan User 28-11-02
10 The Forest of Chakra 05-12-02
11 The Country That Had a Hero 12-12-02
12 Battle at the Bridge! Zabuza Once Again! 19-12-02
13 Haku's Secret Jutsu: Demonic Ice Mirrors 26-12-02
14 Number 1 in Surprising People, Naruto Joins the Battle 09-01-03
15 The Fight in Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Crumbles 16-01-03
16 The Released Seal 23-01-03
17 The White Past, the Inner Feelings 30-01-03
18 A Tool Called Shinobi 06-02-03
19 Zabuza, Fallen in Snow 13-02-03
20 Enter the New Chapter! It's the Chuunin Exam. 20-02-03
21 Identify Yourselves! The Powerful Enemies That Have Arrived! 27-02-03
22 Energy 120%: A Modern and Rocking Challenge! 06-03-03
23 Defeat the Rivals! All Nine Rookies Have Assembled 13-03-03
24 I Fail Already? The Extremely Difficult First Exam 20-03-03
25 An Off-the-Cuff Match! The 10th Question That We Must Hold Out On 27-03-03
26 Must Watch! Report Before Entering the Forest of Death! It's Konohamaru's School Newspaper! 01-04-03
27 Second Exam Start! Everyone is an Enemy! 01-04-03
28 Eat or Be Eaten! Naruto Becomes Bait 08-04-03
29 Naruto Strikes Back! I'm Not Going to Run Away! 15-04-03
30 Revive, Sharingan! Finish Move - Fire Element, Dragon Fire Technique! 22-04-03
31 Super Eyebrow Platonic! I Will Protect You to the Death!! 29-04-03
32 Sakura Blooms! Showing Her Back in Determination 06-05-03
33 The Ultimate Formation! Ino Shika Chou 13-05-03
34 Akamaru Surprised! Gaara's Exceptional Ability 20-05-03
35 Absolutely No Peaking! The Secret of the Scroll 27-05-03