Barbie: A Touch of Magic: Postacie Oceń: –☹️ Bardzo źle🙁 Źle😐 Przeciętnie🙂 Dobrze😃 Doskonale🤩 Super! ★ Zapisz ocenę✔ Ocena zapisana! Powiadom mnie: –o nowym odcinkuo nowym sezonieo zakończeniu sezonu Subskrybuj✔ Subskrypcja zapisana! Barbie: A Touch of Magic Przygodowy 14.09.2023 – 14.09.2023 Ogólne informacjeOdcinkiTłumaczenieBohaterowie i obsadaPostacieZdjęcie, Obrazy Postacie Wszystkie Postacie → Alex Elvy Party Kid 5 Snow Cone Kid Sandcastle Kid Surfer Dude Butterflies Mio Bahri Ji-Soo Teen Peggy Pet Owner Co-Pilot Director Leo Museum Patron 2 Theo Goat Leader Barbie (Brooklyn) Roberts Chloe Party Kid 1 Customer 1 Librarian 1 Camera Girl Ned Horror Movie Teen Coralia Balloon Vendor Barbie (Malibu) Roberts George Roberts Party Kid 2 Customer 2 Security Guard Beachgoer 1 Ted Waiter Sapphire Fairycorn Pedestrian 6 Rocki the Glyph Baby Peggy Pedestrian 1 Customer 3 Merry-Go-Rounder Stagehand Student 1 Museum Patron 3 Rick Baby Margaret Skipper Roberts Will the Wizard Lizard Pretzel Vendor Customer 4 Librarian 2 Beachgoer 2 Principal Miller Male Council Member Street Performer Baby George Trey Reardon Whitaker Reardon Surfer 1 Selfie Customer Selfie Guy Trey Clones Student 2 Sweetyfur Guard Pedestrian 4 Ken Kel Roberts Pretzel Customer Customer 5 Larper 1 Beachgoer 3 Student 3 Madame Visterbleu Passerby Pedestrian 3 Chelsea Roberts Daisy Harriet Customer 6 Shopper Camper 1 Spelling Judge Victory Unicorn Girls Pedestrian 5 Stacie Roberts Glyph Council Leader Party Kid 3 DMV Examiner Lya Beachgoer 4 Docent Alo the Alicorn Vendor 1 Reporter Margaret Roberts Peggy's Mom Pedestrian 2 Customer 7 Goat Camper 2 Blue Council Member Talleigha Vendor 2 Peggy Renee Scooter Rider Lifeguard Friend Cashier Announcer Green Mermaid Council Member London Vendor 3 Simone Roberts Nikki Surfer 2 Ken Clones Woman Rafa Museum Patron 1 Harper Vendor 4 Teresa Skate Competitor Beachgoer Server Larper 2 Mermaid Worker Charlie Book Customer Tiger the Duck Tammy Party Kid 4 Butler Larper 3 Surfer Girl Romance Movie Princess Emily Vendor 5 Poppy Reardon Dru Charles Party Mom Rhonda Rhythm Surfer Friend Centaur Bunnycorn Titan Hot Dog Vendor